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Family & Relationships - 2 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

to get laid before they are 18?

2007-12-02 17:19:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm still very much in love with my exboyfriend. Yet, he has moved on and is now living with someone. He calls me sometimes and says that he still misses me, and that he cares about me, and he's always calling me behind her back. Sometimes when he's drunk he'll even call me or text me in the middle of the night telling me he loves me and misses me. He says he thinks about me all the time and even dreams about me..
Yet, he's still with her. I'm so confused.

We have this distance issue...that could easily be fixed, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

Does he love me? ...or what...

2007-12-02 17:18:56 · 17 answers · asked by *LiLy* 4 in Singles & Dating

even ones that i've been at the throat with,they've liked me more for it and have been nicer to me as a result?

2007-12-02 17:18:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

one night i textd him..and then his responce was that..actually he is my ex.he was asking for reconciliation 4 months ago..but now he fooled me once again..i was hurt but still i replied as if i'm okay..saying that that is his right..he's still texting me..i just replied once telling him that i will be busy for the following days just to avoid him..any advice?

2007-12-02 17:16:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i'm female and single, so is he, i met him at club last year and we had sex immediately on day one, we flirting thru sms and he texted me some sweet words like "i want to see you!", "i like you!", but we didn't go out for dating, just having sex couple of time, do u think he just wanna make it up with me??? what should i do???? should i stop having this SEX relationship with him, i like him, should i tell him about my feelings????

2007-12-02 17:16:25 · 17 answers · asked by daphne723 1 in Singles & Dating

older. She refuses to sell her house and move in with me or my sister. But she is always needing money to pay her bills and we cannot afford to give her the amount of $$ she wants us to give her all the time. She refuses to get a different job or do anything different. When she has money she never saves any and even goes on vacation sometimes when she is almost broke again. We are at our witts end with her. Any advise? Or anyone out there who has gone through this kind of situation b4?

2007-12-02 17:14:55 · 7 answers · asked by GabbyGal 4 in Family

2007-12-02 17:13:47 · 8 answers · asked by smrhere 1 in Family

Im 20 and my boyfriend is 21. We have been together for 5yrs and we love each other a lot! we plan to get married when we graduate (1-2yrs) but we are planning to buy an RV and live on South padre island becuase we love going there every weekend. Do you think its a good idea??? there are a lot of rv parks... but I dont know! We would eventually settle and buy a house but we want to explore the country first! what do you

2007-12-02 17:12:35 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

My ex and I have a perfect relationship. We are friends that talk about how happy we are now, etc. But we don't call each other on our B-days and we don't spend hours talking to each others parents. Now, I am engaged, and my finance just ran into his ex's parents and spent 20 mins. talking to them while i was alone shopping for OUR families Christmas gifts. I would've never done this to him....but needless to say, he gets calls from his ex's often. and frankly i'm sick of it....what can I do?

2007-12-02 17:12:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Hello! In brief.... I'm a proud mother of 4 beautiful, teenagers. 3 girls, and 1 boy. Girl-18, she's my pride. Girl-15(will b 16 in january) she is my "favorite",(she helps me the most). Then there is my youngest Girl, she is 14(turning 15 in February), what can I say "she's "MY BABY GIRL(and she looks just like me). Then theres "MY SON", he 's 12, What can I say, except "THAT's MY BOY"! I am very blessed and fortunate I 've got the children I do. Dont mis understand me, we have our moments, but i have some "good kids", Unfortunatley, I cannot afford to give them a CHRISTMAS and they do deserve it. I am 200.00 short on our rent (which is split between my oldest daughter and myself) but do to downsizing at her employment, they cut hours and we are short on rent and cannot make our electricity payment. My daughter is stressed and worried, and she is only 18, I hurt seeing her like this, Please help me make it a good christmas, please help us pay these to bills?

2007-12-02 17:11:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I have a 5 yr old daughter who shares a room with her 10 yr old half sister... the 10 yr old is my step daughter. We get her every other weekend. Before I had my daughter, my step daughter had her own bed, own room.. When I had my daughter, she slept in her crib, then toddler bed.. Last year, I got bunk beds for them...which did not work out. I don't care for them and they don't really work well with the ceilings in my home and the way the room is situated (windows & heat air vent).

Right now, I have 1 twin bed (the last of the original bunk beds) in their room. The 10 y/o sleeps in there when she is here and my daughter has a "slumber party".

My question is - would it be wrong of me to get a double/full bed for them to share when the 10 y/o is here? Or would a day bed with a trundle work better, then they have their "own space". I could try 2 twin beds, but I really think that would take up most of the room and wouldn't leave a lot of play room.
I'm at a loss...THX!

2007-12-02 17:09:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I've been with this man for a year and things have gone steadily downhill, he's had an affair, spent all our money, and I mean all of it. Won't go to church with me or to therapy. I married for love- truly, but it seems he did not. As I write this I know I've been a complete fool. He had a terrible upbringing but who hasn't had their share of pain and despair? Does anyone have a story similar to this where things have worked out? -Aside from the loved one being struck by lightening or having a concussion where the selfish personality is miraculously changed? Help.

2007-12-02 17:06:55 · 20 answers · asked by min_99_28562 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Okay I have asked this question but everyone was asking for more details. I have like him for 4 years.(He knows how I feel) (we never dated)Everytime I tell him Iam over him he denies it. Okay so we were sitting there playing cards. We were lauphing and talking and you know. Well out of nowhere he brings up his girlfriend. Ohh and by the way me and so and so got back together.(He knew that I already knew that) I knew they wre back together but ohnestly why would he be so sudden about it just out of nowere?I told him I was happy for him and that she was a good one but I think he knew I was lying. But does anybody know why he would say that?

2007-12-02 17:06:07 · 3 answers · asked by Amanda 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-12-02 17:04:22 · 11 answers · asked by ariel 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My question is,should I write my mother a letter or should I not. It has been quite a few years since I have spoken to her. Im 21 years old and im happily married. Im now a grown woman. My whole life I pretty much grew up without my mom. When I turned 15 years old my father and I were having problems... always arguing.. so i decided i wanted to get to know my mom. I moved from FL to NY. When I moved in with my mom things were going great. She just had remarried this guy that she known for a while. After 2 months after i was living with them things became very sour between her husand and I. He was pretty much a dick. He also made me feel uncomftable in ways he would look at me and touch me like rubbing my butt (very weird) I know! He basically reuined my relationship with my mom. I moved out a lil over a year i was living with them. Ever since I have not spoken to my mom. She pretty much cut my brothers and I out of her life. I found out her address... do you think i should write her?

2007-12-02 17:02:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

We are both 24. He lies alot, even about the stupidest things sometimes...I always forgive him...because I believe that it's not his fault he is this way...he grew up in a broken home that was poor, and since he was a little kid he was surrounded by peers who's parents were extremely rich. He would lie to cover up the fact that he was not as fortunate...and I'm guessing this turned into a habit...one where he doesn't like to be looked down on...we are now both studying our MBAs now, and doing really well. He always talks about how he's going to make so much money and be rich and buy me this and that and our big house and kids and cars...but I'm really scared that money will change someone who's never had money...corrupt him...what if he's only with me b/c he has nothing...but when he's rich, he will cheat on me with the type of girl that used to laugh at him b/c he had no money... and he wants to prove eveyrone wrong? Especially when he has this compulsive lying problem? Help me..!

2007-12-02 17:00:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am 21 and dont live with my parents any longer, my mom called me today and told me that my dad and new stepmother have told my little brother that just turned 11 that they dont love him and want him to leave to live with our mom but they wont let him leave to live with her until june when school gets out, my dad plays mind games and has 10 kids 5 of them want nothing to do with him 3 are forced to live with him because of his mind games and 1 my 6 year old sister is forced to go see him and she wants nothing to do with him. Any advice I could give my brother to hang in there, or to my mom who is flipping out???

2007-12-02 16:59:20 · 6 answers · asked by Kris 1 in Family

I've been with the same guy (the only guy) since I was 19 - I'm now 28. I've never been able to fully move out from my paren'ts because if I did it would be to his place, but he's a disability pensioner with a daily marijuana habit and he never leaves his house. Deep down he's a great guy but he has never actually come to see me, but sits back and expects me to go to his place, using excuses like "my car won't make it to your place" or "I don't leave my house". The problem is that I want to enjoy life and while I'm happy to have fun at home I do occasionally like to eat out or go and do things. For a while there a female friend of his who'd separated from her hubby moved in with her kids to help him pay his bills - she's not staying there now and refuses to talk to him anymore - and he said he thinks she loves him (he was crying when he confessed this). I know it's all so wrong but I have NO other friends and am very introverted. Where do I start to fix my life??

2007-12-02 16:52:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i'm 21 already. i'm moving out of my parents house next week as the house is getting too crowded for me. i am sharing a room with my sis, my elder's sis's mum in law n sis in law whom i hardly knew. i find the situation uncomfortable n that i dun have personal space. when i announced that i am moving out, my elder sis started lashing out about me running away from my responsibilities (i.e not wanting the burden of taking care of my aged parents)that i am being a selfish brat.
i just cant see it from her point of view. my intention was to get my own personal space n to give more space for the rest that is still living in the house.
pls advise me if i am making the right decision. pls bear in mind that my family is a traditional malay family who believes that family is everything. but i dun share the same thoughts with them.
its not as if i'm totally abandoning my family. i'll visit n stuff. i mean how far apart can we be still living in tiny singapore??

2007-12-02 16:51:47 · 16 answers · asked by keira 3 in Family

my gf want to cuddle before and after sex. it ok afterwards, but before, my body feel to restless. Is cuddling before sex normal?

2007-12-02 16:47:59 · 9 answers · asked by Lost Drifter 2 in Singles & Dating

(after a 1st time makeout session) before you should decide never to talk to him again. should he call you the next day or is it ok if he doesnt call for a week? i dont want to be a push-over, so how long is too long????

i know ive already asked this, but i need some more answers. thanks

2007-12-02 16:46:30 · 4 answers · asked by bluestar 3 in Singles & Dating

I don't have anyone in mind. I am just curious

2007-12-02 16:44:32 · 13 answers · asked by John L 1 in Singles & Dating

okay heres my problem i have a baby boy who i love and he has nothing to do with this..but hes had was very verbally abusive to me during my pregnancy. and even after we arent together we see each other cause of the baby...he calls me fat and ugly..tells me i need to loose weight i know i dont look the same..but i just had a baby i knows it been 8months but still.im trying to get back to normal but is hard when im the only one takin care of him and he demands my attention all the time......wat do i do..shud i get help...i feel so ugly..but i know is not my fault...but the way this guy makes me feel...is so ugly and i jsut cant take it anymore..and theres no way i can get out of it..cause i still have to see his face cause we have a babytogether..he cheated on me verbally abused me and i cant take all this anger i have inside. i dont know wat to do.

2007-12-02 16:41:32 · 12 answers · asked by agutieres 2 in Marriage & Divorce

We've talked to each for quite some time. (about 7 months) and things are not progressing. He just recently got out of a bad relationship and he is one of those really sensitive guys so i think he is fearful of being hurt, so he guards his hear. Well anyway, I asked him if there is a chance of us having more than just a friend ship and he said....

Me:I mean if you tell me that there is a possibility of this going somewhere.. then i would not think twice about waiting.

im so destructive towards the things i care for most in life lately. let this settle and become part of our relationship
and see how it works things no rash choices

Me:so you would be destructive towards me?!?

i would be a prick, i would say things i dont mean, i would take away something that could be taken from me

not in a hurtful way

or harmful


it would be because of me, i would take away something wonderful, because I am not about to lose it.

What's does he mean take away something wonderful??

2007-12-02 16:39:30 · 2 answers · asked by lesh 1 in Singles & Dating

If you are talking to a guy, and you are thinking of saying something which conflicts with his suggestion, but don't say it....however, he somehow notices it and says "there is a but on your lips".... is he flirting or paying too much attention?

2007-12-02 16:36:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

okay.. even if she was chatting as a friend.. like haven't meet the ex-bf since 7 years ago. so u found out abt it. u know she loves u to death.. will u be angry or break up with her? and u know she doesn't love the ex-bf, but the ex-bf still loves your gf. the question is.. is your gf betraying u of hiding it from u?

2007-12-02 16:36:31 · 10 answers · asked by Tina J 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My wife got upset with me when I told he that I had some concerns with a friend I felt was being dishonest. The story is that her and her friend(s) enjoyed a lady's night out and stopped at a forbidden hot spot. Not forbidden by myself but her friends husband. I was asked not to say a word of this to the husband during a rare couples night out. Afterwards I expressed to my wife that I felt very uncomfortable to be asked to keep quite and asked my wife not to let her friends dishonesty traits rub off on her. My wife's reaction further concerned me. She defended her friend in such a way it lead to an arguement and felt as if she was on trial. No trial, just me expresing my concern. I have no reason not to trust my wife, but now if she is out with a dishonest friend I would not feel the same.

I do not like this feeling and talking to her about it got us no where. Should I pursue this further? Should I trust her when in this company?

2007-12-02 16:32:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

She is 35 and I am 22, she gave me her number awhile back and when I made a move she rejected me( I asked for a kiss, after she told me she likes guys that take control) Now, when I see she asks if I still have her number? Why would she ask me after she rejected me? I don't understand. Does she want a friend or a boy toy? Please give your advice.

2007-12-02 16:32:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Just to give you a better picture, we're both 16. I was always good friends with her. But I always felt like I had to hide the fact that I drink or smoke or anything that had to do with that sort of stuff. I always thought she was a good girl, and that she would think differently of me. About a week ago I found out that she drank, and all of the sudden that changed everything. Like that small little fact changed my whole view of her. Now I talk to her every single day online and I tell her everything. And I've never actually told her I loved her (family love folks, nothing weird) until after she told me that. But for some reason I feel uneasy. I don't know if maybe I'm just mad at myself for letting something so small as whether you drink or not affect our relationship for the last few years. Or maybe I'm just so overwhelmed with the transition between distant relative to close friend. Can someone help me with my confusion??

2007-12-02 16:31:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

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