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Family & Relationships - 2 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Would you give up friends and family and all your current possesions for 1 billion dollars. (Before you say the answer that makes you sound like a nice guy, remember all the good, and all the lives you can change with $ 1,000,000,000)

2007-12-02 02:23:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my mum doesn't believe me that i'm not dieting even though i have come right out and told her to her face that i'm not dieting. she keeps getting lots of sweets, chocolate and crisps for me and when i dont eat them she says that i'm dieting. im feed up with having to false feed myself just so she believes me. she keeps coming out with really hurtful things like why do people even bother to diet when they are skinny because all it will do is kill them so they loss out on watching their family grow up. what can i do to prove to her that i'm not dieting without hurting her?

2007-12-02 02:21:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

when a girl luage at all your jokes smiles at u befor u say something?

2007-12-02 02:19:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I called this friend (girl) ..and she said to me 'ah, its so nice to hear your voice!' Do you think she has feelings for me? weve been friends for months, she moved to another state for school. We also kissed last time we met.

2007-12-02 02:17:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Don't answer saying your weird or your a loser or anything insulting you will be reported.

If you HAD TO be a Drug Dealer, Prostitute, or a Stripper which one would you be and why.

2007-12-02 02:14:57 · 49 answers · asked by SpoiledPrincess 2 in Family

I love him alot but he just got a short temper. I dont know what to do...

2007-12-02 02:07:56 · 22 answers · asked by Haix 1 in Singles & Dating

I really want to be with him, I want to have children and grow old with him. How can I get this across to him and have him believe it?

2007-12-02 02:04:23 · 16 answers · asked by lalala 4 in Marriage & Divorce

how many people have left their wife/husband for someone else and regretted it and why

2007-12-02 02:01:49 · 12 answers · asked by wizard1963uk 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Ok, I'll try to keep this simple.....!
I work for myself, from about 8am - 9pm
My boyfriend works for himself too, from about 6am - 12 noon.

Sunday is the only time we can spend time together but he seems to prefer to either watch football at the pub, football on TV, football scores on teletext or go to bed (to sleep...alone!).

Am I wrong to get upset because he never wants to do anything with me and I just end up doing housework or working overtime.

Been crying my eyes out this afternoon, would love to hear your opinions please xxx

2007-12-02 02:01:45 · 24 answers · asked by babs 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I've doing a lot research on cheating. And have found that the resaons why women are cheating more, is because of a recurring theme. "Not getting attention." Women cheat apparently for "DEEPERS" resaons. Read any of these books like "To love, honor and betray" "Undressing infidelity." And look at what the findings are in those books. Now as a guy, I kind of laugh at that kind of stuff. Because it just sounds like they're trying to make women cheating sound classy. They're cheating for stronger, "real" reasons. When in all reality, if you look close enough. It's for SELFISH, opportunistic ones. But we pass it off as something more. I find that offensive. Because at the end, seemingly always the guys fault. Can you live up to the fairy tale!!

If you're a husband, do you worry about what your wife is doing? Do ever worry your not doing enough?

2007-12-02 01:46:39 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

im so glad iv got a laptop. bliss

2007-12-02 01:43:58 · 9 answers · asked by shelly.lamb 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I'm 21 and I'm very interested in much older men, above 35. The problem is that I look really young for my age and am not very experienced with men anyway. I think these things scare older men away. Would an older man be interested in someone like me? What kinds of things could I do to attract an older man?

2007-12-02 01:42:57 · 12 answers · asked by Aznani_luv_u 1 in Singles & Dating

I only have 6 people answer this! I need more answers! I'll ask again: I was checking my emails and I saw my ex's messages he sent a month ago. I read it and I cried because I really love him & he shattered my heart. Then I was looking at my questions & answers and he answer some of them. I have a lowing boyfriend, but he hates him so much because he knows what my ex did to me and my ex called me a b****, whore, ugly, immature and loser to me. I want you answer these 3 questions and Please be honest!

1) Do you think that I'm still in love with my ex even though I have a boyfriend?

2) What does it mean when you're always crying when you see your ex's messages and answers?

And Finally:

3) Why am I always crying when I see my ex's messages and answers?

Thanks so much for answering these 3 questions and BE HONEST ON THIS! I'm serious here!

-SadAndDepressedGirl (Denise N)

2007-12-02 01:42:10 · 8 answers · asked by DELETED 3 in Singles & Dating

a somewhat young adult with kids of her own bullying and name calling another woman? using gossip and bullying to exclude a woman? Wouldnt a grown woman with kids be ''past'' this kind of behavior?

2007-12-02 01:39:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

after some point, how do you feel about yourself when you become "too tired for sex?"

im finally living with my BF, and i'm scared of this being an issue. i come home around 11:00pm from work. I'm a waitress, getting my @ss called from one end to the other with a bunch of plates in each hand is all part of the job right? my fiance's job is a even harsher, but he's a guy i guess and more used to it. when i get home and lie down in bed i just want to fall asleep and never wake up, then he comes in maybe 30 mins later, cuddles with me in bed (personally, it feels so nice that that only makes me want to sleep more) then eventually gets me going for sex. i always feel guilty telling him that its the last thing i want because im too tired, but he's a gentle man and respects that.

big problem really is, I've been told that its really not fair for me to be doing this all the time and he's just trying to be polite. this is going to be a problem one day if i can't fix it.

2007-12-02 01:39:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I filed for divorce from my husband and he in return filed a case for me to go back to him as in Shariah law. I also filed child custody case wihch i lost in appeal court last week.The case that he filed for me to go back to him was rejected. Divorce case is pending for trial. Married for 6 yrs and my son is only 2and half year old.Im a converted muslim and am staying with my paretns wjho are not muslims.He has raised the question on my faith to islam and constantly kept convincing the court that if i got my sons custody ill go back to my previous religion affecting him too. Im job less he is not paying me . I feel my lawyer is bought off. My husband is a pchycologically ill person and will never let me have my son. Im not able to live without my son as he had kidnapped him 1 year ago after which i filed for custody rightaway. The courts have no mercy to even help me get visiting hous i haven seen my son being in same country. Ivd run every possible places but all in vain .Im 25 yrs.

2007-12-02 01:37:38 · 7 answers · asked by anaisa 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I met her about a year ago I did not love her in beginning but after a while she made me love her so much by saying that she love me so much she never been happy like that and other things. I treated her very good I always was so nice to her also I said to her many times if we broke up please do hurt me we broke up few times but she always come back to me. Few weeks ago I felt she is not like before we broke up in nice way we called each other few times after that I asked her if she met somebody else she said no, after a few days I discovered she met somebody else days before we broke up which I do not understand why she said love me so much days before this happened. I got so mad and I start sending very nasty texts coz I felt she used me till she got someday else I have really strange feeling I do not know if I still love her or I hate her so much

2007-12-02 01:37:21 · 9 answers · asked by salah f 1 in Singles & Dating

Someone once told me this -- something like the true test of a guy's personality is how he treats people he sees as "lower" than him, like cashiers and waitresses.

Is there any truth to this?

2007-12-02 01:36:53 · 10 answers · asked by Amber 1 in Singles & Dating

Tim sleeps in my bed because he doesn't have his own bed (for those who dont know, Tim is my roomate). Tim goes on dates with us because I thought you liked him too (as a friend and nice guy). The deal about me and Tim taking showers together was only a joke.

Why are you jealous of Tim? Do you still love me? Tim offered to help us work things out. Would you want to work things out?

Love and yours truly,

2007-12-02 01:32:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My sister just got married. So she invited me to her house for a sleepover (we are close). Her husband was there. Well my sister had to run out to get some stuff and it was gonna take about an hour. So I was like "I'll stay". I hate when she goes shopping. It's takes forever. Well, about 30 minutes later I opened the door to the outside to take out the trash and her husband was making out with some girl. He told me that she came onto him and he made her leave right away. He begged me not to tell my sister because it was a mistake. Should I tell her or just let it fly this ONE time? I mean, it might have truely been a mistake, right? But what if it was true!?!? He is a really trustworthy guy and I don't want to be a tattle-tale. I didn't tell her, but should I call and warn her? HELP!!!!!!

2007-12-02 01:30:17 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

my ex who i only went out with for a week is really making it hard for me to get another boyfriend. I think the reason is because i still like my ex boyfriend so when other guys approach me and ask me out i always end up saying no and its because i like my ex. I dont think im going to get back with him so im trying to move on but i just cant.
Whenever i see him i think hes so good looking why couldnt it work and he makes it worse by calling me "sexy" and names like that.
What should i do?
Thankyou xxx

2007-12-02 01:29:23 · 12 answers · asked by Chantelle T 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-12-02 01:29:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

OKay,im 13 and sometimes when i go out in public,boys my age or a little older will call me sexy.It kind of scares me though.Um,a 13 year old cant be sexy can they?O_O thankxz

2007-12-02 01:27:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Going to parties, talking to chicks and drag racing you know like that just to hang out.

2007-12-02 01:27:04 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

we hanven't seen each other since i was 2 months old

2007-12-02 01:24:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

What do fabulous, independent, and over 40 women call the men they are in a committed relationship with? We discussed this at lunch and couldn't come up with a term we liked. "Boyfriend" sounds so high school, we're well past "booty call" and "boy toy", and "my man" is...well, it just doesn't work. Ironically, when a man this age calls a woman his girlfriend, it sounds fine. One of my friends has even started calling him her husband just to keep it simple (although she doesn't do it around him because then he'll start pestering her again to marry him). Any suggestions?

2007-12-02 01:23:29 · 39 answers · asked by besoseda 3 in Singles & Dating

He is very funny and outgoing. He is a biologist and loves the ocean. He is all about global warming. He doesnt read much. He works alot. He is 25.

2007-12-02 01:21:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My question isn't "What should I do about my boyfriend?", it's more along the lines of "Why do guys stay on dating sites if they're not approaching anyone on there?"

My bf and I have a great relationship. We met on Match.com in June of 2006 and clicked instantly. The only weird issue is that he never deactivated his profile on Match. I get on there almost every day just to see if he's logged in recently, and it's generally "Active within 24 hours" or "Active within 3 days". I know he does not have a subscription, so he can't be contacting anyone, nor does he spend any time away from home without me, so the cheating isn't there...

I'm just curious... is this a fascination with guys just to see if something better does exist than the girl they're with? Or in a twisted way - could he just be confirming to himself that what he has is better than what is out there?

I know he shouldn't be on there to begin with, so no chastising... I just wanted some insight into the "why" of it all.

2007-12-02 01:20:45 · 9 answers · asked by isaiahallyson 2 in Singles & Dating

breast cancer...no woman just wants to be used, Fla, it's important to feel a tender love....trust me...it's not a control issue....not hearing "I love you" during sex for over 12 years leaves you feeling pretty crappy....and now with my "woman parts" scarred up, I was just looking for the male point of view on why some men only want it this way......and to answer a few others, yes it has been this way for a while....even before the cancer, but I learned to live with it for the sake of my children.....I can't live my life this way...feeling used.....

2007-12-02 01:19:03 · 8 answers · asked by justlilme 5 in Marriage & Divorce

now the lady i've been talking to about all of it, as a friend, is starting to seem more then a friend. she has been really good about talking anytime i need to like she is there for me something i've been missing in my marriage for a few years now. i don't want to be like my wife. does this lady just seem great becouse she is just offering something i don't have right now or could it be deeper? how can i tell and would it be wrong keep talking even though there are starting to be stong fellings.

2007-12-02 01:17:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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