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Parenting - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

My first grader came home on friday with a note stating that she had not done well in her spelling test and she was going to have one more opportunity to do it on Monday (today) to please practice and review the words over the weekend. What got me is that the teacher never mentioned that they were going to have spelling tests and she has send words home during the week but with no heads up that there would be a test. You think I should say something or just keep it in mind to practice the weekly words. What strategies can we use at home for her to learn to spell these words correctly? Any tips/ideas would help. Thanks

2006-08-21 09:13:12 · 8 answers · asked by lightthenight 2

I have an 18 month old son and a 7 month old son and I am wanting to have another child. I would like my children to be close in age but is this too close? Does any one have three children close and how is raising them?

2006-08-21 08:45:54 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son occasionally wets the bed at nite and i have him wear a diaper to bed. I know with age he will out grow it but is it alright to have him wear a diaper until then? I dont want him to feel strange about it.

2006-08-21 08:33:12 · 35 answers · asked by Cynthia L 2

I was wondering how does it feel to have your first baby with your boyfriend/husband?Did you two feel excited and happy?Are you and your baby's daddy still together?What sex is your baby?This is to all the women who had their first child with the one they love and that are very happy.

2006-08-21 08:04:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems everyone wants to take a cute little white baby home but these tiny little sweet black bbies need a home too. How come people go and adopt babies overseas when there are black babies right here in the USA who needs a loving home.

2006-08-21 07:43:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


Every time my husband will correct our daughter she will cry. But if i correct her she doesn't. I don't understand why she is doing it. And if I leave her in the room with my husband she will start to cry but as soon as she sees me she will stop. But if my husband leaves the room she doesn't do anything. Can anyone give me some idea on what could be wrong.

2006-08-21 07:30:11 · 9 answers · asked by shellz1616 2

I really don't understand how some people can say that they just automatically take well to their stepchildren and love them as you do your own.That is like saying everyone should love everyone else's children as they do their own.That to me is impossible I do agree that you should love and accept your stepchildren but its not easy for everyone even if their heart is in the right place its difficult to look at a child and know that it represents the love your husband once had with another woman.That is just plain hard to me maybe because i am a little insecure but everyone who gets on here and says that stepparents are selfish and should be ashamed is a little judgemental.I don't hate my stepchild but i will never love her the way i love my own because she is another woman's child it doesn't mean i will mistreat her or let her know i don't love her like my own but thats just a fact of life and blended families.

2006-08-21 07:30:05 · 9 answers · asked by samwise25 4

My wife and I have been together for 5 years, for the first 3-4 years my mom tried to break us up.

After our wedding my mother has been polite to my wife and has treated her respectfully.

My wife doesn’t want to be around my mother because of the things she has said and done to my wife in the past.

If my mother wants to help my wife after the baby is born should I let her?

No one else will help out. Should I allow my mother to stop by for a few hours everyday to help my wife out if my wife needs help?

Or should I just leave my wife home alone after I go back to work?

2006-08-21 07:21:03 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there a store that carries such special sizes....the husky fit ones- the leg is too long, and the crotch sits just inches above the knees., Require jeans that are large in waist, short in rise and short in leg length. Do I need a tailor to make him pants? Surely he's not the only child with this body type. Yes I know about diet and nutrition and we've been working hard at this over it this summer. Please no comments on the diet.....need pants to fit now! Thanks

2006-08-21 07:18:46 · 7 answers · asked by Fuzzy 1

Because I chose to stay at home with my youngest, we don't have a lot of extra money. I don't want to make an irresponsible or selfish choice or take away from my kids. I'm a college graduate and know I will eventually make money, and my husband just started a new higher paying job. If I wait any longer I'm afraid I won't be able to get pregnant. Am I too old and or totally out of my mind?

2006-08-21 07:15:14 · 11 answers · asked by mollydolly 1

I am going to use a bassinet for the baby to sleep in until it is about 3-4 months old. My mother and sister disagree about not moving the baby to a crib after that. I and the father of the baby want to have the baby sleep in the bed with me until it moves to it's own bed when it gets older. My mother and sister are being to controlling over the issue and are threatening to call child protective services if I refuse to use the crib later. Do they really have the right to do that? Is it against the law or considered child endangerment if the baby sleeps in an adult bed with the parent if there is no threat to them? I don't smoke, drink, or use drugs and I think the baby will be safer in the bed with me rather than in a crib in case there is ever an emergency?

2006-08-21 07:13:47 · 24 answers · asked by Rosie_11/3 1

My daughter(age 17) is at home,pregnant in 8th month.After 2 weeks we have to travel by plane but if she hasn't delivered the baby and she is in 8-th month,she cannot fly.If I press her abdomen,she will have contractions,right?That may cause delivering.If she delivers now,we will be able to fly after 2 weeks.If I press her abdomen,is it sure the delivering will start and what else can I do to cause delivering?She'll deliver at home,without doctors(she is fine and doesn't need doctors).Tell some ideas for causing a delivery.

2006-08-21 07:00:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If there was an option to have remote installed on your kids to turn them off for a period of time, would you have it installed? And, what would you do with your "off" time?

2006-08-21 06:22:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-21 05:12:24 · 30 answers · asked by Krish 5

2006-08-21 05:11:55 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any of you feel like this.

I feel so guilty when my 1 yr old stay over the grandmothers for a day or two. My hubby says you need to get rest and have a day to you self, but I feel so guilty.

2006-08-21 05:09:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

But they werent hurt enough to go to the hospital.

2006-08-21 04:56:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do some people on here put down single mothers and talk about how their tax money is paying for our kids because we couldnt keep our legs shut? I got news for people who have no clue, I am a single mom and I was with my childrens father for 10 years, we split because he became a violent alcoholic so I along with my kids had to get out. As far of living off of peoples taxes, I work go to college and carry my own health insurance on my children, I get no help at all from the state at all so no one pays for my kids but me and Ive done it for 11 years. Im just tired of accusations being made by people who think they are better then everyone else and have no idea of peoples circumstances, do any single moms agree with me?

2006-08-21 04:29:41 · 18 answers · asked by landscaperschick73 3

My wife will turn 24 about two months before she gives birth to our first baby.

I will be 26 and a half years old.

Do you think 24 is a good age for a first time mother?

Is it too young or just right?

2006-08-21 04:29:27 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to hear from the guys. Don't you feel left out? Will all these single mothers be good parents, or are we headed for social disaster?

2006-08-21 04:09:29 · 9 answers · asked by Nani 4

Since when did this cease to be the parents' or guardians' responsibility?

2006-08-21 03:45:09 · 5 answers · asked by my brain hurts 5

He's 13 and this spanking is long overdue. I have heard of single switch and several tied together. One person suggested soaking it before using it. It's all complicated and contradictory. If you have any experience with a switch please tell me how to best do it. Thanks.

2006-08-21 03:21:52 · 28 answers · asked by Sarah L 1

I met a woman 3 years ago, she was married then, her husband didnt want a child, she tricked me by crying and sobbing that she really wanted a child and that she would go crezy, and that she didnt want anything , no money or any support whatsoever, now 3 years down the line she is divorced living on her own, she now is demanding for child support not just that she wants me to give her money and buy her a house, she has 3 properties of her own, she also found out that i own a lot of prpoerties now she is pestring me, can someone please help she nowdays threatens me a lot that if i dont do what she wants she will take me to the cleaners, please please i need to know what the law says i pay her 500 pounds per month for the child now she wants more and wants to send the child to a private school, i am married with 3 children.

2006-08-21 03:21:43 · 34 answers · asked by cat 1

my baby boy will be 9 months on tueday he seems so forward from my other 2 children he pulls himself up and trys to balance on his own i know they all develop different my first child didnt walk till 18 months old but she was slow because she was 3 months premature ide love to know what your babys did around that age

2006-08-21 02:57:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

would you give your child a cell phone....16 and above i can understand, BUT A 7 yr old! WTF

2006-08-21 02:30:34 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a single parent and I know my first priority is towards my son but I feel as though I need a significant other in my life, should I pursue getting that significant other even though I believe the Lord God want me to concentrate on my son?

2006-08-21 02:25:57 · 15 answers · asked by alexandria 2

I'm at my witts end. She talks of dying young, she doesn't want to be an old lady angel. She talks of god all the time. I'm terrified that it's going to happen. What should I do? Please help?

2006-08-21 01:35:52 · 35 answers · asked by ruthiebeth 2

Why is it ok for fathers to be weekend dads, but frowned upon for mothers to be weekend mum's?

2006-08-21 01:15:27 · 7 answers · asked by xkitenx1982 2

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