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Family & Relationships - 12 October 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

i am wondering do guys think about boobs and butts and sex
b/c i think they do
i need some answers and if wat i am thinking is wrong please tell me how i am wrong
thnx for all ur help

2007-10-12 05:57:47 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok, I planned to stay at my girlfriends this wkend because her parents are out, so supposly i thought I will indeed sleep with her at night.

However she has told me she has heavy bedtime incontience (I think thats the right word) and she has to wear some adult diapers at night.

Its all abit strange for a 18 year old girl to be wearing diapers at night.. Nonetheless it didnt bother me, at first, untill I woke up the next morning with a girl lying half on top of me wearing a heavy sagging diaper.. i mean, you wouldn't want to leave her lying in a soggy sack of her own urine, right? yes gross as it may seem..

I still love her I find this abit "werid" in a way. Does anyone have any advice? Its all I strange situation so advice would be helpful . Thanks

2007-10-12 05:52:03 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i've tried to tell her i don't fancy her at all, i've stopped replying to her all her attempts to contact me, but she just wont stop, i'm starting to think it might just be easier to give in, and go through life with a GF i cant stand the sight of!! i'm at my wits end, what can i do?

2007-10-12 05:51:18 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i had a good friend on the net but i was warned that he is a big liar...maybe even about who he is. i confronted him and he said he doesn't lie. but i feel sure he is still lying about small things. otherwise he has always been a great friend...i never had a friend like him before.....

2007-10-12 05:33:12 · 4 answers · asked by Sphinx 1 in Friends

for a while until he can get things straightend out with his ex wife and children. Since I have been with him she has gone non stop after me by spreading rumors among his family, friends, calling him non stop, she wants him back, however he doesn't want to go...they are apart 4 years when I met him. He also doesn't put a stop to her harrassment....one email this week to her, answering a nasy email about me from her, he stood up for me....his children bash me to my face every other weekend of my life, and he does nothing. I don't want to live like this any more. It puts strain on my job, my mental out look on life....it is making me spiritually unsound....I don't know what else to do....give him space to fix it or not....

2007-10-12 05:30:27 · 16 answers · asked by Rein 5 in Marriage & Divorce

basically my boyfriend of two years broke up with me recently so i'm hurting bad and still love him.. but i know i'll get through it.I have try to let go.he was a great guy but life goes on right.. :( my question is actually for the future and is about sex. i had an amazing sex life for the past two years, connected, passionate, intimate, i am very sexual and he was a great lover no complaints- he was my first not that i never had opportuity i just waited for the right guy- i'd been very sexualwith other men before him but wouldn't have sex..i held out 4 the right guy. I'm 21 and know i'm really going to miss sex but i don't want a relationship for a long time now- take care of me, enjoy life. i'm young.i guess what i am conflicted about is do i wait for the next right guy who i love- which is ideal but who knows how long that will be or do i,in time,date a nice guy but not serious just go with it and enjoy the pleasure of sex even though it will be hard bc it won't mean anything to me

2007-10-12 05:30:18 · 12 answers · asked by Miss Brightside 1 in Singles & Dating

you can view my other question for more background info... Is it possible to continue a friendship with someone you truly, honest;y and whole-heartedly feel is a friend, even if your spouse feels otherwise (believes I had an emotional affair)? That is, if all communication was made available for the spouse so they could see exactly what was going on from this point on (as it always should have been)? Do you think my spouse should trust me to continue this friendship now knowing our boundaries of information sharing? I have never done anything to betray his trust before and really feel this person is just a friend... neither of us have any desire to go further than a friendship.

2007-10-12 05:30:00 · 12 answers · asked by girl 123 2 in Marriage & Divorce

When your away from your girlfriend for say four or five days can you not just wait til your together again for sex, are men that horny that you have to 'do the job yourself' until then?? Its FIVE days.....is it really that long? Do you not think that you may affect your performance when you do see your girlfriend again?

2007-10-12 05:27:35 · 26 answers · asked by SweetLikeHoney 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-10-12 05:26:22 · 13 answers · asked by Jon B 1 in Singles & Dating

she dose not show me attention she ignores me time to time we hardly ever have sex and she wont give me a chance to get her into having sex she always says she is sleepy or she is watching tv or somthing then when i try when we lay in bed for the night she says "why do you wait until im sleepy and want to sleep" i dont understand and she says she still wants to be with me but im trying my hardest not to break up with her she is distant from me we dont ever cudel anymore its like the only option she is giving me is to leave her alone 24/7 and not even talk to her....im a good looking guy and i know i can have somone that can trat me better and realize and understand my feelings and needs im stuck what do i do????

2007-10-12 05:24:41 · 11 answers · asked by michaelxx89 1 in Singles & Dating

would u rather date a guy who insisted he likes you how you are but while ur dating still idolizes hot bodied chicks and makes no secret of it or a guy who beats you up?

2007-10-12 05:23:56 · 11 answers · asked by the insider 6 in Singles & Dating

Is there any place in this world where women must have two husbands at the same time as a way of marriage style?Is this acceptable in your own mentality?

2007-10-12 05:23:40 · 10 answers · asked by E@rthGoddess 6 in Marriage & Divorce

Another wedding gift question. I am appalled at how many happy couples do not send thank you notes for wedding gifts.
One bride in my husband's family told another relative that she was "too busy". Apparently her time is far more important than the time, money, and energy I expended to send her eight dinner plates of her everyday china.
I don't want to do anything to encourage this trend, which I think is selfish, greedy, slovenly, and inexcusable. But on the other hand, I would like to know if these people got their gifts. This is my idea. Some store which offers a gift registry should have the bride and groom fill in a short reason that they are choosing each gift, e.g., we love this contemporary silverware pattern. Then, when a gift-giver has had a gravy ladle from the registry sent to the couple, the store registry can send the gift-giver a note saying "the gravy ladle you chose from the registry was sent today. The couple told us that they love this contemporary pattern."

2007-10-12 05:22:35 · 18 answers · asked by Tricia R 4 in Weddings

I tried a good counselling with him. Did not even nag him. I feel like leaving him because of this, my patience is almost over. He said he will stop but I catch him few times and I don't know what to do now. Pls. help.

2007-10-12 05:22:02 · 24 answers · asked by MJ B 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I am a man in my 40's. How do I get me a young 22 year old to marry?

2007-10-12 05:21:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I was friends with a guy at my job. He used to fix my car for free because he is a mechanic and we were good friends. My car had bad problems so he used his credit card and bought me parts for over $500. I told him I would make up a contract to pay him back. he refused. Meanwhile he started dating a co-worker and friend of mine. Once she found out that I owed him money she harrassed me almost daily via phone and texts. She claimed it was him but he never acted like that. She got her friends to call my cell and actually went to my dad's house telling him I cursed her out and refused to pay. I don't live at home btw. My dad was mad at me for being bothered and he believed her! I agreed to pay him $20 a week and what I could but I stopped talking to both of them because of all the harassing. Involving my family really made me enraged. What would you do?

2007-10-12 05:21:00 · 4 answers · asked by PhoenixRising 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-10-12 05:17:02 · 21 answers · asked by Jay 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Anything will help, just looking for seriousness though.....THNX!

2007-10-12 05:16:56 · 14 answers · asked by Princess 3 in Singles & Dating

ladies...how did you feel the first time you were intimate with someone after your divorce or breakup ???

guys.....how is being with someone who has already had kids .( not yours)..you know there body isn't the same anymore...

i'm not sure if i make sense ..but i'm currently going through a divorce and i just feel weird of the thought of someday being with some ...my body is not the same ofcourse as to when i didn't have kids...i mean i'm not fat i'm 114 ,4'11 but i'm so self conscious about my stomach ! pls help???????

2007-10-12 05:16:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Until now this has been bugging me. I stay busy and involved so not to let my situation get the best of me. However, many of my friends are getting married and starting families and at times I feel so lonely. I have been single for a verrrrry long time and sometimes cannot bear to be alone. Do other women feel this way?

2007-10-12 05:14:40 · 6 answers · asked by Ms. Sarcastic 2 in Singles & Dating

I was dating this guy who I was absolutely in love with. We were together for three years and he had his sweet moments but for the most part he treated me terribly. He called me a B**** all the time and disrespected me in front of his mother and friends at the drop of a hat.

He was also very hungry for sex and had to have it all the time. He needed weird fantasies and porn to satisfy him. Sex with just me was never enough. I started to realize that he was either in love with or lust with my bestfriend but she hated his guts. One day, he put me out in some rage... he always had rages where he would punch walls and break things and I just never came back.

Now that Im with someone else, pregnant, and happy he is stalking me. Calling me, texting me, emailing me. emailing my new boyfriend. Calling my friend, though I know thats because he secretly wanted her. How do I deal with this? I mean I'm emotionally warped by all this.

2007-10-12 05:13:58 · 7 answers · asked by Under the Sea 4 in Singles & Dating

my friend was married to a british guy and they have a kid and he now he is moving back to england with his wife,will my friend be able to get child support from him while he is there?!!!
damn men,they make babies and leave them like nothing happened

2007-10-12 05:13:35 · 5 answers · asked by mody a 1 in Marriage & Divorce

We have been married 7 months. I am 25 and hes almost 27. I want it more but he always says hes tired or his stomach hurts. Like he has an excuse every time. If I never pursued him or asked to have sex we would go months with out. I dont understand bc I am an attractive woman and my boyfriends in the past always were wanting to have sex with me.
Ive talked to him about this many times..he knows i love sex and it makes me feel closer to him. He says ok im sorry and we will have sex that night or next day but then it goes right back to how it was b4. even when i kiss him he like backs away, he will kiss me but moves his heads backwards and not towards me. ive asked him if hes gay and that always pisses him off. he works as a production manager and is very stressed at work. helP!!!!

2007-10-12 05:13:13 · 70 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

in my opinion, :love, trust ,respect, and always solve arguments before going to bed.. anything else?

2007-10-12 05:12:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My GF has a shady past and cheated on her ex husband. Now I found out, not from her, that this guy who is the brother of one of her best friends who she grew up with asked her out tonight for dinner and drinks and she had declined saying she was busy. Now another guy, who she cheated on her husband with, and recently came into her job, where he use to work and lives only 2 miles from her work, came in and told her he was moving to California. Now today is Friday, the same day that one guy asked her out, and she told me twice yesterday that she was going to a 3pm outing at a casual fine dining with her boss and some co workers to go over an upcoming event. Now she said they were gonna be drinking and some like finger food, and that she would have a light dinner later on with me. Is it possible that she could be seeing one of these 2 guys instead...

2007-10-12 05:09:42 · 32 answers · asked by hero 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I am a woman who is invited, with my husband, to a lot of weddings for family, friends, neighbors, children of husband's old college roommates, etc.
I normally object to using wedding registries. I make an exception where the couple has registered for china or silverware (a register makes sense in that case), or is older and has almost everything they could want. I feel that the giver, not the recipient, chooses the gift.
I have been avidly reading on Yahoo Answers the opinions of brides and grooms, most of whom seem to very much feel entitled to choose all of their own wedding gifts.
One wedding registry answer advised other brides and grooms to choose very luxurious and expensive items for their registries on the theory that young couples cannot afford things like very expensive towels. My question is, most of these couples seem to be having "fairy tale" (read very expensive) weddings. Wouldn't it make sense to have a less expensive wedding and save some money for towels?

2007-10-12 05:09:38 · 33 answers · asked by Tricia R 4 in Weddings

My husband works with a lot of college aged girls and I am a stay at home mom of two babies. For the past year on and off I have been feeling like he has or had been cheating on me. I confront him and he answers all of my questions trying to aleviate my fears. But I still can't stand him working with these girls. I just can't seem to get over that he goofs off with them. There is one instance that really bothers me. He kick a soccer ball inbetween a girls legs when she was laying on her back with her legs kind of open. And he says score. He said he did it on purpose just playing around. That just really hasn't set well with me since I have heard it. My husband puts up with my acusations and questions about him cheating or working with these girls. What should I do or what do I need to do to just accept the fact he does love me and get over this fear that I have?

2007-10-12 05:08:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

One in a Million

How did I get here, I turned around
And there you were
I didn't think twice or rationalize
Cause somehow I knew
That there was more than just chemistry
I mean I knew you were kind of into me
But I figured it's too
Good to be true

I said pinch me where's the catch this time
Can't find a single cloud in the sky
Help me before I get used to this guy

They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in the blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can't believe it, (whoa oh)
You're one in a million

All this time I was looking for love
Trying to make things work
They weren't good enough
Til I thought I'm through
Said I'm done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one

You're making me laugh about the silliest stuff
Say that I'm your diamond in the rough
When I'm mad at you
You come with your velvet touch
Can't believe that I'm so lucky
I have never felt so happy
Every time I see that sparkle in your eyes

They say that good things take time (whooooo)
But really great things happen in the blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one
I can't believe it, (oh whoa)
You're one in a million, (yea yea)

2007-10-12 05:08:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

OK, here’s the deal. I work as a waitress two evenings a week (full time secretary) and asked this guy who was in the restaurant I work in out for a drink. He was really good looking and I was chuffed when he said yes. Since then I’ve learned that he’s a Director for a music company and works alongside high-profile artists, and I mean A-List stars. He also (I have learned today) is in a band and sent me the link to their site. It’s really awesome music, indie – what I’m into, and he does gigs and also is the singer/songwriter.

I am now so nervous and daunted about the date. I love music, but feel totally inferior to this guy. Any tips on how to get over this? Thanks!!!

2007-10-12 05:08:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

He already owes me almost $2000 and says they're going to cut off his electricity if he doesn't come up with $200 immediately.

He doesn't work and mooches off the military by taking college classes, which they pay him to go, and gets disability. His wife has never worked, ever, and gets child support.

This guy is 30 (I've know him since we were 13) and has already filed bankruptcy twice, now he's looking for a way to file a thrid time by using a failed business that he dumped all of his inheritance into which lasted about 3 months before losing everything due to poor money management. I gave him business advice and he did the exact opposite, I really tried to help but he actually took offense to my suggestions and cautions.

I feel sorry for him and his family but, all of him money problems are his own doing. This isn't just a slump for him, he is too stubborn to see his faults and definitely hasn't learned anything from them.

More than likely, I won't get any of this money back.

2007-10-12 05:07:02 · 7 answers · asked by Hunter 2 in Friends

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