Went for dinner at fancy restaurant, valet misplaced my 06 bmw m3 key and got into the hands of a crook. Theft happened in less than half an hour, and I reported it stolen right away. Police told me my plates came up on this machine that reads them before you cross the international border to mexico, so thats how I know crooks took it to tijuana mex. I was with the impression that they would find it within hours (lojack), but its been 2 weeks already and nothing. Im pretty sure its long gone, and it being in Mexico already, well you get the point.
Has anyone else had a similar incident as well??
Why werent they able to find my car ??
was it because it was in another country ??
lojack transmitter failed?
out of reach?
3 answers
asked by
ozzy huevos
Insurance & Registration