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Family & Relationships - 13 October 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

If you were out with your man, and he went out of his way to be polite and charming to other women, but ignored you?
I went to have a drink with my guy last night, and he started a conversation with the woman sitting next to us....I stood up and said "Excuse me....which one of us are you here with???!?!? Am I invisible or something???", and I stormed out. Did I blow this out of proportion, or was I right to feel slighted? I was out with him, his attention should have been focused on ME only.

2007-10-13 17:49:41 · 13 answers · asked by Ms. GTO 7 in Marriage & Divorce

I've been reading some of your questions in the marriage and divorce section and I keep asking myself why do people get married if their going to lie, cheat and fall out of love with their mate. I've had two failed marriages and now I'm engaged for a third time. I want to settle down with the right person but I've always picked men that weren't right for me. How do I tell if this one is the right one or if he's the one I should marry? Everything always start off good in the beginning but once you get married things change. How can you keep a marriage the same or fresh so things won't change? Any sucess storieds out there?

2007-10-13 17:48:35 · 22 answers · asked by concernone 3 in Marriage & Divorce

so hard hearted & disrespectful ???
he used to be very nice & considerate
i have done nothing
he refuses to answer

2007-10-13 17:47:37 · 7 answers · asked by Amanda H 5 in Marriage & Divorce

I met this guy over a year ago, online, not like myspace or anything, we weren't looking for dating, but we ended up "falling in love." We're kinda been together for a few months now, and we talk every day, it's sad cuz he's treated me the best out of every guy i've dated, and i really wanna be with him, when i'm 18 i plan to go to college over where he lives, and this winterbreak i get to visit him for the first time, do you think i should continue this, or is it a waste of my time?

2007-10-13 17:42:31 · 14 answers · asked by La Princesa de Francisco 2 in Singles & Dating

My wedding theme is poetry. I suggested that we have poetry performed at the reception. My fiance wants (in addition to the poetry) a praise dance performance at the reception as well. I think that this is a bit much for a wedding that is themed on poetry. What's your take on having this very holy addition to the reception

2007-10-13 17:40:51 · 3 answers · asked by tellthepeople 1 in Weddings

I married my husband 7 months ago. We dated for a year before we married. He has a five year old daughter from a previous relationship. When we first started dating his daughter and I clicked right away. When we would bring her back to her mom's house on Sunday, she would run back in the car with me. She had to literally be pulled away from me to go back with her mom. However, a few months ago she looked me straight in the face and said "You're not my family." I've had mixed emotions since then. She is very distant now. She's gone from having to be pulled out of my arms to go back with her mom to not even telling me bye when we bring her back. Why? I also found that lately she has a tendency to want to constantly get between me and her father (if we're sitting on the couch together for example). I've started to just walk out of the room and let them be alone. What am I doing wrong? My husband things her mom is putting things in her head. I'm prepared for all answers/possibilities.

2007-10-13 17:38:55 · 15 answers · asked by GreenEyes 1 in Family

I married my husband 7 months ago. We dated for a year before we married. He has a five year old daughter from a previous relationship. When we first started dating his daughter and I clicked right away. When we would bring her back to her mom's house on Sunday, she would run back in the car with me. She had to literally be pulled away from me to go back with her mom. However, a few months ago she looked me straight in the face and said "You're not my family." I've had mixed emotions since then. She is very distant now. She's gone from having to be pulled out of my arms to go back with her mom to not even telling me bye when we bring her back. Why? I also found that lately she has a tendency to want to constantly get between me and her father (if we're sitting on the couch together for example). I've started to just walk out of the room and let them be alone. What am I doing wrong? My husband things her mom is putting things in her head. I'm prepared for all answers/possibilities.

2007-10-13 17:38:12 · 18 answers · asked by GreenEyes 1 in Marriage & Divorce

they did it for no reason .. im almost 15 and he looked about 17 .. what does this mean ...?

2007-10-13 17:37:12 · 12 answers · asked by ? 4 in Singles & Dating

I have been married for two years and I really love my husband but he is making me sick and I want to have a baby I'm not sure if I should considerning when I look at him I want to smack him in his face. We met in college and he was my dream man he was a star football player and great friend. Well now that we are older and married he has gained almost 100 pounds {It happened so slowly i really didn't notice till one day i just looked around and was like what the hell , who are you} Every time i metion it he gets upset and tells me he will go to the gym on his own time and he recently has been having bad back problems the doctor told him it was because of his weight and he still won't do anthing about it. This man drinks a 2 liter of soda and bottle of juice a day. I told him if he love me and wanted to be there for us and our future family he would take care of his self and he says he does love me but he is just not ready I think that is a bunch of crap he is affecting other people beside himself by having all this weight. I feel like he is just being lazy and sloppy he will sit in front of the TV four hours he could take an hour and go the gym. I even paid for one and he never used it. He was a football player i don't understand it and i'm finding it hard to be patient and supportive. He was a sexy in shape big guy about 300 but toned and sexy and now he is 400 pounds and his stomach pushes right through his shirts. Also his teeth are starting to get some stuff on the bottom and I asked him to go the dentist and once again he says I will but in my own time this has been a year i have been saying this and I am so frustrated I'm tired of argueing about his appearance and I don't know what to do . I really want to have a baby but is it smart because he is getting on my nerve can anyone help. I still love him and we are great friends but I can't take this i am in very good shape and try my best to eat right should i just leave him because i feel now he is just being disrespectful

2007-10-13 17:31:53 · 23 answers · asked by jj 1 in Marriage & Divorce

seriously do you actually look for a good personality in a girl? or are looks the deciding factor in a relationship?

2007-10-13 17:31:23 · 14 answers · asked by SoccerStar234 2 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I have been together for almost three years now. When we first met everything was amazing. The longer we have been together however the more hurt I have become. For the past two years he has forgotton my birthday all together. Two nights before our wedding he went out with his friends for his bachelor party. He came home and I found out that they had gone to a few different bars and at each bar he had asked several different girls to "flash" him or show him inappropriate body parts. He also went so far as to get a girl's phone number...(just in case things "didn't work out with me"). I considered calling off the wedding because of how hurt I was but I decided against it. On our anniversary he told me he was going to take me out to dinner when he got off work...instead he spent the night cleaning the garage and talking to his parents. There have been a few times when I have considered starting the car in the garage and ending my life. Why does he treat me this way?

2007-10-13 17:29:38 · 15 answers · asked by lotbomb 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-10-13 17:29:30 · 4 answers · asked by ♫ Bubastes, Cat Goddess♥ 7 in Singles & Dating

2007-10-13 17:25:49 · 19 answers · asked by renee2060 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm not on it all the time really, just after we put our 4 kids to bed, most nights i answer email, do this q/a thing, that sort of thing. i don't neglect the poor fellow. i don't spend the whole night every night on the computer. Oh, and our sex life is great, even after 4 kids and 8 years of marriage. but for his sake i'll ask, is there a problem with my computer use?

2007-10-13 17:24:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My Brother is a month shy of 16. He cusses and Treats my mom Horribly. He says rude things to people, but when you say something witty back he freaks out and gets all defensive.He throws others belongings around,even breaks them. He acts like a Martyr. I've tried my best with it and i am wearing thin. I've tried Buddhist Studies, Walking away, Ignoring, Avoiding contact and conversation. EVERYTHING. When you walk away he'll follow you, it doesn't matter where either. Anyone have any new ideas on what to do.

2007-10-13 17:24:14 · 10 answers · asked by Colleen B 1 in Family

let's say you got pregnant on purpose because you stopped taking your birth control pills without your husbands knowledge. then you got pregnant, freaked out, and had an abortion by your choice. then after the abortion your husband was playing with his son from a previous marriage while you were resting. you then got all emotional came into your stepson's room, started cussing and saying that you just got your guts ripped out for this family and you wanted people to jump up and do things for you. meanwhile your stepson started crying. then as his father, i told you to go calm down and get out of his room because it's rediculous for you to say that in front of a 9 year old kid besides it was your decision. would you leave your husband for protecting his son from that or do you think it was all an excuse to leave? i don't think i did anything wrong. what do you all think?

2007-10-13 17:23:07 · 12 answers · asked by survivor 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My best friend's husband is a porn addict (yes, she knew that going into the marriage 7 years ago) and she feels like she's constantly being compared to porn stars during sex. She feels like she can't be vocal or herself during sex and plain just don't enjoy it anymore...they haven't been intimate in many months and now she feels like they're more just friends than a couple. She really has no desire for sex anyways, but does feel lately that she's being neglected. He ignores her in favor of video games when he's home.
But they have a new baby and she wants this relationship to work. I want both of them to be happy, but don't know how to advise her, so any help would be much appreciated!

2007-10-13 17:22:59 · 2 answers · asked by Bluebear 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I have a very pushy mother in law. She starts fights, tries telling lies to my dad and ect. I'm 20 years old. I have a husband. I have a son born in november 2006 and passed away from a birth defect in july 2007. she yelled at me 2 days after he passed away becouse she was listed as my dad's wife and not with the grandma's.. just to show her personality. She hasn't quit i bend over backwards for her and to keep the peace but i'm to the point now that i realy want to hit her i'm dealing with my son's passing and trying to get back to life and all she wants to do is start fights with me and push me around. I want to know how to deal with her. I don't want to start a fight in the family but i want her to leave me alone and live her own life not mine. I just don't know what to do and my anger is to the point i'm going to explode...plllleeeeaaaassseeee HELP ME>>>!!!!

2007-10-13 17:22:48 · 18 answers · asked by MeLisa 2 in Family

I was married for 20 years and had 4 children. My second husband of 9 years is very nasty to my dhildren. One of the children and her family have been living with us for a year until they move into their own home. I am forever treading on eggshells while he is in their company (this goes for all the children), as he is so crass, rude and critical. He has 2 boys from his previous marriage which he doesn't see a lot of. I'm at my wit's end as his behaviour is ruining any love that I once felt for him. He gets looked after, as I cook, clean and wash for him, as well as working full time. He openly begrudges anything that I do for the children, and doesn't hesitate in letting them know it. He is a sticky beak who likes to know everything, including who I phone or email. He won't do anything by himself, but insists that I go with him. I'm beginning to feel more like a mother than a wife. It is getting so I do not want to do anything with him anymore, as he is such a cranky bugger.

2007-10-13 17:21:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

yeah so me and my dad kinda got into this argument today
my parents are divorced and i get so bored at his house.
i see him every other weekend and then the rest of the time i am with my mom.
today was my sisters birthday party and last night i went to sleepover at my friends house
then tonight i was going to go home and have a friend sleepover there (my moms house)
but my dad got mad that he never sees me.. but we have nothing in common!
so my friend ended up sleeping over at my dads house with me.
my dad just came down stairs to say goodnight and to tell us where the blankets are and stuff
and i gave him a hug and a kiss and said "love you "
but he never said love you back
and he always does!
so i said it again and he pretended he never heard me
he wasnt looking at me when i said it though so i dont know if he didnt hear me or if he was mad at me
i kinda wish my friend didnt sleep over so i could watch a movie with my dad but i wanted her to sleepover b.c she is my bff

2007-10-13 17:20:36 · 8 answers · asked by Hi there :D 3 in Family

Okay so I've been married for 7months. My husband has never been the cheating type. He absolutely hates cheaters. He doesn't see how someone can do something like that to someone they love. Anywayz.. the past couple months the young girls he works with have been flirting with him constantly. He's a manager so he has to stay late and close the place down. Well they close at 11pm everynight, and here lately he hasn't been making it home until around 3:30am. If I call to find out where he is, I get no answer. Does anyone think I should look further into this whole deal?

2007-10-13 17:20:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Ok well im having a huge problem with my 17 year old son. He is a huge brat and wont do anything i say. When ever i try to enforce rules he just screams. If i dont give up after that he says he wont eat or he will kill himself. What should i do?

2007-10-13 17:19:08 · 8 answers · asked by Chris K 1 in Family

ok well i work at a gym and i take racquetball there through my college and my instructor also works at the gym as a trainer also. I am friends with his wife b/c she was one of my past college teachers. He rides my *** about things with my job sometimes and he isn't even my boss, just my instructor and friends husband. Oh and he always picks on me in racq. class and tests my skills first out of the others in the class, which i am the only girl. When he walks by the front desk sometimes, i will be looking at him and he will make that face where it looks like hes trying not to smile. Also... sometimes I will tell him bye just to be nice when I am leaving and he NEVER says anything back.. last week he played me in the class and said that if i didn't serve the ball right after 2 times, then i would have to give him some pushups.. then he smiled after he said that. I dont know what the heck his problem is... what do you think?

2007-10-13 17:18:44 · 3 answers · asked by greenturtle 1 in Family

guys? Any input? do you only like a girl for their looks. Be honest....im just wondering
If not then why?
If so then why?
Basically, answer yes or no, then explain why :)
Thanks in advance

2007-10-13 17:18:07 · 21 answers · asked by Jessica M 3 in Singles & Dating

if you have, what can you do about it? I am obsessed with queen and it brings me down psychologically. i keep downloading their music on YT in fact, as i type this i am downloading Untold story pt2. i cant stop! what will it take to finally get this out of my system so i never think about Queen or their music again? FM seems like a dark vampire to me. the thought of him depresses me and puts me in a funk.
no disrespect to the group but i dont wanna think about them anymore cuz im losing a sense of myself. they put me under a spell and invade my psyche, my soul. PLZ HELP ME!!

2007-10-13 17:17:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

any one know of a support group to help get over the pain depression and anger over a seperation and divorce especially if you still are madly in love with the person who does not love you. Obsessed? In the milwaukee wisconsin area.

2007-10-13 17:16:03 · 1 answers · asked by mc52132000 2 in Marriage & Divorce


your on a island with a pretty woman and a bannana what would you do with the woman

2007-10-13 17:10:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

it has been a few wks since he officially broke up with me after 4 years b/c he was unhappy... should i send a book da vinci code he always wanted to read (ordered on amazon for dirt cheap), and a plain card that just says happy bday... i won't wrap the present up, just send it in plain manila envelope. of course, i'm not gonna lie, i would at least hope he will say thank you, but even if he doesn't, i would feel i have done my part and, just as a nice way for me to end this chapter in my life and move on.

I took the break up badly and I did ask him back before.

If you had to put your money on the possibility of him calling back, would it more likely to happen if i didn't send him gift or card on his bday OR if i do send him gift on his bday?

2007-10-13 17:04:27 · 8 answers · asked by Mike P 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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