Took my 9 month old puppy for blood tests yesterday. The blood work was fine but in the biochemistry, the urea was a little high. The norms are 3.0 - 9.0 my pups was 9.6. The vet said she is in good health. I asked if her kidneys were okay, and he said yes, that if the urea was high and the creatinine at the same time, (and he said really high levels) then we should worry but with just the one thing, she is fine. He said that it could be high in dogs that eat alot of protein. The night before the blood tests, puppy had lots of chicken for dinner. Could this be the reason it is high?? Also her A/G (don't know what this is) is a tiny bit high and he said that stress at the time of blood test could do this...Thanks alot for any advice you can give. :))
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