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can you please explain the reason? If you think it's cruel or wrong - that's fine - but I really want to hear from the people who support cropping and docking and the reason they think it's important or a good idea. Thanks.

2007-12-31 16:04:11 · 9 answers · asked by liddabet 6 in Pets Dogs

Bonzie - Yes - I asked why it was done - but EVERYBODY who responded said it was cruel and/or wrong - or just for show purposes. One person pasted in a history behind it - but it didn't talk about the modern day practice. It just seems odd to me. Everybody seems to be against it - but there are sooooooo many animals out there who have cropped ears and docked tails. Who's doing it if everybody thinks it's wrong? I don't get it.

2007-12-31 16:13:35 · update #1

DP - I'm not really questioning it - just trying to understand it. You say that if I knew about the whole process and procedure I wouldn't be asking. Well - that's what I'm asking - WHAT IS the process and procedure???? I'd ask YOU - but you don't allow e-mails. You told me to do research. But - - well - you don't get it. Yahoo! Answers IS my research.

2007-12-31 16:30:24 · update #2

9 answers

I support cropping/docking. I have a springer spaniel and rottweiler both docked...I feel that the look of docking and cropping on certain breeds makes them look much better. I understand the fact that people might find it cruel, however, how is it any different than circumsising a baby boy? The majority of people do it for the "look" and not for any other reason. So why should it be any different with dogs? However, if you are going to get it done, I would recommend having your veterinarian do it. "Kitchen" cropping/docking is unsafe and unsanitary and the procedure should be done by someone with experience.

2007-12-31 16:12:01 · answer #1 · answered by Applepie33 3 · 4 2

Cropping and docking is a touchy subject. Certain breeds that were bred to do specific jobs would be cropped and docked to enable the dog to do the job without injuring ears and tail, or to keep ears and tail out of the way. Over the centuries, less and less people use their dogs for the job intended, so cropping and docking became a cosmetic thing. AKC is behind the times in my eyes, as they still have all this in the breed standards.
If your dog is going to work in the job it was bred for and the breed standard calls for it, by all means, crop and dock your dog. If it is going to sit on your lap on the couch, why bother putting the dog through this?
I have three minpins. One is cropped and docked, one is docked, and the third is natural. Guess which one is the most attractive?

Edit: Vraslli-actually, circumcision was NOT begun as a cosmetic thing, it was done to keep dirt and infection from building up under the folds of skin. A very valid health concern back then, as people did not bathe as much as they do now.

2008-01-01 09:26:28 · answer #2 · answered by anne b 7 · 0 0

I have 2 boxers with docked tails, but I chose not to have their ears cropped. I think boxers look much better with ears cropped, but after my previous experience with cropping I decided against it. My previous dog was a great dane whose ears were cropped at 3 months. It was just a big hassle to me to have to keep changing the bandages and then taping the ears for a month to get them to stand properly. My dog didn't seem to be in much pain from this, he got pain meds from the vet immediately after but then he seemed fine.
It just seems like a personal choice and I don't condemn anyone for having their dogs altered to their taste. I mean we specifically breed dogs to suit what we like regardless of the health consequences , so why get so upset over a little cosmetic surgery for the dogs. As long as a trained vet is doing the docking/cropping and the animals pain is managed it is ok with me.

2008-01-01 01:34:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

never just for looks, only if some injury has occured

2008-01-01 00:15:43 · answer #4 · answered by gunter_thehunter 3 · 0 0

lets see suppose i use my bully breed for boar hunting. And this is no different than using dogs for deer hunting, as boer are the deer of many places.....
i need that dogs eats cropped, o they will be ripped off while it is working.
Maybe i have a Dobe, and it is a protection dog, that tail makes a great handle for the perp to grab, so dock it.
the same for countless other breeds.
sure, the everyday pet dog doesn't need to be cropped, but if it is your breed standard, and your dog shows or competes at all, quit being all bunnies and rainbows and get /em cropped and docked.

2008-01-01 00:14:28 · answer #5 · answered by ♪Majestik moose© ★is preggers★ 5 · 3 1

Cropping and docking dog's ears and tails is strictly for looks. there is no reason other than that for cropping and docking. There exists no medical reason for doing it.

2008-01-01 00:14:13 · answer #6 · answered by horsybill 6 · 0 0

I support the right to be able to make my own decisions.

Ears are cropped and docked on certain breeds because it's part of the breed standard. Any of the breeds cropped and docked are done so because originally they were bred for a particular reason or job. Many new breeds are not bred for any reason, so they have no specifics like that because they are not produced to actually do anything.

I don't like people who leave their dogs chained in the yard, or left to live outside in the winter. I don't like people who hit their dogs. I don't like people who work 12 hours a day and leave their dogs on alone all day long. I don't like people who own dogs and have no clue what to do with them, how to raise train and care for them. I don't like people that don't feed good quality food, and don't like people who refuse to take their dog to the vet.

So you can see in the big scheme of things, the cropping and docking of certain breeds is very minor when you think about the horrible things people do with their pets for no reason but selfishness and greed... If you knew about the whole process and procedure you wouldn't even question it.. You should do some research into it all then ask questions.

Add: Between 7 - 9 weeks of age, puppies go to the vet to get their ears cropped. They are done by a vet who is qualified to operate on puppies. Every precaution is taken. Ears are cropped and stitched, and set on foam. Once the foam comes off, the ears are taped til they stand. A good breeder teaches people who to keep the ears clean and how to tape them properly.
Tails are docked at 2-3 days of age. Puppies don't even feel it. OK, red boys seem to squeak a little but they are sucks anyhow. But otherwise the tails are done, they are given back to mom and they go back to nursing.

The ears and tails were originally done because Dobermans were bred to protect. Ears were cropped so that a burglar wouldn't have anything to grab.. Tail was docked for the same reason. The Doberman has a very long thin tail, they tend to break very easily as in nature there are no square corners like we have in homes. It is much more humane to dock a tail than to amputate it later. It is not painful to do it at 2-3 days of age, but amputation is VERY painful, and it bleeds a lot, takes a long time to heal.

The thing is too, cropped erect ears are much easier to keep clean and dry. And they don't get the yeast infections that natural ears are prone to.
I honestly like the look of natural ears, like the cropped look.. I think people should have the right to decide how they want their dog to look. Natural eared w/ docked tail, or cropped ears w/ docked tail.

2008-01-01 00:14:00 · answer #7 · answered by DP 7 · 5 0

It is the owners preference, I personally do not think so.

2008-01-01 00:11:56 · answer #8 · answered by hooters 2 · 0 1

most people do it just for looks. makes the dog look tougher.

2008-01-01 00:08:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2