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Parenting - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

Okay, I don't give my kids tons of junk, but this is one thing I would NEVER feed my kids since I heard this story. My DH has done electrical work since he was a kid helping his dad, before he ever got his own license. He told me that just once, when he was 17, there was a job the two turned around and walked out of. This was an applesauce factory. He named the company at the time but I can't recall which, only that it was a big one. Apparently there were maggots on the conveyor belts, falling into the vats, getting ground up with the applesauce, and the consumers never the wiser. I asked, "Aren't there inspections?" He says apparently it is cheaper to pay off the inspectors than to clean up. He says he and his dad were so sick at what they saw that they turned around and walked out, and that this is the only job they have ever walked out of. So, my question is, how can people eat that stuff, much less feed it to innocent kids and feel PROUD of giving it to them?

2006-09-03 08:42:28 · 14 answers · asked by imjustasteph 4

2006-09-03 08:24:35 · 9 answers · asked by imjustasteph 4

2006-09-03 08:08:35 · 7 answers · asked by motherof2 1

After I had taken my daughter to finish her school shopping, I found she had lied to me, stolen cigs from her dad who lives half a state away during visitation and was smoking in my house. (We have a heart patient in the house.) I don't know how to handle this, any suggestions?

2006-09-03 07:28:57 · 28 answers · asked by sunnyrays61 2

over this summer i've gone from a fit, trim & thin 160ish lbs. to 217+lbs. keep in mind i am a 5'10 17 yr. old male (which means i'm clinically obese) most all of the weight has gone to my pregnant/pumpkin looking 46in. flabby belly, HUGE stretch mark ridden thighs (that rub together) & my man boobs aka (moobs)
yet, ironically none of this has bothered me! i just keep laying around, binging 24/7 on sweets, & etc. i actually love my weight gain & plan on gaining ALOT more!

my dr & parents advise me to watch my diet but i dont wanna. instead i wanna keep getting flabbier & fatter! the only probs i have are my clothes (i used to fit in a 30 waist now a 38 is quite a tight squeeze) and my heart which aches after i eat ALOT, climb stairs or out of the blue on occasion!

yet i dont wanna lose weight 'nor do i wanna stay my current weight. my ultimate goal is 269lbs in the upcoming months... keep in mind i put on 65+lbs. in the past few months.

so are there any supporters for me??

2006-09-03 07:21:33 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 26 and married. Im not done having fun yet! Im not ready. When i say that people look at me weird. Should they?

2006-09-03 05:24:30 · 23 answers · asked by Baby Jack born 4/5/09 4

Do you "ground" them? Or whip them? Or any other sort of punishments?

And if you don't dicipline your children when they need it. You are neglecting the most important responsiblity of parenting. Don't you realize how greatly this will effect them?

2006-09-03 04:36:59 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

It has been every two years now..going through this and now i have two more years to go before my nest is completely empty. My two young men have left and now my 16 year old daughter will be leaving soon..Well I had an episode just recently...and of course my daughter was just away for the weekend..but i felt weird at home alone...I didnt know what to do with myself...I've always been so busy with the kids having all kinds of events and activities to attend..well that has decreased tremendously...I feel like I worry more when their not there with me...Does it get better or will it get worse...?

2006-09-03 04:12:09 · 9 answers · asked by stag4_2000 1

My 4 and 6 year old have small chores around the house but most important is cleaning up after themselves (putting away toys), they are to put dirty dishes in the sink after eating, they MUST clean up their rooms. They don't have to vacuum, wash dishes, or lawn maintenance. I believe having chores shows responsibility but my parents say I am too hard on them. My children are extremely smart and as a result of their cleaning, they now have a routine and are much cleaner children. I see nothing wrong with this. As they get older, they will have even more chores to do and they will be rewarded for it. But I was given chores at the age of 5 and there is nothing wrong with me. Any ideas?

2006-09-03 03:55:51 · 34 answers · asked by Southern Lady 3

My son, is currently dating a girl, which is 23, has 2 kids, and still living in the same house as her EX. { By the way, she dosent work}
He is letting her drive his car, He babysits the kids, she stays at his house the nights that he is off work, and goes "home" on the nights that my son works. My son and I have a pretty good relationship, and talk about anything. All our kids know how blunt I am, and know that I support them in the decisions they make, BUT
they also know that they will get my opinion, and its up to them what they do with it.{which I did give him} Being a kid once I know if I try to interfere it will only push them closer. WHAT TO DO????

2006-09-03 03:37:40 · 18 answers · asked by bugoff26 2

last month my husband 7 nephew came to live with us after his mother past away. And ever since the little boy been acting out in the worst ways possible, and have a very rude mouth. and my husband dont want to punish him or beat him what should we do

2006-09-03 03:19:54 · 34 answers · asked by bETtEr ThINg 2 CoMe 1

and i know i'm gonna get some smart @#!! remark for it, but my brother-in-law has my daughter on his myspace page. we have asked him nicely to either remove it, or make his myspace private so only his friends can see it, just because of all those internet preditors and freeks out there. he won't listen. he says "no, its my myspace. i can do what i want." and the pictures on there are kind of wierd.... he doesnt indicate in the caption that its his niece, so everyone thinks she is his daughter. people come up to us all the time thinking its his. there are all these girls that he doesn't know on his myspace too, so i'm not sure if he is just using it as a way to get women's attention. and the pictures are of him and her, and one of them is him kissing her on the forehead.... and it just looks kind of creepy. he also has had a past of looking up pre-teen porn, and child porn.... if he wants his neice on there, fine. but he could atleast make his profile private. should i do??

2006-09-03 02:15:12 · 22 answers · asked by Norma Jean Riley 3

2006-09-03 00:45:49 · 9 answers · asked by Lisa C 1

2006-09-02 22:04:07 · 18 answers · asked by qwerty 2

They know that requets are filled by asking, so they understand the concept of cause and effect.
I think two is the age you want to start teaching them what not to do and what to do so they don't drive you nuts with the same issues when they are four.

2006-09-02 21:31:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

The only thing he likes to eat is oodles of noddles. i try to feed him all other types of food ,but he wont even try them.
sometimes he will go to bed with out eating a thing for dinner. The doctor told me to stop feeding them to him and he will eventually eat..well i tried that for one day ...i cant starve my child... i need some helpful ideas than starving my child

2006-09-02 20:41:54 · 16 answers · asked by smiley 2

Ok my son is ten I hate to say this but he is a wuss, I know it's mean but he lets everyone beat up on him and he doesn't do anything about it. I don't cundon getting into fights but I tell him if someone hits you fist the hit them back and make it hurt then they'll leave you alone he won't do that because he is to scared to. I tried to get him into classed like ty kwon do and stuff like that I even offered my husband even offered to join with him. How do I get him to stand up for him self. I don't want him being the one always getting made fun of or beat up all the times. We even tried sports and other activities but nothing works. Can it be that I raised him as a single parent untill he was five or is it just who he is.

2006-09-02 19:58:42 · 20 answers · asked by I wish I wish 1

Me and my Husband have been told, that we are financailly well, and that we are great with kids, and we have every thing a person needs to become a parent, so why does the whole age thing have to stop us.. or what is the age limits in other countries and states?

2006-09-02 19:53:24 · 9 answers · asked by tuffchevy86 4

I have 7 children - Jennifer(15),Robert(12), Kateline(10),John(7), Emma(5),Benjamin(2) and Sandra(2).I divorced last year with their father.I have a boyfriend now(all the children like him).He doesn't live with us.We love each-other.We are thinking of getting married some day.He doesn't have kids,but he loves my children a lot and gets on well with them,just like if they were his children.But he wants his child too.I don't know...if I bear another baby(that would be definitely the last one),wouldn't they be too many?Or how will Jennifer feel if she is 16 and has a newborn sister or brother?And how will the new child feel,being "the last one" and the youngest?

2006-09-02 19:43:01 · 27 answers · asked by julie 3

I'm 21.I have 2 daughters,ages 4 and a baby(3 months).I have a boyfriend(27).We usually invite our friends(3 of them are drug fiends,the other 4 drink).We play music and make our parties at night.Don't worry - the kids are in their room while we have our parties(which include sex sometimes).Anyway,someone(don't know who) called the police last week and they asked us to turn down the music and asked to look in the house.I didn't let them.But they saw my 4-year-old daughter(she came to ask what's wrong).They called the CPS but while they were out,our friends went out(to their homes) and my boyfriend and I cleaned and hid the drugs(they had forgotten some).The CPS wanted to look around and we let them.They didn't find anything unusual.They asked my daughter about the life here(I had told her what to say,she lied of course).Do they have the right to ask her anything if I don't agree?And do they have the right to look around the house if I don't let them?

2006-09-02 19:33:06 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-02 18:35:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriends daughter is 4 years old. She lives with her mom and 11 other people. Her mom is dating my boyfriends brother and they are living with the brothers wife and her boyfriend. Basically my b/f's brother is seperated with his wife. But they still live together and both have a b/f g/f. anyway there is 7 kids and 5 adults in one house. Is this healthy? She comes over alot and they haven't fed her or bathed her. She has to sleep in the living room on a futon with her mom. At our place she has a huge room tons of cloths and alot more. I know its not all about the material stuff but this poor girl is filthy and her mom makes her dress like a bum. Should we atempt to bring this to court for custody? Even though the court system is all about the mom?

2006-09-02 18:27:28 · 15 answers · asked by babykins1025 2

I am being accused by my 15 yo daughter of being over protective because I won't allow her to spend the night at a motel with her friend and her friend's mother. Her friend's mother is currently living in the motel and has drug dealer friends. My daugher insists she would be able to handle anything that would happen and would not participate in anything "illegal". I don't trust the parent, so am I being over protective by not allowing my daughter to try?

2006-09-02 17:14:44 · 51 answers · asked by luvsdogs3 1

if you found out your daughter lost her viriginty at 13? i did and i dont think my mom knows im 18 now..and i dont care if shes knows. Im just wondering what would you do. my mom never talked ot me about sex or wating or any of that..im just wondering your opinons on this subject.

2006-09-02 17:14:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I have a 14 month old son. We want to have another baby, but we don't know when we should have another. We are living comfortable, but child care for two would be a little tight. I am 28 and my hubby is 30.

2006-09-02 16:52:35 · 30 answers · asked by Sandy 2

I invited a few of my neighbors and their kids over this afternoon - we just had coffee and the kids played. The kids were all different ages - from 2 to about 10.

There is a neighbor who everyone likes but none of the kids like her daughter - she's 9 and very whiny and bossy. My daughter (who is 6) is always polite to her, but doesn't really consider her a friend. I had her over a few times and my daughter just doesn't have anything in common with her and is bored and keeps asking when she is leaving.

Anyway, this neighbor happened to stop by with her daugher to see if we wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese with them. They saw all the people in the house. I politely said, not today, maybe another time. I feel bad that I didn't invite them in. I hate to force friendships on my daughter, but I know how I would feel if I wasn't the one invited.

2006-09-02 15:53:22 · 16 answers · asked by hotmomma 4

1) The Bible supports it!
2) Nearly all kids need it now and then!
3) It worked for us...it's a timeless form of discipline
4) Don't let the bleeding heart liberals tell you how to raise your kid!
5) It will improve the next generation and lower crime rates! The last generation is suffering because most were not spanked or not nearly enough.
6) It should be brought back to the schools (with parents permission).
7) If you need to do it public, do it, with no interference, attitude, or glares from others, just a nod of approval and walk on
8) I mean, spanking, not abuse. A good sound spanking done lovingly is not abuse
9) Neighborhood parents should know and watch out for each other, and if they see a kid who needs a spanking, call their parents!
10) Police stations should allow you to come in and spank your kid...basically a "woodshed room", sanction it with no worries about child abuse.
11) Your kids will appreciate that you cared enough to do it, years later. How cool is that?

2006-09-02 15:06:19 · 28 answers · asked by O'Shea 5

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