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I have 2 very young mini dachshunds. At first we wanted to breed them later on , but after talking to a few people including our vet, I'm not so sure anymore. People say that there can be a lot of complications and the female will also lose her disposition. I heard that miniature dachshund especially females develope problems with their spines especially with pregnancy. I am really considering getting them fixed now. What do you all think....any tips or pointers?

2007-12-31 18:27:05 · 19 answers · asked by lilmouseketeer 2

other old lady who had him all his life up and died last week at age 90, what would you name the little old guy? Since his hearing is lousy, I don't think a name change will confuse him much. Right now he goes by "Radar" due to the fact that he always finds his way around even outside to pottty. However, I am thinking of a more classical, perhaps Greek or Roman name. Wasn't there a blind philosopher? Anyhow, aside from the fact that this pitiful doggie geezer is blind and deaf, he's healthy as a poodle can be. And tor someone who in dog years is 98, that's pretty amazing. Names, please!

2007-12-31 18:16:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i noticed today that she had worms in her feces again. why does she still have them after she has had all her series of shots. should i take her to the vet or what? i have never had a dog do this before. i need advice please. i dont want nothin to happen to her cause she was found in the ditch across the street at 4 weeks old and i have been takin care of her ever since so she is my baby. i need to know what to do.

2007-12-31 17:59:57 · 13 answers · asked by lil bit 1

Okay, so many of you know about 5 months or so ago, we adopted a rescue pit (yes, it is a pure pit...) anyway, he was 11 months when we got him. He isn't the smartest dog or obedient. He is strong willed, as pits sometimes are... here is the problem. He has shown aggression towards small children, witnessed by my ex who has him. I saw a bit of if when we got him, but it seemed like a little bit of "excitement", not loading, now he is loading and the question is, do we place him out? with a no children/cat home, or do we put him down? talking to his "old" owner, he had done this and nearly nipped a kid, gee, they tell me this NOW....uh, hemm...anyway that is why they "really" gave him up, they lied, we have the problem and are willing to visit different solutions....FYI, I have been around working breeds, and pits for over 25 years... we have always culled any human agressive pit bulls, especially those towards kids...BUT, my ex feels this is inhumane and is trying to find another way

2007-12-31 17:46:32 · 19 answers · asked by Kiki B 5

Why when I come here why do I feel like I am in coversation with a bunch of six year olds?? I am a responsible pet owner who would love ADULT questions not "what do I name my new puppy" or "should I breed my Chipoodlebugdalmationpit" again....there really needs to be some sort of child versus adult forums here....venting in 2008! Happy new year! I know this is not really a question but I am sure many of you have felt the same way. I know the kids need the animal questions but where are the adults??

2007-12-31 17:38:52 · 18 answers · asked by melissaw219 3

can you please explain the reason? If you think it's cruel or wrong - that's fine - but I really want to hear from the people who support cropping and docking and the reason they think it's important or a good idea. Thanks.

2007-12-31 16:04:11 · 9 answers · asked by liddabet 6

She is 12wks old what should I start out with... I've heard raw turkey burger meat, chicken backs and so on but how much and how often. I need a diet plan just for her. LOL Breakfast...., Lunch......., Supper...... and so on I only want the best for her and I will start calling the meat dept. and see what they can do for me.

2007-12-31 16:04:06 · 12 answers · asked by Melissa N 2

... is it just for showing purposes? We met a miniature Yorkshire Terrier puppy today - and the adopting couple told us that the breeder had already docked the tail. Why? I don't get it. The dog is just going to live in their house - and be a dog. If a tail is set to grow a certain length - isn't it best to just leave it that way? Are dog shows kind of like beauty pageants for dogs? Shouldn't the breed be seen as it was meant to be? (like with a long tail and floppy ears - if that's what it naturally has). If not - then what's the reason behind the cropping and docking? I really want to understand this - so any insight you could provide would be great.

2007-12-31 15:47:01 · 31 answers · asked by liddabet 6

2007-12-31 15:19:09 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have a 12 wk old dane girl she is fawn with a black mask just so sweet and goffy. I've read a lot about not feeding any type of puppy food. 24% or less of protien and 12% or less of fat. Is this so? I want the best for her and only adult foods what is good and where can you get it Petsmart...Wal-mart and so on. Our last dane we didn't know this and feed him puppy food until he was 1yr old the breeder said puppy LG breed. Now I'm reading different. Which that was 10yrs ago also. And what size crate / pet taxi should I buy now I don't want to have to buy a new one every month.LOL I know most people keep the danes outside but our girl is a house dog!!!! She has natural ears and just that dane look. We are teaching her how to sit now and I hope to start with her to heal next. We have 2 small children and we want her to know she can't jump on you. Any other dane info will help a lot thanks so much to you all and Happy New Year and God bless.

2007-12-31 15:17:16 · 12 answers · asked by Melissa N 2

Somthing that is not origanal smothing different!!!

2007-12-31 14:51:57 · 43 answers · asked by Gianna Loves Michael So Much!!♥♥ 1

I was wondering if many people let their dogs sleep in their bed.

I myself let my Chihuahua sleep in my bed because she is small, clean (I bathe her regularly), and she doesn't disturb my sleep...plus, she is so darn cute!

2007-12-31 14:43:34 · 38 answers · asked by Cookie Monster 4

My puppies are only 5 weeks old, but they are extremely aggressive! I don't know what to do! They are constantly attacking my older female dog and biting and chewing on her! Usually it is in her belly area. It looks like some flesh is hanging down in that area now!

I don't know what to do! They have even attacked the cat in the same manner, but the cat was lucky to get away without the hanging flesh!! Is there anyone out there that can help me???

2007-12-31 14:18:56 · 22 answers · asked by Katslookup - a Fostering Fool! 6

can they be trained as protection dogs or are they too nice of a dog towards people?

2007-12-31 14:17:12 · 5 answers · asked by winssqueeky 1

why? do you own one?

2007-12-31 14:14:31 · 24 answers · asked by class2006_17 2

i want to noe if any1 in canada who owns a dog, how often do u get to bring ure dog along with u?

2007-12-31 14:14:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

she follows me around everywhere and shakes i wanna go watch the fireworks but she wont come outside and i love her to much to leave her all alone what should i do??

2007-12-31 14:04:34 · 18 answers · asked by Lynzii :] 2

We have a 3 month old pup, this morning at about 7 am she got in a scuffle with an older dog, I checked carefully and there were no bites or scratches that I could find; it was just a 20 second scuffle. Today I got up at 6pm and when I picked her(the pup) up I found her entire bottom jaw and upper neck swollen to an obvious degree, the area is hot and definitly feels fluid filled with a harder knot at the center. This pup is about 5lbs and the lump is nearly tennis ball sized already. She didn't eat her dinner at 4pm and she's acting grouchy and sick.

I'm taking her to the vet first thing in the morning if I can find anyone willing to see her on new years day but I need to know -

Could this abscess, which is what I think it is, have formed in the 12 hours between the fight and when I next saw her? Does this sound like an abscess?

Do you think this is life threatening enough that I insist on an emergency call from our vet tonight?


2007-12-31 13:58:56 · 6 answers · asked by Happy Rat 2

Our 11 month old spaniel regular for the the last month has been acting as if she is hiding things like treats and food. Give her a treat and she will get on the bed or couch and act like she is trying to cover it over. she uses her nose to push imagineary something over this until it is buried and we act like we do not see it. Why has she started doing this? Hiding from her 15 year old sister? Never had one to do this before and have had several.

2007-12-31 13:55:39 · 5 answers · asked by ronnny 7

I need some info! I want a puppy that stays small, doesn't mouth things, can eat crap food, doesn't go to the bathroom anywhere because i don't feel like taking it outside,that doesn't ever need a vet or grooming that will sit still while i dress it up and only costs 25 dollars.
Would a mali-cocker-docker-peke-chi-apoo be a good dog for me?

2007-12-31 13:51:22 · 31 answers · asked by ♪Majestik moose© ★is preggers★ 5

pom started bleeding like in heat. she has not had this for years. don;t remember the last time she was in heat. can a pom of 12 years old still become in heat? she has never had pups nor ever had sex.

2007-12-31 13:50:32 · 10 answers · asked by LINDA K 1

My pomeranian puppy was a little angel that would never bite anyone turned into a vicoius growling and bitting monster!
I just brought him home 4 days ago!
the 1st day he was my little angel
now he is acting like a monster!
Everytime i pick him up he bites my fingers alittle hard.
I try to put on his collar he starts growling and viciously bitting me.
He tries to attack me when i am sitting down
Sometimes when i am playing with him he bites extremly hard.
and now is starting to not let go when i scream "ow!"
He will shake his head viciously when he is biting me sometimes like hes trying to rip off my skin!

How do i get him to stop?!

2007-12-31 13:34:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Shes a german sheppard mix

2007-12-31 13:13:59 · 11 answers · asked by milz 1

I have a 6 month old Rottweiler puppy. He listens to me but he takes his time on performing the command when my Uncle tells him to do something. So times he will do a howl when my Uncle tells him to do the command. But when ever he sees my Uncle he jumps up and down and is happy. But when I tell him to do something, I have to say it twice before he actually does it. Or when I just look at him he would just look at me sit down and pee. I don't know why. When I come home he just lays on the floor sometime not doing anything when he sees me. I never hit him. When he torn up the kitchen I yelled at him and pointed at him. But I was wondering who does he consider his master. My Uncle or me.

2007-12-31 13:12:03 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

its scares me, but she usually stops after i wake her up. Today she did it while she was woke its last about 5 to 6 pounds . its like hiccups but im not sure. HELP!!!!

2007-12-31 13:09:03 · 12 answers · asked by Chae W 1

My dog died from being ran over. My dog got ran over because my Aunt put her in the backyard to pick something up from her car. My dog ran out the backyard dog and ran to the street,right when a car was coming she ran into the car and bled to death. Was it my Aunt's fault that my dog died or was it an accident?Please answer me because my Aunt is feeling guilty about it and I really want to know what you guys think.Also,I want to stop blaming my Aunt for my dog's lost (I don't blame out loud only in my mind)

2007-12-31 13:06:31 · 20 answers · asked by .:Yafi:. 1

I want my dogs to celebrate New Year's with me, but they wouldn't leave the party hats on. I had no other choice.

Also, how much champagne can I safely put in my dogs' bowls?

2007-12-31 12:27:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last year when we got my Dachshund's rabies shot she swelled up and we had to take her back to get a shot of epinephrine so because that happened will the vet skip that shot? I will ask the vet when he comes back from vacation but I was just thinking about it because she is due for her shots soon so wondering if anyone knew. I never had that happen before this dog so I have no idea.
Has anyone had this experience or know the answer?

2007-12-31 12:13:51 · 18 answers · asked by Shepherdgirl § 7

I want to teach my dog, Bonnie, some/a new trick/s but i don't know which ones?
She already knows sit, laydown and shake.

2007-12-31 12:13:10 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous