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Cars & Transportation - 13 December 2006

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The key will need to be cut and then programmed to work with the cars security system.

2006-12-13 23:59:03 · 13 answers · asked by Clair R 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

My first question concerning the rebuilt 400 sbc that sat unused in storage also contained a rebuilt 350 tranny with shift kit. It didnt have any trans fluid in it. Both engine and tranny were bolted together during the 18 year "nap". After removing the trans pan the inside looked very good and there were no signs of rust. What can i expect from it performance wise?

2006-12-13 23:51:35 · 2 answers · asked by chris j 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

The little personal effects we keep in our cars tell a lot about your personality (if there's nothing there, you might not have one...). Me, I have a figurine of the hybrid alien from Alien: Resurrection hanging from the rear view. It looked like such a dero, I made a little wine bottle to put in its elongated fingers... That isn't meant to tell people I'm a wino, just that I have a warped sense of humour. :)

2006-12-13 23:51:18 · 17 answers · asked by The Mad Shillelagh 6 in Other - Cars & Transportation

2006-12-13 23:48:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Boats & Boating

I have cleared out the gullies under the bonnet. Where can it be coming from?

2006-12-13 23:46:06 · 13 answers · asked by supersano 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

How do you view this profession?

2006-12-13 23:42:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

i want to put my cars subwoofer in my room and use it without the car amplifier. i want to wire it up 2 maybe my radio or dvd player or whatever possible.

2006-12-13 23:37:33 · 2 answers · asked by westsida 1 in Car Audio

2006-12-13 23:25:19 · 4 answers · asked by Alverno D 1 in Insurance & Registration


i was a passenger in a car when someone drove into the back of us,
i went to doctor who said i have got whiplash and that i should make a claim,
Ive been in touch with insurance and claims company but the guy had no insurance at the time of crash!!!
where do i go from here if i wanna get some compo??


2006-12-13 23:11:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance & Registration

any honda mechanics or owners out there experienced this? it's not the fuse or else it would never work..

2006-12-13 23:01:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Honda

I read in the internet some time ago that you can use the turbos or superchargers from salvaged vehicles to fit in to your car(mine is a '91 integra),but now I cant find the web site anywhere. Honda Tunning Magazine had an article some time ago,but it never gave any details how,what parts, or where? plus never returned my emails (wonder why?) Since I cant afford to misletoe my rear pocket and pay $3000 in shop and aftermarket parts, i would love to make one my self, I like to go to yunk yards, I keep running into Volvos and Mecedes Bens and Mini Coopers S with parts available starting at $100, It would be a great project!!! Please Yahoo questions PIMP MY RIDE!!!!

2006-12-13 22:57:53 · 8 answers · asked by Fausto 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Ok I need a ball park estimate on how much i would expect to pay an unlicensed but pretty decent mechanic to fix my car.. i have a 1970 dodge superbee which needs ball joints (upper and lower) and the tie rods done as well as installing a 4 barrel carb and manifold ( taking off the 2 barrel ) and changing the outer seal on the transmission and i have already bought parts so just labor is all Im asking .. how much would any of you charge to do those things in labor?? Remember its a 1970 so the engine compartment is big enough to take a nap in if you wanted and the engine (318) is a super easy motor to work on ... Thanks in advance

2006-12-13 22:54:26 · 5 answers · asked by xxxxprincessgirl 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

A driver rammed my car and drove off, it's someone from my neighbourhood but I'm not 100% sure.Would the police question him?

2006-12-13 22:53:17 · 7 answers · asked by Brittanie 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

2006-12-13 22:50:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

I've heard and read some information on inventors who created automobiles that ran upwards of 70+MPG and am wondering if anyone has any information on this topic that can be verified?

2006-12-13 22:43:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

when i bought the car their wasnt a judder then just recently it became really bad its had new brake pads and new brake discs also we changed the tyres and it hasnt helped their isnt any slack in any ball joints or rubbers any where on the car. is there a common fault or is it just on mine. does anyone else have the same problem and how did they cure it?

2006-12-13 22:42:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Citroen

We all know where it is, above the instrument cluster, and has a glove box located in it somewhere. Why on earth would it be named a dashboard?

2006-12-13 22:21:05 · 5 answers · asked by robmunro_1999 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

Does anyone know how I can get window to go up. I know the motor has to be replaced. But for now I just need to keep the window closed. How can I dissengage window to move it up? I've removed door panel, but still can't move window.

2006-12-13 22:04:52 · 2 answers · asked by older, not wiser 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

I know its a lame question but I'm really worried that my car is being "over driven." I use it to go to uni and my girlfriend's house and that. My parents also use it abit due to an agreement we made that they can use it abit if they also fill up the tank.

My car is over 10 years old but it's in excellent condition. Engine has perfect performance as well as the brakes. I can really say it's condition is as if it's only 3 years old. The previous owner took really good care of it. I just bought it this year.

So will driving it 500km (294 miles) a week do any harm to it in the long run? Will it make the engine performance reduce quickly? Will parts be worn out quicker?

2006-12-13 22:02:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

i want quick shippment to mombasa port.

2006-12-13 21:50:03 · 4 answers · asked by godfrey l cars 1 in Buying & Selling

I have more money than most people. So why should I have to go as slow as those common folks?

2006-12-13 20:32:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Commuting

strong and light weight helmets having ISI mark.

2006-12-13 20:31:15 · 3 answers · asked by sandeep s 1 in Motorcycles

If you are familiar with the Motorcycle group Ruff Ryders, then you've probably seen there three-wheeled motorcycle thing. It has two wheels in the front and one in the back. Who makes that and what is it called!!??
It was Shown in one of Jadakiss's music videos, Heres the address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p3H0AUCz3U

2006-12-13 20:29:58 · 15 answers · asked by ijjjpaez 1 in Motorcycles

Can anyone help in giving more info on Pontiac Car Makes.

2006-12-13 20:13:01 · 7 answers · asked by Pontiac QA 1 in Pontiac

2006-12-13 19:44:17 · 8 answers · asked by birendersingh2000 1 in Aircraft

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