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Parenting - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

A dna test came back with results of 89%, is there a possibility that another family member of the presumed father, being the father? Is that enough certainty to have to pay child support? Should other family members be tested?

2007-03-28 12:46:39 · 3 answers · asked by Pat A 1

what can you do with the physical enviroment of the classroom to help convey the following messages to children?

- this place is comfortable. this is a good place to be.
- we know who you are and we like you. you belong here
- this is a place you can trust
- you are capable
- there are adults who will help you
- this is a safe place

2007-03-28 12:46:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

my son turns a year old this sunday and later next month they are trying to terminate parental rights.

2007-03-28 12:26:51 · 10 answers · asked by genah18 1

10 weeks ago i was 37 weeks pregnant. my son gave me this awful stomach flu where you dry heave so hard it felt like i threw up my stomach. i thought it was bringing on braxton hicks and i was dehydrated so my doc told me to come in at 8 at night to get an iv. my husband took me in and as soon as we walked in triage he threw up. he took my son home and i got an iv. the doc said i was 5 cm dilated. i didnt notice. she said i was having a baby that night. i told my husband on the phone but he was too sick to come back. i got to 6 cm and they broke my water and it didnt hurt bad til 7-8 cm. i got the stupid epidural and they said i was at ten after i got it cuz i was still freaking from pain. so after two contractions i said maybe i should call my husband who was soooo sick, and she was born on the next contraction. he was shocked at my 5 hour birth .

2007-03-28 11:54:23 · 7 answers · asked by learnin_toluvme 3

My child and I took a Paternity test (DNA) on March 8th...the results are not in yet. How long does this take and will Anna Nicoles test come in before mine????

2007-03-28 11:37:46 · 6 answers · asked by Sasha 2

My ex husband,who is not the biological father of my daughter but has been in her life since she was 2, one day while we were out of town visiting family, was arrested for fraud, theft by deception, and drugs. Had no idea he had this other life. After much consideration and figuring out our whole 4 years together was a huge lie, I divorced him. I have told my daughter that he did some very bad things and is being punished for them. But she still gets very sad and asks when she can see him again. How do I tell her that she won't ever see him again? Any good advice is appreciated!

2007-03-28 11:02:00 · 17 answers · asked by littleitaly1377 3

I'm making fleece blankets that you tie off for the babies. What are suggestions for the 4 yr old? A toy, stuffed animal, etc. that is something a 4yr old boy would really want after just losing everything?

2007-03-28 10:57:28 · 9 answers · asked by COblonde 3

Im a 25yr old who is with a 37yr old hae been for nearly 3yrs will this work

2007-03-28 10:27:57 · 36 answers · asked by staffymum 1

2007-03-28 10:23:09 · 61 answers · asked by BabyBren 1

The thing is I have a 4 year old daughter and 9 year old son, my daughter is infamous for her bright red Shirley Temple-curls. Anytime we go somewhere we are met with at least one person commenting to my daughter how pretty she is and what gorgeous hair she has. It didn't used to bother my son at first but now, as it is a consistently recurring event, he is reacting more to it and I'm afraid it is hurting his self esteem. I've explained to him that people respond to her because it is not everyday you see someone with hair like that and that it doesn't mean that she is better or more loved than he is. We are getting him into some activities this spring so his star will have a chance to shine but I just don't know what else to say or do. I need some help, he is an amazing boy and I don't want this to damage him. Any Ideas?

2007-03-28 10:19:16 · 5 answers · asked by singlemom30 1

I am driving to orlando from melbourne , florida which is a hour away to take my 9 yr old daughter to wet n wild tomorrow. I am so nervous cause i only do local driving...I did print out a map from mapquest but i am so not good with directions, i am so afraid i am going to get lost....anybody else ever feel like this at one time or another??? how do i calm my nerves?

2007-03-28 10:19:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

the kids are my wife's and her first husband's. the boy is 8 and the girl is almost 5. they tell her to shut up. the girl hits my wife. when she tells them to do something they say no. they never mind. and they always fight each other. they are good at school and never get in trouble. but as soon as we pick them up, they scream and fight each other all the way home. she spanks them with her hand and they just laugh. i dont feel like i can do anything because they arent mine. but if they were, i wouldnt be mean, but i wouldnt be as easygoing as she is. she is due in june with my baby, and i am not wanting it to end up acting like they do. what does she need to do to make them mind her?????

2007-03-28 10:03:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my son is 12. i was never married to his dad. his dad has denied him for 12 years. he wont have anything to do with him. im actually happy about that.he is not a nice guy. in and out of jail. he owes us 18,000 in back support.
my question, if i died, would he automatically go to his dad or can i go ahead and get him a guardian, in case of my demise.
there is friend of ours who loves him as a son and spends lots of time with him. can i appoint him (he is willing) as godparent to my son?
and yes., i know it was stupid to sleep with a loser guy. but thats the past, ive learned my lesson, and moved on to be a better person. my only concern right now is for my son. thanks in advance for the help.. :)

2007-03-28 09:58:24 · 10 answers · asked by Theresa S 3

Why would you assume that the hordes of disrespectful undisciplined youths at large are the product of "time-out discipline", and the well-behaved were all spanked. Isn't it more likely that the undisciplined brats that populate our society are the product of a society which has turned the parenting of their children over to daycare and schools. Perhaps if someone had been in the home raising their children instead of pursuing the almighty dollar and giving up on their marriages because they couldn't take the bad times, then there would not be so many brats to begin with. Maybe it is not how you discipline your kids so much as do you do it at all?
I was spanked once as a child. I found the experience humiliating and that is all I recall about it. Don't even remember what I did wrong. I do remember when I was 3 my dad telling that my actions reflected on him & my mom, & I never wanted to let them down or make them look bad. I was never a discpline problem. But it wasn't the spanking

2007-03-28 09:37:29 · 13 answers · asked by sage 5

my son is 12 and he acts much younger than his age. does anyone know if this is common with ADHD kids?

2007-03-28 09:30:49 · 7 answers · asked by Theresa S 3

I was just wondering.. which kid costs more?
a boy or a girl?
and give your reason please

2007-03-28 09:16:05 · 50 answers · asked by nitropower123 2

Before you have kids do you think our society would be better off if people had to have a license or degree before becoming a parent. And if they do not have one then they must either have it by the time the baby is born or put baby up for adoption?

2007-03-28 09:11:45 · 27 answers · asked by Buddy 2

2007-03-28 09:11:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

how long will it take the milk to dry up after you stop breastfeeding?

2007-03-28 08:57:23 · 8 answers · asked by Sugars 3

I am only 23 yrs old am i old enough to take care of a baby??I dont feel ready at all i only just graduated from college last year.I have a job but have never managed my own money i have been married 4 yrs and hubby took care of all of that stuff for me.We seperated for 8 months and i made the mistake of seeing my ex.bf and first everything from highschool. I ended it because he was a newly wed and felt it was wrong.Too late though i am 4 months pregnant with ex.bf's child.I am terrified i can barley take care of myself and remeber to balance a check book let alone care for someone else?P.S i was on the pill when this happend

2007-03-28 08:52:38 · 46 answers · asked by Jackie B 1

If you are a stay at home parent you know what I mean!!
If you were asked to empty your pockets at any random moment, what kinda goodies would you have in there?

I always have stuff like crayons,wrappers & choke-prone items
in my pockets at all times, silly I know but I always get a good chuckle at the end of the day when I empty them out! Tee Hee♥

2007-03-28 08:45:42 · 8 answers · asked by ☆♥•´`•.¸ ;-) •´`•.¸ ♥☆ 4

My 15 year old son snuck into his girlfriends home late one night to have sex. The girl's father found him hiding in a closet completely naked. The father told my son to never come back and hit him with a stick as he left. He wasn't inured just scared. Should I have the father charged with assault and battery?

2007-03-28 08:16:31 · 29 answers · asked by Dazedandconfused 1

My hubby and i have been married almost 4.5 yrs and i am 23 yrs old he is 29.We were seperated for 8 months due to fighting i felt he was pressuring me to become pregnant and a stay at home mom which i was not ready for at all so i kept taking the pill.During the seperation i started seeing my ex.bf and first everything from highschool. I ended it because he was a newly wed. I just found out i am 4 months pregnant but my hubby and i did not get back together till 2 months ago.This was a complete accident, I dont want my child be born into drama.My ex. bf is not the most mature or moral guy i am worried what type of parent he would make if i told him. We have a strange relationship that has included some flings in the past and dating.How can i protect my unborn child from this mess?

2007-03-28 08:08:45 · 19 answers · asked by Jackie B 1

When there are so many non violent ways to fine tune a child's behavior. Admittedly many parents do not know how to effectively employ discipline tools such as time out, or usage of levers. It seems that many who use spankings as a method of discipline, do so because they're not aware that there are other effective methods available. Should ignorance in parenting skills be an excuse to hit a child?

Don't get me wrong, there are an awful lot of brats out there and I hold the parents responsible. It just seems that it is lazy parenting to resort to the quick fix of spanking. Parents need to be willing to do the right thing even at the cost of their own comfort. For example, you are at a restaurant for dinner with your family, you've just ordered and your child begins making a scene. You need to leave the restaurant even if it means paying for food you did not have a chance to eat.
I want to know that people aren't hitting their kids becuz they were too lazy to learn alternative

2007-03-28 08:07:18 · 22 answers · asked by sage 5

My 400th Question.

2007-03-28 07:59:35 · 13 answers · asked by ♫Hope♫ 6

it's not his daughter that gets on my nerves it 's how he acts with her and how he treats her when there together how do i deal with him?

2007-03-28 07:49:46 · 17 answers · asked by Joanna P 1

it's not his daughter that gets on my nerves it 's how he acts with her and how he treats her when there together how do i deal with him?

2007-03-28 07:49:14 · 22 answers · asked by Joanna P 1

My stepson just moved in with us in January. He seems to be doing in school here. But at home he is mean to his younger brother and has to argue over everything. He does the same at his mother's house on the weekends. It's not that he is mean he is physically hurting the younger siblings. Any suggestions?Do you think he could be depressed or acting out because he move with us instead of with his mom out of state?

2007-03-28 07:36:14 · 15 answers · asked by K 1

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