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Marriage & Divorce - 11 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I just married my husband 2 months ago and I am 4 1/2 months pregnant. We have been together for 5 years and in the 1st or 2nd year i had a restraining order against him because he was getting abusive. After he had gotten himself together (i thought) i attempted to drop the order but couldnt because he hadnt attended the court ordered anger management classes so as far as i know it still stands. Suddenly, now that we have gotten married, got our first place and are expecting a baby he has gotten abusive again but i dont pictures, etc... my question is, if i leave him now, he is threatening to take custody of the baby. is there anything i can do to prevent that being that the baby isnt born yet? do i have to put him on the birth certificate, etc?

2007-12-11 16:24:42 · 7 answers · asked by Alicia 1

I have been married for 4 years . We ended up in financial hardship and had troubled paying rent. He came to me about a friend he knew who needed a place to live tomhelp with rent. She ended up moving in with us 4 months after we married. I always had a suspicion something was wrong but could never put my finger on it. I ended up pregnant, and everything was just weird. I delivered the baby and 5 weeks afterwards found out they had been having a affair for 4 yrs. We ended up going to counseling and everything was fine. he had no contact with the other women until she had contacted him telling him that she hopes everything is what he wanted. Apparently, he emailed her using wrk email and they had another "1 night" stand, and she became pregnant. To make things worse, I am now pregant with his 2nd child and do not know what to do. He told me she wants nothing to do with him, and that he was just a sperm donor...I want my daughter to grow up with her parents, & not a broken famly

2007-12-11 16:22:08 · 27 answers · asked by Elise0202 1

how 2 get custady of my dauter her mum has her

2007-12-11 16:20:02 · 6 answers · asked by aliamitab 1

2007-12-11 16:20:00 · 16 answers · asked by Girl 2

Plantiff attorney represented X wife of Judge. Plantiff asked Judge to recuse and he refused. Motion to Disqualify filed. Now what?

2007-12-11 16:13:57 · 2 answers · asked by Ann S 1

Im supposed to get married the first week of next month, but lately I've been feeling different towards my mate. Asking myself if its the right thing i'm doing..I'm 22 and he's 25, I talked to him about it, but he said not to worry, everything will be okay. He has Major mood swings now and then, and thats one thing i cant stand...

We're also doing a city hall marriage, and i'm telling myself this is not what i ever envisioned.

IS this the way you felt before your wedding? please help!

2007-12-11 16:11:20 · 10 answers · asked by emreldjewel 1

I'm doing my best to get along with my husband we are seperated. We have a two yr old together who he asks to see ect. My daughter from a previous marriage he knew since she was three she is now 7 he doesn't want to see her for visitations because thats not his biological child and we are probably getting a divorce. He doesn't even ask about her. He went away to the military in july where he forgot me and his kids were alive in basic training and ait never called wrote letters that were cold. Causing this whole problem now that he is home we have meet a few times in twon he asks about our daughter but never mentioned mine i said would you get her a x-mas gift he says would your first husband buy my daughter a present i said my first husband did raise your daughter This really disturbs me since they were close how can he forget her so easy. What would a judge say i don't even know if i should bring it up as it really isn't his obligation to see her.i don't know i hurt for my daughter

2007-12-11 15:58:58 · 28 answers · asked by poo~poo 1

I have had one before, but then stopped in hopes of regaining intimacy with my husband. Now he has told me in so many words that he just isn't into sex. Whether it be depression, sickness or whatever, it's up to him to get checked, which he won't. I have someone I can be with one the side, completely physical, no emotional attachment. So why not?

2007-12-11 15:48:15 · 68 answers · asked by secretsecret16 2


I am typically a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. I ALWAYS do my hair and I more often than not wear make-up, but I feel I can do all this and still look beautiful with a cute t-shirt and jeans on.
Now, my boyfriend is like this, no matter what I'm doing, if I'm going to the gas station, or even if we're just going to Wal-Mart 12 in the morning, he expects me to look the same way I do when going to school or work. This means I have to wear a fancy top with my jeans or a dress, with jewelry, make-up and have my hair done. What's wrong with me wanting to be comfortable every now and then. I went to the store with my hair in a ponytail and well, jeans and a t-shirt on the other day and it really bothered him. Now, let me make this side note. I hate dresses and his ex always wears them, he has done everything in his power to make me wear them even when I say I'm not comfortable in them he still tries. Also, his ex is ALWAYS dolled up. Is he trying to turn me into her?

2007-12-11 15:34:30 · 18 answers · asked by Tnisha 1

We did alot of mean things to each other. But i know he is not cheating right now. i can't understand why he doesn't answer his calls says he doesn't want to waste mins prepaid phone but he has over 1000 in bank? cards are like 32 dollars? we are seperated right now he got homw from military 3 weeks ago first week he planned on smashing my face in divorce court i just took his truck with police escort before he got home that i payed for. Next week we meet at a hotel just to talk. end up sleeping together next week he says you can't talk to me about anything but getting together our daughter or a divorce. Doesn't even want to eat with me before i go to meet him at hotel "i'm not dating you he says. i cry off and on for days i don't even want to go to his house to get childsupport at the advice of my conselor i do he says get the money be brief. Well he pays me one week and an extra week in advance for then he invites me to lunch and buys me clothes? I tell my conselor who previously

2007-12-11 15:32:21 · 10 answers · asked by poo~poo 1

2007-12-11 15:24:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

This has come up before. I make 60k a year in the computer field. He also makes 60k in the heating and air conditioning business. This issue did come up before we got engaged, but I brushed it off because I am not going to quit my job for him. It hurts me alot when he says I am not a 'good woman' because I want to work. But I had this job when he proposed. What makes him think I am going to quit my job and 'take care of him' in 1950s fashion? He hasn't graduated high school and I have a college degree. Could this have something to do with it? Does he feel inferior? Do I threaten him? It just hurts. Is this a general feeling of most men looking for a wife - that she doesn't have a good job or career?
I also NEVER EVER throw it in his face that I have a degree and he doesn't. In fact, I truely believe he is a genius and I tell him all the time. He just didn't graduate for whatever reason.

2007-12-11 15:15:54 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband sees prost itutes. I am so angry with him. He says I am the guilty one because I do not satisfy him enough, and that I'm getting too fat, so I no longer attract him. So I'm failing in my duty as a wife, so he can do as he pleases.

But I have one year old baby and I'm pregnant with another, And most times I'm too tired caring for the child

2007-12-11 15:10:44 · 34 answers · asked by farzia 2

I can't get rid of this anger for my father. He never admits hes wrong, and constantly says I love you when hes mad at me, although I don't think he does love me. He cheated on my mother, and is turning his family against her. He tells everyone hes getting divorced, and gets women that way, when he hasn't even filed yet. He thinks everything is abuse. My mom slapped his but and he said "PHYSICAL ABUSE!" and she did it in a sexy way. Anyway, he comes home 3 hours late from the time he should be home from work. I tell him that my cousnelor said no relationships until a year after the divorce is finalized, and he says "Well I told you guys in January!" He always HAS to be right, and I can't argue with him because he never gives in when he is defeated. My mother says he is manipulative. I walked in my Aunt's house, and he was talking about my Mother. I get more and more pissed off, and I can't sleep because I am so angry and mad at him. I don't know what to do. I don't want to hate him bec

2007-12-11 15:10:43 · 2 answers · asked by <3 3

we are divorced and i tell her i still love her very much and she says ok. then i ask her if it is alright that i say i love you and she says its ok i can do what i want. does this mean anything

2007-12-11 15:05:45 · 12 answers · asked by ralph 1

So, I just had my first baby 4 months ago. I've always been thin and didn't gain too much weight and lost most of it quickly, but my hubby never seemed attracted to me.
A few weeks ago, I got really busy with some things, and didn't even realize I hadn't eaten much for like a week, and lost a lot of weight. I'm now back to my pre-pregnancy size because of it. Around that same time my hubby seemed attracted to me again.
I assured myself it was all in my head, but he just told me, out of the blue, that he wasn't attracted to me before, and finally is again. Which made sense, it was very obvious by the way he acted around me. I feel bad because I was pretty much anorexic to get that way, and now I'm terrified to gain any weight because he won't be attracted to me. I know he'll always love and care for me, but it's important to me that my partner is attracted to me.
Ugh, I just feel frustrated, I feel like he's a jerk, but he really is a great husband.

2007-12-11 15:04:36 · 7 answers · asked by nic 3

i trully loved her but made a major mistake she broke it off and wants to stop loving me how do i or her move on?

2007-12-11 15:00:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

This has come up before. I make 60k a year in the computer field. He also makes 60k in the heating and air conditioning business. This issue did come up before we got engaged, but I brushed it off because I am not going to quit my job for him. It hurts me alot when he says I am not a 'good woman' because I want to work. But I had this job when he proposed. What makes him think I am going to quit my job and 'take care of him' in 1950s fashion? He hasn't graduated high school and I have a college degree. Could this have something to do with it? Does he feel inferior? Do I threaten him? It just hurts. Is this a general feeling of most men looking for a wife - that she doesn't have a good job or career?

2007-12-11 14:35:49 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

So when I was a little kid my family was really poor and couldn't afford any toys, nothing but a small toy that was a chick (baby chicken that would peep) I had him for many years since I was a baby well I recently replaced the batteries and it started peeping again which I was quite happy but when I came home today i found the chick destroyed not sure how it was but i know my wife destroyed it. its irreplaceable cause it was from eastern europe (born there) and it was very old what am i to do now?

2007-12-11 14:22:51 · 16 answers · asked by Hi T 1

not a good marriage...kids are the best...i feel so lonly so sad.. feels like happiness has nothing to do with me..my husband never counts me in his life .i am here just to serve him when he feels like coming home..kids are getting bigger.they are going to go soon .do i have to die lonly and sad. what can i do. i wish i had a family.i don't want to be just a mom and that's what i have become. if i did not have my kids there is nothing for me to live.how can i change things around me with no family noone to love..no job ..no life..

2007-12-11 14:16:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

settlement, but still be in "love" with her. I feel this guy is he says they only got divorced because of his mother in law?

2007-12-11 14:13:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do u deal with someone that u can not stand. ok I got preg with my son under (bad terms!!!).My son dad did not want nothing to do with my son at first.I'm married and my hubby is the one that help me thru everything and been there from day 1. Ok now my son dad is tryin to get back in his life- I'm trying so hard to work with him but he makes me sick.His mom thinks im being unfair cause of the pass and what he put me thru.I think she is not seeing it thru me eyes and she did the same when it happen to her.Ok my Q is how do I handle this with out going crazy.I have ended up in the ER twice dealing with them.My family want me to do whats best for the baby but cant handle this.I really feel sick when see him.When my son is at his house and it only 2 times a month right now I go crazy.I dont truth him at all and I mean at all. what do I do??

2007-12-11 14:13:50 · 6 answers · asked by apple m 1

My BF is too tired to want to save our r/s again hence he ended it yesterday. We were both sad & hurt but he felt that was the best way since I've not been fully commited to him the past 9 mths and he's been giving out his love to me and I've only been receiving. I showed him love by buying him things sometimes but that's not what he wants. Anyway he's not replying to my text msgs anymore but I still msg him now & then like informing him im at work alrdy, ive reached home etc, do you think this is still necessary if I want to prove my love & commitment to him ? He told me time will heal wounds and over time, I will forget who he is. I told him I will never coz I know I wont. Can anyone give me advices what can I do to make him feel my LOVE, and im not talking about buying presents. Currently he's also very stressed at work as he's far from mthly target (hes in copier sales), what can I do to encourage & comfort him ? Advices please, thanks v much !!

2007-12-11 14:10:40 · 7 answers · asked by Arpengenie 1

Okay-so I know that my husband still watches porn and stuff. But when I looked at his computer today I found pictures with the keywords young teen and even preteen nude in them. I've caught him searching for that kind of porn before but he just got angry and avoided all of my questions about it. He says that he does not have a "thing" for teenagers but I really don't believe him-I guess I just want to know what I should do and whether I should be mad and confront him or just act like I don't know about it......sound advice would be helpful from both genders.

2007-12-11 14:07:49 · 16 answers · asked by clark_jax 3

How long should you wait before you introduce your kids to your friend?

2007-12-11 14:07:07 · 21 answers · asked by AdamMs 2

I'm 23 and have 2years left of my degree training as a Primary teacher which i could travel with, but my bf of 2years has put it to me (we have been having issues -both stubborn) that he thinks I want to travel more than anything and doesnt wnat me to have regrets on my deathbed and says he loves me enough to let me go pursue my hearts desire of travel, altho my other hearts desire is to start a family. He wants to settle. This is my first real relationship - what choice should I make?? Have you had to make this choice before??

2007-12-11 14:01:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been in a few fights with my wife that have lead to her either attacking me or destroying something of mine and i have had to stop her by force. I have thrown her down and pushed her back or away but she continually comes back at me with anger and kicks and punches. My intent is never to hurt her even when shes beating on me or destroying something of ours...but none the less due to my anger issues I have still laid my hands on her in these instances. She views the fights in a total different manner of me beating her up or abusing her or hitting her when i have never hit her. How do i stop this pattern and make her see what she is doing and why i have done this to her in defense.

2007-12-11 14:00:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a husband and a wife both love their own and each others families equally (and they live very far apart), and they want to live with ONE so they can at least be near some family, do you think it would be better to live with the wife/mother's family or the husband's family?? I know this is a hard question...but without any complications (and knowing we want to have kids), what do you think?

2007-12-11 13:56:11 · 10 answers · asked by Marie 2

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