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Family - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

My wife works and she is workaholic. She had miscarriage for 3 times because of work. Finally blessed with baby girl, I wanted her to take care of the kid and enjoy at home. I have hired a care taker, cook, maid etc. She wants to continue work. She does not tell me reason why she need to go for work, upon insisting she said she need to work for financial stability, That was not problem for us. Then she said she need friends I said for that reason she need not spend long hours in office. She likes work and she enjoys it. She wants to send my daughter to my in-laws place which I don’t like because we need time to spend time with our daughter. We are having difference of opinion. I focus on personal relation and happiness, she focuses on work. How do I convince her?

2007-09-27 02:46:47 · 11 answers · asked by Friend 1

how do i get this guy back that i practly love when my dads like dont talk to him, ur not aloud to see him when hes 19 and now im 17 my dad says i'll press charges and stuff i start cryin because i couldnt stand bein apart from him....i wanna be with him but as long im at home that wont happen! wat do i do if i really like him and my dad doesnt approve of my actions because its not that hes always lookin out 4 me he has temper probs and likes bein a boss

2007-09-27 02:32:34 · 1 answers · asked by smallz 1

2007-09-27 02:21:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

...you see I'm very quiet person with others but not with my family.

With my family I argue I raise my voice etc.

now if someone asks me if I'm nervous person than what should I tell?

thank you in advance.

2007-09-27 02:05:00 · 6 answers · asked by Aquamarine 5

I have a dilemma. First, I'm 3 months pregnant with our first child, which is awesome. Second, we are in over our heads with mortgage, credit card, car, etc. bills. It's taking us forever to catch up and I'm worried about our future. We both make decent money. (household income is ~85 g/year) But we live above our means. My parents have a very nice, 5 bedroom house, which only them two share. They offered to help us out with our finances by us moving in with them for a couple of years. We will have to pay rent though which is fine. The thing is, we have to decide soon if this is what we want to do. They are thinking about moving to a small condiminium if we don't take their offer so they need to know so they know whether to put their house on the market. My husband is all for the idea. I'm just afraid that we will never grow up if my parents continue to rescue us all the time. Has anyone faced this before? If so, how did it pan out?

2007-09-27 01:53:18 · 20 answers · asked by emmy 4

I need to kill time before i move to Mississippi but I can't go anywhere. My dad says for me and my brother to stay inside. We don't really go anywhere when he gets home from work and I really want these 2 months and like 18 days to go by fast so if you have any ideas on how to kill the time please help me.

2007-09-27 01:52:45 · 4 answers · asked by Das_Jennster 2

and grew up with him and his brother who is now my husband. When *Gary* (b-in-l) was in high school he started working at a local restaurant after school that was suspected of letting employees do drugs after their shift was over. I thought it was a joke until Gary started working there. Well, he didn't have a lot of friends then and I feel that maybe he got into this drug doing crowd out of convenience (because he was there) and for acceptance. Now, three years later he has been arrested once, spent a week in jail, is on probation and just the other day was involved in another incident (all drug related). His home was raided and he now has a court date being charged with a 4th degree felony poss. charge. I assume he is going to jail. 2 Questions: 1) Do I keep ignoring what he is doing and love him unconditionally as I have? 2) Is there ANYTHING my hubby or I could do for him to stop this habit. I don't know how much more I can watch. It makes me so sad! :( Any advice?

2007-09-27 01:47:08 · 5 answers · asked by *Almost ready* 5

I AM AN OLDEST SISTER TO FOUR YOUNGER SIBLINGS. My sister Ashley has 3 children now. Two she gave to their dad due to her being homeless and not having anyway to support them(that in itself causes me great pain to think she didn't try everything first to keep them) Then she had another child that she is allowing drugs to be used around. (MARAJUANA). I told her not to ever let me find out about it again.

WELL TO MAKE THE STORY SHORT AND SWEET, I HAVE HAD IT. For 4+ years I have done everything I could to help her. I have offered her a home when she was homeless and even before that when she was in a Domesticly Violent relationship with her husband. BUT MY HOME WAS NOT "NICE ENOUGH" My home does need lots of work but it should not have been her reason for not taking free help when she could have really used it. I have babysat for her and never gotten even a thank you. I have paid her rent before and many other things!

2007-09-27 01:26:09 · 12 answers · asked by onelittleangelsittingonmyknee 3

she got my father, they got a new and big house, they got posh cars and yet, we, the legal family is suffering. we are living in an old house that when heavy rain pours filled with floods inside and out. the woods are infected with termites... why is he doing this to us?

2007-09-27 01:17:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have the money i am a a poetry ambassador for america i get minimum of £4000 a month......i jusr wanted to know if i need my mother permission...i am one of 7 kids on my mums side im not the only one and i do to much work im my life u wanna know more ask k xx

2007-09-27 00:52:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 17 year old son got into some legal trouble last spring. Serious but not enough to land him in jail or juvie, just enough to warrent restitution and community service. He recently skipped a day of school and drove across the state to see his g/f who just started college. I grounded him for that. In turn he hopped into his car and stayed with his dad who will NEVER ground him for anything. His father has always given him whatever he wants. I am always the "punisher". My son and I had an argument on the phone the other day about his behavior. It got bad, he said I was being ridiculous and hung up on me. I figured I would give him a day or two to cool down. Yesterday, while I was at work, he came home and gathered up his stuff and offically moved in with his dad. I have sole custody but my son is almost 18. He wont return my calls so I have stopped calling. He tells his sister he left "for a little while". Am I right to let him make his own mistakes or should I keep trying?

2007-09-27 00:45:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

All I want is to be friends with my brother but he doesnt sees that.We both have same friends but he thinks Im always followng him while IM NOT!My psychological problems are like never ending.Is there a STOP to whole teen problems?I hope college life's different than highschool.

2007-09-27 00:36:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, well I stayed home from high school today against her will... She IS a psycho. She will just scream and scream and then cry and try to act like the victim and scream some more... then she'll throw stuff at me and kick me and tell me to go to 'daddy'... my father would beat me when I was younger and do horrible stuff to me and for her to say that, especially since today is his birthday, to me is wrong... what can I do to tell her why I stayed home today and why I can't stand her... I have no one to talk to or anything.... So your advice will be taken seriously,

2007-09-27 00:23:17 · 6 answers · asked by ohmygoditsanne 1

how do i tell my family to stop treatin me like a five year old! im 18 years old and the treat me like im a child. my sister constantly gives me attitude but if even give a hint of attitude my mum gets on at me for it but she lets my sisters away with murder. my sister is seven years older than me with a child of three how do i tell them to treat me like an adult someone help please its really upsetting me thanx xx

2007-09-27 00:15:22 · 5 answers · asked by Halloween Child !!! 2

I have a 16 year old daughter who acts as if she hates me. As she is my only child I feel it terribly. I ask her how her day was, she sighs as if bored and answers me in monosyllables, I ask her to unload the dishwasher, she ignores me, I ask her to put her dirty laundry in the hamper so I can wash it, it doesn't happen, I'm not allowed to go into her room. I come home after work and the house is a mess with dishes everywhere. I work 6 days a week to provide us a lovely home and no I dont say this to her but I am fast reaching my wits end. How do I get her to realise she has to help-at least clean up her own mess? It's putting immense pressure on our relationship. I ask for some of her time to do something together on Sundays and am told sorry it's the weekend! She asks for money that she will pay back and never does. What's going on? SHould we seek some counselling? Help!

2007-09-26 23:59:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, well me and my mom had a fight... I had nothing but dirty laundry to wear today and some hideous walmart clothes that even I, didn't pick out. Shes a 'bus driver' and she has 4 pure bred bull terrriers that SHE imported despite our scant christmas and birthdays.... we have to live in a shack that is practically destroyed by her dumb dogs.... She is a divorced 'single' working parent, but even then, she got 10000 over the summer plus 1000+ twice a month... not only that but her 'busdriving' rakes in about 200 a week. How can that bitc h do that? She expects me to wear her hideous walmart clothes for school and I won't. I get very good grades and I'm in all honors classes... I expect highly of myself and walmart clothes don't cut it for me. I'll be self conscience all day... how am I supposed to consentrate like that? Any help would be appreciated... she also refuses to get a better job because she likes the 'freedom'.... Jobs aren't supposed to be enjoyable...

2007-09-26 23:42:11 · 12 answers · asked by ohmygoditsanne 1

I have several brother in laws and sister in laws. Everytime they invite us over for dinner or something they always tell us to bring all our kids. Well when we dont bring our daughter they get mad and go tell their dad and then he calls us and yells at us. It's like they think they own our kids and have the right to tell us what to do. They always get mad and jealous when our kids spend time with my parents. They think they should be the only ones they spend time with. Do you think this is messed up or is it just me???

2007-09-26 23:19:25 · 7 answers · asked by jennifer_currey2000 2

I am 19 and live in a joint family with my uncles. Last week, my cousin (15) and I went for our weekly swim in our neighbouring pool.

I have 36 C breasts and was wearing a two piece bikini which is quite decent. During the swim, I suddenly noticed that my cousin was looking at my breasts in a funny way.
My nipples were erect (due to the cold water) and thats what he was checking out... and as I looked down at his briefs - he had an raging erection. It was making a funny tent in his briefs...!

I tried to cover myself & look away and I could see that he was trying to sheild his condition with his hand....but since then I feel wierd talking to him.

Did he have that because he was looking at me in that way?
How should I punish him?
Is it right for him to look at my breasts?
Is he a perv or are all boys as bad?
What should I do? Should I tell his parents?
Should I continue to go swimming with him in future?

2007-09-26 22:27:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi, my name is cameron so you all know i was just wondering if someone could either give me a website for the laws in michagan or tell me how old you have to be to move out please do not answer if your are not sure i need the correct age thanks.

2007-09-26 19:54:59 · 2 answers · asked by elprede 1


is this good /

2007-09-26 19:33:48 · 6 answers · asked by Rimi 2

i have 18month old girl, she is my angel.
my new ,man of 3 months told me that he doesnt know what to do, because no matter how hard he tries, she will never be his daughter.

what are your opinions, experiences ect. about step parenting.

i understand that it is hard for him- but it is also hard for us girls too.

he wants to fall in love with 'me' as a person, not as a mum or whatever.

i am confused as to how he is feeling..

i do love him, but havent told him.. everytime i go to, he does something that makes me back away.


i know he wont replace my girls dad, but he doesnt think he will get any respect or enough love like a 'real' dad does...

2007-09-26 18:52:04 · 7 answers · asked by Queen-Bee 2

has anyone ever moved because they just hated their old life and their old friends and just wanted to start a new life???

im 16

was it a good decision??
are you glad you did it?
is your new life better than your old one??

2007-09-26 17:31:35 · 9 answers · asked by abercrombie<3 1

im almost 21 years old, married and have a 6 month old baby boy. i just got layed off from my job today and next week is my last week at work-i have no idea what im going to do for a job if i should even get another one right away. my husband is in the military but his orders end of friday and starting on monday he will be starting a construction job. of course money is a really important and quite stressful thing in anyones life and this is one that that affects us most. we are a low income family as it is and if i dont work (and when i did i wasnt make that much money anyways) i dont know if it would affect our current money situation. i have pros and cons of being a stay at home mother. my pros are that i dont have to wake my baby up so early to take him to my moms house so she can watch him, i can get more stuff done around our house, spend more time with him-etc-but the cons are not making money for income to help out and i would just be sitting home all day. any suggestions!

2007-09-26 17:26:49 · 15 answers · asked by ? 5

My daughter was raised with affection and material things in early life. Always getting a 4pt gpa, she cut classes & dropped out of high school with only two credits needed to grad in her jr yr (got diploma at community college). She moved away as soon as she graduated to my relief. Since then, has had more than 10 jobs. Has moved in and out of relationships, bought a home (& lost a home). Has moved 9 times in three years, always a step down. Now she needs to move again. She is asking to move back home for several reasons. She now wants to go to college. She wants to quit her part time job, buy a horse (puhleeze), is in debt more than 10k and can't pass credit check & wants to file bankruptcy. I'm divorced & reunited with her father, and their relationship is strained. Oh.. also, she has 2dogs & cat, won't part with. She doesn't share my values. I was raised that we always help family, but maybe she needs to learn the hard lesson. I have to live with myself tho, and need advice

2007-09-26 17:24:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

ns we both just started working and iam 19 and she is 21 any help please , We live in Md

2007-09-26 16:54:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need help!!
my mom wants me to live her In England i really want to its just that its hard for me to leave my dad. my mom wants me to try it for 6 months and if i dont like it i can go back. i love england and i love california.
i love my dad but i love my mom. i want to go but i dont want my dad to be sad :(
i would go on visit him if i lived in england. i am so lost i dont know what to do. also i just started cheer and we have compitions and i cant bail till after. but i dont think i am going to stay for the whole year i think i going to move to england in march. am i being to hard on my dad? i kinda feel like i am ditching my dad to go to England. will i be doing the right thing if i do move?

2007-09-26 16:20:25 · 2 answers · asked by lexy 1

i told her i would never talk to her again..my mother in law knew the pain his affair caused me but she invited the woman to dinner knowing it..

2007-09-26 16:10:43 · 33 answers · asked by glitsyjewels 3

My heart is hurting as I type, My 20 year old daughter and I just got into a physical fist fight along with some really hurtful words. I feel sick to my stomach because of this. What happen was recently my mother her grandmother passed. at first I let her and my 19 year old son live in her house , the destroyed it. Didn't pay any ulities. Made a BIG MESS, so i put them out. My daughter went to a hotel. Where she has been for the past 5 months. So I asked if she now wanted to move back in. She said yes but she asked was the house pay for and if so she felt she shouldn't have to pay rent. I said she would only 525 a month for a 3 bd 11/2 bth. she got upset. stated i just wanted her money, not true only trying to teach her responsiblity.Make a long story short she got loud, crused , then swung. what ever the reason. I feel I am HER MOTHER and outside in public, cursing then to swing on me. I have tried to make this bonding work, but it never does, I am tired I feel defeated.

2007-09-26 15:42:31 · 7 answers · asked by wizzdom16 2

ok so on friday its the homecoming dance i asked my mom but she said i need permision from my dad, last week he said no, but i really want to go do you have any suggestions?

2007-09-26 15:31:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

tell the quick version of your story--were u adopted, conceived after years of trying, etc.

2007-09-26 15:30:37 · 2 answers · asked by Hot Lips 4077 5

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