I started driving when i was 25, and have been to every state, except hawaii/alaska. I am 5'9 130lbs and have never been called ugly before,.... I think that these days more and more very pretty women are finding that they can drive a truck that a man can do as well! I was second in my class of 120 men, and there were 5 other women in the class. every man there said i wouldn't last a day, and it was funny when i got a better score on the written and driving test than every man there except one! and he was there for his second time(he failed the first road test). I even drove on the street my first test drive and did not grind one gear, and the trainer got out and shook my hand and said he has never had a student shift like that ever! Man or woman! I know that some will say that i did good only because of how i look, but it is not true,i am not stupid. why is it so hard for women to get credit for a good job without being called a wanna be man?
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Other - Cars & Transportation