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Family & Relationships - 2 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

if im on line she goes on my e-mail or myspace page to see what ive been doing

2007-12-02 18:17:56 · 18 answers · asked by Louis F 1 in Marriage & Divorce

With two kids, he feels he's just another mouth to feed, so he decides to walk out on her and the children to help ease the burden.

There seems to be no other way because it's hard to find a job and he feels that the family is tying him down.

Would you hold it against him if he walks out on his wife and kids, even though his situation is dire?

Serious answers only please.

2007-12-02 18:16:38 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-02 18:16:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

He's never physically cheated on me,however he had an online relationship with a woman where he exchanged naked pics, nude sexual videos, and cyber sex. He lies about things, stupid things, gets calls he says are wrong numbers but when I checked the bill they clearly are not. He has text messages from guys about meeting and coming over (things i know nothing about and if people are coming into my home i should know about even if it's to watch tv!). I just don't trust him. I also don't think I'm in love with him anymore. I care for him very much but think I would be better off on my own. We don't have any real communication, I try and say things and he doesn't pay attention or gets defensive and blames it on me or says "oh everything is my fault huh"-meaning himself. I basically feel like I have a roommate at this point and don't know what to do. I'm just tired.

2007-12-02 18:15:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I work with a lady who also works at a HOSS's in central PA. She told me that even though her foster parents are her legal parents she was told they could not use her employee family discount since they were not blood related. Does this not seem really wrong to anyone else??? That is like saying your adoptive parents arent your parents.

2007-12-02 18:12:57 · 8 answers · asked by colebomb23 3 in Family

I am about to get married in July and my girlfriend picked her sister as her maid of honor. I kinda thought that was tacky. I thought you are supposed to pick your best friend not a relative. But she chose her sister? WHY?

2007-12-02 18:10:10 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

im moving back to CA to go to school in a month to live on campus i live in TX now and ive never been been out on my own, i have family/friends in CA but this will be the 1st time away from my mom and home. my big bro has left to college, iraq etc.so in that time ive established a very close relationship with my 11yr old brother. every friday him and i go out to see a movie and do something else, i cherish these times with him. i feel that is going to be the hardest part of leaving home...im gonna miss my mom too, the semester is from jan-may and ill def be back home for the summer, the 1st semester is a test to see how i like it. if i do ill stay if not ill come home after the first semester and stay for good, ill be back home for spring break too.but the 5 months im gonna be gone im gonna miss those times with my lil bro..n sure to be homesick in the beginning.im really excited about going away to school and the experience but at the same time im afraid of the hurt of being away

2007-12-02 18:07:08 · 4 answers · asked by It's My Turn 4 in Family

I don't understand why girls want to fall in love from the age of 14/15 what is it is it anxiety ????? if yes then why is this anxiety can u pls tell me

2007-12-02 18:06:44 · 1 answers · asked by Amit 2 in Singles & Dating

My girlfriend of 6 months went on a vacation to a different country. I haven't heard her voice in a week but we have been text messaging back and forth. There are days that she doesn't text me and she has not talked a lot about her trip. I am starting to get scared that she met someone while she was over there or she is changing her mind about our relationship. She will be gone for 2 weeks and i don't know what could happen in those 2 weeks. Can things change between us in that time period?

2007-12-02 18:06:14 · 2 answers · asked by John S 1 in Singles & Dating

I never know what to do after sex.

2007-12-02 18:03:21 · 15 answers · asked by scytherbug@sbcglobal.net 3 in Singles & Dating

I would really like some help with a family problem my husband and I are having. We have hosted all of the holiday events at our house since my parents passed away 6 years ago. Mainly because we have the biggest house.
We have never had a problem with doing it we have actually always enjoyed it and felt blessed to have so much family and friend. But this year we want to take our 3 children and spend Christmas in Aspen Colorado, with a couple of friends of ours and their kids. We live in Palm Springs California so our kids have never had a white Christmas. We told every one about our plans at Thanksgiving and the way every one acted you would have thought we are commiting a crime. We have offered to still let every one use our house already decorated. All they have to do is get together and plan the dinner and such. But they are still being real pains in the butts about it. Especially my sister, she says we can not abandon our family at Christmas. Any suggestions on how to handle this?

2007-12-02 18:02:22 · 15 answers · asked by Kali_girl825 6 in Family

Last night I hooked up with this girl, and we ended up at her place. I woke up dazed at 8am and she was'nt up. I snuck out quietly without even leaving a note. I feel like such a jerk. What should I do, I hardly know her. What's the proper way to leave, If this happens again?

2007-12-02 18:02:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I wanted to thank all of you for your replies, even the guy who said my husband was just having fun, cut him a break. (fellow jerk, perhaps?)

2007-12-02 18:01:37 · 11 answers · asked by min_99_28562 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Go out and have some fun. Since nobody was home (mil-bil had gone together, but bil had to go from there with his friends) and we had keys to the house, so we had to pick mil up. Well so far so good, I though we’ll pick her up and drop her home, and then we can go ahead with our plan. But, things didn't turn out that way, he took me with him to fetch her and her friend, and then sat down to chat with mil as if he doesn’t have enough time at home to talk to her. Of course our "little date" went kaput. U must be thinking what’s in a small date? But as I just told you he asked me out after so many months, it seems years! We haven't even gone for our honeymoon since we can't leave mil alone at home! Bil is there, but no, my husband has to take all responsibilities, n all this when bil is elder to him! Again, this year on our anniversary, I planned romantic dinner for two of us, but no, mil connivingly kept a dinner for family/friends well knowing what we both wanted! tell me what to do...

2007-12-02 17:56:25 · 13 answers · asked by mooncat 2 in Marriage & Divorce

She has not spent a cent so far on the baby

2007-12-02 17:54:19 · 14 answers · asked by Mario R 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I am a senior in high school and I plan to go out of state for college. Mother is nearly devistated. Every day she cries and carries on about everything she is going to miss about me. I am and only child and we (Mother and I) are very close. She also has MS and feels that she cannot be a part of my plans because she is basically un able to travel. She has lost so many things as it is and fears loosing me. She makes me feel so guilty. I don't know what to do to ease her troubles when I'm gone. I'm looking for ideas to make her life easier and to ease/lessen her empty nest syndrome. Please help.

2007-12-02 17:48:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

So my parents recently split (divorce is being worked on, i think) anyways i found out my dad was on a dating site and that he was cheating way before they split( not the reason why they split though) Anyways my dad was on this dating site and I read his messages because he left it to sign in automotically. I know i shouldnt have read them( so dont give me a whole speech on that) but hes been messaging ladies to meet up and maybe have sex with them.. then he will come over and act like he loves my mom. She Knows about this and gets upset but whenever he comes over they have sex. It really obvious too. Im so upset but I dont know what I would say to her. One minute she says she doesnt like him and hes an *** for doing this but then she turns around and has sex with him.. when both her kids are home or not. Im 17 my brothers 12 and we can hear them its disturbing. But even more so thats shes saying stuff and doing the opposite. Im confused.How can i bring it up with my mom?

2007-12-02 17:47:41 · 8 answers · asked by Bekee M 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My girlfriend of 6 months went on a vacation to a different country. I haven't heard her voice in a week but we have been text messaging back and forth. There are days that she doesn't text me and she has not talked a lot about her trip. I am starting to get scared that she met someone while she was over there or she is changing her mind about our relationship. She will be gone for 2 weeks and i don't know what could happen in those 2 weeks. Can things change between us in that time period?

2007-12-02 17:46:50 · 1 answers · asked by John S 1 in Singles & Dating

I hurt this girl pretty bad before when I was a complete idiot... I realized my mistake and I have been trying to fix things with her since. She said her feelings haven't changed but I feel like shes keeping her distance. She told me consistency would be proof that I was real. I have been consistent but I still feel like shes pulling away. What do I do??

2007-12-02 17:43:08 · 6 answers · asked by whitguy6789 2 in Singles & Dating

i just started dating this guy about a month ago, things got serious pretty fast, (hes told me he loves me, and what not) and i found out he's talking to people he has slept with through text messages. How should i handle this situation. should i ignore it or ask him about the other women?

2007-12-02 17:42:30 · 6 answers · asked by Rebecca H 1 in Singles & Dating

My sister in law thinks that her little (24 year old) brother still needs her to buy his clothes. How do I politely tell her that we dont want her to buy him clothes anymore. They never look good and she thinks her style choices are better than his own. He is actually quite stylish. He knows what he likes to wear and what he doesnt but she thinks that the clothes she picks out are better for him. We dont want to hurt her feelings but it has to stop.

2007-12-02 17:40:59 · 20 answers · asked by mandible62604 2 in Family

My boyfriend and I have been together for about five years now. He says that he loves me completely. However, he cheated on me with his best friend. She had to tell me. I gave him a second chance. He has been trying to make up what he did. He DOES honestly seem to love me because he's always doing little things for me, from hugs/kisses to small gifts like decorating my room during Valentines. However, sometimesI feel that he's manipulating me to staying with him. Then, he tells me that he truly wants me to be happy and will be willing to let me go if I want to. At the same time, they're just words. The thing is, it seems like he IS willing to let go of me.. but sometimes, I think he's just lying. I don't know. Sometimes, I feel so lucky with him, but at times, I think I can do better. Am I only staying with him because I love him or is it because I'm too nice?? My friends think I'm too nice, esp. after he cheated on me. I don't know. Is this worth it? Please help. Thanks.

2007-12-02 17:37:39 · 26 answers · asked by CS 2 in Singles & Dating

This ones for the ladies, i wanna hear from you on this. a friend of mine said a girl got put off on the first date when they went out together just because he told her about his job, being an I.T Consultant (junior level).

would you be rubbing your eyes 5 minutes into a date with somebody who worked in the I.T Industry ? maybe you have and wish to share your experience.

2007-12-02 17:34:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I've been married for the last 9 years. Pretty happy all around. My husband is a wonderful person and I am happy to be married to him - most of the time. I view a problem to be is that he likes to binge drink when he is with his friends. He is 44 years old and doesn't have an off valve. When he passes the point of no return he can turn very mean vocally to me. He doesn't remember much the next day. Last Friday we went out with some friends. We all had a great time and my husband and I even connected again. By the end of the night it all changed. He is so drunk leaning against the bar and is openly flirting with a woman with his eyes. I see that he is writing out his phone number on a piece of paper and she is putting the number into her phone. When confronted he lies, then admits and then gets mean and then thinks I am blowing it out of proportion. He said that he would never act on it. His drunk and mean behavior is sometimes heard by our 6 year old daughter. What to do?

2007-12-02 17:32:21 · 29 answers · asked by Xpat in Asia 1 in Marriage & Divorce

when you are just going to end up like every other unhappy bitter couple out there?

2007-12-02 17:31:48 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My ex and my current bf of 4 years are friends. Well, my ex mentioned that he missed being friends with me to my bf, as I had wanted to stayed friends because we made better friends. Well, he said that he even got me something for xmas. Now, I wouldn't mind being friends again, i have no dating feelings for him, i would never date him again, he made a terrible bf, but he acts mean towards me. Like says stuff to make me mad cause he knows it will work, especially saying it around my bf when he's on the phone with me to make me think my bf is cheating on me. Its normal for him to act like this but if he wanted to be friends still, why wouldn't he treat me nicer (I don't talk to him mean or anything, i havent actually spoken to him directly in atleast a year). I'm not too concerned or anything, just curious. Serious answers please

2007-12-02 17:29:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am 30 years old I have been seperated from the love of my life and my children I have tryed for the last 18 months to get back together but to no avail I cannot do it anymore financially mentally or physically. We were together for just under 10 years.

2007-12-02 17:28:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


iv been a bit bad latly , thinking a bout spankings and i havnt been doing home wokr and im at 38% in s.s
i think i may diserv a spanking

do you think i do??
please coment backk

2007-12-02 17:28:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Okay, well I am 17 years old and I have been with my guy for about 10 months now. We got engaged 4 months into the relationship and I just found out 2 months ago that I am pregnant. He is a very responsible guy and pretty much what every girl hopes for. We moved up the date to be married to February '08, is this a smart idea in your opinion?

2007-12-02 17:28:02 · 19 answers · asked by Cynthia 1 in Marriage & Divorce

As my divorce already went to court and judgement was already given for child support for my child’s schooling. I choose not to fight for costs for university schooling thinking that at that time my ex-husband may provide the costs for that but seeing what my his is doing right now I don’t think that he would ever provide any support. Would I have to get another lawyer years from now to take him to court again for that or since judgment has been made it is final?

2007-12-02 17:21:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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