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Marriage & Divorce - 18 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

My parents are divorced and I just started college. I paid have of the expenses through scholarships, while my mom payed the rest out of loans and her pocket. My dad has not done anything to help, but he still contacts me and is nice to me. I have been told by many that I should just ignore him and remove him from my life, after what he didn't do. So what should I do?

2007-12-18 23:49:29 · 30 answers · asked by KK 2

When my daughter was younger the usual "birds and bees" answers were adequate. Now that she is getting older her questions are becoming more spefic. How much information is to little or to much. How much detail is to little or to much.
I dont want to brush off her questions but at the same time not sure how much she can handle.

2007-12-18 23:27:31 · 21 answers · asked by amyc 2

2007-12-18 22:32:50 · 7 answers · asked by NANO_12 1

We'd been separated for about 2 mo, I was fixing myself, and we were spending time on the weekends. There were a few mistakes, but for the most part everything was going as good as it could. She said that I had 1 chance and we'd get back together so long as I fixed myself, and on that I was doing everything I possibly could to make things right.

We'd made love many times during the separation, and it felt like when we first got together, like a fresh start. Then I noticed that she wasn't as affectionate, distant, as if she wasn't in love with me anymore. So I asked her about it. She acknowledged how she'd been acting and needed some time to think about it.

Earlier tonight she said we are finished. That it's possible to get back together someday, but that she mite date others in the meantime. It broke my heart, we have a 2yr old child, and I have been doing everything she wanted. Imagining her with another guy is unbearable. I'll do ANYTHING to get her back. I need some help!

2007-12-18 22:08:59 · 5 answers · asked by siforek 1

Serioiusly... if you aren't getting it at home, why should you be required to keep dealing with the frustration of lame excuses?? I am not married, and maybe I am missing some ins and outs here! I would go nuts married to some guy who wouldn't give me any...when it is his duty as a husband....Lately my sympathy for cheaters has grown! People who are married to other healthy human beings, shouldN'T be subjected to this kind of thing... how can I be wrong?

1) As a married person (who is married to a healthy adult) who is NOT getting any? WHY DO YOU STAY?


2) As a married person (who is married to a healthy adult) who isn't GIVING any? WHY DO YOU TORTURE YOUR PARTNER?

2007-12-18 22:01:59 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

they separated 3years ago, but the divorce cant finalise because his wife is making financial demands that we cant come to, we have been together two years and have a daughter together, its putting a strain on our relationship, she is being unreasonable and we cant get her to see that she wont get anything cause we don't have anything to give, will she ever let up and just let the divorce go through?

2007-12-18 21:03:37 · 10 answers · asked by Angel 3

I have been having these ongoing internal issues with the fact that my bf chooses 2go out every week with mates & get drunk...stayin out till 4am. I talked 2him about it and said that the fact he feels the need to do it every week makes me feel uncomfortable and I don’t understand why.
His argument is that we spend a lot of time together and when the lads are in town he gets to see a lot of them all in one go etc. He said he feels that hes just trying 2ave best of both worlds as he doesn’t want 2lose his mates/ neglect them…says he needs his friends &that they mean alot to him.
Part of me knows hes right,cause even when he is out on a Sat night he’ll more times than not spend alot of the day with me &then we’ll likely have dinner 2gether as well before he heads out so I really don’t know what is wrong with me.
But in my mind when I know hes choosing to go out on a sat and get hammered I get all emotional and I don’t like it….dont know how to move past this…any advice?

2007-12-18 20:58:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a 32 year old mother of 3. I was married to a man that really truely destroyed my selfesteem. I had gained weight during our marriage and he continued to belittle me and honestly still tries.

Now divorced 3 years, I am yet to find a man to love since. I often wonder if I will ever find love again and I am so scared that if I do he will be like my husband was. I have dated men but I can't seem to find 'the one'.

Everytime I date someone and I see any red flag my feelings just turn off... like a light. I can't even see past and litterally get irritated by them if I try to look past it. I can't stand that I am judging people but I want to be happy.

How do I get past my fears and my insecurities to find love and happiness again? Will I be like this forever? Is there any man out there that will see past my plus size and see my heart? I know I have to be happy with myself 1st but I don't think that will

2007-12-18 19:40:37 · 6 answers · asked by Karen 3

My husband dont like my child and he is always ugly toward him, what must I do? I love my child so much and hate to see him so unhappy. In the week he always got something bad to say to him, he never sees any good in him. Weekends my husband drinks and then its the only time my husband will talk to him without being ugly.

2007-12-18 18:45:16 · 24 answers · asked by annie 1

(on behalf of my friend)

I have been married from last 1 1/2 years. Mine is a joint family. When i told her evrything about me she promised me she will look after everything and she will support be from all angles. But when she came home after 2 months she was not comfortable. Seeing i m very attached to my family. I take care of my family, she use to loose temp. I do take care of her also. Later on i came to know that she is very short tamper and narrow minded, since she has never seen a joint family. We even had a talk on this problem after some fight. Inicially she agreed but she kept on doing the same thing (arguement) on silly things. I am a very open minded and cool person. I think i too have life to live and that is my right. But the tension is not reducing. Even i thought about the divorce, but i didnt dare to take this decision thinking about her and her family (they are very simple and innocent people). I think this will go on and on. I am in a fix. Kindly need your advice

2007-12-18 18:30:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

We married one year ago. i don't love my wife much. married life is ok. I am falling in love with my ex-girlfriend. now i want to divorce without hurting her much. how can i do it?

2007-12-18 17:52:51 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-18 17:45:59 · 11 answers · asked by brady m 2

I've been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years i love him so much, he is my best friend, we have everything in common we are perfectly compatible he loves me with all his heart i feel like we are soul mates he is the perfect match for me when i THINK of everything i want in boyfriend.. but then on the other hand there is my friend that i have known for almost 8 years now.. we have always been the closest friends but we are complete opposites, but for some reason whenever im around him my heart totally melts and its been like this forever and i know he feels the same way about me but he is so wrong for me.. he would make the worst boyfriend he has all the worst habits the partying, the drinking the smoking the flirting all the qualities that my amazing boyfriend doesn't have but for some reason im so attracted to my friend it makes me crazy i dream about him every night. My heart tells me i should be with him but my head tells me to be with my perfect boyfriend. Who would you pick?

2007-12-18 17:40:13 · 6 answers · asked by Beeg 5

2007-12-18 17:32:40 · 8 answers · asked by amanda h 1

I don't know there's just something about me that drives women wild. I don't want my wife to find out about me and all my lady friend. This is what I look like


What should I do?

2007-12-18 17:06:23 · 14 answers · asked by Lonewolf 4

Anyone thirty or forty something want to talk on YM?

2007-12-18 16:59:04 · 7 answers · asked by theartisttwin 5

The other day my husband was telling me how the guys at his work check out the girls that come in and they tell him 2 look and hes says no that got me thinking and i asked him if hes checked out any women since he met me he said he hasnt checked out any since a while before he met me its weird 2 me cause all men look but doesnt mean its cheating is this true or am i fool for beliving him? i dont like lies if he does id be ok if he just be honest

2007-12-18 16:58:16 · 20 answers · asked by Laura W 2

i hve a small daughter of 5 months,its been two years that i am married .My wife is working professional i am not getting along with her very well .I have a interference frm my in laws side they luv her so much that are not ready to make her learn her faults that are committed to carry on for a successfull amrriage.My father recently had a heart attack.I am really pressurised between the two situations and feel like ending my life as to me it seems that my wife doesnt need a companion she is happy with her earnings and ego,she only needs luv of her parents .

2007-12-18 16:42:56 · 18 answers · asked by need help 1

figure an Angelina Jolie type VS a Kelly Clarkson type thats a Virgin.

Kelly's got my pick. What the fellas think? (ladies you are more than welcome to say this stuff doesn't matter..but it does)

2007-12-18 16:35:58 · 25 answers · asked by baron d 2

We're only having a little fun.

2007-12-18 16:35:39 · 24 answers · asked by Lonewolf 4

I have been married for going on 4 months, and it is my understanding that Arguments are very common in marriage, but I get explosive! She doesnt trust me I never have cheated but i used to be a "flirt"(er), and I have worked through that and I always explode I mean like Dr. Jeckell and Mr. Hyde when ever I feel I am not trusted. Today I got so upset when she tried to walk away I pulled her back... am I lost hope or am i worth keeping I try and I want to work this are these argumets normal or are we trying for something that won't work. (note: I never believe in divorce) PLEASEEEEE!!! HELP!!

2007-12-18 16:35:18 · 11 answers · asked by cool89gks 1

Why do people buy things they can't afford? Than they sit around and complain that they are poor. Wake up! There are real poor people out there. If you have a job than you should manage the money you have. When it runs out don't keep spending, duh!!

So the question is. What do you do with family members that can't manage their money and think that you should give them money. Isn't that enabling them? What's wrong with working a second job? Sometimes I think that some of the elderly in this world are poor simply because their children have drained them of their retirement. Please comment.

2007-12-18 16:17:55 · 10 answers · asked by LucyLucy 2

caught my attention. I'm starting to think there's something wrong with me. I just don't feel like I want to make the effort to open myself and heart to anyone. WHenever I try, I just get disappointed I want to move on with my life. Do people ever have the ability to open themselves up again? I have so many constraints on my time, kids, job etc. and I think that may have something to do with it. Does anyone have a similar experience or going through the same thing?

2007-12-18 16:16:42 · 10 answers · asked by ooolala 2

I had told my wife I wanted a divorce a few weeks back, but when I told her she acted crazy and broke a cup and scratched her wrist with it screaming at me she had to let out the pain so I am not happy,very depressed, cant stand having her as a parisite anymore, but I have three children and do not know how she will react, I have been trying to do whats best for them but I dont feel like it is best for them or me anymore, and I am afraid she will do something again I know I dont want the kids home when I tell her, but now I am afraid of how she will be, should I plan a time and tell her in person with the kids gone at a relatives place, or have someone with me when I tell her from my family or just let the police serve the divorce papers and make sure when they do the kids are not home?

2007-12-18 16:16:09 · 17 answers · asked by fallen2far 1

I had told my wife I wanted a divorce a few weeks back, but when I told her she acted crazy and boke a cup and scratched her wrist with it screaming at me she had to let out the pain so I am not happy,very depressed, cant stand having her as a parisite anymore, but I have three children and do not know how she will react, I have been trying to do whats best for them but I dont feel like it is best for them or me anymore, and I am afraid she will do something again I know I dont want the kids home when I tell her, but now I am afraid of how she will be, should I plan a time and tell her in person with the kids gone at a relatives place, or have someone with me when I tell her from my family or just let the police serve the divorce papers and make sure when they do the kids are not home?

2007-12-18 16:15:05 · 12 answers · asked by fallen2far 1

What is the chances of a married woman who is cheating on her husband but, has no plans to divorce him anytime soon not be having sex with her husband. Her lover claims that she is only having sex with him because that is what she has told him. It's hard for me to believe that if she is not sexually active with her husband than why would she continue to be with him-why not divorce him and move on with her lover? There are no children involved nor does her husband have loads of money-they are not poor by any means but, both hold jobs.

2007-12-18 16:04:01 · 5 answers · asked by Mary B 4

be careful fellas...this happened to a few of my buds. And it wasn't the hot girls either. They do it so they have to get married, or their life is ruined.

Is this common?

2007-12-18 15:59:28 · 19 answers · asked by baron d 2

Sometimes when I wear thongs I just think they are plain annoying so when he asks me to wear one for him he gets mad because I don't really want to. Today I wore one to work and the reason is because I hate how you can see the lines through my dress pants which have no pockets. He is so angry with me because of this, he thinks that I'm wearing it so that other guys can look at me or I don't know. He says that I won't wear one for him but to work I will wear one. I don't really think this is something to be mad about. What are some things that I can point out to him so that he won't be so bothered about it. Or just stop wearing them??

2007-12-18 15:34:06 · 17 answers · asked by ~Mommy*of*3~ 3

met my girl friend who is 25 years old (I am 32) over a month ago, she mention her previous boy friend was quite large. Last week was the first time we made love, I am not small about 8" but I was surprised as if there was nobody home. She too was disapointed, would it be true once a woman had quite an endowed man before would still desire what she had experienced before?

2007-12-18 15:32:00 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous