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Family - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

is that normal...shes always thretens me that if i keep on with my attitude then shell make me move with my dad!and i dont wanna be with him!

2007-06-07 22:13:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

this morning as I was lying on the bed,with my face buried on the pillow,my
dad whipped my butt with a belt
for few times
without any reason.
it didn’t leave any scars or anything but I had done nothing drastic.i wonder why he did it.probably for a joke.we were talking about a picture and I didn’t say anything offensive.and he was smiling as he did it to me.
i just turned eleven.
the last time he whipped me with a belt was when i was younger and in that time he did it to punish me.He never physically punishes my big sister and little sister though.
i wonder why he did it.for a joke?but what kind of a joke is that?

2007-06-07 22:04:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My nephew who's 6-years-old just asked me what were the "stuff" hanging from the dog. I dont know how to answer him, I cant just tell him its the dog's balls because it would be innappropriate. So what should I tell him?

2007-06-07 18:01:56 · 36 answers · asked by ♠lAUGhTERZ 5

More postings for Baby Kaleb... Kaleb is a 6 month old boy who has been in the PICU for a month unresponsive due to a caregiver shaking him. His condition is worsening. Please help to provide him with continuous prayer!

Ask God to bathe Kaleb in his mercy and grace, to hold this little boy as his body fights, to place His hand on Kaleb's head, to tell him to wake and look into his mommy and daddy's eyes once again. God can do anything, we just all need to keep asking.

Thank you!

Info on Kaleb:

2007-06-07 17:06:47 · 6 answers · asked by mommyme 2

My dad was in prison and has been released 2 yrs he's still on paper. Anyway he is into a bad habit of drinking and riding his bike or driving. Well today he showed up at my sisters on his bike and he was drunk. And I told him he didn't need to be drinkin and driving. He started going off on me about everything. I lost my job about 3 weeks ago It was because a supervisor didn't like me He was yelling at me like It was my fault. He told me I needed to find a man to take care of me since I can't hold a job because I won't kiss the boss ***. I live with my grandmother I do pay my way I pay rent and bring groceries in but he insisted that I run my grandmas house and she doesn't have a say so in her own house and she won't tell me no because I yell at her. We get along good we have a arguement once in a great while. He tries to run my grandmas house and I stick up for her. Alot more was said than that. Am I wrong cause I care? And don't want to see him or anyone els dead or locked up agai

2007-06-07 16:25:07 · 8 answers · asked by chelly 2

We are OK with Mama and Papa but when enrolling him in school do we just say we are Mother & Father or refer to ourselves as grandparents.

2007-06-07 16:07:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, I like to talk to my friends on Myspace and my brother throws a big fit! He's 16 and has some problems. He's like " Sara, when r u going to be off?" and keeps bothering me! My mom goes with what he says and he's on the computer more than me! I want my own computer. What do I do? Iam getting really sick of it!

2007-06-07 15:57:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was outside helping my mom with something and i decided to stay out for a min after. she was already in the house and i heard something so i looked around the yards. i thought i saw someone standing at the edge of my property. i don't want to tell my parents because i doubt they will believe me. they are accusing my sister of doing drugs because she's in a band with friends. i know they would think i'm making this up. and i don't want to call the cops because i know the person out there will run as soon as he or she knows that theres cops around. but i'm scared and i'm to the point where i want to cry. what do i do? :(

2007-06-07 15:50:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

A man, drunk hit a utility pole in my yard going roughly 40mph. He almost flipped, lost the contents of his truck on my lawn along with one of his tires and rim and then drove off. I called 911 and they arrested him. He blew a 1.5. My kids, 4&5, could have been in my yard playing.

2007-06-07 15:43:01 · 7 answers · asked by ~Charity~ 6

I just found out I am pregnant today and I called my mom to share the good news and she didn't know what to say to me. She just kept saying she was busy and would call me later about it. She also said something like "well, if you think you can handle this." I've been married for 7 years and I have two boys, 6 and 3. My marriage is wonderful and we have the money to support 3 kids. Why would she be angry about it? I work on the weekends and she told me that she knew I would do something so I wouldn't have to work anymore. It makes me upset to think that my mother would feel like I had a baby just to get out of working two says a week. This baby was made because my husband and I both wanted it. Has anyone had this happen with them, their family not supportive of their pregnancy? My husband and my kids and I have been very excited to learn the news and then I felt bad when I talked to my mom.

2007-06-07 15:30:10 · 9 answers · asked by foxfirefly81 2

My father left my mother and me and my brother when I was 3 years old. I am now 15 years old and I want to find him. I have looked online and everything I find that will help you search makes you pay. I want to find him so bad. My mom knows I am looking for him and told me he ran off to Arizona but I don't find him there. Could someone help me please?

2007-06-07 15:25:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Growing up my dad took off when I was 6 years old. I did not see him again until I was 15 and once more when I was 33. Now, I have kids of my own and I want to be the best dad in the world. I have told myself I will not be like my father. My wife and I are separated now for 6 months, I fought to get custody of my kids. I am the domicilary parent. She gets them every other weekend if she can pass a drug test. She has to take a drug test every month to be able to have unsupervised visits.

I always wanted to have kids. I wanted to be some kids father, to be able to take care of and raise good kids. be there for them when the need me. I want to teach good morals and respect to my kids and never leave them.

Did I have kids because I wanted to, or did I have kids to prove to myself that I can be a great dad? This just now hit me when I answered another question.

2007-06-07 15:25:11 · 5 answers · asked by Bones 5

my sister and I have drifted away but how can I get close to her when shes so busy and has to care for my nephew and really dont get a chance to talk with her any good ideas please

2007-06-07 15:24:27 · 8 answers · asked by lizziemoffles 4

My brother is interested in getting a Mormon Priesthood but he is not sure if you have to remain celibate. For the Catholic one you have to. Also, my family are university teachers so I was wondering how difficult it would be for him to upgrade to a bishopricry?

2007-06-07 14:46:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay. My fiance and I decided that when giving birth to our daughter, it was best for only the two of us to be in the room. We told our families that and made sure that they knew. Here's the problem: His mom is a pushy and controlling *****. I just talked to his sister today and not only is she planning on weasiling her way into the room, she plans on video taping it all and taking pictures of my ***** when she is comming out. What would you do to get her out of there? Aparantly telling her isn't enough.

2007-06-07 14:14:13 · 15 answers · asked by matandmaegan0507 3

I'm truly not going for pity here, but I do need help.
My Mother died in March, and things at home have been more than terrible lately. My sister is never home, and my father comes home.. not himself with other women almost every night. When he is.. "himself" he's a completely different person, but it seems like he's only like that to me, because he and my sister are still close. It seems as if he makes a point to scream at me and blame things on me, and true, I have been messing up a bit, but no more than I did when Mom was alive.
Is it my fault that our family is falling apart? Should I be doing more?

2007-06-07 14:09:14 · 6 answers · asked by Jenna 1

There are some things that my boyfriend had been consistently doing lately that i thought could be sweet but sometimes it makes me scared... i thought i'd ask what you guys have to say....

Everytime my cellphone beeps and i start pressing the keys to reply to SMS.... he blurts out... "who is that?"

There's this anonymous number that keeps on sending messages on my phone... so my boyfriend took the number and texted the guy what he wanted from me.... and it turned out it was just a highschool friend who was married... my boyfriend said he just wanted to make sure it wasn't a stalker...

then one time i told him... i hope he won't change when we're married... because we're engaged.... i told him that i like how he loves me now and i hope he won't change... then he said... "i will love you more... and take care of you... i might not even let you leave the house when we're married.... cause i wanna make sure you're ok".....

opinions pls........ in depth opinions..... pls....

2007-06-07 14:03:44 · 9 answers · asked by terra 4


are you out of school? If so, when did you get out?

2007-06-07 13:51:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have two kids ages 2 and 4 they have lived with me since birth. their father was suppose to pay childcare for the kids but he stopped paying in march so i filed for child support. at the child support meeting he decides he wants custody of the kids. he does not call and check on the kids let alone come see them how does he feel he can gets custody of them. he was keeping the kids for me every other weekend while i worked but he stopped doing that , the kids have never, ever spent the night with him. can you see a judge giving him custody or even joint custody?? should i get a lawyer, i dont think he is getting one but not sure. thanks in advance.

2007-06-07 13:42:54 · 9 answers · asked by I love dooneys 6

how much $ can a familie get for every babi you have? My girlfreind has 2 kids already but i was wondering if i married her and had some more we could move in to a bigger place. our rent is about 250 everymonth. how much money can you get and for how long with new babis? she's pregnant now and we ar planing on haveing too more soon. would it be enogh money to rent a bigger place and maybe a newer car ( i want one of those mustages like everyone else in our neighborhood) for us? Thanks! I didn't want to call the govermnet center to ask them becasue they might be mad at me or stop giving us the money. is their a way to get as much as you can?

2007-06-07 13:40:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 21 yr old sister has been living with my husband and I, and our 3 children since Jan. (this is her 2nd stint livin with us) We told her prior to allowing her to move in she had to help out. She has a job and her only bill is $101.00 car insur, $40. cell phone and $25. gym membership a month. She doen not pay us a dime, buy anything for the house, or lift a finger. We are getting fed up! How do I approach her to get her to start contributing something like $50. a week or helping with chores.....anything? She should be contributing right? She is a waitress/bartender at a popular steakhouse.

2007-06-07 13:38:05 · 10 answers · asked by melissa p 1

i failed ALL OF MY CLASSES THIS QUARTER!!! i cant stop crying. my mom says this will be the worst summer of my life!!! i will be studying all summer not hanging out with my freinds at all no tv no ipod no radio no computer!!! after tomarow i will have to do all that. im 13. will i go to 8th grade?? proably not!!! i have been haveing suicidal thoughts!! how can i be happy???

2007-06-07 13:06:01 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are 31 and 32 years old respectfuly,we pay there rent buy gas for there car and both finsh collage and one is working and the other is not looking

2007-06-07 12:45:24 · 17 answers · asked by howaboutit99@sbcglobal.net 2

i can not get on to see my little brothers site can you help me please...

2007-06-07 10:57:21 · 7 answers · asked by Jonathan L 1

I took my girlfriend and her daughter to a 6 flags theme park and the daughter did not want to get on anything! She walked around the park with misery on her face. Shes 11! My girlfriend got upset when I complained and said "if it was my kid she would have been MADE to have fun!"
who agrees or disagrees with me?
my brother and his daughter and his step child was there too and they were all around her age. And she has said she likes theme parks!

2007-06-07 10:13:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'am 18 years old and i'am gonna start college. My dad and my mom and my sister are moving to pakistan. My dad caught me smoking and he's like go live your life...and he' said ur gonna be out of here in two months. He said he gave me enuff chances. IN my opiinion...just cuz u smoke..ur there gonna kick you out? THERE MY PARENTS....he should be helping me out..but he's not..he said find a place to live...what am i supposed to do..serously i mean soerusly...where am i supposed to stay...???/

2007-06-07 09:48:48 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son has been written up and suspended from the bus twice this year. He does not stay in his seat, and fools around constantly. He KNOWS the rules...knows how he is supposed to behave and has proven it more times than not, but when he acts up, he acts horribly. He does not act like this at home because he knows that we will punish him. His father and I both think it MAY be because we are expecting our second child.. (just over 7 years apart when baby is born) and that our son is somewhat jealous of that. He has also attached himself to a little girl on the bus and is very jealous if/when she sits with someone else. He acts out by yelling, screaming, trying to hit the other child..etc...I'm at my wits end, and in the mornings...we have a little "pump up"....."lets have a real good day, let's make good choices...and so on.. One day he's an angel and the next...he's just out of control. The bus driver and I have tried seatbelts...assigned seats...everything. Any advice NOT criticism??

2007-06-07 09:33:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was are agreement when I bought it for her. She is going into 7th grade but her friends that have phone still have their phones when they get D's! That shocked me but I don't know if I should lighen up?

2007-06-07 09:06:19 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

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