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Cars & Transportation - 11 December 2006

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i want to know about the law of this

2006-12-11 08:14:48 · 11 answers · asked by sally12895 1 in Insurance & Registration

I live in a state where there are no emissions requirements. The car still has suitable pickup and does not stall.

2006-12-11 08:14:03 · 8 answers · asked by Dan F 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

A. 24 HP
B. 18 HP
C. 16 HP
D. 10 HP

2006-12-11 08:09:10 · 3 answers · asked by doug f 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

about to change oil and have to add 1 different brand qt.

2006-12-11 08:05:14 · 8 answers · asked by wjb 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

It is a 2004 Ford Focus. I have 2 different keys and neither one of them work no matter which way I insert them. I have tried moving the steering wheel but it is locked. I have also found a way to get it out of gear to see if the key will move then, but it still won't.

The tow truck guy is coming to get it right now but I'm curious what could be the problem? It's not even 2 years old yet!!!

2006-12-11 08:03:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a 2005 Chrysler Pacifica that i just bought recently. it has 42000 miles on it. While driving, I notice that the gas pedal "sticks" apparently when you press on teh gas. Is that normal or is that a flaw that needs to be fixed?

2006-12-11 08:03:22 · 6 answers · asked by glorymomof3 6 in Chrysler

my astra 1.7dt 1993 astra will not start when cold can anyone say why /not very happy/

2006-12-11 08:03:16 · 16 answers · asked by b.gulliver1@btopenworld.com 1 in Other - Car Makes

I have a 1992 BMW 735IL and my sunroof was working fine and I was only driving in my car for not even 20 minutes and when I went to close my sunroof it wouldn't does anyone know how I can fix it and it is an automatic sunroof

2006-12-11 08:03:13 · 10 answers · asked by Rosanna F 1 in BMW

I had originally asked about a 2000 Jetta miss firing, well my friend said if it needs a tune up it will cost like $6000, There is no way it cost this much right?!? This is with everything but that still sounds crazy!

2006-12-11 07:57:59 · 7 answers · asked by Tammy R 2 in Volkswagen

I am 20 years old driving a 1992 ford f-250 in toas NM.

2006-12-11 07:57:11 · 7 answers · asked by juicynut 1 in Insurance & Registration

2006-12-11 07:55:24 · 7 answers · asked by saabbbbbo 1 in Ford

I was out practicing driving with my friend.
i hit a truck when trying to back into a parking space.
Space was to small I hit the gas instead of the break.
I hit the truck but it looks fine but was not sure since i was dumbstruck at that moment.
I left right away to go back to the dorm. and find my front busted. more than 1,500 damage.
My friend told me I should left a note or call 911 and i was thinking the same.
We went back, can't find the truck, afraid campus police may find me i went to them and told them what happen. I was to Naive
Truck owner didn't report and I have to goto court for hid and run with out leveeing contact information.
What should i do when i goto court? play guilty? ask for trial by jury ?
What should i tell my parents? i don't want to disappoint them. how should i approach it?

2006-12-11 07:55:21 · 6 answers · asked by ANNR 1 in Insurance & Registration

Its a old junker so I don't care if I damage it, can I set it up to be hotwired and not need a key?

2006-12-11 07:54:51 · 4 answers · asked by Matt 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I need the brakes on my Toyota Camry changed. Do you know of any good mechanics in the Santa Clara or San Jose area? Thank you.

2006-12-11 07:52:29 · 2 answers · asked by Elaine C 2 in Toyota

Im thinking of a something like a vauxhall cavalier 1.6 or 1.8. Ive been offered a fiesta from a mate but i think this maybe 2 small , coz i have kidz as well . Thanks for yer time.

2006-12-11 07:51:09 · 8 answers · asked by warpig 3 in Insurance & Registration

I have a 89 Honda Accord and the speakers was replaced before I got the car with some Jensons 120W speakers all 4, I bought the car and found the origianal radio was going bad and replaced it with a 200W Panasonic. my radio volume goes to 40 but when I go above 30 the sound starts to blurr out. Do I need a amp? or what should I do to fix my problem.

I don't want any stupid answers Please

2006-12-11 07:50:47 · 7 answers · asked by eclipsefreak 4 in Car Audio

About 3-4 ounces into the power steering unit of a 2000 Honda Accord about a week ago. So far, no adverse affects.
Can I just siphon it out and replace with steering fluid? Should I use Honda brand steering fluid or just buy some power steering fluid from a auto parts store? Any advise (preferably from a mechanic) would be appreciated.

2006-12-11 07:50:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Honda

We've narrowed it down to GMC Sonoma, Dodge Dakota, Toyota Tacoma, or Nissan Fronteir. Ford Rangers are out. I was thinking of the Dodge, but there's a really high number of those on www.autotrader.ca which makes me think nobody likes them and are all trying to get rid of them. Anyone have any thoughts, opinions, or suggestions, I'm listening.

2006-12-11 07:45:08 · 9 answers · asked by canadamoose22 5 in Buying & Selling

I know u have to pull the steering wheel but is it something simple that I can do the steering wheel has the cruise built into the face of the wheel but no airbag in it.

2006-12-11 07:44:34 · 4 answers · asked by fibermonkey2003 1 in Ford

My son's '93 Neon' right tail light works on and off. The left one has no problem. He has changed the fuse, checked the light itself. He was told it is probably electrical. Any suggestions on how and where to start checking? It seems obvious its something directly attached to that rear light. Signal and backup works on and off also. I think it's a loose wire, but have no idea where to look. Someone mentioned Dielictic Grease on another tail-light Q. Where is that found and would it affect only one light? Where is the Harness connector found? Thanks in advance.

2006-12-11 07:42:37 · 4 answers · asked by justdani19 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a 2000 jeep cherokee and when the weather got cold it started to leak fluid I found a hose with a hole in it, but while i was checking Jeep I found a thick Dirt in Radiator. What is this? Friends say it Could be Ginger to repair hole I haven't had this car long 2Months what else could it be.

2006-12-11 07:40:44 · 3 answers · asked by James W 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

My friends 2000 Jetta miss-fired when she started it this morning and of course the DEALERSHIP said to bring it to them so they could charge her an arm and leg, but I heard this is normal when its a cold start. Is this true or has anyone got a reason this could be happening?

2006-12-11 07:31:05 · 7 answers · asked by Tammy R 2 in Volkswagen

I have a 1995 Jeep Wrangler-S (4 cyl, Soft Top, Red), and I am looking to sell it. I was going to try online first, and was wondering which are the best places to place an ad.

2006-12-11 07:29:55 · 6 answers · asked by vikes534 2 in Jeep

If someone driving in a "lifted" truck crashes into you and runs over the top of your car hurting you seriously, what are your rights? The truck may not have done this if the bumpers were at a normal level. Does the other driver have more responsibility now that he/she has modified the truck beyond that of how the truck was delivered from the manufacturer?

When I say "lifted", I mean 4 - 5 inches or greater and either a body lift or a chassis lift. These trucks would kill me immediately in my convertible, but I've always wondered how a case like this would look in court.

2006-12-11 07:24:35 · 8 answers · asked by xxx 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation


2006-12-11 07:24:02 · 8 answers · asked by rangerspecops202 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

i turned the key and it wont start makes a low noise like a maching gun..not too loud but u can hear it inside the car as well as 20 feet away i turned it to the aux mode to check battery clock/radio works idn wut is wrong if the engine seized would it make that noise transmission maybe?

2006-12-11 07:23:12 · 2 answers · asked by genius 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

Anyone know where i could buy some 350 motor mounts and if you know of a website..let me know..thanks people

2006-12-11 07:22:36 · 7 answers · asked by darrell63b 1 in Maintenance & Repairs


Are the original speakers in a 1996 Honda Accord decent speakers? I'm buying a CD player for mine and would like to avoid buying speakers too if I can get by with the ones I have. (I'm not in to thumpin' rap or anything...)

2006-12-11 07:21:29 · 6 answers · asked by John E 1 in Car Audio

How do you find top dead center on an 87 civic?

2006-12-11 07:21:11 · 6 answers · asked by tubasteve 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

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