Here's the situation. My policy renewed automatically, but my agent neglected to renew my auto-withdrawal. So my policy goes into default for lack of payment and is eventually cancelled. This happens without my knoledge as I was out of the state attending training for a new job. When I returned home, I found this out and started the process of getting my insurance renewed.
I received a few quotes, all about the same price so I elected to stay with my previous agent. I spoke with him over the phone one night as I was preparing to move to Utah, and I confessed that I needed insurance NOW because I was getting in the car and driving there. He put together a quick estimate of "about $100 a month." I told him to go ahead and resign me, and gave him the authorization to renew my policy.
A week later, the charge showed up in my checking account for DOUBLE what he had originally quoted me. I called him and asked and he told me that was the penalty for allowing my insurance to lapse.
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Insurance & Registration