I had to have it towed last night. After running fine all night, it died while I was turning a corner and wouldn't start back up. While waiting on the tow truck I managed to get it started, but it would only idle. If I revved it above 2,000RPM, it died. It also had a loud hissing under the hood.
Today I found the hiss. It was a vacuum leak. I plugged that back in, and the car is still very hard to get started, but will rev all the way to the top. If you press the gas too quickly though, it dies. While trying to start, it will chug and cough through the intake. I can turn the starter for a couple of seconds and then let off, and it will turn over 2 or 3 more times by itself trying to start. Sometimes if I listen, I can hear a mechanical "clink" followed by a beeping sound somewhere on the drivers side in the engine compartment.
I drove it and noticed a loss in power. It also hesitates now and then.
Fuel pressure reads 40 pounds which is normal.
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Maintenance & Repairs