I drive a '95 Ford Mustang V6, and my car started overheating about a month ago. I took it to the dealership, and they told me there were some bad hoses, and the radiator had a leak. I had the hoses replaced at that time, and a couple of weeks later I had the radiator replaced. About $600 altogether. I drove my car the other day when it was about 30 degrees outside and it overheated again. I took it back to the dealership, and they told me there was a blown head gasket on it, and it would cost $1400 to replace. I told them that price was outrageous, and they went down to $1000. I told them I would think about it. A technician said I might give "Bar's Leak" a try. But he said it might clog my heater core. Will it really clog my heater core, or are they just trying to get me to get my car repaired with them? If anybody knows a lot about head gaskets and overheating could tell me what my options are I'd really appreciate it. I need help, and I can't afford to spend $1000. Thanks
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Maintenance & Repairs