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Marriage & Divorce - 20 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Is it normal for a woman not to need intimacy after having all the children we want? I would still do this every night, if she would. Is this normal?We are in our mid 30's, and have been married 3 years. After getting pregnant, Her sex drive just left....Can I get it back? How?

2007-12-20 22:33:30 · 17 answers · asked by drb042205 1

I've been trying to get custody of my teenage daughter for 5 years. She has become a bit of a problem to my ex. and now she has agreed to let her come and live with me. I'm very excited but yet worried that I can raise her in the right way. She has been skipping school, showing a bad attitude, low grades,cutting herself...etc. Yet when she was with me for 6 weeks during the summer we had no issues at all. I kind of think she has been acting out because she has wanted to live with me for several years now and maybe she's doing all this to get that wish. I can't wait to have her with me but also concerned about doing everything right. She is 14 years old.

2007-12-20 22:24:45 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I fell for my ex-coworker and had been out with him just once. We kissed but nothing else happened. (even though he asked me to stay overnight, i rejected) Realised cant be like this and already told him just wanted to be friends. He sometimes texted me and so did i. But since last month, i stopped any connection with him. Just hope that i can forget him and back to my husband. However, have been trying so hard for the past few months but still doesnt work. Just cant forget him and cant love my husband 100%. Lately, cant control myself and sent him an email and also a text - just say hi and asking how's he doing but he didnt reply me. I am so confused and embarrassed. Am i very stupid? What should i do to forget him? Did I miss something or he just looked for fun? On the other hand, I feel so guilty for my husband......I started to question what is love and who do I really love??

2007-12-20 22:09:56 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been with my firlfriend for 3 years and we have been talking about marriage when I graduate nursing school in the Spring. She has 2 children(boy 10 girl 3) and never married, I have no children and never been married. She lives with her mother, who I can't stand so I won't go over her house,except for the kids b-days or other special occasions. So, between her living situation and my school and work schedule we don't see each other too much. The kids see their father every other weekend, but they call her the entire time they're there to come home. My main concern about getting married is that I don't want to feel like a second class citizen in my own home. I feel like if I am the one providing for the kids most of the time, I should have a say in the way they are raised and disciplined in our home. My girl thinks I should b a spectator and have no say. My response: then from daycare 2 college will b paid 4 by u and thier father. Not a good way 2 start a marriage??????????????????

2007-12-20 22:07:04 · 11 answers · asked by sru056 1

i dont have any problem with my hubby bit i like another guy also. my friend is not married and he knows bout me infact he advices me lot of time which makes my marital life improved and always make me positive in all ups and downs in my life. He cares for me. i also care for him and we dont have any intentions to live togrther and he doesnt want ot disturb my marital life eithrt. We enjoy each others company and max we intreract only by phone and hardly meet.

2007-12-20 21:58:28 · 36 answers · asked by toffy2203 2

and its been 8yrs since you had a passionate kiss and dont even kiss during sex i love my wife but dont know what to do

2007-12-20 21:46:48 · 23 answers · asked by ooswordfishoo 1

My husband loves me very much and been a very wonderful father to our kids. But he often cheated on me (goes out with a hooker), maybe more than a dozen times in our 12 years together. I even got STD bec of this. He told me he does it when we have arguments specially about my son w/ my 1st marriage, when he's angry w/ me and this time because i went abroad to work, but i think that he's too hot for sex which he cannot control.
Everytime he always beg for forgiveness and becomes very good afterwards. But after a while he goes back to his old habit. But I always take him back because i was thinking of our kids. I don't want my other kids w/ him to have the same life with my eldest child who grew up with no father and doesn't even feel the love of a father.
I know and feel how much he loves me, but i he always cheated on me. This time he's asking for a last chance. But now i am asking myself, if this kind of person will ever change? Is there still hope? What am I gonna do to help him?

2007-12-20 21:12:16 · 21 answers · asked by Liza 1

we had a miserable 8 years togheter. It was mostly his fault. He didnt want to have sex after the first 6 months. he always told me i wouldnt be able to survive w/ out him and that im such a losr. He also hoarded all his money and hid it from me. he woudlnt talk to me or go on a date w/ me. we lived in separate parts of the house, it was the loniliest time of my whole life. and it finally ended when he came home and gave me 2 days to move out because he met someone at a bar. He tried to screw me in the divorce settlement. Now the bar slut girl lives there at our old house w/ him. I now have baby by a different guy and am a single mom. the divorce was 1 1/2 years ago . i didnt care at first, i felt relieved (completely!) but lately when i think of what he put me through & all the sacrifices and time wasted, i get REALLY ANGRY !!! i guess im just asking for supportve words . thanks

2007-12-20 21:06:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Thanks to all of you who answered in support, it means alot to me, means that i'm not imagining how bad it is or how much i'm doing for little in return....

What is the best way for me to package the fact I can't handle it anymore, I'm not a fan of full-blown confrontation but I'm up for it this time. Before, I've always asked her to do things to help, like giving the floor a sweep, the table a wipe, putting her dirty hankies in the bin, and have either been accused of nagging or just been refused help.

Should I wait for the straw that breaks the camels back (i.e. cat peeing on the leather couch) and tell her that I cannot live like that and that I'm going to move out? Or should I just get in from work and tell her that I've been having a big think about things and that she has to get her act together or else I'm going to move out? Best way to do it?

Truth be told, I would have left by now if she hadn't come back pregnant at the beginning of the month....

2007-12-20 21:05:05 · 18 answers · asked by Derek J Kered 2

I know I'm not being loyal to both of them, but I can't take it any more. I feel overwhelmed thinking about what to do. please give me an advise! I feel desperate. My life is a lie..

2007-12-20 20:53:39 · 10 answers · asked by Sol 1

My fiancee is a right royal pain in the ****, a stubborn opinioned ***** of a woman who duped me into getting engaged with her, then despite crap sexlife, she got pregnant.

She is lazy and never cleans the house, expecting me to do an 11 hour day then come in and live in squalor. I end up spending hours and hours cleaning every week, tidying up after her pets (dogs, cats, rabbits the works), she leaves stuff lying about everywhere,

I knew she was like this but was hopeful of her upping her game when i moved in with her, but no....

Feel like a frigging servant, and when i complain she tells me that she never asked me to do anything. Thing is I have to do tidying - cat footprints on the dinner table, mud and animal hair on the sofa, half-eaten dogs dinners all over the floors - its intolerable otherwise....

The thought of bringing a baby into such a mess leaves me cold, have tried so hard, at end of my tether, what should I do? She doesn't listen....

2007-12-20 20:13:56 · 25 answers · asked by Derek J Kered 2

2007-12-20 19:25:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I understand that Mormon marriages are sealed in the temple (married) for time and eternity. A marriage that is sealed will still exist in heaven after the husband and wife die. If your spouse dies before you, are you allowed to be married in the temple again? Do you have to go through some sort of unsealing procedure? In other words, are you allowed to have more than one wife in heaven? If remarriage is allowed for men, I assume it would not be for women.

If there is a ban on heavenly polygamy, I assume there would be a grandfather clause (the polygamists of the early church would still be allowed to be polygamists in heaven).

2007-12-20 19:09:25 · 7 answers · asked by d 2

My wife and I are going through a divorce. We have a 3 year old son. Her and my mother-in-law are both wanting me to live near by. Is that because they don't want to be inconvenced with having to travel or is it my wife wants to keep tabs on me. Remember that where we live traffic is really bad.

2007-12-20 19:07:55 · 8 answers · asked by sec8_cm 1

other than the risk of getting an std and creating a baby with another person (those are obvious reasons). but other than that why do people get mad about it?

also why arent people supposed to have sex with people other than who they are married to?

or are std's and having children with other people the only two reasons? thanks in advance.

2007-12-20 18:52:04 · 29 answers · asked by this is my avatar 4

why does a married woman cheat with younger men knowing nothing can become of it and rish there marrage knowing we fellows are only using thm for sex and only that like that trailer park trash in.w.va . she was sorry in fact i mean very sorry. in all aspect.s those streach marks was sicking to me as well my friend we both took turn.s on her while hr man was gone very sicking to us both. no wonder he divorced her i can see why

2007-12-20 18:36:48 · 9 answers · asked by matthew v 3

My ex husband is now remarried to a woman with six kids..Ever since they began dating there has been problems between her and my kids..This has been going on for almost 4yrs.My kids are now 15 and 14 and HATE going to visit because that woman is there and so very mean to them.But there dad doesnt see this.She tells him that what the kids say are lies and that she wouldnt do that..He doesnt pay his child support and moved 4 hrs away..so we have to meet half way..The kids get madder and madder everytimte I tell them they need to go.When is it ok not to make them go anymore?

2007-12-20 18:33:54 · 17 answers · asked by spldharleymom 2

Even if both partners are close to the same age? I've always been into this fantasy, but seems most women aren't into it? Email me if you'd like to share ideas. Thanks much ;)!

2007-12-20 18:23:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

its hard cause i dont wanna spend the night at my dads house. how do i deal?

2007-12-20 18:22:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently, my ex-husband and I went beack to court and worked out a temp. visitation schedule. If you want to know about him..read some of the other questions I post. The man is a nightmare. We share a 6 yr old daughter together and we are both remarried. He has two step children and his wife is due to have a c-section on the 31rst of this month. At our recent court hearing, it was said that I would have her until the 26th of this month and on that day, he would come and get her between 11 and 4 and bring her home on the first of Jan. This is his Christmas visitation. My question is, due to his wife's impending c-section and the fact that he plans to have our daughter at the hospital while all this is going on, being watched by God only knows who in the waiting room, do you think I should say that I don't agree to these dates? Not to mention that if the wife is getting cut open on the 31rst, and he's supposed to have her back on the 1rst that might be impossible?

2007-12-20 18:06:54 · 13 answers · asked by Cha togar m'fhearg gun diola 4

for the last two years i have been helping my boyfriend with his children. he has joint custody of the kids with his ex-wife. i help pay all the bills for the kids, and basically play the role of a step-mother to them. the kids love me, but every holiday my boyfriend helps the kids make presents for his ex-wife. mothers day, birthday, Christmas...everything. the gifts are always just making art/craft projects, but they never make anything for me. i know it is just a simple gift, but i feel left out. i am doing the role of a parent, but not getting recognized at all for it. should i be upset about this and tell my boyfriend how i feel, or just forget it and get over it.

2007-12-20 18:00:47 · 14 answers · asked by Paige 1

I'm in the process of a divorce, haven't actually started the paperwork OR talked to lawyer yet, but me and my exwife have been separated for months already. I really want to get custody of my daughter - not for child support (I could honestly say I wouldn't even ask for it) I really am looking in the best interest of my daughter.

After we first separated, my exwife for weeks ignored her daughter instead to lead the single life and party. After several weeks, she finally came around and started to see her daughter and take her out a few times. Currently, we are both living with our own parents, but I have my daughter most of the time (she is 3). She goes to daycare until 5 when I pick her up after work, spends hours with me until around 11 at night when I go to drop her off with my exwife so she can take her to daycare the next morning, but she's asleep already, and all she does is drop her off with HER mother and leave to go party or with her boyfriend.

So - I want to know...

2007-12-20 17:57:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-20 17:48:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a friend that i met through my ex and today she messages me on yahoo just to see how i'm doing. She procedes to ask if its ok if she vents to me. I'm a good listener and shes listened to me in the past so i said yeah. She goes on to tell me that her husband of 12 years is divorcing her. Now, I haven't been close with this woman for a while now. We were never the best of friends but we were still somewhat close. Why do you think she's chosen me as the shoulder? Shes called a few times today and emailed after our initial conversation? I do want to be there for her, so leaving all the time we've not been close out of it, what can I do for her? She's made her life around her husband and doesn't have many friends outside their "couples" group. I've never been in her position and have no idea what i can do for her. She has a son with him and I want to be there for him too. what can i do?

I'm sure the answer is a "duh" but I don't want to make her feel any worse than she does now.

2007-12-20 17:46:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

when he finds out his wife of 11 years (together 13) with two children finds out his wife has been cheating on him for two months. he asks her if they could start over. she says yes, and then he finds out a week later, she's still cheating. then she moves out within a month and files for divorce. he's sort of macho and is really angry toward her - hates her, now. is that b/c he's in a lot of pain?

2007-12-20 17:45:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

if my x is awarded full custody for our son can it be modified at a later time? or is it once they award full custody you cant change it?

2007-12-20 17:42:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

e sep. my male cousin who has probs is 36 he moved in when my aunt died for a short period of time, we all helped him find another place to live..now he is going around saying my hus messed with my girl, social services even checked it out my girl was embarrased..my cus won't stop, even with all this so i wont let him around, however he keeps telling people lies, how can i get him to shut up or what can he be charged with. i think i need a lawyer, but can't afford one. i think hes jealous of her, but shes12 and she just wants to see her friends, not him not even my ex. somebody help..isn't this slander for her too?

2007-12-20 17:19:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have full legal and physical custody of my son.

2007-12-20 16:29:15 · 9 answers · asked by imbarrios 1