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Parenting - September 2007

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my daughter left a note for the tooth fairy the other week,unfortunetly i think she found it in my top drawer along with her tooth!!!!!!!!!!she hasnt mentioned it,do i say something??she's 10.

2007-09-25 07:40:35 · 13 answers · asked by Steph 5

My neighbor charges me 5 dollars a day-to watch her for 30-45 minutes to watch my daughter and take her to school(which is two minutes away-they can't walk because no sidewalk on main road)
Several people said that was too much
What do you guys think?

2007-09-25 07:26:09 · 31 answers · asked by Willow 5

he comes up behind me with my clothes still on and humps me...i tell him to stop he doesnt... he is teaching my child to do this cause she seen it more than once...please help me get him to stop and grow up.

2007-09-25 07:21:10 · 19 answers · asked by bzstacy 1

I live in a city just me and my children, with no other family and haven't made any friends yet, the family that was here have moved away. I really dont know anyone else here. that being the case, should I not put my kids in pre-school, being that I dont have any emergency contacts ? In the case of an emergency, there would be no one else to contact. so should I keep them at home, until my situation changes ??

2007-09-25 07:09:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just recently told my two older boys (4 & 9) that mommy and daddy were going to have another baby next year. My oldest (the 9 year old) tells me: "Good, I need a few more brothers and sisters for this game we're playing outside!) LOL!!!!!

2007-09-25 06:45:09 · 20 answers · asked by tmae 2

my 4 year old has started to call me and my husband by our first names. I do feel a bit taken a back about it since it is not common practice for children to refer to their parents like that but don't mind it as well.
Do you think there will be negative consequences in the future if I let her call me Jennifer instead of Mom?

2007-09-25 06:42:17 · 34 answers · asked by Jennifer S 4

As a kid when we were bad our mom would punish us&after she would say-just wait until your daddy gets home there will be trouble!That always meant there was further punishment on the way and it made us behave better for the rest of the day.Now I hear moms saying it all the time-I'm gonna tell daddy about what you did later etc.I used to think this meant that the Dads are the bad guys but now as a stay at home Dad I find myself saying just wiat til I tell mommy how you have behaved.
Why do we do this,is this us clutching at straws in the hope that the parent coming home from work will know how to punish them more effectively?I am quite strict with my kids I have to be or they would appeal to my softer nature and run rings around me but I still rely on my wife's input when she gets home.If the kids misbehaves I handle it there&then but talk to my wife about it later.For more serious behaviour we will think of a punishment together-is this any better than telling tales?

2007-09-25 06:26:21 · 10 answers · asked by bren_the_dad 2

My son is a senior in high school and is on a wayward path. He recently got arrested for possession of marijuana, he recently skipped school to avoid a test, and has not filled out his college applications yet.

I have tried to counsel him on the errors of his ways, but to no avail. I pray on the issue. I want to make sure he is safe, but at the same time I believe he needs to own is decisions. I can not protect him from misguided decisions for ever.

What is a dad to do?

2007-09-25 05:25:14 · 16 answers · asked by chiefoptimizer 1

My hubby's EX is a hard person to understand they have join custody of their son.. She lives almost 15 hrs away they moved almost 4 yrs ago.Ever since she find out my hubby & i started a relationship,she started not letting their son come to visit or didn't allowed the child to talk on the phone.Hubby got behind 2 months due to an accident & I was sending at least half of the pay but even like that she got mad & for almost 2 yrs she didn't let the kid spend time with dad. He came this summer & left almost 2 months my hubby have called him, left messages& even wrote letters with no answer's.Last nigth she called crying asking him if he ever cared for his son, that ever since he met me he changed & much more,Which non of this is true he have done everything for his son we even had lots of FUN this summer he didn't want to leave & I have a good relationship with him.Why is she acting like that? I was not the reason for their divorce so I don't get it why she doesn't move on she is...

2007-09-25 04:47:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-25 04:46:17 · 7 answers · asked by Buckwheat 3

Why is everyone saying 'I bet you don't have kids' etc. That is irrelevant. I think any decent human being should show consideration for others. OK kids screaming, maybe i was a little unkind, i'm sure tantrums aren't always easy to control. But there is NO excuse for any parent to let a child, regardless of age, run riot in a public place like waiting rooms, trains, and especially restaurants. Do you not realise how dangerous it is??? If your child was to be injured because it knocked into someone would you take responsibility then? Or would you blame the other person?
I am NOT having a go at all parents, so please, stop taking everything so personally. You know who you are, if you are responsible, then surely you will agree with me?
And for those telling me to stop being so 'self righteous' I wouldn't want to be on a train with you or your offspring.....

2007-09-25 03:21:29 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-25 03:09:26 · 11 answers · asked by Enrique 3

I got some great answers to my last question regarding tantums and people staring.

But for those of you who told me its my fault, bad parenting, spoilt child etc etc

someone even said that at that age they should know right from wrong and shouldnt have the oppurtunity to have a tantrum!!

Could you please tell me what you would do with a child of that age?

2007-09-25 02:50:37 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

We went on a family holiday and my 2 daughters age 7 and 5 spent a lot of time with their 12year old boy-crazy cousin.
As a result they are now talking a lot (too much!) about who they love and who loves them. Its becoming a daily dicussion. Before this holiday it was never even mentioned - they are so young.
I have said that they are too young for this - as they are too young to have a boyfriend. I have also talked of boys just being friends and I also try to distract them - but I fear the influence of their 'cool' cousin has really influenced them.
I feel as though this has been introduced far too young - how do I help them regain their childhoods?
Advice please?

2007-09-25 02:01:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you do to seperate yourself from your child's friend? To make them know that you are their parents whom they should be respectful?

2007-09-25 01:57:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

when on trains, in waiting rooms, eateries etc. You have to consider other people. I'm sure lots of people will say 'Don't be such a spoilsport, they're only children!' but its just good manners to consider others. I'd never let my kids run riot and scream in public places, my mum never let me and my sister do it either.

2007-09-24 23:50:19 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

I noticed my 5 year old son ALWAYS sleeps with his hand down inside his pullup. What is he doing? How can i stop it

2007-09-24 19:37:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband baby's the kids really bad when they are bad, he baby's them all the time, but when they are bad and throw tantrums and scream, becaus they don't want to go to bed he will hug them and kiss them and tell them that he will buy them things if they stop. it is really putting a wear on our relationship because i dont agree with it at all, i think by rewarding the kids with things when they act out, will make them think that everytime they are bad they will get what they want. and it makes me look like the bad guy all the time, because i don't play into it. and they get punished for doing those things with me. and that's when i get the "i hate you's" and if i tell our kids to do something and they throw a tantrum, he will tell them they don't have to do it, and he will do it. i really can't deal with it anymore, and if it continues i will leave so please HELP!!!!

2007-09-24 19:31:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter is 13 as some of you already know. I am trying really hard to be patient etc. Now the thing is she has a bad attitude at times and getting on my nerves. She tells me "WHAT ARE YOU GETTING SO UP TIGHT MOM"? I have noticed I have been on edge due to my own personal problems and she has been a little bit more testing with me. Now what I need advice is the consequenses. I do take away her T.V. time and other things but it seems it doesn't work. He attitude is "OK" and that is that. She doesn't get upset anymore over the punishment. I am really starting to get over the edge and she knows it. I know I can get over board on punishment because I get so anger. I don't hit her but I yell to get my point across. What should I do???

2007-09-24 17:29:20 · 16 answers · asked by conny 6

It started when my mom stopped breast feeding me 6 months ago. HELP!!!

2007-09-24 15:05:23 · 20 answers · asked by Ciao P 1

and i respect her desicions.
but i someday would like to have kids.
wat should i do?
i will adopt a kid, but i would like my fiance to have my kids.
wat should i do?
will she eventually agree to have my kids?
wat should i do?

2007-09-24 14:34:06 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are some kids so spoiled? ARE they even conscious of it?

2007-09-24 14:27:07 · 13 answers · asked by phoenixxgrey 3

A Little background: I'm a senior in high school & my fiance is a freshman in college, so we are both gone during the days. My parents recently put us into our own home & said they'd continue to support us until we're both done with college. We have a Nanny for our year old daughter who comes in around 8am and stays until 5. I was recently home sick for a few days, and still had her come in because I was told to get plenty of rest. I created a general schedule for our nanny to follow that I gave to her the day she started in our home, as to when my daughter usually naps, eats, plays... etc. I asked her to follow it generally, it didn't have to be completely strict, but when I was home I observed she failed to do so. I talked to her about it, and she told me she felt that no child should be on a schedule of any kind. I felt this was completely rude, and that she should still respect my wishes since I am the mom, and besides when she doesn't follow it, it throws off our daily routine.

2007-09-24 14:13:08 · 16 answers · asked by Lexi 2

Do you ever feel like you just want to run away on a long vacation, away from your children? Are you just so tired of there demands that you just want to sleep all day? Have you ever just felt like no matter how much you do for your kids its never enough. You ever feel like your kids take and take. But then you stop and think I can't live without them and are just so grateful to have them. Please let me know cause I never hear other moms complain.

2007-09-24 13:35:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is in the local public elementary school. He was involved in the after school program and enjoyed it. I am a single mom going back to school for change of career and need this program so I can take my classes. After getting him tested for peanut allergies he tested positive. Now he is no longer able to use this service at his school. How is this fair?

2007-09-24 13:13:47 · 17 answers · asked by Jacqueline H 1

Keep in mind that my kids are a lil younger i have a 6yr old and a 5yr old also a 3 yr old and im just wondering what works best as i have found nothing.....time outs they just leave the spot..i dont have time to stand there for how ever many minutes i have other people to tend to and housework to keep up with....help

2007-09-24 12:54:09 · 8 answers · asked by Blossom 1

... whereas in this country (U.K.) it is mainly *Fathers* who stand on the sidelines shouting and screaming at their boys?
My boys played football with the cubs,rugby for the school and so on and they wouldn't have wanted me anywhere near - and I didn't *want* to go near firstly because I was glad to have them out of the house for a while while I got on with things and secondly if I had been there and anyone had touched my boys I should have been on the pitch protecting them.
My third who was a bit more "left field" was a swimmer and I did used to go to watch him in competitions but he needed that attention more.
Even my Father never used to go to watch my brothers playing sports unless it was a big game and my Mother would never have done - so what is it with these "soccermoms"? - is it just because they need to provide transportation and don't want to drive home and then pick them up later?
This is a serious enquiry about cultural differences and I find it interesting.

2007-09-24 10:49:59 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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