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Parenting - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

last year we had his birthday at chucky cheese.please give me any idea where we can arrange his birthday this time.
mcdonalds or ymca pool or any other place .
thanks in advance.

2007-09-21 04:16:27 · 29 answers · asked by paki 5

I have been reading articles about the "new generation" of parents posting baby pics online and how that might not be a good idea. Years from now those pictures might still be out there and your kids might get mad since they didn't choose to have pictures of themselves posted online. What are people's thoughts on this and are there any good pic websites that allow for password protection so if nothing else, you can control who sees the pictures?

2007-09-21 02:40:35 · 16 answers · asked by ♫ Sweet Honesty ♫ 5

parent? I don't have children and although I feel maternal I am scared that history will repeat itself and if I had them I would mess them up. Anyone have similar feelings?

2007-09-21 00:46:39 · 18 answers · asked by JOANNE C 3

curious if anyone else thinks like i do. everyday i hear about so many unwanted kids, kids having kids. seems to me that people now adays are not responsible enough to be trusted with children. what if when you were born male or females (doesnt matter to me which) get fixed. then when you are of age to have chilrden and you have made the commitment to be a parent and have the means to do so, you could apply and get your license. i know people will say that the surgerys are not 100% safe or easy. but lets say for arugement sake that it is safe. what do you think. would this stop our countrys problems of unwanted kids. or children haveing children? do you think people have the right to have kids even if they cant afford it or take care of it? that seems to me to be childabuse? what do you think?

2007-09-21 00:45:22 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't want to put all young mums down because there are some who take the responsibilities seriously & do the best by their child & don't sponge off the government.But there are far too many young mums who do not have a clue. I see them out & about with their babies, smoking, its cold & most of the time the baby has a summer dress on with bare arms & legs with no blanket.As a stay at home mum to a 10 month old i meet a lot of other mums, one who's 19yrs old with a 9 month old. She has a partner but no home,he works but they want a council house, the baby is carted from both their parents houses.She has an active social life, goes out to get drunk twice a week, does aqua fit,weightwatchers,driving lessons & palms the baby off,apparently all her friends do this.She moaned to me that people think just because she has a baby she has to stop being a teenager & its not fair. Well my answer is don't have a baby at such a young age if your not mentally ready to sacrifice your young years.

2007-09-21 00:26:24 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im a mommy of two young boys who are 9 months and almost three years old. Im just curious to know what age most people consider to be inappropriate for a mommy to be naked in front of her sons or for a daddy to be naked in front of his daughters. Most mommies I know tell me that the cut off point is when kids start asking questions about physical gender differences. What do you think and why. No immature answers please.

2007-09-20 21:04:20 · 22 answers · asked by Julia R 2

I am 12 and I live with my adopted mom, who looked after me since I was 8, she is 29.
I am not allowed to watch r rated movies.

I have to go to bed at 8:30.

My mom lets me shower or bathe my self but after im done she comes and slathers like 100 pumps of lotion on me herself to make my skin smooth and checks to see if my hair is washed.

she wont let me play M rated games and she does not let me go over 4 blocks without her.

Is my mom a little overprotective or is this normal for her to do?
I told her if i can have my privacy and if i can go outside but she said its my job as a mom to do these things.

what do you guys think?

2007-09-20 19:22:00 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am writing to you so that you can help me save my child Coty's life by just taking one quick moment to sign your name to Coty's online petition.

My son Coty was abducted in 1994. This is a parent's worse nightmare. When the abduction occured I went to the Newnan GA police department to file a missing person's report. The Detective said to me "since there is no custody order who ever has physical custody is in the driver's seat there is no abduction to report" and refused to take my missing person's report. The police department broke the law by not taking my missing person's report as you will see when you view the petition. Since that time the Newnan Georgia police department still refuses to take my missing person's report for Coty. They claim that the statute of limitations has expired and they can not now take the report although they have admitted to myself and my family that they did make a mistake by not taking the report. There is no statute of limitations for kidnapping. The petition is to Governor Purdue to aid him in urging the Newnan GA police department to take my missing persons report. Let's pray that Coty is safe and well. Let us also pray that Governor Purdue will hear myself and the people's cry for justice, that he will not let Georgia be known as a state that allows kidnapping. My son has been missing for 13 years. I have never given up searching for my son and doing everything within my power to find him. I love and miss Coty so very much. I have now been fortunate enough to partner with the Child Seek Network. They have answered my plea for help with kindness and hope. Please answer this Mothers plea for help. Your signature would be greatly appreciated. If you would also be kind enough to forward this email to others so that they will be able to sign the petition it would be greatly appreciated as well.

click below to view and sign Coty's petition

If you would like to visit the web site dedicated to Coty's search and rescue click below

you can visit Child Seek Network below

Thank you for your time and bless you for your efforts to save Coty's life

Coty's Mom
Kimberly Beckworth

2007-09-20 18:27:38 · 9 answers · asked by Lizards 2

what is you're view on your teens to watch horror movies or violence on TV? As a teen point of view, If you're in highschool, you are hearing f bombs 50x more then in any film, or sex, everyone in highschool is exposed to this, they know about everything already, and whats fake and real.

My mother, does not have any interest in my taste of movies, she can't handle almost anything I view. I might bring Pulp fiction Dvd to a friends house, my mother might see it and say "make sure you bring the that film back, I don't want to loose that". She knows I am mature enough for any movie, and she knows I have seen 500x worse then her.

I went to see hostel 2 on the opening nights with my friends, I came back home and she asked me what we saw. We told her hostel 2, she said ew how can you stomache that? We laughed.

So all you parents of teens, if you're overprotective on what movies your teens see, you need to realize how different it is in highschool to

2007-09-20 18:05:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my baby is 2 months and due to a dry house he has a dry stuffy nose that just wont clear ..i need to buy a vaporizer or humidifer...which one should i get? im also concerned with mold,growths etc from using these.which i read about online..which one is best that will not cause mold in my home??

2007-09-20 17:53:33 · 11 answers · asked by Me, Myself & I 1

Just had my baby girl 10 days ago and the father has decided to not be involved, and I am currently back living with my parents. I feel like a burden on my aging parents and want to move out, but I feel stuck because childcare costs would virtually exceed the amount of income I could bring in. Also, I lack trust in anyone and as such don't want to put my daughter into daycare unless i have to. My parents do NOT want to babysit unless it's an emergency, and I have no other family or friends who could help. I am also currently a full-time college student (will graduate in august 08).

How can I, or how did/do you get by financially? Please don't tell me it's my fault for getting pregnant, there's nothing I can do about it now. Also, how do you make it and still have more more than a couple minutes a day to spend with your kid - I would feel horribly guilty to have a daycare person know my child more than I do. Please any specific advice would be appreciated.

2007-09-20 17:50:09 · 15 answers · asked by babydoll32 2

2007-09-20 16:29:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My very shy 7 yr old ran for president in her 2nd grade class. She did not win but that was not the problem. She was hurt because she knew that no one voted for her out of a class of 16. How can I help ease the pain.

2007-09-20 14:48:10 · 12 answers · asked by TMT 1

2007-09-20 12:31:35 · 53 answers · asked by Anonymous

What was your reaction?

What was their punishment if any?

2007-09-20 11:56:41 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter is going to be 3 in December. I don't even think I want a child right now but the only reason I would want one right now is to have a companion for my daughter. I am 22 years old by the way and married. Do you think I should wait to have another child or just plan one? Thanks!

2007-09-20 09:37:28 · 13 answers · asked by Txgirl23 4

My eight-year-old grandson is getting to the stage where he no longer is happy playing with his brothers (seven and three) and in fact is a bad influence on the younger one and intimidates the middle one.
When my boys were that age I enrolled them in the cubs and that was just what they needed in order to channel their growing independence from me (which I wanted to happen) into something useful for them - and for me as it gave me a rest!
The problem is that rather than being allowed to explore that independence from his parents by relating to others of his own age in a group (outside of school which is too academically oriented these days)he is being allowed to think that he has that independence by being indulged with all sorts of "designer" clothes and so on.
Cubs are apparently out (I *made* my third go until he found a swimming club as an alternative) so I wonder if there are any other suggestions that I may not have thought of where he can mix with boys of his own age.

2007-09-20 09:31:42 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have always dreamed of having a big family, mostly from adoptions . I have two children,but I want more. The problem is that my apartment isn't big enough. There has to 200 square feet for each person. My apartment just isn't that big. Now my question is , is there any programs out there that will help me get a bigger place. There are so many children out there that need a family. If needed I can prove this is true.

2007-09-20 09:31:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tell how old they are too and if other siblings mind. It's for a school project on graphing.

2007-09-20 09:12:27 · 15 answers · asked by FSBB 1

Or should they get off because of their race? (retribution for all the slavery in the past)


2007-09-20 08:51:12 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked a question before about libido during pregnancy and it seemed split down the middle. Half the women had no interest and half the women noted said they had an increase in sexual desire.

I started wondering what the baby's gender was in relation to a rise or drop in sexual tendencies during pregnancy, so.... did you have more or less interest in sex during pregnancy and did you have a boy or a girl.

I'm an expectant father and I'm writing a book and blog http://blog.almostadad.com for expectant fathers on living with and caring for pregnant women.

Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

2007-09-20 08:43:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-20 08:04:27 · 3 answers · asked by magict1974 3

I have twin girls 10 and a half months old, their father has seen them only 3 times. He lives in Central Missouri and refuses to come up here (Des Moines, IA area) to see them, he wants me to come down there or meet halfway, but he will not come to his daughters home to see them. But now all the sudden he wants them every other weekend, and every other holiday, no help with day care, and hasn't paid support in almost 4 months. What are my rights, I am desparate, My daughters are worth more to me than a check every month, and all they are to him is a tax write off, and a second chance for his girlfriend (who is also his ex wife, and can no longer have kids). Please what can I do?

2007-09-20 07:27:03 · 30 answers · asked by mommy.of.twins 2

If you had a 19 year old daughter, would it bother you if she left home to live with a 30 year old?

Just curious....

2007-09-20 07:16:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in ohio and my child lives in iowa, I dont see her very much and I pay over 400.00 in child support every month. This is making it difficult for my family to live happy when we can barely make ends meet as it is.

2007-09-20 06:56:52 · 38 answers · asked by ssbsh21 2

Is it a good way, when a child is being very loud at the sore or yelling for not getting what he/she want´s to calmly put hand over his/her mouth and keep on walking? I remember once young woman told me she used this method to a child who was not her own when she begun to yell in public place for some matter. This girl was allready known for her bad behaviour and being spoiled. Do you think that woman did the right thing? I myself remember when I was a child my grandmother put her hand over my mouth when I begun to scream at the table disturbing others present.

2007-09-20 06:44:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a stay at home mother of a 15 month old. I use a childcare center 2 days a week and find that my daughter gets a lot out of this. She is very well adjusted, happy and social. These 2 days also give me time to grocery shop, clean our home (which is pretty large) and to have some "me" time.
I am curious to see what others think of this arrangement. My husband thinks it's great but I have a few other family members that don't understand why I use a daycare when I don't have an "outside, 9-5 job.

I would appreciate a variety of answers and if you think this is wrong, please tell me why you think so and be specific.

Most thorough answer=10 pts. thanks

2007-09-20 06:12:31 · 29 answers · asked by selery222 4

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