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Cars & Transportation - 8 December 2006

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My jeep has about 80000 miles on it. I recently (two days ago) replaced the radiator because it was leaking when cold. Now, (two days after repair) my Jeep is making dentist drill noises in drive and low gears, no unusual noises in park and neutral. It has been exceptionally cold outside so I wondered if this was a result of a cold engine, but havent driven it long enough to test this out, or, is it possible there is something wrong with the radiator install since it happened on the heels of that repair? The transmission seems to slip if i press the accelerator to much. If i ease into everything and go very slow it makes noise but doesnt slip. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

2006-12-08 01:11:08 · 6 answers · asked by shiksaw 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

My daughter's boyfriend noticed a large puddle of oil on the garage floor and called my daughter at work. When she looked at her car, there was no oil. A co-worker helped her add some oil, but 'there was oil spraying everywhere'. What could be the cause? Is it worth repairing? and if so, are the repairs expensive?

2006-12-08 01:09:57 · 4 answers · asked by pkay 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

For some odd reason, the transmission doesn t have an idea to shift .

2006-12-08 00:58:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

Help! I was driving my 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited and the heat suddenly SHUT OFF! I was going about 35 MPH. The car has 87,000 miles on it. The air won't work at all. No AC, no heat, not on low, not on high. If you stick your hand directly on top of the vent you can feel a SOFT breeze of warm air. Jeep Dealer wanted to charge $70 to run a diagnostic check on the car, but if it's just a fuse I'd rather do it myself. Has anyone else ever had this problem? It's 15 degrees out and snowing... great time to not have heat!

2006-12-08 00:58:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

I drive a 2000 Impala, and on my dashboard a red light come one" LOW OIL PRESSURE" I checked the OIL and ITS FULL, COULD IT BE A SENSOR?

2006-12-08 00:56:53 · 3 answers · asked by germanfemale2002 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a 1980 Dodge 1/2 ton pickup with a 318, I use for snowplowing. After it has been running for 45 minutes, if I shut it off it will not start. It will not even roll over. The battery is fine. After sitting for awhile it will start right up. Last night it took about 15 minutes in 10 F weather. Is some electrical component heating up? Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

2006-12-08 00:55:09 · 3 answers · asked by cobbiebook 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

Tell me properly with what to do with clutch brake etc. when to apply it etc

2006-12-08 00:52:40 · 4 answers · asked by Chetan S 3 in Motorcycles

My car will start- but it wont move.

It is a Manual Mustang- it starts just fine. But when I go to put it in the gear the RPMs will go up but then they will fall. You can tell the car wants to move- the back end will go up but it just won't move.

2006-12-08 00:51:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

4.3 litre engine, manual transmission. Intermittent problem, engine cold or hot - when accelerating through the gears the engine is often very slow to return to idle speed, making it awkward to drive. The engine revs always slow down eventually and it is driveable but unpleasant and seems bad for the clutch.

2006-12-08 00:48:36 · 6 answers · asked by Bruce in Montreal 1 in Chevrolet

Car is 1995 Trans Am. Bought it used and it is possible that it has been stolen or someone tried to steal it before.

2006-12-08 00:47:33 · 3 answers · asked by jelle 6 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-12-08 00:47:21 · 4 answers · asked by Julie W 1 in Other - Car Makes

And yesterday the temperature guage was high for awhile, and then 3 unrelated idiot lights came on (like TRAC).

Turned off the car and restarted and things went back to normal.

It's a 2001 Old Alero (a.k.a. POS).

2006-12-08 00:46:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

turned into a taxi??

2006-12-08 00:41:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

How is it determined if a driver is ilegally under the influence of mariuana while driving a car? with a urin or blood test traces of THC will show up that may have entered the blood stream a month prior to driving a vehicle and having a test. Is there a number or level of THC to determine when a driver has smoked and if he is presently driving under the influence?

2006-12-08 00:26:21 · 8 answers · asked by chub 1 in Safety

I don't care what kind of vehicle I have owned, I have always had a problem with my wiper blades freezing during cold weather. As most of you probably know then, their wiping capacity is next to none when this happens, making it difficult to see during one's morning commute. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help.

2006-12-08 00:18:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Safety

The "trash can" has something that looks like a fan in the bottom part of it. I just got the car and there is no manual to be found in it so I was just wondering what it means and what I need to fix.

2006-12-08 00:09:44 · 11 answers · asked by Clewis 1 in Mercury

2006-12-08 00:07:08 · 6 answers · asked by shadetree 1 in Ford

2006-12-08 00:04:56 · 9 answers · asked by Cooper 2 in Buying & Selling

I am looking at getting a sports bike like a GSX-R750 etc around 1996-1999 & about 750cc+ & just want to know if anyone has any other good ideas of what bikes & why?

2006-12-08 00:01:52 · 4 answers · asked by MrBret 3 in Motorcycles

Bumper to bumper for past 2 hours, no chance of going to a service station, and you so desperate you can't think of anything else - what do you do

2006-12-08 00:01:38 · 18 answers · asked by seanfitzy99 1 in Commuting

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