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Parenting - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

2007-09-24 10:39:11 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous

PLEASE I do not want anyone's opinion on abortion!!!!
*** This is a PARENTING question! ***
My (Roman Catholic) church is putting up an anti-abortion display. For those of you unfamiliar with it, they take the entire front "yard" of the church and post hundreds of little crosses. I just KNOW my daughter is going to ask. I am not ready to have a sex-talk with her, so I need a way to explain it that 1. doesn't use sex, 2. does not scare her, 3. will make her feel like I answered her question fully, and hopefully 4. will defend her psyche against getting scared or confused if someone at her (Catholic) school says something like "baby killers" or "mommies who kill their babies" or something else that might scare her. I'd prefer something that helps her remember that God is kind and merciful. Thank you.

2007-09-24 10:22:52 · 10 answers · asked by opinionated1984 4


which was the best book u read to your child to help them sleep and also to help later on with there words

2007-09-24 10:08:18 · 6 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3

I have a 3 month old girl and I know we want a second.
I would like the input of parents who have 2 + children.

How old was your first when you had your second?
Did you plan for this age difference? If so why?

Do you feel having the first out of diapers before having the second is easier or have do you prefer to have them closer in age?

I know it is a personal preference and not aways planned but I would just like to hear some other situations.

Thanks to all who share!!


2007-09-24 09:30:42 · 11 answers · asked by MommyTwice-TwiceTheLove 4

2007-09-24 08:47:51 · 9 answers · asked by x3 2

my father in law insists on feeding my nine month old coffee when we meet him in the morning. my husband tried to tell him to stop but that just made him insist on it more. How do i get him to stop?

2007-09-24 08:04:52 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Actually it's not a while just a week. But the point is he didn't even ask and he expects me to just get her ready to go when he gets off work so he can come and get her. he doesn't even have his own place he stays with his mom now that we are seperated. She really wants to go but I don't know if I should let her since he thinks I'm supposed to jump just cause he wanted me to. What should I do?

2007-09-24 07:37:54 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 4yr old boy. The mother has 3kids my boy and a 2yr old boy from a different Father and another one on the way from the 2yr old boys brother. Complicated i know. Well she doesnt work. Lives of the system.She doesnt have car, her phone # changes weekly. Her place is a mess and i just wish she would see it on her own that my boy would be better of with me. I have tried to get help but they say i make to much. I just want to do the right thing. Nothing can be cool, it has to explode with here. The latest thing is i have a girlfriend that lives with me and i trust her with everything. She watches my kid from time to time when i go to the store or things like that. My baby momma is saying that my girlfriend is spanking him and im pretty sure she would not do that and if she did she would tell me. I asked my girlfriend if she spanked my kid and she said no. I believe her. Now my baby momma wants to do monitored visits. I just want to do the right thing. What should i do?

2007-09-24 07:15:49 · 8 answers · asked by Mike P 1

I'm going grocery shopping and my daughter is now eating "big people food" What are some quick easy to make foods and items i could pick up for her? She's got 4 teeth now so she can chomp up quite a bit of stuff.

2007-09-24 06:41:14 · 7 answers · asked by NIKKI 3

She's such a rude bossy patronising *****!

She's on my back all the time. "Oh its wrong to co-sleep with a 10 month old baby. He should be in his own room and you should do controlled crying. Oh he shouldn't be eating that he should be eating this, oh he should be weaning off the breast now he doesn't need breast milk at nearly 10 months blah de blah de blah"

Not only that by she came round today and had the cheek to tell me my house smelt of dogs!

Yes we do have two dogs but I am scrupulously clean about cleaning up after them so I was mortified! She then started on about how "unhygenic" it was to have dogs in the house with a baby and how I should have the dogs rehomed.

To be honest I *am* thinking of rehoming them (too much work tbh now) but it has nothing to do with her!

Why is this woman so bloody rude and interfering?! Can I make her leave me alone? Everyone in the area complains about her and a friend of mine changed surgery to get away from the bint!

2007-09-24 06:11:48 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm completely drained and I feel so guilty about being so exhausted and tired - I feel like I'm being lazy! Is there anything that helped you or you think may help me to gain some energy back!? I go to bed by 9 or ten and up no earlier than 4:30am depending on if I'm nannying or not.

2007-09-24 05:42:23 · 12 answers · asked by NIKKI 3

I live in Florida and have been told that drugs are an above average problem here. I know that they are every were but I have a relative that grew up in Detroit Michigan and spent several years in prison and says drugs are worse here than he has ever seen. Im going to list some questions and if you could put just the state you live in if you live in a big city or small town and answer them. If you don’t want to give your state on here either email me or put like your state plus 3 surrounding states.

1 out of all the ppl you know how many regularly smoke pot
2 of all the ppl you know how many regularly do some kind of drug
3 of the ppl you know how many were at some time strung out on some thing (other than pot or alcohol)

I am asking this in this section because I am a mother and I am concerned. We have been talking about moving just so he doesn’t have to grow up how we did. We really love it here but worry. We live in a small town. out of every person I know I can only think of maybe 5 that were not on some kind of hard drug at one point and most of the ppl we know do coke and pills regularly and just about everyone smokes pot. It has come to my attention in answering questions on here that maybe it isn’t like that every were? Meth is the worst here but I know a few ppl who were on crack also.

2007-09-24 05:02:07 · 11 answers · asked by fairy 5

I know when their little babies your not supposed to because they can suffocate themselves. At what age is it safe?

2007-09-24 04:38:36 · 14 answers · asked by NIKKI 3

Here's the deal, I am doing a speech on corpal punishment at home and it seems that everyone is against it but I am for it. I don't see anything wrong with it and I don't see any other good alternitives. I was spanked as a kid and it worked great. My dad always tells the story of my first spanking, i was like 3 so i don't remember but i threw a tantrum in the store so he spanked me. I never did it again because i learned to respect him and that what he says he means. On the other hand i know several people who don't spank their kids and they aren't well behaved at all. So my question is, is spanking the right choice and how can I explain it in a speech.

2007-09-24 04:31:22 · 48 answers · asked by Crispo Cremeos 2

Okay, there is this woman I be-friended, whom I've known for almost 9 months now.
Well, I have a 6-month old son, and she offered to babysit him so that my husband and I can go out and spend some time together. I agreed that would be a great idea, BUT the next day I had to call her and let her know that we wouldn't need her to babysit, but hopefully in a couple weeks we could go out.

Well, she friggin started to make me feel guilty, and though I could not see her, I heard her crying over the telephone. I asked what was wrong, and she said that she missed her kids, and she was having a difficult time... She told me that she had been excited to babysit our son, and she had even told her mom about it, and that then I went and cancelled on her. WTF!?

That's when a lot of red flags started popping up in my head. And so then she began to insist that she come over and take my son for a couple of hours, and I kept telling her no, but she continued to insist....

2007-09-24 03:43:10 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-24 03:19:53 · 10 answers · asked by angelbaby 7

She is a saint don't you know, and I will be her fearless defender!

2007-09-24 03:08:40 · 6 answers · asked by *S*p*a*r*k*l*e*s* 1

My kid got bit by a hamster the other day and I went out and bought a huge box of multi colored bandaids to fix her boo boo. Now, she feels the need to put one on every square inch of her body- even telling me she needs one on her tongue.

What is the obsession kids have with band aids?

2007-09-24 02:25:39 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

we have had a very busy week end and late nights, birthday, day out, swimming exams ,martial arts exams and visiting relative who lives a distance away for their birthday, the kids were waked would you having given them the day off or sent them to school when they woke up like I did.
they will be having some early nights now to catch up

2007-09-24 02:25:31 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son has a very calm personality. He is not very aggressive. But given that he is smaller in size compared to his other classmates- he does often complains that others push him around. But overall i think he still tries and gets along with others. But last weel the Teacher called us and complained abt that "he bit someone in the class".
When asked he said that big kid was sitting on his mat and since he refused to get up- he bit him.
1) What should i tell him?
2) What should i tell the teacher?
3) What should i tell him- this way he can protect himself and not come out as a black sheep in the group or class?
4) How should i help him to deal with his anger and frustration?

Please could u answer all 4 questions seperately
thank you

2007-09-24 01:24:31 · 9 answers · asked by curious mom 1


does beating kids cause later behavioral problems later in life?

2007-09-24 00:48:36 · 25 answers · asked by kyeann 5

2007-09-24 00:02:28 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm concerned about my friends baby. Since birth, I have held many concerns for the baby but every time someone has tried suggesting things the mum gets upset and the dad has let most decisions be made by the mum (in regards to feeding, sleeping and bathing routines). Both mum and dad visited my not long ago and the baby is now 13 months old. She is probably 9kgs (is this small?) and seemed so small. yes she comes from a petite father but she seems so small for her age and doesnt eat much. Her mum fed her vegetables (beans, carrot and brocolli steamed) and half the time she chucked it. porriage for breakfast, sometimes a banana or a piece of bread here and there and probably 1 jar of baby food a day (if that). and only drinks water and maybe one breast feed a day. this doesnt seem right for a growing toddler who is really active!! i'm not a mum yet so dont want to judge but i'm concerned. also i may be fussy but i plan on bathing my own kids daily, even twice daily yet this kid..TBC

2007-09-23 22:47:05 · 7 answers · asked by Ava G 2

I mean, surely they must realise how *damaging* it is to a child to experience academic and social achievement, even to feel satisfaction in a job well done?
Where will the craziness end? Back in my day, we *learnt* the value of being uneducated, and look at how open minded and clever I've turned out to be?
Maybe *some* very *selfish* mothers should not work, home school their children, grow their own vegatables, and weave their children's *non-teflon coated* clothing from discarded drain hair?

2007-09-23 20:55:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Say this child was anywhere from the age of 2 to 10. At age 2 I would probably give them a spank on the hands and at age 10 a spank on the butt. Say for instance you are at my house and your child is running through the house repeatedly. For whatever reason you aren't disciplining your child. I get tired of seeing them act up so I jump in and ask them to stop. They stop for 3 minutes and start back up again. Next, they're sitting in my couch indian style with their shoes on. Again, I wait for you to get involved but you don't.

I finally, in a FIRM voice ask your kid to stop or otherwise they are going to get spanked. Would you get mad at me? Would you get up and leave or would you say something to me?

2007-09-23 19:08:03 · 28 answers · asked by Hoping he will bless me with #1 4

i am waiting for ansers for my emergency dog question so while i'm waiting i'll ask oyu a question.if you found an abandoned infant what would you do?

2007-09-23 18:58:43 · 13 answers · asked by domenicathesims2player 3

I am 19 years old and I am working and going to school to become a Dental Assistant. Right now, I cannot find any openings for daycare for my 10 month old son, so he has been staying with my mom who lives 2 hours away. Its been really hard because I miss him so much! He has been staying over there for almost 2 weeks now, and on Fri my mom droped him off for the weekend because I didnt have to work or go to school. She picks him up tomorrow morning and I am devestated. I cant picture being without him for one more day.. I am actually scared. I love him soo much. I know me quitting work and school would be stupid, right??? My moms has been so great, helping me out and all. But, whats a girl to do?? How do I calm myself down? I should be happy that I can get a break from my son, because some women dont get that opprotunity, right?? I am lost and need some help coping with this? Please Help.


2007-09-23 18:35:24 · 16 answers · asked by Emily W 1

I am a single dad with custody of the kids. Their mother is no longer involved with them. Went back to court for their mother to have supervised visits only. It was granted. She said that I better take care of the kids because she would not be seeing them for a long time. Her and her new boyfriend are both in trouble with the law for drugs and a lot of other things. After court she was arrested for her warrants. Some how, she bailed out. she called me and told me she was moving to another state over 700 miles away. My babies are 11 and 6, How can a mother just leave her kids? Even though she is not in the best of situations, I guess it is a lot easier to run from her problems. I guess I just don't know how to explain to the kids she will not be around. My daughter still cries for her. What am I to do?

2007-09-23 18:17:13 · 21 answers · asked by Bones 5

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