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Cars & Transportation - 15 December 2006

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the problem is that whenever driving , the car smells of petrol so much so that I have to open the windows.
This happens only on low speeds (<30 kmph) & not on higher speeds.
It gives an average of 8-9 kmpl (6-7 km with AC)in the city and 15-16 kmpl on highways.
I have consulted many mechanics but they could solve neither problem. Each one of them just cleans the carburretor but to no benefit. I ve got the float pin replaced. The mechanics say that the carburretor is NOT overflowing else there could have been starting problems. Timing & tuning are proper according to them. Please advise.

2006-12-15 23:41:57 · 5 answers · asked by maindoc11 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

i have no experience and 32 of age and i just started acquiring my A&P license.is there still a chance that i can land a job in aviation.

2006-12-15 23:22:45 · 7 answers · asked by jon a 1 in Aircraft

we are using this damper for door closer of our cabinet.

2006-12-15 23:14:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

I want Black smoke to billow from the tail pipe when i get on it does anyone know where i can have my injectors modified to Get to the overfueling condition i desire. I am currently getting 7 to 9 miles to the gallon and do not care if my milage suffers any more. Just want this truck to look cool when i take off at a stop light. Thanks everyone..

2006-12-15 23:11:48 · 2 answers · asked by know it all 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006 prius received a scratch on the bumper and we bought the matching paint from the dealer but when painted it was darker we would like to know how to spray without it being two shades darker, need urgent help

2006-12-15 23:10:52 · 5 answers · asked by sharlene s 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

my 51 plate diesel clios pre heat light came on the other day when the car had already started. Two days later the car refused to start, have changed one heater plug, having trouble with the others at the moment. Now the heater light is not coming on at all. Do you think this may be a problem with the relay rather that the plugs. Or has anyone had this same problem please help.

2006-12-15 22:56:59 · 6 answers · asked by wendy c 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

my niece is a bus driver but her work wont pay sick pay as the contract she is on . would she have a case for claimin compensation as she is is signed off work for a bad back . a car shot out in front of the bus and she had to do an emergancy stop and her back went . but the other driver in the car didnt stop and she didnt get the number plate lucky there was no passengers on board

2006-12-15 22:53:45 · 11 answers · asked by carol c 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

i would like to ask that the power of any car does depend on the number of valves per cylinder. as earlier the valves is to be around 2 per cylinder but nowdays there are 4 valves per cylinder. does it makes any diffrence in power, mileage and performance of a car. why the no of valves have been increased require details.

2006-12-15 22:53:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Car Makes

It appears as if my car was bumped in the local Walmart parking lot, it has a few small scratches and I need to know the best way someone without auto body repair can fix this. I just purchased this car a couple months brand new off the lot, and I don't really have a lot of money to splurge on this if I can avoid it.

2006-12-15 22:46:23 · 4 answers · asked by Daniel Z. J 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Do they provide the re-paint feature during the service time.

2006-12-15 22:42:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Motorcycles

You can get a look at them by going to

Any info appreciated on make, year?, value?

2006-12-15 22:28:38 · 5 answers · asked by Jan2001 4 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I have a 99' 528i and would like to install my double din indash DVD deck(Kenwood DDX-6019) but I can't find a double din conversion kit for it. I currently have the single din conversion kit with my in-dash DVD monitor but when the screen slides out and folds up it blocks the two middle vents... I have been trying to find it but cannot. Does it exist or do I have to customize it?

2006-12-15 22:20:54 · 9 answers · asked by DevilNsideMe 1 in BMW

someone told me that because i have not carried any haz/materials in 6months, the state can take it from you? I think it is wrong,i carried amonium nitrate for a compant in Alabama last year, and also did some asphalt work this last spring, but the only difference was the truck, the asphalt delivery was in a short small truck, the amonium nitrate was in a 53 foot rig? anyone ever hear of a driver losing their hazmat endorsement for not using it? sorry if my spelling is bad.....lol

2006-12-15 22:20:03 · 5 answers · asked by beaglemommers 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

I started driving when i was 25, and have been to every state, except hawaii/alaska. I am 5'9 130lbs and have never been called ugly before,.... I think that these days more and more very pretty women are finding that they can drive a truck that a man can do as well! I was second in my class of 120 men, and there were 5 other women in the class. every man there said i wouldn't last a day, and it was funny when i got a better score on the written and driving test than every man there except one! and he was there for his second time(he failed the first road test). I even drove on the street my first test drive and did not grind one gear, and the trainer got out and shook my hand and said he has never had a student shift like that ever! Man or woman! I know that some will say that i did good only because of how i look, but it is not true,i am not stupid. why is it so hard for women to get credit for a good job without being called a wanna be man?

2006-12-15 22:12:38 · 4 answers · asked by beaglemommers 2 in Other - Cars & Transportation

"Let the train take the strain" was the in-slogan to encourage people off the roads, but the cost of rail fares is prohibitively expensive to many people, and means that everybody continues to take their cars. In about 10-20 years time, the road network will just gridlock to a complete halt. If rail fares were a lot cheaper, more and more folk would want to use them, but more services would have to be reinstated, and more rolling stock commissioned into service. What are your views on this?

2006-12-15 22:11:08 · 5 answers · asked by TrueBrit 3 in Other - Cars & Transportation

It's a 1997 5DR Hatch Manual 1.5 MPI.There's plenty of charge in battery; has spark and fuel. Diagnostic test this week failed to show cause. I have been told to disable the immobiliser as this is the problem. Car is now unreliable as I don't know when or where it will fail me again. What is wrong?

2006-12-15 21:35:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hyundai

My 98 Jeep Grand Cherokee has 150,000 miles on it. My check engine light just came on. Is this just a reminder about getting your car serviced or is there something wrong that needs to be looked at?

2006-12-15 20:53:36 · 8 answers · asked by Edward J 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

hey guys when i start the bike in the morning RPM is below 1 but when i run the bike for 1 km or so and again when i stop the RPM remains at 3 or between 2-3
so bike fault or its ok?

2006-12-15 20:52:10 · 4 answers · asked by wish 1 in Motorcycles

2006-12-15 20:28:50 · 4 answers · asked by pugal l 1 in Rail

I have a Honda accord 2002 4 cyl. automatic trans. every time i put the gear on drive it makes a tuck sound. i also realized that when i lower the gear to D1 i keep hearing it. i went to a mechanic to check it out he could identify the problem....maybe you people can......

2006-12-15 20:20:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

But it also brings out dew in the morining. Some say that the catalyst is bad.

2006-12-15 20:18:58 · 6 answers · asked by Francis S 1 in Mitsubishi

Im buying my first car in a month, I know I can tranfer the title without having a license, but can I insure and register the car without having one? The car isnt going to be driven for a bit, but I know Ill have to insure it and register it a certain number of days after I buy it. Can I do all this without having my license if I dont plan on driving the car?

2006-12-15 20:13:41 · 7 answers · asked by GiN 2 in Insurance & Registration

from mumbai to nagpur

2006-12-15 19:28:51 · 4 answers · asked by ajay s 1 in Rail

I can't seem to locate my title to my car, thought I had it but it seems to have gone missing.
If this guy who is looking at my car tomorrow wants to take it (which I am sure he is going to, says he's brining cash with him) so do I have to give it to him or can I do all this through the DMV? I have all the registration info and everything...
I know on their website i can do the "Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability" but the whole process really seems to confuse
can anyone help??? I've never done this before. thank you!!!

2006-12-15 19:14:32 · 4 answers · asked by Sarah D 1 in Buying & Selling

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