I was involved in a Severe rollover accident casused by a reckless driver in April 06. Resulting in a total car loss, Injuries to my spine (Herniated C5-C6) Torn ligament in my left arm and Left Knee.
7 months of therapy.$30,000 Medical Bills to date. No real recovery yet. If he only has 300/100 coverage,
can I only expect 100,000 at the end of the proverbial rainbow?
Or am I not understanding the injury claim incorrectly.
-$30,000 Legal
-$30,000 MED
And the rest to me?
Is this how this whole thing works or not Can I go after this moron in a civil trial and get more. I dont mean to sound greedy but this guy potentialy ruined my career (GOLF PROFESSIONAL) . If I cant play I cant eat, pay rent etc.............
Thanks everyone
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Insurance & Registration