Because the laws are so strict these days and children are being told in school that if someone hits them then that's abuse, and then you have child protective services at your door for spanking YOUR child for misbehavior! I can understand that if a child has a black eye or some other obvious abuse but a a spanking may cost you your children these days. It's a messed up world we live in nowadays and that's why they're so many children killing their parents, doing drugs and God knows what else!!! I spank mine and if a DHS service worker contacts me I'll tell their *** why I spanked him/her and tell them to stay the **** away from my home! I'll raise my children how they're supposed to be raised with discipline and love!
2006-09-02 15:17:06
answer #1
answered by KK 5
I'm white, and I see no problem with a kid getting a spanking when he needs it. Some kids only respond to a spanking. I'm not saying child abuse here, and if it leaves bruising, I think it's too hard.
Some kids, though, react just fine to having time-out, or being grounded, or having a favorite toy taken away. For those kids, there is no need for a spanking.
I was spanked a couple of times as a child, and I don't thin that I was abused, and I wasn't afraid of my parents, and now I can go to them with anything, just like all of you are saying are the benifits to not spanking.
Also, while it does stop the immediate action, if you bother to tell the child why he's being spanked, then they will know, and will remember it next time. If they don't, then maybe they're just not the kind of child who responds to spanking, or maybe you are using spanking too much. Or maybe the child just isn't old enough to understand yet.
2006-09-02 17:27:43
answer #2
answered by Queen Queso 6
what is wrong with time outs. If done consistently with bad behaviour it does work. I am not against the odd smack (1 smack with an open hand NO OBJECTS, done to teach not hurt) but time outs work if done properly so why not use them.
The bible also says men are better than woman so the bible argument holds nothing for me. LOWER CRIME RATES...I think you pulled that out of your butt. your arguments I think are to justify yourself for spanking. I have very well behaved children who respect me and others and do not get spanked. I began using time outs at the age of 2 and still use them 5 years later along with withdrawal of privileges. I don't need to do it often, just a few words and the misbehaviour stops as they know what the next step is
But do you know what I found most interesting about this question and the answers given? No-one has mentioned what a racist question you asked, if it was a white person asking why it is that black people spank there kids all the time there would be an uproar and a number of reports done on the asker. Yet this groups all white people into the same category and not a word on racism....interesting
2006-09-02 23:26:13
answer #3
answered by Rachel 7
I'm white, and I've spanked my kids. I don't think it's a race thing though. With one of my kids, even getting threatened with a possible spanking will get him off his butt, with the other, he could care less. I don't spank anymore because it just doesn't work. My kids are 10 and 8, and they're getting to be tall and strong, which makes it hard to spank them anyway. I've found that revoking privileges works wonders in ways that spankings never could. If I'm in the grocery store and one of them is acting up and not listening, they'll get a swat on the butt. It's more an embarrassment for them now than an actual punishment.
2006-09-02 15:13:26
answer #4
answered by jenpeden 4
I'm white and a parent.
1) the Bible supports lots of things! I don't take everything the bible say literally.
2) Absolutely not true. If you rounded up a bunch of non spanked adults, they would not all say they needed it.
3) It doesn't work for me. Times change.
4) Don't let the child abusers who are too impatient to think up other way to discipline your children tell you how to raise your kids!
5) Crime rates will not go down if I spank my child. Besides -- white kids aren't the one doing all the crime. do you know who is in jail? Not white kids.
6) Public schools are not the place to teach violence. Homeschool if you want beating included in your curriculum.
7) WTF?
8) How many parents use the line "this hurts me more than it hurt you?" Love should not hurt.
9) If my kids messes with you, please let me know.
10) WTF?
11) Because you brainwashed them. How cool is that?
2006-09-02 17:28:41
answer #5
answered by Katherine 6
I agree with most of your points but not all. I'm a single dad of a girl and I do try talking to her first but sometimes that's not enough. I have told her about when I was in school and how we got sent to the coach if we were bad and about the wooden paddle with the holes in it. If you were stupid enough to screw up after a couple of rounds with that thing you deserved it. I do agree that the schools should have more power again. To many kids are smart asses because they know they can get away with it. I don't know about your woodshed idea but something has to be done to get hard headed kids to listen. You are right in the fact that a lot of us grew up getting swatted and we turned out OK. Hell, the first time I got caught smoking half the mothers in the neighborhood swatted me across the back of my head before I got home..and at home there was hell to pay. I found out that smoking truly was hazardous to your health. You don't have to beat your kids to get the point across but a swat on the rear every now and then doesent hurt and might even help.
2006-09-02 15:25:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Im white and choose not to spank. Other members of my family(cousins, aunts, ect) do. I majored in Child Developement in college and have learned other ways of discipline and how to avoid having to discipline. I've been a Pre School and Toddler teacher, now a stay at home mom of a 14 month old. When I taught I could keep 8 kids under control without having to spank one of them. I don't judge other who do spank I think there is better methods of discipline.
2006-09-02 16:57:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think it is the parents choice to spank or not.
I was spanked as a kid. Honestly, this is how it felt.
You were scared for like 3 seconds, pain for like a minute, then you totally forgot about what you did wrong and continued to do it again.
I do not believe spanking worked in my family, as me and my sister's never took it seriously.
But I also do not think Time-out works either, because most parents do not follow through with it.
2006-09-02 17:06:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I am white, I spank my kids sometimes. Every kid is different so I tend to use whatever will work with my kids. That means if grounding will work with one kid then I use it with that kid, if spanking works with another then I use it with them. Some kids do not respond to spankings and with them it is useless and you need to find another form of discipline that works for them.
2006-09-02 19:17:20
answer #9
answered by curls 4
People are not for hitting. What does a "good spanking done loveingly" look and feel like?
I think you need to go to school, maybe take a few classes in child development.
Spare the rod, spoil the child is old testament.
Study the new testament. Christ said, "some say, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I say turn the other cheek."
God bless you.
My kids, who have never once been reported for behavior issues at school, and who say "yes ma'am, yes sir, please and thank you" and are four sons who hold the door for their elders, have never been spanked. And, lo and behold, they also have confidence and feel comfortable talking to their parents about anything, and asking for our help. The oldest is twenty three.
Hey, people are not for hitting.
2006-09-02 15:18:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous