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Cars & Transportation - 14 December 2006

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aight, playa...ya heard me?!

2006-12-14 23:59:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Car Audio

If the temp. drops to around 30 degrees at night,it's a hard start the next morning. I have had all filters changed,oil changed, new battery,and an inspection. Any advice?

2006-12-14 23:55:03 · 4 answers · asked by thirsty mind 6 in Maintenance & Repairs

its want shift out of second gear

2006-12-14 23:54:17 · 11 answers · asked by Roderick H 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

i was told it was a light color like white

2006-12-14 23:54:10 · 8 answers · asked by lovj 2 in Buying & Selling

2006-12-14 23:49:38 · 2 answers · asked by heros_yes 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

If you don't have an exchange battery they charge a "core" charge. If you do, they charge you a "disposal" fee. What's up with that?
Are they just hidden fees? I don't know of anyone that rebuilds automotive batteries anymore. This is an ancient fee that has never been removed and we just pay it blindly.

2006-12-14 23:37:59 · 14 answers · asked by tocayo750 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a 2000 galant 4s and i was wondering after my gas light comes on, how many more miles can i go before it cuts off?

2006-12-14 23:30:13 · 12 answers · asked by LillyAngel 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-12-14 23:26:24 · 9 answers · asked by chakri_joys 1 in Rail

The process of making alcohol seems to me rather self defeating. It takes a lot of land to grow the material used to make it. There is a lot of energy used to convert it to alcohol and then more energy to distill it to remove the water and other materials. Then it has to be transported and stored. Without the government giving the companies money to make alcohol it woudl cost much more than gasolene does now. I do not see the sense in that.

2006-12-14 23:23:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

I need details of aircraft parts(including names description and part numbers).

2006-12-14 23:20:40 · 6 answers · asked by Thywilson 1 in Aircraft

This usally happens after it warms up.Is this located inside distrib or somewhere else thanks

2006-12-14 23:08:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in GMC

after the theory i did the practical but yet no job no partner to set up a workshop. is it a curse?

2006-12-14 23:07:51 · 8 answers · asked by sirk 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

The plane's about to crash into a gigantic fireball.

Tell me why YOU deserve the parachute.

2006-12-14 22:25:39 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Aircraft


i am going to buy a new sport car, which one should i buy?

2006-12-14 21:49:09 · 12 answers · asked by musselgun 1 in Buying & Selling


2006-12-14 21:27:33 · 6 answers · asked by Ady P 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I am confused on which car to go for.
I have heard of fuel efficiency of Esteem.
I have heard of good looks of Ford.
& I have heard the sored sale figures of latest Swift.

2006-12-14 21:25:11 · 10 answers · asked by edwin c 1 in Buying & Selling

Why can't you find an old Dodge truck in a junk yard.
Are these the ones that people store in wood lines and behind their houses to rust the death so they die with honor? or is there a Dodge Heaven? where they go to just fade away? Does Dodge buy up all the old ones rebuild them and send them to 3rd world countries? or rebuild them as Fords? F(d) O(ver) R(ebuilt) D(odge).
Or is Dodge truly the longest lasting Truck on the Road? Ford and Chevy just won't admit it. When ford and Chevy says longest lasting does it mean in a junkyard where they sit and rust for days.

Where do Dodge Trucks go?

2006-12-14 21:24:47 · 11 answers · asked by flaltajr 3 in Dodge

Mustang previously had a 351 Cleveland with a 3 speed automatic. How hard would it be to do an engine swap?

2006-12-14 21:14:55 · 3 answers · asked by Tyson 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I don't think it does... just as long as it completes the circuit at least twice in rapid succession.

The reason I ask is that... sometimes my key fob doesn't perform as well as it should (2006 Scion xB) and since my girlfriend doesn't drive, she chalks it up to user-error... in other words... me. Sometimes I'll press it twice to unlock all the doors (as opposed to once to open just the driver's door) and the shotgun and rear doors don't unlock. It's rare, but I still got tired of it, be it a minor issue... regardless; so I began wailing on that unlock key, sometimes 5 hits maybe, just so I know that the electronics are sending that rapid fire signal to the car, but my gf got wise to what I was doing, and she purports that the reason the car doesn't unlock sometimes, is because I get too crazy with the button.

I don't think that's the case, but I'm just looking for a neutral opinion. Does it negatively effect the key-fob's unlocking prowess if you wail on the buttons?

2006-12-14 21:14:51 · 3 answers · asked by aaron.lattin 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I'm looking to buy one, what are some websites where I can find rebuilt or new engines?

2006-12-14 21:06:24 · 5 answers · asked by Tyson 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I just bought a 2006 Jetta 2.5 and the radio comes in loud and clear on all speakers. But when I put in a CD only the left side speakers are working and not the right side. Even if I adjust the fader and balance to that side nothing. Any ideas?

2006-12-14 20:49:32 · 2 answers · asked by GretchenS 2 in Car Audio

startr people told me that it isn't the starter or the way it was put in and the auto repair shop tells me it is nothing electricial. any ideas.

2006-12-14 20:40:45 · 9 answers · asked by Marge A 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

i would like to know the diffrence between "v" engine and an ordinary or inline engine(classical). many cars and mobikes of this generation are opting "v" engine. i.e. in india
skoda, mercedes and bikes like hyosung aqila, comet from kinetic motors.
i would like to ask if i will compare karizma with comet as karizma(as both the bikes are of 250cc) is having single cylinder engine versus comet is having " v twin" engine. so which bike will be more powerfull? compare both the engines on parameters like average, maitainance,durability and costing.

2006-12-14 20:32:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Motorcycles

2006-12-14 19:48:18 · 5 answers · asked by darren h 1 in Motorcycles

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