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Parenting - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

Being that its almost that time of year again (do you have all the necessary school supplies already? I sure don't ;) All three of my kids will now be in schools that have a required dress code.

Or maybe I should say a *what not to wear* list.....and I frankly, think it SUCKS!

Public school - no uniforms.....but they're making things so difficult for parents (especially single parents that get no help from the absent parent)

An example :

- NO lettering OR pictures of any kind on clothing is allowed with the exception of school-affiliated groups and small logos.

Soo what exactly IS a SMALL logo?

Other examples:

- No bib-overalls.

- No facial or tongue piercings (violators will be expected to remove such piercings IMMEDIATELY)

- NO hair coloring, other than what would be considered natural hair colors (for instance, if you are a natural blonde; you will not be permitted to dye your hair black)

- No unnatural hairstyles (that would draw attention away)

2007-07-26 05:20:29 · 24 answers · asked by ♥ WitchyWoman ♥ 5

2007-07-26 04:02:43 · 17 answers · asked by momofaboy15 3

Not including those about sex and death. My six year old asked the other day why she was born before her sister.

2007-07-26 03:49:43 · 22 answers · asked by hvmorfun 3

What should I do, my son has all of a sudden become jealous of my husband and I don't understand it I am with him all day long and he gets enough attention. We sat down to watch a movie the other day and he was doing everything in his power to get my attention by doing things he knows better than to do. He's fifteen months old.

2007-07-26 03:40:41 · 20 answers · asked by momofaboy15 3

Any help will be appreciated.

2007-07-26 03:35:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cannot decide where I want my baby to go after he is born. I will have to go back to work full time as s/o and I can't really afford not to with a new car payment, school etc.

Getting a babysitter would actually be more expensive than daycare. My choices are between a facility and in home.

I use to work at a daycare which is 20 mins away from where I live/ work now. I really trust them with infants and the rest of the kids and I personally know most of the staff.

Would that be totally crazy to drive out of my commute just to make sure I can have the satisfaction of knowing my baby is in good hands. I also know that they are relatively cheaper than most facility daycares..

2007-07-26 02:25:24 · 7 answers · asked by babysteaks3 2

her and provide stability to the children. She works for me part time where she can work at home and she has another job parttime.
She pays the mortgage under a lease to own contract. My problem is for the past 3 weeks she has not been doing the work I have given her. I have had to do it at the risk of losing the business. I asked her about it and she always comes up with excuses why she hasn't done it. I asked her if she didn't want to do the work for me anymore and she said she does want to do it. I have assisted her in the past when the children were sick by just doing the work and paying her anyway. This is different - she has had ample opportunity. What do I do?

2007-07-26 01:54:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Part A: Modern schools go to huge lengths to disuade girls from getting pregnant. They teach us to believe that it's the worst thing that can happen, it takes away your life, destroys your opportunities, tires you out day and night with demanding, screaming babies...your life is all but over. Needless to say, all this brainwashing effort has a deep effect.

Part B: Governments try to persuade educated women to have more children because, for some 'inexplicable'(!!) reason, a high percentage choose not to! (Go figure!)

Well, I have been influenced. It all worked a treat on me. I grew up believing that children will make me miserable, and didn't really even start to question this until age 32. Then it occurred to me that maybe, just maybe, it isn't true... Is it????

I am still scared - that I will be trapped, poor, stressed, unhappy... But others rave about it, and keep doing it. What makes the difference between a good and bad parenting experience?

2007-07-25 23:28:37 · 11 answers · asked by Finchy 3

In January next year I will be moving away from home to go to University. This University is about 2hour plan trip away from my city.

I'm really excited and I'm looking forward to being more independant.

But I am really scared and nervous.

I will be staying in a hostel with 3 others. We all have our own bedroom but share our kitchen and bathroom. We share the cooking. I don't know who I will be sharing with. But they will be other first year woman.

What are some living skills that I need to learn in order to do well next year?


2007-07-25 21:21:22 · 8 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

I am a parent council (PTA) member with my childrens school and we are always looking for new fundraisers. We have 2 major projects on the go. A new library needing everything. We need $50,000 and have raised $17,000, and a new snack program starting in Sept. for 200 children. Looking for ideas.

2007-07-25 15:44:49 · 11 answers · asked by PAWS 1

My new job as an assistant manager is getting me thinking, are we deciding not to punish our kids?
I caught 2 ten year olds stealing toys and soda today. They resorted to lying and hiding and smirking when they were confronted. The kids behaved like they weren't afraid of their parents and knew that punishment wasn't going to happen. I'm thinking, when I was 10, which was not long ago, if my parents caught me stealing they would have beaten me to a pulp. My boss later told me they usually the parents just pay them and don't care with their kid just did.
This got me thinking, do you punish your kids if they did something like this and how would you punish your kids?

2007-07-25 15:24:33 · 20 answers · asked by christigmc 5

My 17-yr. old sister slept with my ex-boyfriend who's now 40 & conceived a baby shortly after Hurricane Katrina. CPS recently took the 10-month old baby away. She said, "Why should I care about that whore anyway? She was nothing but a hurricane souvenir!" & she thought it was funny. I wanted to choke the PISS out of her, but I just nodded my head, saying how pathetic she is. & the other kids around her laughed because she was laughing.

2007-07-25 13:56:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see no spanking junk all over this place. I do not condone spanking for everything and I have only spanked my son once. So, what would you do if you were loading up grocceries when all of a sudden your child [under two] let go of your hand and ran out into the street? How can you possibly explain that to a child? Futhermore, how do you stop that sort of thing from happening without using a leash?

2007-07-25 13:15:13 · 35 answers · asked by .vato. 6

She is just about to turn 4 and I feel so bad because I have sat here and given advice to other parents and here I am asking for it now myself. Within the last few months, my daughter has just become the biggest little snot ever! I am due to have my baby in a week but I don't really think that has much to do with her attitude problem..she is very sweet and loving in that department, even carries around a doll that she named after the baby on the way. But here is a list of her behavioral problems:
Whining to the extreme. I've heard kids whining before but she wines about EVERYTHING and I've never been the type to give in to it.
The "little miss thang" attitude. We can be in the store and I will tell her to settle down a bit because she's getting out of hand and she will straight up tell me, "No you settle down." She mostly only does this in public though, not so much at home.
Blatent disregard for the rules. She will pick up her toys and help out when I ask but when it comes (continued)

2007-07-25 12:10:42 · 18 answers · asked by starlight_940 4

I am currently 12, but will be 13 next month. I am planning on taking a babysitting course so I can get my babysitting license. I will also be taking a cpr course. I use to be in Girl Scouts for 4 years, so I know the heimlich, and how to take care of children of all ages. My question is, would you hire me, and if not, whart else would I need to be prepared. Thanks!

2007-07-25 11:11:11 · 13 answers · asked by rosiee123 2

Heres the story from my view. I'm the parent the girl who is 17 and will be graduating soon. My sisters kid is a boy and his friend has interest in her. The two seem to want to go out even through the age difference. Shes 17, soon to be 18 and hes 15, soon to be 16. He's a great kid and I don't think he'll cause problems but what should I do about the age issue?

2007-07-25 11:01:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 11 and i wet the bed my parents know but something tells me in the future ill need diapers, can anyone help i don't want diapers it would feel so embarrassing! Answers would be nice..

2007-07-25 10:53:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am at my wits end! My daughter is incredibly lazy. EVERY DAY I have to remind her to brush her teeth, pick up her stuff, etc. I limited TV, did rewards and punishments, even chores. I enrolled her in swimming and karate classes, because I thought she was bored. She is the worst one in class, not giving her all, or even close to half. I'm not being mean by saying she is the worst, but it is because she does'nt even try. The only time she does show some enthusiasm is when I blow up, and I HATE getting mad at her. Am I too hard on her, or too easy? She is a very sweet and loving girl, but if she had it her way, she would watch TV all day.

2007-07-25 10:47:31 · 10 answers · asked by beeg1165 1

I am 18 and dont really like kids. I would never have a baby of my own, just not me. Everyone seems to think there is something wrong with me cuz I dont want kids. It just shows how messed up the world is. I cant stand babys and little kids and no one understands that kids are not for everyone. But I blame it on media, constantly telling people how things should be. We have this image now that we have to fit into or its just weird. I am sorry I dont fit into the getting married and raising kids image that everyone believes is what ur supposed to do, but thats not me and never will be. So why do people assume something is wrong with me, when I say I would much rather be alone????? That is just how I live so stop telling me how to live.

2007-07-25 10:07:40 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 22 my daughter is 5mths. im concidering getting life/health insurance for me but then i thought. what about her? since her father would throw a fit if he had to pay a cent for his child...mommy has to do it herself!! I dont mind I love being able to take care of her on my own...but I was just curious on how important it is for her to have it and how important it is for me to have it as well.

2007-07-25 09:18:02 · 16 answers · asked by mommyluv1 2

At what age did you first allow your children fast food? I remember as a child I never had fast food until I was in 5th grade and it was a Happy Meal from McDonalds. My mother didnt buy it for me my friend Linda's mom did. That being said I am the mother of a 14yr old and a 14 month old a step mother to a 7 yr old and I raised my two nephews ages 17 and soon to be 16. My husband takes his 7yr old daughter to McDonalds atleast once a week as her mother feeds her nothing but fast food and she begins to have withdrawals from it. My 14yr old has only had fast food once or twice in her life due to medical condition. I myself do not consume it unless its subway or a salad. Anyhow he brought home a Chicken Nugget happy meal to our 14 month old son. All I could think about was the fat in the food and removed the coating and allowed him to eat the meat as well as the apples. My 7yr old SD and my husband think I am weird for removing the breading does anyone else do this? Also when was the first

2007-07-25 08:12:54 · 23 answers · asked by texas_angel_wattitude 6

Children are so picky these days, both of my nephews only buys from certain names, one of them buys from Pacific Sun only, the other one likes A&F, American Eagles. My 7 years old son demand his cloth to be bought in Gaps, he was asking for an iphone the other day ( he carries my husband's old cell phone, incase there's change in our schedules) I caught him bargaining with my husband, but really how do parents these day afford their life styles?
Everytime he get a good report card, he expect something from us

2007-07-25 07:54:01 · 30 answers · asked by 結縁 Heemei 5

I have tried to talk to her about this but her attitude is 'so what,my husband pays for the nappies'!!! She is my god-daughter and starts school in September.Also I am minding her all weekend and feel slightly uncomfortable with the idea of changing nappies on an almost 4 yr old!

2007-07-25 07:37:32 · 38 answers · asked by New Boots. 7

I don't like that she is cheering for guys but would feel the same if it were girls. I would rather she play a sport than spend her time trying to make the people playing sports feel good about themselves. If she wanted to do cheerleader stuff she could be in dancing or gymnastics.

2007-07-25 06:40:36 · 11 answers · asked by scotto destructo 3

Can you take a mother's right away from her 16 year old daughter because the 16 year old is pregnant and wants to keep the baby and then give it up after its born but the mother wants to abort it?

2007-07-25 06:14:27 · 14 answers · asked by nascarfan2420_2007 1

She really wants to talk to her friend and tell them what room she's in my daughter is 9 so it has to be a very safe one please!!

2007-07-25 06:13:08 · 24 answers · asked by Ashleyyy. :) 2

2007-07-25 05:52:46 · 15 answers · asked by cody r 1

My twins are going to turn 1 in September. Their names are Christopher and Erica. Christopher is the roudy bully who pulls his sister's hair and tries to eat her and sit on her. He tries to bulldoze his way through everything that has a crack in it. Erica is the one who babbles and says hi and waves. She gets stranger anxiety. She smiles a lot and she's got two teeth. Her brother has none. They search for each other when the other doesn't see them around. Christopher is like 22lbs. and Erica is only 17 lbs. What am I to do with them on their birthday for turning 1? Anyone have any suggestions?

2007-07-25 04:34:20 · 11 answers · asked by Kimberly B 1

My 7 year old step-son tried to get out of a lesson yesterday with a letter that read as follows:

"Dear Mrs Horton, I am Johnny's stepmum, honest I am. Please let him out of school early as he has to feed the goats on our farm today as I have a sprained arm. Love from Johnny's stepmum (signed name)."

The teacher rang up laughing her head off at this. How can I keep straight face to tell him off for being naughty? (His father is away at the moment, so I can't pass it onto him, LOL.)

2007-07-24 23:21:11 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a four week old and also a 4 yr old step son. My son was born at 34 weeks and had to stay in the hospital for a short amount of time. When we took my step son to visit his new brother the first thing he did when my husband held the baby was poke his brother in the eye. Then the rest of the weekend he insisted we tote him everywhere and constantly threw fits which is not like him. Were your children jealous of the new addition? How did you go about making them excited vs feeling as though they must fight for attention? This weekend will be the first weekend I have them both alone and want to make everything go as smoothly as possible. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much!

2007-07-24 21:31:51 · 7 answers · asked by J&A 3

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