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Parenting - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

I have been breastfeeding my son almost exclusively for the last 7 months (he is only just beginning to show interest in solids this past week)... and I just started menstruating again. I was a little surprised as my son isn't really on solids yet (only about a tablespoon full of rice cereal a day) and I haven't decreased the number of times that I nurse him really. He feeds on demand and co-sleeps so he still does nurse once or twice at night.

I realize that women generally have their periods resume anywhere between 6-24 months (on average ~ sometimes earlier and sometimes later) but I am curious to know how long it took other women to begin menstruating when still breastfeeding (and not those who were supplementing with formula)? Thank you.

2006-09-05 09:30:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

We bought a Lightning McQueen (Disney's "Cars") stuffed toy on Sunday for my 4 yr old daughter and she fell in love with it. Took it all over the place Sunday.
On Monday, she forgot it at my parents' house at the Labor Day BBQ. When we got home, she was crying hysterically before going to bed that she "promised" Lightning she would never forget him anywhere. So i promised her i'd get it back for her by today.
So i got up at 4:30 this morning and drove to work, rather than take my train in. And i'm coming home a hero, i guess.
But am i a push-over? Should i have just waited for the weekend?

2006-09-05 09:15:58 · 18 answers · asked by JusticeManEsq 5

2006-09-05 08:39:24 · 9 answers · asked by oblivian08 1

Now an old friend of his came clean and told my parents that his Girl Friend at that time was pregnant and had a baby from him and never told anyone, the kick is we can not remember what her last name was. Who can help us track her?? in order to find this out??

2006-09-05 08:24:36 · 13 answers · asked by God[Z]By 2

what happens mentally and physically to both?

2006-09-05 08:17:32 · 16 answers · asked by Hyginus D 1

Thanks for the help, This was my first time using Yahoo..will give more detail next time.

2006-09-05 08:14:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-05 07:56:50 · 16 answers · asked by Mackenzie & Kaylee's Mom 2

I am 14 years old, and I have this boyfriend who is a senior and he's usually really nice. Recently he started pressuring me to do some stuff.he try's to get me to have sex, drink, and sometimes do drugs with him.The worst is when he asks for sex. If I say I'm not in the mood, he just keeps pushing it until I cave in. He's usually really gentle with me around people but when we are alone and I dont want to do something he can get violent. Ive tried to break up with him, but whenever I do that he kisses me and tries to make me happy. Sometimes he even will try for sex right on the spot, I guess so that he can make me happy and i will forget about breaking up.but i honestly dont want to do it.other times he will hit me and say we are gonna stay together.I really do want to break up with him, but im afraid he might hurt me. sometimes he even stays the night, when my parents arent home. i try to keep him out but he finds a way to get in.I have trouble talking to my mom(continue below)

2006-09-05 07:56:07 · 24 answers · asked by ... 1

I have 2 kids aged 7 and 5, I still dont allow my eldest to play outside of the garden on the street or go to the shops alone.
They are both in bed by 7.30-8pm on school nights, my friends tell me I need to give him more freedom and maybe give him a mobile phone so i dont worry when he is out alone, I disagree!!! he's too young!!! what do you think?

2006-09-05 07:53:52 · 56 answers · asked by Brunettebeauty 1


I have always "baby talked" to my son, who is now a year. I think he liked it and is now begining to speak words. Some say baby talk slows kids down, but I don't think so. Does anyone think otherwise?

2006-09-05 07:51:05 · 9 answers · asked by rachely1 3

There has been many studies of infertility of males using disposable diapers. It has not been a proven fact that it causes infertility. I have read on that subject.

Anyway my original post was not intended for everyone to go out and buy diapers and wear them. What I am saying is that there are alot of kids past the todler stage that wet the bed or pants and need protection. I did when I was a kid. I was put in diapers. Just because they have on a diaper doesnt mean they are a baby. Thats why they make diapers for adults. It will only humiliate a child for wearing diapers if you let it or you are the one making diaper/baby references. When I was put back in diapers, I was told that many kids wear them to protect them at nite and that they are not just for babies.

Diapers can be pulled off and on just like pull ups once applied. I did it as a kid. Like I said, pull ups are diapers, one uses tape tabs and one has elastic sides. My father in law works for Kimberly Clark and he says that the diapers and pullups are made with the same fluff, just that diapers are a little bit thicker and absorb more. To me it doesnt matter if its a "pull up" or a "diaper" they both serve the same purpose, its just that society has made a big deal out of kids past 3 in diapers.

And yes I have read where other cultures are diaperless or having kids potty trained at or before one year of age, but they do not have debt up to their eyebrows and have to have a two incomes in the household. Look at China, I have read articles where they have kids in diapers up to age 7. Like I said before, its a diaper not the plauge.

2006-09-05 07:14:45 · 7 answers · asked by xxxxxxxxxx 3

I have two daughters - Britney(age 6) and Alosinea(age 4).When I was a little girl,I was very thin.My parents fed me very well.But that was just my body type and it's still my body type.CPS took me 7 times when I was little just because I was too thin.I didn't know the laws but now I know the child mustn't be thin.Anyway my 2 daughters are just like me and I'm afraid some day they will be taken.How does it happen and what do CPS say and what do they do?

2006-09-05 07:00:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is seven years old. I was incarserated in prison when my girlfriend found out she was pregnant. I guess while I was in prison she got arrested for possesion/distributing illegal substances. Her parents took the custody of my son, but didn't adopt him. They now want to adopt him (she is still in prison and doesn't want him) My parents paid child support to her parents while I was in prison and since I've been out I've paid child support. Her parents still want to adopt...is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening? Shouldn't I get full custody of my child? I cannot afford a lawyer and I'm not sure what I shoud do? What steps should I be taking?

2006-09-05 06:56:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My significant other allowes her 15 yr old son to run around in his boxer shorts why his gf is here. They go to his bed room and he locks the door and they spend all there time there only to come out when they need to use the restroom or time for her to go home..? Are these modern times or should there not be any values set for children today?

2006-09-05 06:54:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 2 daughters one is 9 and the other 5 . My 9 year old has been constantly ignoring my rules . We live in a small town not many kids her age to play with . There is this one girl she always sneaks off and goes and plays with even thow I have repeatedly told her I don't want her to go there . This girl is 12-15 years old not sure of her actual age . But she is a little to old for my daughter to hang out with . Right ? Well the last 2 days she has told me that she was going to go play with another little girl that she is allowed to play with ( she takes her little sister with her ) . Then when I go to check on them they are at the other little girls house that they know they are not allowed . They use the excuse that there friend wasn't home . So they went to the other little girls house . They don't even come and tell me that there friend wasn't home . It isn't like they can't come home and play . They have bikes ,trampoline , dolls , gameboys , All kind of toys , What do I Do ???

2006-09-05 06:50:46 · 5 answers · asked by Butterfly 2

I came across a post from a woman who was complaining about the mix of races in her childs school. In addition there was a post about Brighter English speaking children being drug down by children who didnt speak English.
Actually it has nothing to do with parenting, I simply had a hunch that by being in the "parenting" section it would acquire more than a passing glance. I am an American, for what its worth and speak, I suppose what is considered "American English".
It just seemed to me that this woman who worried over the nationalities that her child would come into contact with, and the woman who worried about the neglect she assumed that would befall children who spoke English that are obviously "brighter" students.
I speak and write quite well, although I have no High School nor College education, and have only one year to my education in Jr High School aka Middle School; 7th grade to be exact, and that is the extent of my education. Amazing that people can show such ignorance.

2006-09-05 06:48:25 · 14 answers · asked by Shalamar Rue 4

I have four children. They are four, six, seven, and fifteen. I have no clue what to do anymore. I have a job making fourteen dollars an hour and work a lot of over time. Since I got my raise I no longer qualify for Medicad or food stamps. My kids NEED insurance. I don’t know what to do anymore. Before I was able to get help but now it seems the more money I make the harder it gets. I need help getting on my feet but it seems like there is no help out there. Anyone with advice of where to go for help or with experience please answer. I really appreciate all the help. Thank You!

2006-09-05 06:29:10 · 16 answers · asked by Karma Lucille 1

2006-09-05 06:01:51 · 9 answers · asked by http://hogshead.pokerknave.com/ 6

I have seen a few posts on here where people assume that because they speak English, they are by far superior to those that do not.
With the Norman invasion, English became a third language in its own country, behind French and Latin. In late medieval England, English quietly ousted French in law and government, but the move to make it God's language meant bloodshed. English is classified genetically as a Low West Germanic language of the Indo-European family of languages.
Old English (449 - 1066 CE). The Old English language (also called Anglo-Saxon) dates back to 449 CE. The Celts had been living in England when the Romans invaded. Although they invaded twice, they did not conquer the Celts until 43 CE and Latin never overtook the Celtic language. The period of Middle English begins with the Norman invasion of 1066 CE. The United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have English as an official language. Knowing this, why assume you are superior to those who dont?

2006-09-05 05:45:19 · 27 answers · asked by Shalamar Rue 4

I have a part time nanny and I am struggling with what to do when she is here. I don't want to leave her alone with the kids yet. I run a business from home.
I can't decide if I should work out, take a shower, clean, let her clean and I watch the kids...etc.? She only works 4-6 hours a day. It seems like there are so many things I could do, I don't know where to begin or how to organize my new found time!

2006-09-05 05:41:08 · 11 answers · asked by Alicia H 1

We seperated 8 yrs ago, and I've remarried. When my daughter was almost 3 she called her step father dad, and still does. Her bi-father wasn't in her life as a toddler because he had to serve time. He was really angry that she called her step-dad daddy, but she calls her real dad daddy also. He has many fiances since then, but now has gotton married. She seems nice, but what is exceptable as her being a step mom? She's already called once to make plans for them to get 'our' daughter when they were dating, and I said he could come and get her. I predict that she'll try to step in where she doesn't belong. My husband stays out of my conversations with my ex when it involves 'our' daughter. What would you do in this situation?

2006-09-05 04:43:46 · 12 answers · asked by sweet southern charm 3

My mother was drunk at our labor day bbq, and after I said goodbye to friends and family, my mother cornered me in the kitchen to hug me and give me a goodbye kiss. When I kissed her, she held my head and tried to put her tongue in my mouth. I ran out embarrased, and I have no idea what to do.

2006-09-05 04:42:36 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

And when my daughter came home she saw us having sex and went to her room for a little while the her mom was done having sex and walked up the steps and saw her having sex wit the tollit and no i dont no if i shalll let here do that

2006-09-05 04:29:25 · 11 answers · asked by Rachel G 1

Why do you always hear " Oh she's a bad mother" because she spends too much time at work, or doing stuff that a woman likes to do away from the kids sometimes, but a father when he spends a lot of time at work, with his buddies, or doing hobbies, he's never really called " a bad father." Explain.

Furthermore, why is the woman that must choose between career and child? Why isn't it ever the father? Why isn't a father critisized because he choses to have a full time career, but a woman isn't? Isn't a woman just as equal a parent as a man? It's not as if one made a baby and the other didn't

I'm confused.

2006-09-05 04:19:12 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

and i was surprise to see how many foreign mums, mainly muslims with gangs of kids. These women had 3 school age kids one toddler, one baby in a pram and pregnant. This is an inner city school (North west UK) and accepts multiple cultures etc, but my problem is because these kids hardly speak english are english speaking kids going to suffer and are these people flooding the education system?

2006-09-05 02:12:39 · 11 answers · asked by EMA 5

Do they really work? Do they take up to much space that they are worth?

2006-09-05 02:09:13 · 19 answers · asked by BOOTS! 6

Not sure what I want to ask. I have 2 siblings and really enjoyed having them growing up. I only have 1 child right now...he's 3. I really don't know if I want more children or not at this point. How does an only child feel? Will he ever be lonely? If I decide on more kids.....they will at least be over 4 yrs apart....sooooo.....is it best to have more than 1 child so siblings can interact and have one another....but if you have them too far apart, they won't have much in common, anyway, right?

2006-09-05 01:20:34 · 22 answers · asked by caramelqueen 3

I have two beautiful young children whom I adore and I want to protect.I try not to be over protective. I teach them about protecting themselves and I work at building their self-esteem.I'm tired of worrying all the time but the News is constantly filled with cases of crimes against kids..it makes me sick.I'm especially wary of the internet so I usually play it safe.
Is there anyone out there who feels the same way I do?
I'm a very spiritual and sensitive person so no sarcastic remarks please.

2006-09-05 00:22:01 · 15 answers · asked by Ceri 2

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