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Parenting - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

My daughter just had a baby girl, her 1st was a boy, he's almost 3. I'd like to go over n see the baby every day but her husband's home for 2 wks helping her. On one hand I feel that I'd be intruding. On the other, I feel she might think I don't care about the baby & my grandson. She n I don't have a very close relationship, I was out of town a lot in the past 10 yrs n she's a passive person who never wants to hurt feelings so I haven't just asked her. I'd like to get some ideas from u 1st. Thx

2007-06-30 22:25:07 · 24 answers · asked by tink 3

Do your kids do the silliest things? I'd love to hear from you.

2007-06-30 20:02:54 · 14 answers · asked by Dr. G™ 5

And then just give this big tirade or argument about why it should always/never be done? My friend told me about this, and l saw some pretty weird questions too. l don't get it, is this just a place for people to vent extreme views, or is it supposed to be for asking real questions?

2007-06-30 18:44:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please, I don't want to be confused with more "opinions". I want experienced people who know first hand. I need 'word of mouth' sort of speak, not your values or hearsay.

Sorry to be blunt, but I just want to hear from other parents:

Can someone give me as experience you had with medicating your ADHD child with ritalin in the LAST COUPLE OF YEARS, good or bad.

Info: 10 year old girl with lack of organization, and fidgity. She gets headaches and is too talkative in school. Dr. said ADHD. Might be, should I medicate?

Thanks for sharing any experience, I just want my girl to be sucessful, and a little less miserable.

2007-06-30 16:59:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i do i believe nobody should choose who lives or dies besides theres a lot of couple out there who cant get pregant for medical reason check this out http://www.endtimeprophecy.net/EPN-1/Articles/Articles-Abrt/1-06week.html#anchor1234567

2007-06-30 16:45:11 · 41 answers · asked by non active 2

I LOVE my children the same. They are 7 years old and infant. I adore them both. But my daughter is so FULL of drama and is SO socially minded. I am a homebody and value 'easy' relationships. My son is 8 days old and I didn't realize until now, just how high matainence my daughter is. I adore my daughter, she is the apple of my eye and we are VERY close. But with my son, who is a newborn, I just feel relaxed. My mom says that he is the same 'type' of baby that I was... just calm and relaxed.... My daughter just came out screaming and has been demanding since day one.. everything was so dramatic, from her newborn bathes, to crying until she couldn't breathe... I love them the same. I adore them both.. but I feel more calm around my son, like we are 'soul matches'... does this make sense? Or is this just hormonesf from pregnancy and labor left over?

2007-06-30 16:31:36 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i go with my 9 yr old daughter and 17 month old son to mcdonalds....i, always purchase a cheeseburger happy meal for myself...do you parents??

2007-06-30 16:07:39 · 22 answers · asked by ♥Sexy Mama of 2 cuties♥ 7

I have been a single dad for 3 years. My now 11 year old daughter is the only child in her grade from a single family home. She has been on me all year about how we need a step mom. I work a lot, commute a ways and still am no where near ready to date seriously. What is a good way to make her feel like being from a single parent home does not make her a freak. When in her school it does make her different.

2007-06-30 14:07:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

And girls would have to share with the other sisters and boys with their brothers etc, or do you think it helps bond them?

2007-06-30 12:48:29 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

He kicks and screams but won't let me get it out, any advice

2007-06-30 12:22:05 · 11 answers · asked by sam p 2

My kids wear their shoes socks sometimes until bedtime. I was brought up like this and so was my wife however it seems that kids go barefoot now of days or wear sandles and flipflops. Are we the only family that wear shoes and socks most of the time? Does anywone else fell that shoes and better for kids to wear over flipflops or sandles?

2007-06-30 10:18:24 · 23 answers · asked by crazy baby 2

My friend works for a camp, & the kids were riding in a van on the way to camp, & the van driver stopped to go inside WalMart to pick up prescriptions, saying she was gonna only be a minute. She left the van runnng b/c there's a girl who gets overheated easily. My friend said that wasn't a smart move. & she had 20 kids & teens riding in a 15-passenger van, & nobody was wearing a seatbelt, & some of the kids were sitting on the floor. When the driver went in the store, one of the teenage boys went to drive the van & wrecked it & many of the kids got hurt. He said he was taking the van for a "Spin". He was 16 yrs. old. & a lot of the other kids' parents' reaction is to sue the boy's parents & the lady who drives the van, & the lady went to jail. My friend has to drive the van sometimes, & when she does, she take 1/2 with her each time & makes 2 trips so that all the kids can ride safely & in seatbelts. & my friend said the lady should've gone on her own time 2 pick up the prescriptions.

2007-06-30 09:19:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-30 08:24:22 · 27 answers · asked by jasmin d 1

my son is 8 & is unable to. worried this may cause cleaning problems & lead to infections.

2007-06-30 08:23:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My eldest once said to me that when he grew up he was going to marry me!
I explained of course - he was six and had already turned down an offer of marriage from a little girl in his class!
The point is that he was worried that I would be on my own because we had to leave their Father for violence - and he never will leave me alone either even though he has ended up marrying - neither me nor his first love at school!

2007-06-30 07:23:19 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son has stolen money from my purse/money pots, took cards out of shops and now taken sweets from my a friends sweet pot and hid the wrappers down their childs bed.

Any hekp would be greatful

2007-06-30 07:00:32 · 33 answers · asked by kelly b 2

I work and I go to college. I have a 4 yr old daughter. We live with my parents but I try hard to take care of her on my own. I called the state the other day and asked about food stamps they told me as long as I live with my parents I cant get foodstamps until I'm 22. I think thats stupid even though I buy mine and my daughters own food I can't get foodstamps for another year. Why is there an age limit on foodstamps when you live with your parents?

2007-06-30 05:54:38 · 13 answers · asked by anglzndskyz2 2

Okay, this might be a silly question and the obvious answer would be just to do it. However, I'm shopping in bulk to try to save money. We spend about $400 every month on grocceries and to me that is not a whole lot. Sure, it is a lot just not whole lot. LOL! Anyway, my husband suggested I try to buy in bulk after getting a Sam's Club membership.

I'm used to meal planning and getting a few odds and ends. I don't quite understand if you do the same for bulk shopping or if you just go in and get a whole bunch of stuff then improvise later.

If you do buy in bulk, would you say you spend or save more by doing so? Do you still have to pick up grocceries from the store every week? I just don't see how this could save us money but I'm willing to give it a go.

2007-06-30 03:37:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am having trouble getting my son to eat healthy foods. I have tried many things, like giving him dessert if he eats everything, letting him cook with me, and even keeping him from leaving the table untill he has eaten all his veggies. Nothing has worked, and often I end up just making him something he will eat like a peanut butter sandwich. Any suggestions?

2007-06-29 17:08:06 · 17 answers · asked by iwishicouldgrantwishes 2

i'm a middle child and was often spanked on the bare butt, and my brother was smacked only 2 times and my sisters never were. My cousin omar is a middle-born too and his pa told me that he used the belt on him more than ten times.
i heard true spanking stories mostly about middlebornes bieng spanked.
so what do you think

2007-06-29 16:40:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Firstly, I am 22 years old, my 15 year old nephew stays round my place twice a week. I am a bit concerned about him because I am almost 100% sure he is getting bullied, he came to mine the other day after school but he didn't eat anything, he didn't say much, he was just lying there with his ipod listening to music. Later that evening i went into the spare room where he was sleeping and he was lying on the bed crying.
I have actually witnessed some other boys his age pushing him around and bullying him.
Whenever i tried talking to him, he just shouted 'I'm not in the mood to talk leave me alone' or ' Go away'. My boyfriend tried to talk to him aswel and he did the same thing.

2007-06-29 13:44:22 · 8 answers · asked by Mandi :o) 1

i need to know what every one thinks on this matter.i think parents should be able to punsh thier childeren with a spanking,i don't think that parents should go to far,i think they should not use thier fist or an object, parients should use there open hand and give thier child 1 or 2 swats on there botom and thats it.let me know what you think.

2007-06-29 11:10:23 · 24 answers · asked by dmale81 1

I have a 6yr old and she gets really frustrated with her every day ordeals. She stomps around, grunts, and gets overwhelmed. What can I do to help her deal with her frustrations in her life?

2007-06-29 08:25:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

And or something that tacks down plugs?

2007-06-29 08:17:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

hey every-one. my son is 5 months and a week old i have to questions. one is about sunscreen. i really like taking him to this park it is called parrie winds park. but i dont want him to get burned i usally keep him in the shade. but i still worry. i dont believe putting suhnscreen on him is a good idea but then i dont know what else to do. what do you think? and my other question is that i know before you could start a baby on soild food when he/she was 4 months old now its 6 months. why is that? i am really excited about starting him on soilds. every-one i know started there kids on soilds at 4 months. even one girl i know started her son at 2 months (doctor said to) so do you think it is too early to start him on soilds ( pablum....sorry cant spell)????he sits up by himself already and is trying to crawl. thanks everyone.

sorry if this makes no sence.

2007-06-29 08:07:57 · 11 answers · asked by mommy to 3! 5

2007-06-29 07:25:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are the effects on kids? do they realise they can be overexaggerating at times?

2007-06-29 06:41:01 · 9 answers · asked by elenik 3

spoke to a parent yesterday over her child age 13 her child shouted at me swore and kicked the wall i think this is bad behavior childs mother said she was expressing her self ??
I think bad behavior do you agree

2007-06-29 06:31:58 · 60 answers · asked by PIP 2

My kids seem to be getting worse; they don't listen to anything i say! When i take the out in public they do everthing they're not suppose to and if they don't get what they want the scream sometimes for over 30min. In the house they yell and fight all the time. What can i do?

2007-06-29 05:18:43 · 18 answers · asked by Leahlah 1