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Family & Relationships - 30 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

i want a matured answer,according to me boobs are the normal
one.please say your view.

2007-11-30 23:47:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Is it a crime to think good for someone? My 10 yr old sis always does stupid things. I try to talk her out of it, try to make her understand that what she's doing ain't right. But she's least interested.

So what she does is (maybe unintentionally) gets me and my parents to have a tiff coz my parents always support her, no matter how wrong she might be and I always try to correct her. I know maybe she hates me for trying to correct me.

I used to same the stupid things when I was small and now, when I've grown up, I realise how fcukin stupid I was to ignore all that my parents used to say to correct me. I can't go back in time and rectify those mistakes. So my intent is that my sis doesn't repent whatever she does today later on.

But I always end up on the losing side. Today, I feel I've had enough. Let her do what she wants to its her life. Let her screw it up if she wants to. What can I do if she's just not read to listen !

Wow, Isn't it a crime to think good for someone?

2007-11-30 23:44:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Do women want a guy to be sexually assertive on a date? I mean do they want the man to take what he wants and go for it? Obviously he's attracted to you or you wouldnt be on the date in the first place! I used to believe looks werent important, biut couldnt bring myself to kiss a girl i didnt find attractive let alone anything else! It took me years to realise its not just whats on the inside that counts, after years of rejection and pain, ive now lost 100lbs in weight, it took me a year as ive been down the gym loads! Im a tall guy but girls used to call me a teddy, do women want sex with a teddy, i concluded NO! I was always a gentleman when out with a girl, offer to pay, hold doors, asking was she ok? could i kiss her? I now have a date with a hot 20yr old im 26! I asked my mates who've had many girlfriends, they say a woman acts like she wants you to respect her but if she's out with you and laughing she wants to get it on wiv you! Is this true? Ive been in love once, she hurt me!

2007-11-30 23:33:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

And this is a guy that I was with one night (like kissing..could have been more but I prefer to move slow). We live in different cities, far apart but do keep in touch now and then..but never discussed our feelings. One time before that night together we were online and he told me he was falling for me (but after a few drinks). What does it mean if he keeps in touch and tells me to keep in touch too? He calls me too. Do you think he has feelings for me? Also, he wants to come visit me on next vacn. The thing is, he has lots of friends and is a very friendly guy, so maybe I'm reading too much into it, at the same time I feel a vibe.

2007-11-30 23:29:04 · 4 answers · asked by sonia 1 in Singles & Dating

and they always tell you how they WISH they could be with you, and they talk to you, but they are the most annoyign ppl on the earth because just to talk to you it is like they are on a secret spy mission and can only call u at theri convience when the spouse is gone, or else theyre hiding in a closet whispering on a cell phone. Who would want to be with someone liek that? do they not know how pathetic they seem?

2007-11-30 23:28:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

parents are going to suit a case against the boy. if they suit a case then can we marry after that also or we have to marry before the case is registered. in this situation what I can do to save me as well as my would be husband?

2007-11-30 23:24:15 · 11 answers · asked by niki 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i watched the Hulk TV show and watched how that couple interacted.... they were married for almost 24 years..... seems to me the wife is making a big mistake cause the Hulk absolutely adores her....... i too made a serious mistake like that when i divorced my husband just cause i was curious about the "single" life ..... the grass isn't always green on the other side.
what do you think about their split up ?

2007-11-30 23:15:35 · 15 answers · asked by jay 4 in Marriage & Divorce

When one looks at so many turbulent relationships in marriage especially....?
how is it that when it comes to love relationships its rarely 'mind over matter'? why is it hardly ever a meeting of truley compatible souls? or do we change so much in a lifetime that people do not recognise eachother any more?

2007-11-30 23:03:34 · 4 answers · asked by ziffa 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Is it being uncomprehensive and irresponsible if we dont use protection when intimately engage with gf bf,,,,im talking when youre living together.........!!!!!!!as a couple

2007-11-30 23:03:25 · 20 answers · asked by angel81 3 in Singles & Dating

I hope i don't sound like a pervert.. but i just turned 18 and moved into my boyfriends home. We go to bed in the morning so i see him in the daylight, i also cant get to sleep as quickly as he can. I stare at him for a long while and i find i just cant keep my hands off of him.

After a while i cant help but rub his naughty bits, is this a big problem i should stop doing?

I'd never do this while hes awake, because i'm really shy, but i find i can do it if hes not aware. He caught me once, and told me thats a odd way of waking up with me fondling his penis (oh was i embarrassed, but he didn't seem to be upset)
But it really turns me on with hearing him sigh and all that in his sleep. When we have sex, i'm never able to orgasm because i'm so tense, so i seem to be always horny, which makes me want to fondle him even more :(

Is this some form of sexual abuse/disorder?

2007-11-30 23:03:05 · 9 answers · asked by bishi4me 2 in Singles & Dating

Ok so basically we flirted couple of times at work, playful arm hitting, me calling her cute, making flirty bets, just the basics.

Then we were assigneed back to our old station (where her boyfriend works next door) so we didnt flirt as much. Today she had to go take a College Entrance Exam, so she did not show up for work, i texted her "Your gonna do well dont sweat it! Good Luck!" she replied 5 minutes later with a "thank you hehe"

This is were it gets weird, yes i do have feelings for this girl i might be jumping to conclusions or i mnight not be, thats for u to decide, she calls me at aroudn 6:30 PM I said hey whats up "her name" she replied i just finished my exam!, i asked her if she did any well she replied with a ya i did pretty well.. then it went in a weird silence... she asked me if i was busy.. i told her yes i was etc.. another weird silence, then she said ok well see you tomorrow, and i hung up..

We never previously called each other over the phone

2007-11-30 23:02:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I had two cups of coffee and two tablets to make me lose my appetite. Go on make me jealous

2007-11-30 22:57:05 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

keep in mind he's got cash, status and educated.

2007-11-30 22:56:47 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

We got married about three years ago. I am lucky for my husband is as fond of me as he was at the time of marriage. A week ago he bought one of those books on how to have a happy marriage. He wants to keep our sex life exciting and suggested that we have sex at different corners in our house starting with the balcony, sofa, underneath the dinning table, up on the terrace, in the garage etc. Is is normal to have relations at these weird places?

2007-11-30 22:52:43 · 20 answers · asked by the_young_bride 1 in Marriage & Divorce

when i was getting drinks at the bar, i smiled to a blond who was waiting 2 and we got into harmless and friendly talk. During the talk i looked several times towards my girl to check if she was still there. the whole talk took to long. now my girl is angry coz i kept her waiting and didnt pay attention and want to know what i was thinking doing that? a naive answer would be fine. Does some one has a good naive explanation for keeping your girl waiting in bar by getting drinks and talking to another girl?

2007-11-30 22:52:31 · 7 answers · asked by Boyfriend 1 in Singles & Dating

libby and mark
christie and anthony
emma and ki and charlie
sarah and myher
michelle and anthony 2
chloe and chris

everyone on the first list i know and everyone in the second list i don't know. and each line reprsents a liking towards the other. all my friend like someone and i don't. i don't have anyone. no one. nothing.
i'm 16, never been kissed, never had a boyfriend and are very closed in to what boys i know (as i go to a girls school) i have a job, happy home, and i'm going to go for my Ls very soon. its the end on the year, start of summer down here in Oz. i have curley brown hair, blue eye and weight 48kgs.
whats wrong with me?
how do i get socialy involved into the guys?
and how do i get a boyfriend?
i feel like i havn't expirecned the things i'm ment too. and its sliping away

2007-11-30 22:51:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

im a bisexual guy and 2 guys at school asked me out i dont know who to go with my friend luke hes my best friend or jay hes also my best friend

2007-11-30 22:49:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I was with a girl for the past eight months, she has a 2 year old mixed race child. We got on fantastically we were inseperable. So we decided to get engaged and move in together. we did and she changed, we faught coz she grew cold, cut a long story short she decided she needed a break. Then a week later I took them both out for the day and all she did was cry and tell me how much she's in love with me. And how she didn't want it to end this way but we hurt each other too much, a day later I went around there again and found out she's interested in this other guy. I wanna know how can someone say they're in love with someone but wanna try someone else?

2007-11-30 22:48:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Theres this girl I like. In the past and now I always run into her, I always walk around campus for exercise and fresh air... Anyways in the past I look at her briefly and walk pass her without a word or looking at her (I didn't like her back then). Now I just introduced myself to her. I saw her at the train station too. Just today I said hi to her when I saw her. Ok I never meant to run into her so many times...

Some girls earlier accused me of being stalkerish when this is all coincidence... now it makes me want to avoid that girl for good. I guess its my fault for attending the same school, same class, and using the same transportation right? Is it stalkerish? How?

Thanks for reading.

2007-11-30 22:43:31 · 22 answers · asked by Closed 5 in Singles & Dating

There is a guy who I am kinda interested in. He works in the cafe of my office building and I never noticed him before until over the past few weeks, I noticed he smiles a lot at me, winks at me when he sees me and is generally friendly. However, as he works in a cafe, maybe this is just the way they are to everyone?
He usually asks how I am, etc but he doesn't ask anything personal like my name or etc.
I feel he is attracted to me physically, but due to the fact that I am probably a little older than him and work in an office, perhaps he is not interested in me.

I haven't really shown interest coz I don't want to show my feelings in case he is only being friendly n not interested? Or do u think becasue of our work positions, he may not think I am interested in him unless I make more visible effort?

2007-11-30 22:35:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


I'm a senior in high school. There's a kid I like, but he isn't really my "type". I'm really preppy, and he is too, but he has some emo friends. He told a friend of mine that I wasn't his type, but I really frigging like him. Any suggestions?

2007-11-30 22:20:17 · 2 answers · asked by James N 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

If a man has a big penis, does it hang in the toilet when they pee. Is this unhygeinic for them and do they have to clean it

2007-11-30 22:13:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i jus wanna knw if it's safe to marry a gal workin inIT..?.... so pl...

2007-11-30 22:06:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok so basically we flirted couple of times at work, playful arm hitting, me calling her cute, making flirty bets, just the basics.

Then we were assigneed back to our old station (where her boyfriend works next door) so we didnt flirt as much. Today she had to go take a College Entrance Exam, so she did not show up for work, i texted her "Your gonna do well dont sweat it! Good Luck!" she replied 5 minutes later with a "thank you hehe"

This is were it gets weird, yes i do have feelings for this girl i might be jumping to conclusions or i mnight not be, thats for u to decide, she calls me at aroudn 6:30 PM I said hey whats up "her name" she replied i just finished my exam!, i asked her if she did any well she replied with a ya i did pretty well.. then it went in a weird silence... she asked me if i was busy.. i told her yes i was etc.. another weird silence, then she said ok well see you tomorrow, and i hung up..

We never previously called each other over the phone

2007-11-30 21:51:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my boyf and i have been together for 11monthd and to start with, it was constant butterflies, kisses, hugs, and his mates wld joke that he was 'under then thumb' because he so into me.
we are still in love and we live together. we tell each other we love each other every day. we both want a future together.
However, as we are now settled, the hands on part of our relationship has dwindled, as expected. he no longer wants to kiss me every 5 seconds and is quite happy to leave me to my own accord when we go out, whereas before he used to want to show me off to the world as his girlfriend. he used to call me sweet names like beautiful, sexy baby, gorgeous, princess etc but now just calls me babe.
i spoken to him about it as i feel i miss the closeness. i understand what we have is still special and i dont expect it to stay full on forever, but would like a bit more of wot we used 2 b like. he says we are settled and he wants our relationship to be about understanding......

2007-11-30 21:50:28 · 12 answers · asked by millayhighsociety 2 in Singles & Dating

What are the best, and why, what are your not so favorites and why?

2007-11-30 21:47:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-11-30 21:37:55 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

OK.. me and my girlfriend are trying to take it to 3rd base. We arent exaxtly like as freaky as the others at school, but i was just wondering what is the best way to finger my girlfriend like during a movie without being noticed or in class because we sit @ a table against the wall together. we are really in love with each other but we dont want to have sex yet because it can ruin a relationship @ our age. and im not a virgin but she is and i dont want to make her first time un special. any pointers on how i can get good with fingering her and moving up to having sex??

2007-11-30 21:32:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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