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Parenting - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting


Im just curious for some thoughts. my best friend who's been in a loving, steady relationship for about 4 years now is now in his early twenties (22 to be exact). His girlfriend is keen for a baby and he's moving along well in careers. He was asking me if I think it's too young for children - and I'm curious - what do you people think? is about 22 - 25 too young to have a family? His parents were very conservative and not so keen as they didn't even marry until 30 and had children not long after.

2006-06-30 23:55:37 · 23 answers · asked by its_me_8666 1

and the mother remarries but the dad does not, and the dad won custody from the divorce, that a few years later the mother can claim responsibility because she is married and win custody of the children away from the dad?

2006-06-30 20:28:39 · 20 answers · asked by jamesarth1963 2

I just found out that my best friends daughter is having sex and she is now pregnant. Her daughter came to me coz she doesnt want to make her mum upset and angry. She knows that what her own mother went through when she found out that she was preg at a young age. I know i need to tell my friend but at the same time i dont want to break the girls trust. I need help? She is 14..

2006-06-30 19:30:12 · 29 answers · asked by Ammie J 1

I am a stay at home Mom. When my husband gets home I no longer exist as far as my kids are concerned. If they fall-Daddy, if they want to cuddle-Daddy, etc. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great they love Daddy so much, but isn't it frustrating? I just wanted to vent. Thanks

2006-06-30 19:23:59 · 26 answers · asked by Melissa R 4

my 10 month old is has been grinding her teeth really bad, what causes her to do this? and how can I get her to stop? im afraid she'll ruin her teeth.

2006-06-30 18:45:05 · 9 answers · asked by shine 2

Im Christian But dont like the idea of going to church to learn the same thing every week.The problem is that my mom says i have to go.Dont i have a choice?

2006-06-30 18:43:33 · 15 answers · asked by Tony Bracety 1

I was engaged last year to an abusive man. He cheated on me and the relationship broke off. I was bitter for some time after, because when I left him I was about 3 months pregnant, too late for an abortion-in the state I live in-with nothing really to do. Since then, I've had a healthy baby boy, I'm in school, doing for myself. But I told him that I lost the baby months back-which he believed at first, because I'd had 3 previous miscarriages. But now he's surfaced again, showing up at my mother's house, and calling and emailing. I don't want him in my life, because I know how he is. He will try and take my son from me. He knows I had the baby, he's said as much, but he doesn't know where I am, where I'm going to school at-more importantly, he doesn't know where my son is. A family member of mine is raising him. Am I wrong to continue lying to him? Even if it's for my own safety, and my son's?

2006-06-30 18:42:29 · 25 answers · asked by Agent Double EL 5

Should I tell my 6 and a half year old daughter who her daddy really is? She was the result of a rape and is now asking questions about her daddy. What do you all think and what would you do in my situation? I am 21.

2006-06-30 18:32:11 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is 20 months old and not circumcised. My question is how long should I wait before I am able to retract his foreskin for cleaning? I have never really heard an answer for this and assuming that the foreskin will loosen whenever it is ready, if you have an uncircumcised son when did you experience this?

2006-06-30 18:25:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

for me it is when i come home from work they drop what they are doing to get to me at the end of the day.

2006-06-30 17:28:48 · 27 answers · asked by evian 6

What is a resonable fee for a baby-sitter to charge?

2006-06-30 15:59:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have the most beautiful, fun and loving daughter in the world and I love spending time with her, but lately every morning when we get back home from dropping my boyfriend off at work, I just want to come back and go to sleep instead of getting up and playing with her. I could probably sleep all day if i was able to... and I feel like I should have more energy. What is wrong with me?

2006-06-30 15:54:49 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

If it was like the first time you saw him try to write, would you put the crayon in his right-hand instead, or would you let him go through life as a leftie, without trying to change it?

2006-06-30 12:37:19 · 63 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-30 12:34:44 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-30 12:30:46 · 14 answers · asked by Clark Kent 1

My son had his 4th birthday party today and it took me over an hour, i'm NOT exaggerating, to get all the toys out of the package! What is up with the 6 million twist ties that hold the toys in the package. Not to mention the plastic that is "super" taped to the box, that you have to break through to get to the twist ties. And the whole time my kid is standing there saying "have you got it yet?", "almost done?"...sigh! It took over an hour but seemed like 5 especially after a very loud b/day party....

2006-06-30 12:25:09 · 21 answers · asked by beth l 7

I have a 4 year old that is a picky eater how do i get her to eat with out bribing to give her candy or a cookie after shes done? no rude answers please!

2006-06-30 12:24:33 · 15 answers · asked by Marilyn 3

The obvious answer is "no", but then why do they do it?

2006-06-30 12:18:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

She wants our children to go there since its her family tradition. Everyone in her family went to private Catholic school. My husband went there all thru school.

My husband and I agreed that we are not religious and do not plan to raise our children as Catholics or any other religion for now.

My mother-in-law is VERY upset about this and even offered to pay for Catholic schooling since we cannot afford the tuition which is nearly $10,000 a year.

We talked about it and thought a fair compromise was to allow our children to go to Catholic school, but we do not want them to be baptized, participate in communion or catechism. The school allows children who are not Catholics to attend the school, the just charge a little more for tuition.

Do you think we are being fair?

2006-06-30 12:09:20 · 17 answers · asked by WannaBeMom 2

the other day i let my son go with his dad and later that afternoon he calls to tell me that my son had and accident and im thinking he pissed on himself or something but he told me that my son got hit by a bike and has a cut on his head i told him to bring him home right then but he didnt he brought him three hours later after i looked at the cut and called his doctor i took my baby to er where he had to get 4 stiches and today his dad called askin to him and i told him no cuz i dont trust him with my son no more was u wrong for saying no

2006-06-30 12:07:22 · 13 answers · asked by sexy_enchanted2320032005 4

2006-06-30 11:59:04 · 18 answers · asked by happybunnygirl 2

He goes to bed around 8:30 - 9:00, by the time I get to bed it seems like he's right back up. i'm not positive but i'm thinking it's his teeth. when he starts to cry it looks as if hes still sleeping, but if I don't comfort him in some way- rocking, patting his back, or just plain hold him- he doesn't stop fussing. Is it his teeth?

2006-06-30 11:42:09 · 14 answers · asked by Annie H 1

I have 13 month old twin boys and I don't know what to do to make them stop whinning ALL THE TIME!!! I feel like I do everything I can for them, and I don't think that I over indulge. (How can I when there are two of them!!!) They seem to be good when they are with other people but the minute I walk into the door they whine, and whine and WHINE! What can I do?

2006-06-30 11:22:36 · 12 answers · asked by piperlouwho 2

What would you do if you had joint custody of your 15 year old daughter and you were the primary custodian, but she decided she wanted to try to live with her father after 12 years and now she has failed a grade after being an A,B student, now is in a homosexual relationship, dropped completely out of church, cut all of her friendships with her friends from church and you also suspect she has gotten into drugs and your ex was doing nothing about it and she doesn't want to move home.

2006-06-30 11:18:33 · 14 answers · asked by Leslee L 3

This is a right or wrong question. I'd like to know who is right!

2006-06-30 10:41:34 · 8 answers · asked by KMMT ^_^ 2

I "had" never been on the side to ban smoking in public places. I DON'T SMOKE never have. My husband dose not smoke never has. My mother dose and is very PRO smoking when where she pleases. My Husband and I were at the zoo.These two women were smoking outside but, right next to a bear exbit. I am pregnant I had my 10 and 8 year old with me. Lots of babies and toddlers were all around. I was so ANNOYED at these women to just stand there smoking like it was totally FINE. When my mother smokes in public she makes it a point to be away from people. I am now more then ever in favor of banning people from smoking at public places "where children are". The one lady smoking was heavy pregnant 8 months holding a pepsi bottle and smoking lol "so white trash". Do smokers have the RIGHT to impose there choice on others?

2006-06-30 10:18:04 · 24 answers · asked by ally'smom 5

I dont get it, a pregnant mum smokes - when the newborns born she leaves the room to smoke, but as soon as its turned 6 months plus its ok to smoke in the same room as it? What kind of message are they trying to give out?

2006-06-30 09:57:35 · 43 answers · asked by lonely as a cloud 6

2006-06-30 09:54:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

as prospective step grandparents,we are looking for names the children can use without confusion with biological grandparents,to help them feel part of the extended family we are hoping to be part of.

2006-06-30 09:28:14 · 79 answers · asked by silverlady 1