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Cars & Transportation - 11 December 2006

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Aircraft · Boats & Boating · Buying & Selling · Car Audio · Car Makes · Commuting · Insurance & Registration · Maintenance & Repairs · Motorcycles · Other - Cars & Transportation · Rail · Safety

i am 15 and a half, and want to get my permit. what is the process?

if the state makes a difference, than it's Mass.

2006-12-11 06:01:46 · 3 answers · asked by *me* 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I just installed a 300 watt amp and 10" sub kit in my car. It worked fine for a few days, but now, when I turn the volume up, it cuts out until I turn the volume down. I haven't adjusted any of the settings. Is this a grounding or power issue? Where do i start?

2006-12-11 06:00:13 · 7 answers · asked by eric b 3 in Car Audio

The break pedal is pushing way down in order to stop the car and I assume it is something to do with the master cylinder or a leak in the breaking system. It is a 1995 volkswagen passat, v6, with abs. I am just curious as to the general price range for having a repair like this done, parts and labor. Thanks.

2006-12-11 05:59:43 · 4 answers · asked by jkloftin7 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

He also says you have to drive till you are almost out of gas to get the "old" gas out?

I heard both these things are bad on the car ?
but he thinks he is all ways right.

Who is right and why?

2006-12-11 05:56:52 · 21 answers · asked by Lilly K 4 in Maintenance & Repairs

The engine is still moveing ,more when i reverse, the guy who did the motor montes.said its the transmission and the transmissison guy says it the motes? who do i believe,????

2006-12-11 05:55:47 · 2 answers · asked by YVONNE 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I want to buy a house, and just wondering what a good becon score should be at when buying? Or does it matter? I have like a 850

2006-12-11 05:55:45 · 8 answers · asked by bryan_w74 2 in Dodge

I always wonder.

2006-12-11 05:52:04 · 12 answers · asked by denzillion 4 in Aircraft

I resently hit a deer and my airbags deployed, I was wondering how difficult it is to replace them. Is there anything specific that I need to know or can I just go to a junk yard and pop out the old ones and pop in the new ones, please help!

2006-12-11 05:50:20 · 4 answers · asked by beerman0028 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

She did not get the title to the car but they gave her the registration and the original owner is gone and his brother sold it so she cant get duplicate title with out the original owner.How can she get the car in her name now.The guy said they lost the title.she did get a bill of sale and any other paper work that they hade on the car.She also has the guys address and number.

2006-12-11 05:48:06 · 10 answers · asked by CALI GIRL 2 in Insurance & Registration

2006-12-11 05:46:22 · 5 answers · asked by cdc_carter 1 in Dodge

My 2000 BMW 528iT has a big problem. It started with the ABS and "Traction Control" warning lights came ON. Then I noticed the speedomoter started to work part time only. It works mostly when the car is cold. Then it may stop after a few minutes of driving. However, it may work again at any time with no reason. The "check engine" light also came ON and OFF but not sync. with the stop and go speedometer.

My mechanic tried to change the "Cranshaft Sensor" and did not fix the problem. Then he changed the 4 ABS Speed Sensors (one on each wheel). The problem is still there.

What is the real cause of the problems?

Please help.

2006-12-11 05:46:13 · 9 answers · asked by jl1668 1 in BMW

2006-12-11 05:45:20 · 12 answers · asked by Fernando V 1 in Toyota

not firing. Injector test light blinked once at the beginning of turning key over, then went out when continued to turn key over. I have checked the wiring and can't seem to find anything. Changed ECM Board, distributor, ignitor and timing sensor. I have gotten it to crank several times after moving car around and then it will do the same thing again. It may crank 2-3 days then stop again but it has never cut off while running

2006-12-11 05:44:32 · 2 answers · asked by kitty 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

My husband says that it can ruin my car. That I should never let it get past a quarter of a tank. Does it mess up my engine? Or is he just bull shyting me? And if it does, what exactly does it do to my engine?

2006-12-11 05:43:52 · 12 answers · asked by amyvnsn 5 in Maintenance & Repairs

My brother in-law just put 2 liters of gas in the bmw which takes diesel ... now whats going to happen??

2006-12-11 05:37:07 · 7 answers · asked by Pook 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have never bought a car before, but I see those deals sometimes where they offer you 3 grand for a total junker as a trade-in...what kind of scam is that, or is it one? My grandma is thinking of cosigning for me, and she has a 900 credit score (perfect), so does that mean, I have more room for negotiating a deal?

2006-12-11 05:34:59 · 17 answers · asked by Marusia 2 in Buying & Selling

I just got a new battery a few weeks ago when it wouldn't start at all. Now today I went out and the radio comes on and you here clicking but it won't start again. I just got my oil changed on Thursday and have gas in the car. It is a 2000 Honda Civic and up until this point I have had no problems with it.

2006-12-11 05:33:32 · 5 answers · asked by kate_chronister 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Well i'm due to get a smog test. I smell oil burning when heater is on while idling. Took it to the shop to get oil changed and they said i have a minor leak and condensation underneath. They said it's nothing major or is it?

2006-12-11 05:25:34 · 2 answers · asked by sirbomb 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I m a recent college graduate and I make pretty good money, I cant decide how i want to deal with my car situation.

A) Lease a brand new G35, or 350Z or maybe the new TL type S , B) do I buy one of those cars but from about 2003-04, maybe the WRX STI or the EVO
C) buy a an older car, for maybe 15 grand and put 5-7 grand into it to make it as fast and clean. Like a 98ish SC300 or 2000 Audi S4 something

2006-12-11 05:24:38 · 6 answers · asked by skillobskilled 1 in Buying & Selling

I have a 1990 Dodge Caravan. The tail lights, parking lights and dash lights do not go on. The headlights and brakelights work fine.I know it is not a fuse problem.(replaced those) I got a new brake light switch (it is a little black box with a switch that trips when you press the brakes), so I know it is not that.

How do I test the headlight switch? I don't want to spend more money and not fix the problem.

Is there something else to try? Please don't tell me to take it to a mechanic, if I could afford that, I would have!

2006-12-11 05:20:03 · 3 answers · asked by Kalliope 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

truck tires 225/70/15

2006-12-11 05:14:49 · 4 answers · asked by cajundancer_1 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I had taken my 98 Chevy car to the dealer 6 months ago for service and it cost me $550 to replace front pads and rotors. They were fine for about a month and the same noise and problem reoccured in the problematic area. I took it in to advise my problem was not solved and they put brake lube on calipers to correct the problem, which was free of cjharge due to not solving the problem in the first place. About 4 months after placing the lube on the noisy caliper, the same noise acted up again and I brought it in for a 3RD TIME IN WHICH the service dept replaced new front rotors and pads free of charge, becuase they stated they may have been defective from Chevy company, and this solved the problem again temporalriy, without me having to pay anything.

Finally yesterady after all of this hassle with me bringing the car in initallly 6 months ago it has started to make rthe same noise again and the dealer never seems to permanenly solve the problem.
Would you demand a refund?

2006-12-11 05:14:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-12-11 05:13:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Car Audio

2006-12-11 05:06:52 · 5 answers · asked by rvsm@290 1 in Aircraft

My truck has been starting alittle hard lately...if I go out and start it in the morning its fine...but then if I drive somewhere..shut it off..and then try to start it within like...20 min or so...a short period...it has alittle trouble....but if I let it sit for a long period of time...like over night or while Im at work...it starts right up...could this have something to do with needing a tune up?..its milelage is alittle over 100,000 miles...

2006-12-11 05:04:35 · 3 answers · asked by tolkienfan_m28 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I'm thinking of moving there and commuting into London. Am wondering how good the train service is and if anyone knows anything about regeneration in the area

2006-12-11 05:02:33 · 7 answers · asked by Ant May 2 in Commuting

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