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Marriage & Divorce - 11 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce


2007-12-11 07:56:40 · 13 answers · asked by kittykatsback 5

I am dating a man not very long now but I recently told him that if he knows that he has no intentions of getting serious with anyone to let me know because I am VERY ready to have more than a "friend" in my life.

He is now very stressed out by this. I tried to explain that I wasn't saying WE would get married, but if he's not even open to the possibility of being in a serious relationship ever again then I don't want to waste my time.

Am I wrong to say this????

btw, we're both divorced for four years each. His ex had a baby with another man and mine had one with another woman while we were married to them.

2007-12-11 07:47:45 · 8 answers · asked by SillyGirl 2

No matter how hard I try to let her win, I always beat her playing checkers.

2007-12-11 07:47:22 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok, just in, I had someone close call me and tell that they were having toughts of this nature, and was really scared to act upon them.

he is now taking medication, and I think that thats what causing this thoughts, now the thing is she told me that her hubby of 35 yrs is planing to leave her. She is devastated because she is ill, and to make matters worse she weight 400 lbs (no joke), my q? is, do you think that the meds are acting up on her? or its the whole " Im going to leave" from her hubby that has her like this?

Its sad how much people can change.......she even told him not to leave, she begged. She used her illness to try to hold him back, fair? I dont know, I just pray that she gets thru this ok.

2007-12-11 07:45:47 · 15 answers · asked by ♥Sonadora♥ 3

Ok so i'm stuck in the middle between 2 guys, well one is my husband and we have been married for well going on 4 years but its not even like we are married. We aren't ever together(we always spilting up) There hasn't been one year where we have been together for the whole year. We have a child together also. Well then i have my kids by this other guy. And we have been off and on also. There hasn't been a single year where we was together the whole year. They both say they love me, my husbands has a bad anger problem and takes things out on me for no reason at all. We fight all the time.The other guy I don't know How do i know who is the right one for me. I do have feelings for them both, maybe my husband a little more then the other but the other guy treats me with respect and we don't fight. Well what do i do? Did i marry the wrong man? Help out or just some suggests please.

2007-12-11 07:44:45 · 16 answers · asked by mslilmama03 1

which he hates, so he's off - saying he can't stand coming home to a drunk - that I'm mean to him - all of which he is repeating to the girl and his co-workers!
Meanwhile, I'm still thinking everything is OK, until I go to be with him one weekend & he points this girl out to me : long striped hair, short, voluptuous body (I'm tall & athletic with short hair) &, of course, 20 years younger than me too.
To make a long story short, the girl dumps him when she finds out about me (he told her we were separated!) & was actually sweet to me the few times I saw her.
All that is fine, but since then, hubby has confessed to 2 other 'instances' of cheating in the past 4 years. I admit that he's always said he's a polygamist, but I never really took it seriously. I guess now I must! I know he loves me - believe it or not - & as long as I know MY feelings come 1st with him, I won't be threatened. Am I nuts to accept him bringing another woman into our home? Like 'Big Love'?

2007-12-11 07:40:32 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband has an exgirlfriend and a daughter 16. An exwife with 3 kids and 2 of them which are his and the oldest was1 when him and his ex married. When we got together I did not realize everything involved. He had a past of drinking and recieved 3 dui's which occured in his last marriage. The two women have become best friends and when he went to court he lost visitation and custody rights because of his past. He went 4 yrs without being able to talk to his children but now they are coming back into the picture. Since he has no rights he has to do what the women say to talk and see his kids. His kids have no interest in having a relationship with me (They have called me names etc). If he goes to visit them he must be with the ex and me and my children are not to be included. I have tried to stay strong but can not emotionally handle this as I know he must do what they say to have a relationship with his children. I Have 3 kids that are use to my husband but may get pushed aside.

2007-12-11 07:37:56 · 11 answers · asked by babydoll 1

My now husband, I found a sex tape of him and his ex and he totally forgot about it and I confronted him and I feel cheated on. I still bothers me and what can I do?

2007-12-11 07:34:43 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

She's severly mentally unstable... she suffers from anxiety, depression, and slight schizophrenia. She's lost her job due to her issues.

I knew that she was like this when I married her, and I never, not for one second, have regretted my choice. She is the love of my life. We haven't had sex in over 2 years, and I still fall in love with her all over again, everyday.

I'm up with her at 3am when she's convinced demons are out to get her, I'm cleaning up her throw-up when I get home from work around midnight when she's tried to drink away her problems. I've always been faithful and supportive.

She refuses counseling and medication and I respect her wishes.

But she wants a divorce. She even managed to get a lawyer. She's insistent that she's ruining my life and she's NOT. How can I change her mind? I need her.

2007-12-11 07:28:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous 1

Okay, i am 22, and my fiance will be 37 on Monday. We met online, ramdomly... when we met, i was underage, but didnt start even talking about dating until i was 19. i hid my relationship with him from my parents, telling all kinds of lies. We started dating Aug 23rd 2004 and got engaed March 17th, 2005.... i finally broke down and told my parents about him, basically telling them everything except that we are egaged. i do not wear the ring whenever i am aroundd them. I want to move to where he is after i graduate from college(i graduate May'08. I know that my mom does not approve of this at all, but ifeel as if she is not even trying to get to know him. The only thing that bugs her is the age diff. I understand, but he is really a good guy. My mom asked if i was going to marry him and i said i dont know maybe, i do not want to tell her i am engaged, until he actually asks my dad, which i know my dad will say no. My mom has also asked i will move there(my fiance is in Louisiana, and I

2007-12-11 07:22:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Almost 2 years ago my husband and I were having a difficult time and we split up. I had just found out I was pregnant with our first child and needless to day we got back together a few months later and everything is great now but while we were seperated he slept with his hairdresser (whom he continued to go to for haircuts up until 3 months ago when I found out they had slept together) and now everytime he's out she pops up and brings up all of this old stuff. I don't know why she feels the need to talk to him but he has told her numerous times he wants nothing to do with her but she just won't quit. A couple of weeks ago she cornered him at the bank inside of the supermarket and started going on and on about how she was sorry I found out and all of this. What should I do? I would love to kick her sorry butt but I'm too classy for that.

2007-12-11 07:13:03 · 7 answers · asked by addisonsmom17 2

i am in a bad relationship and don't want to leave because i am afraid i will never find anyone again. i have been married for 8 months. he tells me noone will want me.
yes i know confidence is sexy but how do i know that i am still desirable on the market?

2007-12-11 07:11:54 · 27 answers · asked by ashleybredesen 2

If marriage is all about love and being faithful, then why does a man have a bachelor party and play with whores right before making the commitment to one woman? Does such a man truly love his future wife?

2007-12-11 07:05:18 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Help me please! We married on 24th August this year, by the 5th November we had had 5 arguments which resulted in my packing my bags and leaving the house each times. In hindsight leaving was an overreaction on my part but I would come back a few days later (stayed with my Mum). We have three children (one is ours together, two from her previous relationship). I do now (but did not then) understand how unsettling my leaving was to everyone. I desparately want the marriage to work however for the past five weeks (we are not living together) she has been telling me that she has to be strong for the children and will never let me back in the house. She tells me that her love for me has totally gone and that she now see's herself as a single woman. We were together for five years before getting married and used to have the same reaction to arguments. I love her dearly and want it to work so much. Should I continue to try and convince her it can work or should I walk away now? Please help!

2007-12-11 07:00:37 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently my husband and I got into an arguement wherein I told him that I was not happy and thought we needed to separate. We all know that people can say very hurtful things during the heat of discussion. I would like your opinions on this: I have recently been under a lot of stress because of him and his drug use. He has recently gotten help and is sober. During this period of time, I gained about 20 pounds, and I know that is no excuse. If he told me that I was fat, and he was embarrassed to go places with me. Do you think that he loves me and was just trying to hurt my feelings?? I know that I need to lose weight. Do you think that he was just trying to get me to realise that?? He came back home later that day after I practically begged him to. I love him so much and we have a 2 year old. I do not want him to be brought up in a broken home. What do you think???
Thanks for your opinions.

2007-12-11 07:00:34 · 10 answers · asked by rsrose13 2

My husband always harps on one thing... the kitchen sink! I do do the dishes, but if it isn't spotless he gets upset, and he always brings it up, even if someone leaves a dish in while I'm out. I'm afraid that if I make sure the sink is perfect all the time he'll simply complain about something else.
Is it a control thing?
Do your husbands do that?
Men, why would you complain constantly about one thing?
I keep saying, "Something's bothering you, and it's not about the dishes!!"

2007-12-11 06:59:58 · 28 answers · asked by emilsignia 5

My father often goes away on conference trips frequently, sometimes for weeks, and neither him nor my mom has ever cheated. Also, we also know other family friends and members who do not cheat. For example, we have a Chinese-American friend who's husband frequently visits Australis to go on business trips, sometimes up to months on end. But they are still faithful and have been married for more than 30 years. Also, my aunt's husband works in Indonesia part-time, but they are still together after almost 25 years.

Why do Asians almost never cheat, even when the spouse is not at home. Even non-married people can handle long-distance relationships. My sister went to medical school in a different part of the country and she is still together with her boyfriend, soon to be fiance.

On the other hand, I am in the Air Force and I hear of people cheating all the time on deployments as little as two weeks. Are non-Asians seriously that desperate and promiscuous?

2007-12-11 06:57:06 · 13 answers · asked by airforcewolf16 3

We have been separated for 3 months and recently she found out that I've been going to therapy on my own and she now she's willing to go to MC with me. The catch is that she's will to go to MC to help me but she still wants a divorce. The first session went well, she cried and vented. That means she still have feelings for me. Anyhow, I just found out that she just back from Hawaii with her gfs and her cousin. Her cousin's boyfriend is stationed in Hawaii so they got a free place to crash. Two things that bothered me about her taking this vacation. 1.That Hawaii was supposed to be our honeymoon destination. 2. one of girls she's going with is going thru a bitter divorce. Will this trip with her girlfriends influence her to be more determined to file for divorce or will this make her think more about reconciliation? The last I heard from her she still want to go to MC with me. I feel that she's stringing me along. Am I thinking too much into this?

2007-12-11 06:54:27 · 14 answers · asked by DMa 1

My ex husband was emotionally and physically abusive to me. We have a child together and we speparated.
Even after 2 years apart he still spreads malicious untrue stories about me to anyone who will listen (and they are not so crazy as not to be believable)

Why does he do this. It is his cheating that caused us to divorce. why is he trying to make me miserable after all this time?

2007-12-11 06:54:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

.......and tied him to the bedpost with my tights, blindfolded him and shoved an apple in his mouth.

Now, I found the whole experience highly erotic, but he's been crying ever since and now refuses to even come upstairs.

What can I do? He's threatening to go back to his mum. I love him so much and don't want to lose him.

Please help :-(

2007-12-11 06:47:44 · 48 answers · asked by Ms Minger 3

I really love my fiance very much. But I do not want to get a divorce. It is too much stress and it's not the way marriage is supposed to work. Should we hold off on the sex until marriage in order to prevent a divorce?

2007-12-11 06:45:48 · 25 answers · asked by airforcewolf16 3

A husband whom you can trust even at times when he has the opportunity to secretly cheat on you ..... does such husbands exist in reality or are they exclusive to our fantasies?

2007-12-11 06:38:01 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lets just say "Terri" (an American) is married to "F" a Muslim. F wants to send money back to his country monthly (a significant amount). Terri does not really agree because a) she is concerned that the family is not poor and could live with out it and Terri and F do not have a lot to spare. B) F came into the marriage with a lot of school dept and when he asked his family to sell his land to help pay for it, they said no(Terri, makes more and their money is combined so she's helping him out w/ debt accrued before the marriage) c) F's father has 2 wives and Terri does not agree with that and also she was told by F that Muslims can't get a 2nd wife unless they can afford it (that should tell you that if he has 2 wives he must not be in need of money).

Why should she have to donate a large amount of money every month (when they don't have much to spare) to support a man with 2 wives when she is against the fact that he has 2 wives?

2007-12-11 06:33:10 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

your wife sent you an email like this while your at work (I didnt send it to his work email..i sent it to his regular account)

am in a super naughty mood right now. meet me in bed after work for some fun...or be prepared to give me a rain check for a later date...for some throw me on the bed, rip my clothes off, pure hot ****ing. ;)

do you think he'll be happy to get this or am i going to far?

2007-12-11 06:30:05 · 27 answers · asked by Heather 3

It doesn't make sense. Some women claim that they have the right to a portion of their ex-husband's money, and they sometimes get it too. You never hear of a man getting any of the sex he was used to getting.

2007-12-11 06:22:31 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My (crazy) husband says I am addicted to towels. He thinks we have too many.

We have a set of one year old bath towels (4), hand towels (2), and wash cloths (6). We also have a four year old set of the same. And a set that my mother gave us five years ago, which are ugly. Theres also some really old ones from my previous marriage (11 years ago) and college (18 years ago). I just bought two new bath towels and two hand towels.

Our household consists of myself, my husband (crazy), and our 3 yr old. We are about to get a dog, the reason I think we need new towels to replace the oldest towels soon to be demoted to dog status.

2007-12-11 06:13:43 · 21 answers · asked by GeminiVirgo1971 5

I forgave her because she showed true remorse for her actions. The child is a year old and I love him to death; and I know he loves me. The other guy wanted nothing to do with the child and that made it easier on me. My wife and I have a great relationship now, I'm just concerned about how the child might feel as he gets older.

2007-12-11 06:12:45 · 24 answers · asked by curious 1

To me, that just leaves room for one to get to know someone else mostly at work and become intimate with them (cheating). Less time is spent with each other. Also, there's a greater chance for one or the other to choose work over family and marriage.

For example, I remember when my boss's wife needed to go to the hospital because she has cancer. He asked his boss (the owner) if he could go with his wife to the hospital. She (the owner) said, "No, if you want this job, you need to stay and work." Therefore he did, but everyone knows how much he loves his wife.

I really don't understand that, and part of that is I'm not married but thinking about it. So, I guess i'm wondering if there is a point, then how do you make it work?

2007-12-11 06:10:33 · 50 answers · asked by rosepassions 3

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