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Parenting - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

For example:
State the senerio: My 8 year old didn't pick up her room, after I told her 3 times. So instead of spanking ,"I told her no tv for a week".
Then state if the punishment worked.

2006-08-01 06:13:42 · 15 answers · asked by AJ 3

but she wants D cups, she doesnt want to wait

2006-08-01 06:09:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm curious what people in general are doing, since there have been some concerns about vaccinations, but schools still require them and public health programs (like the one I work for) promote them heavily. Please give your argument for or against.

2006-08-01 06:02:59 · 17 answers · asked by indigrrl 3

My Daughter will be turning one on the 4th. Lately she has been spitting out eveything that i try to feed her. She even spits out the food that she use to love. Is this "normal"? What can i do to get her to stop. And she hardly eats cause when she spits her food out I just stop feeding her. What do I do?

2006-08-01 05:57:54 · 18 answers · asked by ? 4

My son is very attached to me and I will be taking a sibling class with him at the hospital. What else can help?

2006-08-01 05:51:58 · 9 answers · asked by nyc_villagegirl 2


2006-08-01 05:45:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my 8 year old daughter will be going into the 3rd grade this year..that means FCAT..what exactly is FCAT??? is it really a test of what they learned that year and if they fail, they stay back? During what part of the year is the FCAT given???

2006-08-01 05:39:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

my almost 6 month old son's penis hole is red and it has been like that since the day he was born....my sister said when her son was a baby, his penis was not like that but it does not hurt him and the doc said it's o.k. do any other mom's have a baby with a red peepee hole?

2006-08-01 05:36:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

my son will be 6 months old august 3rd and he goes to bed between 7pm -7:30pm and will sleep til 7:30-8a.m the next morning...play by himself in his crib and then fall back to sleep on his own til 9:30-10a.m. i trained him to do that. i did the same to my now 8 year old daughter when she was a baby and it worked out wonderfully for her. I can get up and feed my daughter without the baby, i can sleep in, etc...can anybody say the same?

2006-08-01 05:33:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

if your childs aunt was taking your child-"now mind you, you know her she is a good person and u trust her". If she told you that she doesnt need to tell you where she going with your kid "when she asks to have her for the day or so"and if you ask she gets mad and hungs up because if she was trusted then why does she need to tell where they are going and that she is grown and doesnt have to tell u anything. and when you call to check up on your child if it is an overnight if she doesnt feel like it wont answer

how would you feel about that?????
that was orginal message

i am adding too this

i told her i didnt think this is right and i have every right to know where my kid is at all times she said she doesnt feel this a big deal to her and hu on me
i would like to add she is my best friend and my boyfriend of 6 yrs sister - i love her to death. but when it comes to my kid i have the right to know where they are at all times-she dont agree and wont talk about it help!!!

2006-08-01 05:33:32 · 6 answers · asked by Soldier 4

I love to hear stories about kids saying whatever comes to mind and then unintentionally embarrassing their parents in a funny way. Many years ago, when KFC was still called Kentucky Fried Chicken, my cousin, who was about 3, was eating with his mother at KFC. My cousin still couldn't pronounce some words, including "Kentucky". Evidently, my cousin was really enjoying his meal, because he said in a voice loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear, "Mama, this sure is good F**ky Fried Chicken!" Needless to say, his mom was mortified, but I still think it's funny as hell!

2006-08-01 05:18:12 · 9 answers · asked by tangerine 7

My 5 yr old is not circumsized and when he goes to the bath room the head of his penis blows up like a balloon, is this normal? Also when he was born his doctor had told me that when he turned 5 the skin would start to pull back but this doesn't happen either. I'm not as worried about the skin pulling back because that might happen when he starts to hit puberty but I don't know if it's effecting him when he goes pee. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Is this normal?

2006-08-01 04:42:25 · 3 answers · asked by babe112083 1

understand what you're talking about? Even if you are on the same page as they are they still try to insult you and nail you to a cross. What's the deal with that? If you are more moral or holy shouldn't you try to live your life as an example and seek first to understand and then to be understood? I think when they try to insult me it makes them look like hypocrites and imbeciles.. what do other people think? and have you had this done to you?

2006-08-01 04:30:00 · 12 answers · asked by freespirit 5

I've come across a discipline/reward system that I really would like to try. I can purchase it for twenty dollars on a web sight but can not afford it right now. How can I best set up my own reward/discipline ladder for my children? I seem to get overwhelm and distracted when trying on my own.

2006-08-01 04:26:13 · 3 answers · asked by puzzleraspie 3

I hear people say they'd rather have them try it at home and that it would be safer. I agree it would be safer but I am torn. I'm having a real moral dilemma here. Help! (btw these are my bf's children and he thinks it's ok but I'm not so sure it's a good idea. They are only 8 and 10 now but I'd like more pros and cons about this issue.)

2006-08-01 04:03:37 · 24 answers · asked by freespirit 5

I have been living with this guy for 7 years. I am not denying that he has done good things for me and so did I. He just does not want to move out of his mama's house and he hitts me. His mother is involved in everything we do. When I got in the relationship I was 16 years old. He made me ran away from home. Now that I am 23 I feel like there is a better future for me. I want to go to school and do other things. He says he will hurt me if I ever left.
What he fails to understand is that I am not the 16 year old he met years ago - I am smarter and realized I made mistakes. I want to get out quick. He has been very abusive through the years and I feel like I need to get out and find freedom. I lost touch with most my family and old friends.

Do I just ask the police to help me get my stuff out of the house? I really don't want to get hurt. I don't have friends . all my friends are his friends. I need out right now. I have had it. Help me please. I am scared.Sorry for gramar mistake.

2006-08-01 04:01:43 · 24 answers · asked by K.S 1

Im wanting to make a video , and need a 13 / 14yold to drive even on private property
Otherwise, Are u from Brisbane, and you can help me out ?

2006-08-01 03:22:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just threw a party for my son, who turned 5 years old. I invited a lot of kids, whose parents were enthusiastic about coming. I had to order the supplies well in advance of the party to ensure they got here on time. They came from the US and I live in Canada. Anyway, less than half showed up. I was unable to get a confirmation from some of these parents after the RSVP date. I was unable to reach them. Of the parents who called me back to confirm, a couple of them didn't show up. In the future I am limiting the party to 5 children. It was a lot of work, money spent and headaches. I have a lot of left over activities based on a dinosaur theme,including dinosaur bingo, and dinosaur painting activities (which we didn't get a chance to do because the other games went overtime, and it was too hot). I plan to give the dinosaur painting activities out to the children who actually came, as part of their loot bags. After that I still have a lot left. Any ideas?

2006-08-01 02:49:48 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

As a soon-to-be first time mommy, I've been watching other parents and how they deal with thier kids and I'm taking notes (not judging...just trying to figure out what kind of mom I want to be). I see a lot of parents disciplining their kids for acting silly (you know...just being kids). I'm sure it's frustrating for the parents because they are trying to get something done (like grocery shopping) and their kid is acting silly, but is it appropriate to tell the kid to straighten up? I know it depends on the sitation, but say it's not bothering anyone else in the store...should you just let your kid be a kid? Or do you think they should always 'behave' in public? Just wondering what your opinion is.

(I just think that people sometimes don't allow their kids to be kids...but since I'm not a parent yet, I really don't now how it is to try to get my errands done while my kids are playing and being silly...I'll soon find out) =)

What do you think?

2006-08-01 01:59:28 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i took him to the doctor a few days ago and he put him on eye medication but than i called him yesterday and he said nothing was wrong give it 3 more days and if he is still diahara than bring him in but its already been 4 days. should i just take him to the hospital

2006-08-01 00:34:48 · 5 answers · asked by Melinda D 3

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