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Cars & Transportation - 7 December 2006

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I have a 99 grand am 4 cylinder, The car only has water in it, but has ran fine thus far this winter, I live in ohio and it has been pretty cold so far this year. This morning I started my car and let it run for 20min, I went back out and now my car is overheating, temp gauge in the red, so I shut it off and looked under the hood and it was steaming really bad but I couldnt figure out from where....The overflow is still full.......

2006-12-07 23:58:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

I started my car this morning and let it run while I was gettng ready for work. I went out to leave and the temp gauge was in th red as far as it could go, so I popped the hood and the overflow still has adaquate water, but it was steaming really bad under the overflow and I cant figure out whats wrong. Any ideas?

2006-12-07 23:53:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs


2006-12-07 23:50:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Car Makes

The heat works and when your going over 50 mph you can feel it, but, the blower does not work. I checked the fuse and its fine. The fanc for the engine are working fine, just the heater/ac blower is not working, what could be the problem?

2006-12-07 23:49:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

Hello I have a 89 Honda Accord DX with the 2.0 L4 with the carberator, and a 5 speed manual transmission. I would like to put a turbo, new intake and possibly switch it over to be fuel injection. I look for this stuff online and in catalogs but my car isn't one that many put stuff like that in. I would like to know What other cars of that year has the same Engine? So I won't get a part for my car that don't even fit the engine. I'm not putting the stuff in the car to race it. I just don't like the power that it has It don't have the power that I'm use to and I would like to match the power that I am use to. if you can help me thank you alot

2006-12-07 23:48:26 · 5 answers · asked by eclipsefreak 4 in Honda

All my friends talk about cars, and racing cars. I need info, and websites on cars, car parts like engines, Racing tips and everything else about cars.

2006-12-07 23:40:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

It sounds like it wants to turn over but then there is a knocking sound and won't turn over. Its never been in these cold temperatures- the car is from Texas/North Carolina.

2006-12-07 23:36:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-12-07 23:34:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

My power steering is feeling a little tight in the car when trying to parall park. I drive a honda ballade luxline. Also when i am on the road i leave the steering, the vehicle will slowly start panning to the right. What could be the problem?

2006-12-07 23:20:28 · 9 answers · asked by Gabriel N 1 in Honda

2006-12-07 23:00:21 · 6 answers · asked by regparr1 2 in Buying & Selling

2006-12-07 22:56:31 · 2 answers · asked by JayInHB 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-12-07 22:55:23 · 2 answers · asked by hetsh68 1 in GMC

2006-12-07 22:53:42 · 6 answers · asked by peterclass7 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-12-07 22:51:12 · 15 answers · asked by winla 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a 94 Ford Escort. When it gets really hot outside, the intermittent wipers will go 1/3 up and stop. Well they ended up doing the same thing when we had a nice little freeze and snow storm up here in the NW. I figured that they would go back to normal when the temp went up, but they didn't. Now when in rains, (yes it rains in WA State lol) I have to move the wiper switch to the regular and then back to off, to get the mist off. Sometimes if I don't time it right they just stop in the middle of the windsheild. It's irritating. Anybody know what the problem is? It's not the motor b/c the rest of the wiper functions work fine. It's just the intermittents that are wierd.
Please only serious answers only.

Thanks again.

2006-12-07 22:42:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-12-07 22:31:35 · 16 answers · asked by paul smith2602 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-12-07 22:28:58 · 14 answers · asked by Eva 1 in Boats & Boating

2006-12-07 22:28:26 · 14 answers · asked by paul smith2602 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

How does an aircraft stay on air against gravity?

2006-12-07 22:02:46 · 9 answers · asked by Eva 1 in Aircraft

the answer is in the above question.

2006-12-07 21:53:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Boats & Boating

2006-12-07 21:52:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

I am far below poverty level. Yesterday I had a minor car wreck. Hit a small wooden pole about 5 feet by 1 or 1-1/2 inches..brake failed and ran up curb in (empty) shopping center and down and up another curb. I think brake line broke (by stick that went under car). My brother always helps me with car. He has schizophrenia and my mom said he is not doing well. He came to get me and was real mean saying I did it on purpose (also said this to my mom before coming even though I was injured and having chest pain and shortness of breath and couldn't breathe right. Refused to look under car. called me mentally ill and said "I had something wrong with me." over and over. Kept yelling..finally looked under hood for a minute and said he thought it was brake line he thought and that I may have ruined alignment and hurt transmission because it was coasting and wouldn't stop (I was going very slow) and I put it in park instead of neutral. Said he wasn't fixing it (but I figured he would when in a better mood.

Called today and he said my other brother had a free tow someone owed him. Then they called and said they were "giving me" another car (later found out it will cost me 1200 and they will take from my about $3000 when my ill mom dies and they will not give me her car which I was going to be given as my brother gets the house till he dies and I'll be dead by then as I am 20 years older. I will junk my car they said (even though it may be a minor repair and fixable less than $100). Said the car is a 93 white cadillac seville (I have a 89 mercury grand marguis--beat up but I love as it so rarely breaks and every car in past 30 years but it broke constantly. Said it is great. Finally got aold of brother with car as he said call him at 5 am or he'll assume I don't want it. I said I want to look at it first. He got real offended and said he is an "expert" and I should accept his opinion. He said he must know now if I will take because some other guy want it for 1700 and he will be very tempted to sell it. I was upset no one consults me, was told it is decided (but apparently isn't) and my other brother doesn't want to fix it now (as he didn't want to anyway). I have little money to fix without them (can't afford shop) and no way to drive to see car. (he is moving tomorrow so both brothers tied up for 2 days. Meanwhile my car may be towed as I am not sure when I can get it..it's in shoppping center.

Would you be mad no one consults you, and you are pressured and when you say you want to see and dirve it and are nearly weepy, your brother gets mad. Do you think Ishould take the car..it has a lot of nice features apparently. My brother claims it is worth 4100 (but if so why is he selling it for 1700). He says he "loves that car" and apparently it's killing him to give it to me for 1200 instead of 1700...so stressful. Please advise! What should I do about car if I have no way to gwt there?

2006-12-07 21:49:42 · 3 answers · asked by janie 7 in Maintenance & Repairs

The Auto body got an estimate of $10,900 for repairs and the insurance says they cannot total the car if the repairs cost below $12,800. They took an indepent auto valuation and valued my car at $16,280. Kelly blue book puts it around $15,000 for a similar car in Good condition.
The auto body shop has not included 'Frame' repair and he says he cannot include the exact amount without starting the reapirs. And he has estimates the frame repair to cost $300 which i think is bogus. I can't imagine how Frame repair can be so cheap. The insurance first said they'd total my car if the repairs cost more than 11,000 and now they have this other guy take up my case and he says they wont total it unless the repairs cost more than $12,800.
I am really at a loss...I have no idea what to do? Or where to start?
Any advice is greatly apprecited. Please help me....

2006-12-07 21:22:35 · 8 answers · asked by mithund 1 in Insurance & Registration

2006-12-07 21:11:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Ford

2006-12-07 21:03:19 · 2 answers · asked by stevie f 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

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