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Family - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

No offense, but I think single mothers who work full time, and raise their kids alone work much harder....I created another thread about stay at home moms and they said "their job is the hardest.'

Yeah right, try being a brain surgeon or a lawyer who works 80 hour weeks WHILE being a parent.

Honestly, how can you say it's the hardest job ever....try being a surgeon and a mother. Try going to graduate school and getting a PhD, MD or JD while being a parent.

2007-09-30 23:28:12 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mum will turn 50 next year and is still working at a restaurant in another town. Parents divorced when I was a baby and I was raised by my grandma and dad. Mum left to marry another man.We occasionally met. We (me and siblings) had bad experience with mum in the past. Let's say that she didn't care at all about our progress, education improvement, etc.. but after learning about mum (her mum also abandoned her and she didn't finish high school), I can't put the blame fully on her. I'm thinking of renting a small place for her and help her setting up a small shop (more like a newsagent on the street). However, all cousins call me stupid and so do my siblings. She has a 15 yr old son from her husband who passed away 3 yrs ago (heart attack). So...is this too much? My brother said I'd better put the money for my future first (buy a car, I still go by bus/taxi).

2007-09-30 22:51:28 · 14 answers · asked by Ananya 2

I live with my parents, as does my brother. Many months ago my brother asked if his fiancé could live with us for a time while he and she prepared to get a place of their own. I thought this was fine, as did my parents; however it's been about 8+ months and they've made no motions for the door and she hasn't had a job the whole time! I wouldn't be particularly bothered by this is she wasn't such an offensive creature to be about. She's vulgar, no good for my brother, a rotten add on to our family dynamic, and having her around lowers the quality of my life. Both my parents are EXTREMELY avoidant and don't want to deal with the situation... They also like having my brother and me around. She needs to leave. Now. Any ideas?

2007-09-30 22:48:46 · 14 answers · asked by Dan D. 1

Going out getting pissed with boys when I say im "staying at a mates"..smoking weed..doing STUFF with boys..almost getting arrested by the police..sneaking out the house.

She had NO RIGHT reading it, but I can understand that she would be mad at me for doing what I did. She said that Im not allowed to sleep at anyones house ever again but how long do you think it will last? One I got caught shop lifting and we sorted it by the next day. And once I ran away and my parents said I was grounded for 3 months..but I went out the weekend after..

By reading this what do you think??

2007-09-30 22:35:37 · 44 answers · asked by Yorkshire Gurlie ♥ 3

My mother's birthday is on October the 8th...
I'm 13 years old. What's the best gift for my mother if I'm 13 years old? I mean...The gift isn't too fancy...

2007-09-30 22:18:49 · 17 answers · asked by TM™ 3

Based on true story:

Girl meets guy on the internet, not on a sleazy love dating site or anything, but in a chatroom where both were in there to "p*ss" people off. She is 14. He is 20.

They talk to each other more and more for 2 years. Her mother doesn't know ANYTHING about it. ONce she does find out, she's angry and bans the net. Yet the daughter persuades her to let her talk to the guy still. They talk for 1 more year. Then the mother decides to let the daughter meet the guy, at her house in front of her though.

They meet, then in a few months the daughter flies to his house in another state. Pretty soon the years pass. Daughter goes off to college in another state. The guy moves to another state and is now working full-time. The two are still together. She is 21. He is now 26.

She's finishing college this year and starting graduate school next year. He's just proposed to get married to her and will move with her after she graduates college....

2007-09-30 21:53:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My father grew up an only child, his older brother died when he was only 4 years old, his brother was 6 when he died. He died from Bulbar Polio(Poliomyelitis), it was a year or 2 before the Polio vaccine was invented. Me & my father are very close, I love him so much, he didn't know his brother that much because he was only 4 years old when he passed away, he never got the chance to grow up with him. I cry at night & sometimes when I'm spending time with my father, because it's sad thinking about my father & his parents(my grandparents) mourning him, especially my dad being 4 years old at the time. I've never visited his grave before because my father & his family grew up in another state, but I'm planning on visiting his gravesite sometime soon, I want to because I want to show my father I love him & his side of the family so much, I know my Uncle would have made a great brother for my father, it makes me cry because my uncle was only 6 years old, innocent, defenseless, it's just sad.

2007-09-30 21:51:16 · 7 answers · asked by introvertedguy06 6

I had a fight with the in laws,but made up with mum/dad.My sister in law is coming to town for a festival this weekend,so were gonna bump into each other,how should I treat her?
What should I do?
She almost caused my husband and me to divorce.
Shes very jealous of the great relationship I had with her mother and started telling lies about and to me.
She also caused my husband to lose one of his biggest clients and I dont like her much.
She hasnt appologised,although she told my mother in law that she did...

2007-09-30 21:30:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know. The ones that I've met are just really annoying: they are for one, very easily offended if you say something bad about anything related to their kids (ie, the kids high school is bad); they seem to have NO independent life whatsoever; and they are lazy and just really annoying.

My own mother was a SINGLE mother who worked FULL time and right now she's still working full time. (I'm currently living away at university). I really respect her full that. She also bought her own house on her own salary.

I think stay at home moms are just really annoying..what do you think?

2007-09-30 21:08:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


how many men out there work long hours (ie more than 50 hours a week)and still spend time with their kids or do diy? would like to know as my partner wont move of settee when he is home and as for diy.. no chance, i am a stay at home mum i look after our daughter and his son when he is here but am i wrong for asking my boyfriend just to spent time with his children??

2007-09-30 20:35:11 · 20 answers · asked by caitlyns_ mummy 2

Well my dads pretty awesome! were pretty close and i tell him everything. But him and i were having a talk about boys ect. and we were talking about my ex and what a jerk he was.
my dad was like
"well i dont understand why you kept going out w/ him, you can have any guy you want ect"
Then he went on to say that my ex might have been attrative but he was a jerk on the inside. And he told me that you dont need to be attractive its your personality that matters. He said
"look at me and really ugly and scary looking. But when i was dating when i was younger i went out w/ ome very attractive women, so pretty they could have been modles, but they had no personalitly so it didnt last long"
he said "it dosent matter how you look, its whats on the inside"
i understand him message but was he implying im not pretty? i feel kinda bad now...

2007-09-30 20:04:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently married a wonderful 27 year old youth pastor. I am 22 years old. My parents, however, don't like my husband. They actually wanted me to finish college before getting married. Since the day we got engaged, they refused to have any contact with me unless I called off the wedding. They also have not allowed me any contact with my two minor siblings. I am working part time, faithfully attending church, activley involved in my church youth group, and go to school part time at a community college. I am not a bad person. Neither is my husband.

Should I pursue legal action in getting visitation rights with my siblings or should I just deal with the consequenses of marrying against my parents wishes? Should I wait till my siblings turn 18 to see them again? My parents aren't just in punishing me by not allowing me to see my younger siblings! I miss my them very much, and from what I've heard, they miss too. What should I do?

2007-09-30 18:14:48 · 11 answers · asked by Athena 1

Heres the situation: I recently turned 18 and got a small playboy bunny tattoo (actually just the outline, it isnt filled in) on my hip/ bikini line/ whatever right above my jeans. it looks so cute because i also have my belly botton pierced...but the catch is that my parents are extreme christian psychopaths. i dont know how to tell them and i know that they will freak out if i tell them. dont get me wrong, i am a christian too but i believe you can express yourself any way you like. i know that they will find out eventually when im in a bikini or whatever but i dont know how to calmly tell them. (after i got it, i just briefly asked them about getting a tattoo and they both laughed and said they would put me in rahab and see a psychologist if i got one...then i got a lecture and they obviously said no) - i also have another problem, see, this week i want to get a portrait tattoo on my upper back of my cousin who passed away along with a bible verse...should i tell them or just do it?

2007-09-30 18:02:06 · 22 answers · asked by BRASiL 01 5

My mother lives in so cal and I live in nor cal I am her only child and she is not married right now she is in the hospital having emergency surgery because one of her lungs collapsed. Now she has Muscular dystrophy so bad that she can't get out of bed yet she smokes pot and cigarettes. The people that take care of her are allowing that. Which is the reason I need to intervene. She is my only mother and I am her only daughter. We didn't always have the best of relationships but its good now. How can I save her before its too late?!?!?!

2007-09-30 16:09:44 · 4 answers · asked by Amber M 1

I have a 30 yr old son that has turned against me ever since he married his wife. Now they choose to keep my grand kids away from me. My grand kids love me very much and want to see me. I divorced his father because of infidelity and other issues. My daughter in law keeps fixing my X up with women and shuts me out of their lives. She insists on constantly doing everything with her family and her friends. He doesn't do anything with any of his family. She has even broke my 2 sons apart. Recently my Mother passed away from a lenghty battle of cancer. My grand kids did not even really know her. My son and daughter in law never took the kids to see my Mom. After my Mom passed then they put on a big show. Now I am going through the same thing with my Dad. At this point in my life I am ready to just move away so as that my grand kids don't beg to see me and get in trouble. I can honestly say that I hate my son and his wife. I wish I never had him. He has been a huge dissapointment to me.

2007-09-30 16:01:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and my mom is taking my dad to court, it says for 1 child its 17% out his check. he gets paid $23 an hour,works 5 days a week for 8 hours a day i did the math and it came out to like 600 a month but for the last 3 years, he has been only paying 200 a month only cause it was dont threw divorce papers. but we are going so the court can increase the payments. but he had miss two paying in february and in march to punish me because he said(which i didnt)rolled my eyes at him. my question is will they make him pay it? would it be right away? and do you think i will get at least 500 a month ?
my dad make at least $20,000 more then my mom and she only gets paid $9 an hour . tell me what you think.

2007-09-30 15:48:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okaii, i have a little brother whos 13, and a cousin whos 15, im 14. When i walked into my brothers room yesterday to get his washing, his computer was on, i was gonna turn it off until this chat message came up:
Hey cam watcha doing
nothing lacey what you doing
wanting to have s*e*x with you
okaii hold on come over

Lacey's my cousin name and cam's my lil brothers name, so i looked into the spare bedroom and i saw it, they were having it. Im really freaked out and dont know what to do, they didn't know i saw them. And i dont think that this is the first time either. :S

Please Help

2007-09-30 15:35:28 · 11 answers · asked by ily BOOM. 3

8 yrs ago my stepfather would walk in on me in the shower, show porns on tv, etc.. my mother is a social worker and when i told her she left him,they have a daughter together who is now 12, no charges were filed bc not enough evidence so she says, i think she wanted the whole thing to just end and not go any more into it..denial i guess although she did leave him..My question is, even though nothing happened to him, now that my little sister is 12 I am worried he will do the same thing to her...Is there anything I can do now??I obviously dont have any evidence with it being 8 yrs ago, but I just wish I could do something now incase he would do this to someone else, they would already have a complaint.I dont think I could live with myself if he did this again and got away with it and I didnt do anything.. I dont know I am confused.

2007-09-30 15:32:03 · 8 answers · asked by missy 1

what should i do to help from crying in front of him because it hurts me ever more when he says that to me because i have noone else but him and my 3 kids.

2007-09-30 15:30:30 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

and i think my sisters will get me shaving stuff for my 16th birthday but what should i say, that i dont shave or just say i have once or twice or what, i feel embarrassed, my mum doesnt know nor does my dad, advice please

2007-09-30 15:24:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i like this boy hes 18 and im 13 and i have a older sister and my sister has been friend with him for along time and when i was little he would always play with me and if i was feeling bad he would chear me up . just last year i was outside and he was talking to his friend and one of them said if some body hurt lindsey i would jump him and then the boy i like he said he would kill him if he hurt me . i really like him and lately i keep seeing his name every were and its driving me crazy .

2007-09-30 15:09:51 · 4 answers · asked by b j 1

I think i'm being sexually abused by my brother and i'm tired of it. He makes rude nasty remarks that i do not appreciate. HELP!

2007-09-30 15:01:38 · 8 answers · asked by Riley K 1

ok so here wats up im 15 and ive never had a bf and thats stressful and my parents have been divorced for 5 years & they bothare in deeeeeep financial trouble. (basically ive got more money then both of them together... no lie) they are both unemployed. my dad is a drunk and he has been sober for 3 months but he cant find work and hes depressed and i think hes going down the wrong road again. he does crack too and it scares me. my mom sleeps till 3:00 everyday and she is not motivated to work so i dont know how she will hold on to her house. my dad has tried to commit suicide more than once and pays prostitutes for sex all the time. my parents both dont have the money to send me or my sister to collage.. i get pretty good grades but i dont think its enough. it just scares me about where im going to be in 5-10 years. im just scared. advise anyone??

2007-09-30 14:56:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I find that the hardest job in the world is being a parent. I love my daughter, but never know if I am doing enough.

She lived with her father from age 10 to 15 and is now living with me. I feel sad because I live in another state and she had to leave her friends, etc.

I have put her in ACT review classes and just enrolled her in a tennis class. I have also looked into jewelry making and cake decorating classes because she expressed an interest in them.

I want the best for her. Yet, I feel that pressure . from my ex-husband. I keep deleting the messages that he leaves me because they are ususally abusive and mean.

If she expresses any sadness or unhappiness, he gets upset with me. Also, if she does not get a good grade, I know that he will get upset with me. I am trying to help her as much as possible.

Its a very difficult job being a single parent, but I am trying my best.....Does anyone have any tips?

2007-09-30 14:36:19 · 9 answers · asked by Stareyes 5

I feel so bad sometimes.

When I was five, she took me and my friend to the mall. Two teens started fighting, so she ran away to the parking lot leaving me and my friend standing there.

When I was in HS, she refused to come to my graduation because she said her poodle couldn't be left alone for more than 10 minutes at a time (ceremony was an hour and a half).

When I graduated from college, she again refused to come to my graduation because she said "No one wanted her there" (not true).

I'm not trying to throw a pity party, I just don't understand why she treats me like this and how she doesn't feel bad about it. She even tells my father, "Tell Linn her Grandma still thinks about her and loves her"

2007-09-30 14:07:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband has a daughter who is 8, well she is not even his kid. When he was preiviously married to this woman, she and he raised his then wife's cousin's daughter and told her that they were her parents. Well my husband is no longer with that woman obiviously, and the girl who is eight lives with her real mom. Well my husband told me that whenever the girl stays over he always kisses her bye on the lips. Does anyone else think that is weird?

2007-09-30 13:49:14 · 23 answers · asked by sweet_16_45356 1

What should I say?
I would like to consider a Female single sex college such as Smith, but I don't know how to tell my dad. Every time I bring up the subject he asks "Why would you want to go there?" Then he tries to be all jokey and say, "Are you trying to tell us you're lesbian?" I am not, I want to go because of the leadership oppurtunities and the academics but he won't listen. But mostly because I need to find myself and I want a place to do that. If anybody could help that would be great.

2007-09-30 12:55:05 · 4 answers · asked by lexusright 1

He tried to start a figth with his best friend for no reason. I tried to stop it. In the process my husband pushed me down and then later threw me on top of a car. I have cuts and bruises but nothing major.

would you consider this abusive if he's never hit me before (we've only been married less than 1 year)? He wasn't very regretful even after he saw the damage to my arm because he says he doesn't remember the situation.

What do you think of this???

2007-09-30 12:38:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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