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Parenting - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

Have you thought about the future? Do you plan to start work when the kids get to a certain age? Do you worry about not earning money and paying into social security and medicare for when you get old?

I am a working mom, and just wondered if you worry about that?

I work with senior citizens and they make so very little . most women make 200- 600. for a full month, and have to pay 100.00 for their medicare premium, and then 20% of their bills........... Men make a few hundred more.

If you are married for 10 years or morei think it is you can draw off your husband once he dies and draw a little more....

I just just wondering since i deal with this issue at work

2007-07-31 22:30:04 · 24 answers · asked by tammer 5

2007-07-31 18:19:42 · 14 answers · asked by Jeremy J 4

I am 29, getting marrried in 14 weeks, and I feel like I never really want children, I feel like I won't be mature / ready enough.
If I was too have them I would not like to be older than 31. Argh! it's hard.
As two years ago..I was soooo ready I asked and asked and he wasn't ready, and now the time has passed i feel like that.
Will my motherly instinct set in, as i am wonderful with kids but feel like...um..maybe it will cause stress on our marriage, I'll be too selfish..is this normal to feel this way??

2007-07-31 17:14:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

A little girl stole my goggles, but cried when I confronted her, was it right to let her keep them?
I went to the pool to swim laps, but I ran into a friend, so I went to the diving pool instead. When we got there, the lifeguard told a girl to get out of the diving pool because people where going to jump.
I left my goggles in the stairs from the platform, I jumped and when I got out of the water my goggles were gone. I dove into the 5-meter pool looking for them on the bottom, but nothing. I get out, look around, and I see the 9-year-old girl with them, and I told her they were mine. She insisted they were theirs, they were just the same brand. I was about to believe her, but they I noticed the stretched out thing that goes on the nose. I have a big nose, and I always stretch or break the thing that goes on your nose form the goggles. I told her those were MINE because she couldn't have possibly stretch the goggles that way. Then she took them off, and started crying really loud. I felt so bad I let her keep them.

Did I do the right thing?

2007-07-31 16:57:54 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I swear my 14 year old daughter is going to send me to an early grave. I cant stand the attitude. The smart mouth is what usually gets her in trouble. I caught her trying to sneak out last night. She didnt get very far before caught her. She's grounded for the rest of the week, including the weekend. However, this afternoon when I came home from work, she wasnt there. I found her over in the neighbors garage drinking wine coolers with their 15 year old daughter. I brought her back home and we talked, if you want to call it that, and she said she did it because she needed to relieve the stress of her mother and I always being "up her butt." She wants to go to a party at her friends house next week and since all this happened, I told her no. I'm willing to bet my life that she's planning on going anyway. Anyone with any suggestions? Anyone been through this already with your own teen? Please help.

2007-07-31 15:37:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

when somebody is gonna get a spanking they usually say something along the lines of a "sound spanking" but then people also say "the baby is sound asleep"... why do they say "sound spanking" and "sound asleep"??? they are totally opposite meanings.... Thanks so much!!!

2007-07-31 15:25:39 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

when I was ten My mom was spanking me with a belt then I got pissed off and took the belt from her, she got mad and punched me and I fell to the ground trying to get away. she sat on top of me and pounded my chest with her fist, I had bruises for like a month. My family sadi its what I deserved for being a brat. Then about a month ago ( ia m now 13) on the day I started my period no less I said something to piss her off and she was slapping and punching me, she puched me into the washed and it cut my side. she then left me alone. im not sure if this is child abuse but I want to know. I cant tell on her or else I would probly just get in trouble more. I have talked to my friends about this but As children I believe our judgement is clouded can someone help and tell me their opinion? Oh by the way my 'rents are divorced and I am forced to visit my mom during the summer. they divorced when I was 8.

2007-07-31 14:41:58 · 23 answers · asked by Vanna H 1

I have a whole family of picky eaters. My husband almost always eats fast food. I don't get fast food regularly for the kids but their 4 food groups seem to consist of cereal, PB&J, pizza, and McD's. BTW the kids are 4, 6, 8, and 15. The 15 and 8yr olds will at least try it before deciding. The 6yr old will cry as soon as she sees it isn't one of the 4 food groups and the 4yr old takes his cue from her. I have stopped making more than 1 meal and told them if you dont eat said meal you dont eat. My family isn't fat but I worry if they are getting the right nutrients. I have gotten them to increase their fresh fruit intake since its summer but what do I do after this? I am a good cook but in any given meal on any given day someone doesn't like something and won't eat. This includes chicken, beef, sauce, potatoes, pasta, hot dogs, the type of jelly on the PB&J or the toppings on the pizza. Nothing seems to be a favorite for too long. Any ideas?

2007-07-31 13:37:44 · 8 answers · asked by nimopiba 3

2007-07-31 13:25:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter-in-law took my grandsons off down South at the weekend and got stuck due to traffic.
I have them normally in the week - school holidays included - but I got a 'phone call yesterday saying that they are back up here but that she has made "other arrangements" (Lord knows with who).
They are flying off on holiday on Saturday.
If she doesn't drop them off here in the morning as usual should I 'phone her at work to see what exactly is going on and ,more importantly,to see if they are safe? My son has been called away for his work and I don't want to bother him at this time but she just works for the sake of it.
Last time I called her at work she went crazy - like I had done something criminal!
I am really worried - should I call her?

2007-07-31 12:43:53 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

my 17 yr old cousin from texas wants 2 have a baby. is she too young?

2007-07-31 11:15:57 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would not allow my children to do so. Some parents do.
What are your thoughts on this?

2007-07-31 10:40:19 · 35 answers · asked by ? 6

Ok, I'm 25 and I have a 6 year old daughter. When she gets mad at herself or mad period she wants to hurt herself. She's schatched her face up on numerous occasions. I don't spank her for doing this. I always just talk to her about it. Recently, she was at the Boys & Girls Club where I live and some kid accidentially hit her in the eye with a pool stick (she said it was in fact an accident too). And I guess because she didn't want to hurt the kid, she just scratched her own face up!! It wasn't bleeding but it was bad enough where her face was bruised and had whelps. And today I just got a call from the Boys & Girls club and they said she was clinging to someone and ripped her shirt. Even though it was an accident, one of the parents or something like that complained and she's suspended for the rest of the week. She said that she just wanted to scratch her face for doing that. Why does she do that?? And why does she act clingy?

2007-07-31 10:02:15 · 16 answers · asked by qtpie3782 2

There are so many people killing their children. Proof of critical times hard to deal with foretold in the bible of the last days.

Please give these parents places to bring their children rather than think they have to end their lives to protect them from poverty.

2007-07-31 09:06:28 · 18 answers · asked by debbie2243 7

there have been many stories circulating around the internet of people finding things shuch as feces roten food and even knives and needles in them.

2007-07-31 09:05:55 · 18 answers · asked by Honey Badger Doesnt give a Shat 5

my little boy is 2.5 yrs old. he was born with a 'skin tag' like thing on his neck line. its just above where the neck of a tshirt lies. it looks like a large pea sized wart. the dr's all say its harmless. my question is should i get it removed for cosmetic reasons before he starts school? i know how horrible it is for a child to go through an anaesthetic because my 5yr old has had his tonsils out. however i also know how horrible kids can be at school.... i was called 4 eyes for most of my school years!!! it is unsightly and i think looking at me now as an adult if i had something on my body that my parents could have sorted out as a kid i would have wanted it done. however as a parent i don't want to put him through an operation!! (my sister says it's 'gross' and i should get it cut off as soon as possible!)..
i honestly can't decide which way to go.... all you parents out there...what would you do?

2007-07-31 08:46:46 · 64 answers · asked by badwolf 3

You can't just keep blaming the parents. Laws nowadays make it almost impossible to discipline children. Everyone is ready and willing to call Child Services if a parent even thinks of yelling or spanking their child. Kids know this and will push the limits. Why not? The parents will be taking the rap anyways. I miss the good old days when it was ok to punish a kid(but not to excess mind you)for misbehaving.

2007-07-31 08:21:58 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 6 year old daughter. I don't allow her to play with BRAT dolls or watch any of their shows as well. I know they are widely popular but I can't help but notice that they dress allot more skanky than barbie. It turns out she is more into baby dolls than barbie dolls anyway but am I the only mother to feel this way.

I think the dolls represent a false sense of beauty as do Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears and all celebrities..I want to teach her to look up to woman who actually make a differece in the world. EX Margaret Mead, Jane Godall .....

Do you limit you children in anyway as this and why????

2007-07-31 07:57:26 · 38 answers · asked by coopchic 5

Why spank children just because they are smaller than YOU? For Church People

2007-07-31 07:07:46 · 15 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

my m/f in law are both heavy smokers. my problem is that my children spend a great deal of time at their home (we live right behind them) my husband and i have tried talking to them many times to no avail. they do not believe second hand smoke hurts you..... my father in law who had open heart surgery and quit smoking for a short time STILL doesn't see in harm in it. they KNOW how we feel. to them there is "no proof" that second hand smoke is bad. of course, i talk about what the drs say but they just blow me off...they will not smoke outside when my kids are there. i am starting college in a few weeks so they will have my 2 younger children during the day and i am SICK about leaving them there. how can i approach this subject with them again...i can't keep the kids away from them. it's not fair to the children.WHAT AM I TO DO?
i can't take them to daycare becasue it's to expensive (i've checked) and we have no one else. they are good people and i love them very much....what can i do

2007-07-31 07:06:12 · 13 answers · asked by Jo 3

I have been friends with this person for nearly 20 years, but her behavior over the past few years has me very concerned. She and her husband are self-professed "pot heads", smoking several times every day. They are also taking unprescribed Xanax and Vicodin (sp?) to get high every day. The worst of this is that she has a 2-year old daughter and is talking about having another child. This seems so irresponsible to me! I worry about the safety of her child when she makes comments about being so high that she cannot remember the previous evening. Should I report her to social services for endangering her child?

2007-07-31 02:30:44 · 33 answers · asked by keeper0137 2

How do you explain to a 4 year old (who says he is in love with his 4 year old girlfriend) that they really can't get married just yet???

They are always kissing, and her parents (who are Roman Catholic) are taking the right royal hump... They think their daughter is being led astray... SHEESH!!!

My son has said that he WILL marry this girl... But I just can't find the words to explain that things are likely to change over the next 12 years or so...

So, anyone had this kind of dilemma before??? And how did you handle it???

2007-07-31 02:30:37 · 11 answers · asked by ? 6

At the mall

how should i punsh her


time out


what plz help

2007-07-31 02:03:17 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

My bf dumped me 3 weeks ago while i am 7 mos preggo. I have given him ample opportunity to tell his family, maybe we could work something out etc... Should I tell him I'm planning to take him to court or should I wait. He works with his family business and it's kind of shady how he gets paid. I doubt if he will bail b/c he has nowhere to go. I doubt if we would work out an agreement b/c he's an a88hole and wanted me to abort the baby at 6 1/2 mos. I'm just trying to figure out my options. I am going to hire a lawyer but I was just wondering if I should give him one more chance to do the right thing? I'm still pretty devastated and I don't want to make any decisions under duress. BTW, I am doing well financially so I can afford to hire a lawyer and take care of the baby. I just don't think he should get off that easy by walking away.

2007-07-31 01:14:19 · 10 answers · asked by pussnboots333 4

Obviously not for cultural or religious reasons, but just for 'cosmetic' value?

2007-07-30 18:16:04 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband and i have decided to have another child, but we need a name that is pretty for a girl, and strong for a boy. We have 1 son now, who is named after his dad. what are your opinions?

2007-07-30 17:59:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

my older brother has been raising me and my little sis for a long time now since our mom left us. well over the weekend my mom showed back up. shes been staying with a friend of hers since my brother wont let her stay at our house. he told her the only way she can see me and my sister is if she comes over to our house to visit and he's there. and he only wants us talking to her when he's there because he's afraid of what she may do. my brother dont know this but ive been talking to her on my cell phone behind his back(i mean she's still my mom and i do still love her). ive even gone over to see her without him knowing. she told me today that she really wants me and Lindsay, my sister, to live with her. i dont even know how long she'll stick around. i love my mom but i also love my brother and dont want to leave him. its making my belly sick and making me cry. i dont wanna tell my brother i went over there cuz i'll probly get in trouble. i just dont know what to do. im really confused.

2007-07-30 16:52:49 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is 14 years old and refuses to wear clothes at all when she is home. I normally wouldn't have a problem with this except that she does it when we have company over also. She says she wants to be seen as god intended her to be seen. I don't think it's appropriate for people (espesially men) to see her this way. How can I change this behavior?

2007-07-30 16:10:15 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous