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Family - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

If you love foot massages....have you ever asked your brother to give you a foot massage? If so did you love it and are you getting foot massages from him still?

2007-05-31 23:38:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi well i dont know where to start, i guess i'm juts having a really bad day, i am studying at college and i live at home with my parents, i'm a 29yr old Male i do have a big family but they all live out of home, i would move out but worry for my mum since my father the prick is living another live and doesnt give a **** about her but when he gets home yells and abuses her, this crap has gone on for a long time ,but i'm there for her,
Last night i was up on the computer , today i slept most of the day aways because i was tierd,and my parentys had a fight not becase i was sleeping but because my father is an asshole, he's this type of father that wants you to do everything because he said so and if you dont he's going to have a go at you, the fuckers got no feelings, i hate him and wish he would just die, he was never around when i was a kid and still aint but that between my parents not me.
...please check next post......>

2007-05-31 22:36:46 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

at the slighest provocation, she tells the whole world everything i say to her in confidence. i love her as a sister but she sees me as a threat

2007-05-31 19:45:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

there isn't much to do in our town and the next city is about 2 hours drive so we can not go veryday , what things i can do to make them get out of the boring routine ?

2007-05-31 18:33:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

failing school and getting into trouble. need info on state funded schools or academys who help troubled teens. he hates everyone and everything. takes no responsibilities for his actions. he blames everyone else. hes been caught steeling and lying. grounding does no good. we are a very worried family and need help to get him on the right track to life. weve told him were going to send him to military school to straighten him out, but he doesnt care. he now wants to go so he can get away from us. he thinks it will be great to get away from us. some schools or academys ive looked into are expensive. 40,oooo dollars. thats why im looking for federally or state funded places for troubled teens. thanks for your help

2007-05-31 18:18:55 · 20 answers · asked by jan f 1

My 16 year old wants to stay out later than what I want her too, at friends house.

2007-05-31 18:14:49 · 36 answers · asked by me 2

I'm not sure if this is just me being over sensitive or my family are just jerks or what, but I'm not sure, so I'll ask you guys.

Ok, so my family totally ignores me unless they're screaming at me to do my homework, get to bed, or, their favorite "CLEAN UP YOU MESS!" My brother and I get in fights where HE starts it, and after I hit him and he hits me back, my mother punches me too! They ignore me, they don't care that I've got a horrible hacking cough, and they haven't shown me any sort of affection since....I can't even remember. I'm getting fed up.

So, what would you say this is? Them just being jerks, me being over sensitive, or what?

2007-05-31 17:12:58 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a friend that was my former college teacher... we talk alot on email since the class has been over and today we met for lunch. We aren't good friends yet but it would be nice to really get to know her. (we are both female be the way). Like when she saw me she greeted me with a hug and said "Hey, Girly!" I wa just wondering if this means she sees me as a good friend like I see her as. Like in a way where she wants to get to know me more and hang out and all... What do you think?

2007-05-31 16:54:29 · 5 answers · asked by blue_star12111 1

When she said my boyfriend is a losser because he cuts grass for a living. When she leaves with a man who has to pay child support for there 2 kids?

2007-05-31 16:53:03 · 4 answers · asked by candy t 2

my mom thinks i am starting to be like my brother just because i am starting to wear black like him and i am on the phone for a long time like him what do i do?

2007-05-31 16:29:29 · 6 answers · asked by me 2

I get paid my SSI & Social Security checks tomorrow, & now he wants my money. I was in a terrible living situation, & he just suckered someobody gullible & easy in his home so they can pay all his bills & rent while he lives off of me for free. I didn't ask to come live with him he offered. I don't mind helping pay bills, but the reason why I have a problem now is because at first, he told me I didn't have to pay anything, & now he waits until I get my money to start asking me for rent money & bill money & stuff. & I'm trying to move out, but he doesn't want me to because if I do, then he can't pay all his bills alone. & I just found out that I'm not even on the lease for this apartment, so we can he headed for grounds for eviction any day.

Also, he's beginning to become abusive & treating me like a slave. He yells at me, steals my things, he started beating on me again, & he's only here twice a week. He lives by his friends for free more than he lives here. I don't want to pay him

2007-05-31 16:18:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

To make matters worse, my mom is not very supportive ( thinks I am "big"

2007-05-31 16:18:10 · 12 answers · asked by GG 1


2007-05-31 16:06:33 · 6 answers · asked by yesy_91 2

He just graduated from high school. His grades are very average and so he must attend the local 2year college before he transfers to university for his bachelor's degree. We are insisting he pay for the jr. college up front and we will reimburse him based on his grades (x amount for an A, x amount for a B and so on...). That way he will be motivated to do well if he wants his money. THe other reason is that he is a "party-er". Most teens think this is a rite of passage to drink under 21,etc. However, we still have a younger teen at home...
and he needs to abide by the house rules (regardless).
If he does not live by the rules - we want him to live - has anyone done this with their young adult and how did it work out? Thanks.

2007-05-31 16:01:12 · 9 answers · asked by what's up? 6

I mean im no baby. But stuff like this happens everyday all over the world. I just wanna know how to handle my fear with it.

2007-05-31 15:53:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

she uses all sorts of excuses for this and I try to tell her only to be ignored and then she invites me to go somewhere w/ her the next time and so I accept and try to be as nice as I can but eventually she ends up saying something hurtful to, me anyway and Ive tried to even stay away from her for days at a time w/ no contact what so ever only to go through to same thing a few days after we get together again Ive tried to think its all my fault and try to be better only to be dragged down emtionally but I cant get out anywhere w/o her because of lack of transportation where I live so how can I get through to her thats shes hurting me even when I speak up only to be ignored help???????????????

2007-05-31 15:31:59 · 20 answers · asked by tacsaszar 2

I could see boys,being closer to their Dads than their Moms,but so many girls,I just don't understand,maybe I'm a dummy( careful)!!

2007-05-31 15:16:52 · 12 answers · asked by Butch46 4

Currently, I am living with my boyfriend and his two children. I cook, clean, and participate in family functions regularly... but I miss hanging out with my friends and co-workers. My boyfriend gets offended when I suggest going to a birthday party... cook out.... without him and the kids. He even gets upset when I do not come straight home from work to take care of him and the kids... and I feel that it is unfair. I feel that I am lossing myself and I am starting to resent him for it.I told him recently that I was applying for an assistant principal job and he responded by saying," All you need to do is teach!!!" Am I over-reacting???

2007-05-31 14:56:13 · 2 answers · asked by Kesha 2

my neice wants to move out of her parents home and live with her boyfriend she is only 16 years old

2007-05-31 14:48:58 · 4 answers · asked by babydsgrammie2004 1

My mother's funeral was yesturday, and i was wondering if there was any possible way to reach the dead? She meant the world to me, and i feel so lost without her!

2007-05-31 14:47:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

When i was six my dad was put into jail for SIX YEARS. He's been clean the year he got out (about two years ago) Now he is using drugs again. Meth. We barely talk, i live with his parents and i don't get treated well. I miss my dad so much, i dont know what to do. I want to plan an intervention. Please help.

2007-05-31 14:45:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i love my dad because hes my dad but he never calls me or never sees me what should i do

2007-05-31 14:19:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't the basis of the family unit the relationship between husband and wife?

Thank you ...

2007-05-31 14:08:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I broke up about 2 weeks before prom....he and i were still speaking after we broke up. I am16 years old and he is 18. we have been dating for what would have been 2 years this october. I have no doubt in my mind that i am in love with him. my mother decided that since i still wanted to be with him after the break up, that i was obsessed with him and he is now my "idol" because i say that he is amazing (and i have also called him perfect as in perfect for eachother..."you are perfect for me.") my mother says this is unhealthy and that spending almost everyday together means i worship him and care about nothing else. my mother forbade us to talk until i am 18 (my stepfather said to wait for it to blow over but i know my mother and i know that she was quite serious...)however we went against their wishes and now i am not allowed to leave my house for 6 months and i am not allowed to see or speak to him. i miss him and i feel like my parents are being completely unfair

2007-05-31 14:03:12 · 7 answers · asked by little pizzi 2

I am 12, and I want a cell phone SO BAD. He is still not convinced. my grades in school are A's and B's so they're good.


2007-05-31 14:00:46 · 6 answers · asked by snay94 2

Is it necessary to attend the funeral of my ex husband, my children live in the same province as him which is 1500 miles away, I do not want to offend my children by not attending but it is after all a long distance. I have remarried and was wondering if I sent flowers and how the card should read I have a very good relationship with my children they are adults now. I was wondering if anyone else has encounted this problem.

2007-05-31 13:16:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm naturally very pale. However, im not completely white, my skin is a pinkish whiteish pale. I have freckles.
My eyes are blue.
And my natural hair color is brown.
my hair is dyed black and red/brown.
I went to visit family and my cousin said pale people are ugly and gossiped about it with her friends, and then I said "Am I ugly?" and she said " No, you just need to tan!"
And now I've begun to think.....maybe she is right.....because where I live no one is pale.

2007-05-31 12:37:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dad had surgery earlier this week and he will not be able to work for about 3 months. Is there any kind of program that my parents can do to help get their bills paid and get their groceries and stuff like that.

2007-05-31 12:25:02 · 5 answers · asked by Eric 2

2007-05-31 12:18:07 · 20 answers · asked by cassi blueni 1