Hi >
Thank you very much Chancellor.
Not being a road vehicle, my boat uses red fuel, and always has done. It the same stuff as road deisel, with a dye in it.
The tank & fuel systems are all dyed red, which can't realistcly be flushed out & cleaned.
I am now expected to pay an increase of six times the previous cost. Some mighty increase in yet more taxation.
I already pay British Waterways, the Inland Waterways Association, the fees for using certain bits of the system, and dear knows what else.
Farmers can still run tractors, combines, etc on red deisel.
What is he thinking, when it comes to boats.
Gordon, you obviously do not have a boat, just gas guzzlers.
Twit, in my opinion.
I shall continue to use red deisel at a sixth of the proposal.
What will they do?
Chase me up some remote canal with blue lights flashing ?
I doubt it.
It is, in my opinion, another stealth tax, and should be evaded/ avoided. One of which is legal.
What do you fellow boaties think ?
5 answers
asked by
Bob the Boat
Boats & Boating