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Marriage & Divorce - 18 December 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

and we had an argument & now my good mood is destroyed! I keep telling myself not to let it bother me because the argument was stupid anyway. He was supposed to go to my sisters house to put a stain on her floor after work, but he stopped by the bar to have a few drinks first because he got his xmas bonus today. Well she called me to see if he was still coming, so I called him on his cell phone to ask him that & to see if he wanted to go to my oldest sons house for dinner & he went off on me about keeping track of his every minute & that he has the right to stop and have a beer or 2 if he wants. I didn't even mention that when I called him?! I don't know what his problem is, but it made me sooooo grouchy that I hollared at him to "Calm the f*** down" on the phone & my 7 year old over heard me say that & started crying. Now I feel like an as*! My good mood is ruined! :(

2007-12-18 12:08:08 · 18 answers · asked by ♥bigmamma♥ 6

Ok. My mom and dad were married about 16 years, and they had 8 children. They got divorced, and now we live in NC, and he lives in NM. 4 of the children are over 18, and he is finally making child support payments because they take it out of his check. It's only around $700/month. He still owes my mom about $40,000 though, and I want to know if she will ever be able to actually get that amount of money. She barely makes it with the small payment that she is getting now, and if it were possible, that money could really help. There are still 4 minor children at home, the youngest is 11.

2007-12-18 12:06:26 · 4 answers · asked by Sarah 1

I have a gift to give my ex girlfriend for xmas, It is a gold heart shaped pendent, with matching earings and it is stored in a wooden chest which i have built for her. It is a very unique gift and something i know will touch her heart.
The problem is we will be apart on xmas day (300km) and i had arranged with her mother to give it to her xmas night but my ex and i had lunch together today for the first time since we broke up a month ago and she gave me a card which she had wrote before we broke up, the card said how much she loved me along with other stuff.
I now wonder if i should give my ex her gift before she leaves to go away as i would really like to be their when she opens it and see the look on her face!
So should i give it to before or on xmas day?

2007-12-18 12:02:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I broke up a few weeks ago with someone that I loved very much, everything was perfect..except she had children. I love children, but did not want the "daddy" role I felt pressured into. (these were another man's children)- and knew we would never have the intimacy that I long for in a real relationship.

I know now this is a dealbreaker for me...but I can't help but feel at one point she would have been what I call the "soulmate". Is it better to be with your "soulmate" and have hard issues to deal with, or better to find someone compatible with you, that the love might not run so deep?

Also- do you think there is more than one potential "soulmate" out there for everyone?

I do want children...eventually with ONE woman...MY children (OUR children), so no- I do not dislike children.

2007-12-18 11:58:14 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

Heres the deal, my friend loaned her $$$ for the 1st month rent 2 years ago and HAS NOT received a cent back. Now that he has moved he is still pissed that she owes him. Was I in the wrong for giving him her address even though they were friends and she may have told him her address a while back?

2007-12-18 11:25:07 · 7 answers · asked by Terri A 3

do you wish you had balls like guys do? and then you would be stronger and tougher than women,
having balls between the legs makes a person tougher?
so girls would you like to have them why or why not?

2007-12-18 11:10:22 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

many men on here have said that if the wife turns them down for sex then they get the feeling that they dont love them. because they equate sex with love. but then when it comes to cheating you hear them say...its for the sex and sex has nothing to do with love...please explain!

2007-12-18 10:58:05 · 14 answers · asked by Heather 3

My wife and i had serious problems almost to the piont of divorce, but we decided to get back together and work things out. only thing is our sexual relationship is really suffering. anyway, im looking for some help, my question is...

What one comment can really make you cry (happy), make you feel so good inside, and have your heart melt. I love my wife more then anything in this world, she is my life adn my everything. I am just looking for some comments/compliments that any of you have received that just make your day. Or any that you would like to receive, any ideas for me. I have said some nice thigns, just looking for some more ideas that havent come to me yet, help me out, thanks...

2007-12-18 10:53:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

she pissed me off. its mostly vengence.

2007-12-18 10:49:40 · 19 answers · asked by Me 1

This insecurity revolves aroudn the fact that my wife told me she didnt love me, she wanted nothing to do with me, she took my kid away from me for three weeks, and almost divorced me, now she turned around and wants to work on things.... there is the background here is the question...

How do you feel when your wife/girlfriend turns you down when you want to be intimate with them. I would say about 80-85 percent of the time lately i have been told no. Then when we do do it, i think that its me forcing her, whether or not that is true im not sure. My first thought would be im in the mood to do something, not even a second later my next immediate thought is that she will just say no so why even bother. So, how do others feel about getting told no a lot, and what to do about it to change that?

2007-12-18 10:35:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My lover seems to never have time for me. It seems she has found this ? answering web site ,and she answers every question. She seems to have an answer for every thing,what a shame. If only she would shut down her computer

2007-12-18 10:18:35 · 23 answers · asked by always right 1

What can i do to make myself happy again

2007-12-18 10:17:10 · 19 answers · asked by Iceprincess 2

My husband doesn't want me to have friends. I can't have any life outside of him. He's jealous and overprotective and controlling and unfair. He told me I could go out with old friends again, so last night I did for the first time in two years (since our relationship started) and he ended up getting unbelievably mad at me for it - like it was a big test or something to see if I would really do it eventhough I checked and checked and checked with him that it was really okay. He gave me an ultimatem to chose between hanging out with friends or staying married to him. I have to preserve my marriage, but last night was the greatest night of my life in years. This makes me so mad. Is he in the wrong?

2007-12-18 10:07:17 · 30 answers · asked by Mary 2

my hubby (23) and i (21) will be married a year dec. 20th. right now, he's currently deployed and i'm 29 wks pregnant with our first. we're basically still starting our little lives and "trying" to save money. BUT my mother in law will ask him for money.. sometimes $400 at a time. doesn't bother me to help her, moreover that there are 4 adults working at their house! father in law, mother in law , & 2 bros in law (19 & 22). my sis in law (17) can work but wont. the other 2 are young (4 & 9) what i spend is for groceries, baby items, and things for care packages to send him. this month i sent $200, last month $300, and the month before that $250. i get upset and i tell him because we're trying to save money for when he gets out. he gets mad, like me, because of his 22 yr old bro won't help pay bills. but he feels bad to leave his mom hanging and that i understand. this has been going on since we got married.

ugh.. any advice or someone been like this before? :(

2007-12-18 10:02:47 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have this girlfriend who is always trying to "help". Sometimes she can come off as very intrusive. Last night I was talking to her while shopping at the grocery store and out of the blue she started giving me unsolicited advice including how to manage my finances. Well, this is a different story....
Same person made a mockery comment to me that I should make a visit to her house so that she can counsel me how to budget my money. I really don't know what her deal is. She keeps telling me that I should stop eating out and cook dinner, make meal plan, etc.etc. Basically telling me how to do things etc.etc. I would usually ignore the comments except lately, it's been getting on my nerve. Well, to make things worse, when she was jokingly, passively saying that I need her help how to manage money, MY husband was standing there and also went in and indulge the joke and said "Yes,You should teach her"!
I felt like I am going to melt in humiliation. Was my husband being disrecpectful? :-

2007-12-18 09:59:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in california and she lives in canada.we have a strong relationship.she is related to my sister in law..my mom wants a girl from india. I know i will never marry anyone but her nor will she. my sister in law's family has lied to both sides about how i am and how she is..they have portrayed her as a party girl and me as a player. I cant live with out her but she does not want to run away..she wants to do it the right way. her family thinks she has stopped talking to me. my family knows i love her and want to marry her. i just want to fix things. i feel it is very unfair. i am punjabi sikh in fact we both are . no religions or caste issues..i dont understand what the problems is. my mom thinks it wont work out with her but has never met my girl or even talked to her.. she is basing it on things my sister in law has said..i really want to fix the siutation i neeed some help..i will do watever it takes to fix it..we both finished school last year and feel ready for marriage

2007-12-18 09:58:28 · 3 answers · asked by SACT 1

Can you forgive your wife if she has an affair while pregnant with your child?

2007-12-18 09:56:31 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Looking for the best way to approach this. My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 6 months, and we are so very happy. The problem is his ex girlfriend. They have been broken up for a little more than a year, we live in California and she lives in Virginia. She won't stop calling, emailing, sending myspace messages to him. He has told her to stop calling and he has stopped responding to her emails and messages. But she continues. She sends me messages, saying that he doesn't love me and that I am only here for his entertainment. He has told her many times that we are happy and that he loves me and is not going back to her. Still she continues. Not sure how to get this to stop. Don't want to have to change phone numbers and emails if at all possible.

2007-12-18 09:54:02 · 11 answers · asked by MRS SOLOMON 2

okay, from the moment I woke up this morning to this minute (its 5.30pm) its been one bad thing after another happening to me . My job license was not renewed( their mistake not mine) my favorite expensive watch broke, I was just told I have to work christmas day (even though I requested it off about a month ago) and to top it off there's this lady here working my last good nerve and the day's not over. Tell me people, could it get any worse or how can I end my day on a good note......thanks for your time.

2007-12-18 09:53:03 · 10 answers · asked by kharilli 5

We are currently in a Chpt 13 bankruptcy and I am contemplating divorce. What would happen to our payments? Would the courts split it evenly? What happens if the other person defaults on their payment? Would it affect both?

2007-12-18 09:51:24 · 4 answers · asked by westvalleycityavonlady 2

Any websites would be great!

2007-12-18 09:51:04 · 10 answers · asked by sugar_baby_sweetness 2

My wife have been together for about 3 years but we have been seperated for the last two months. Lately she has lost her job because of an angry outburst. She is always changing her mind about things even her relationships. Sometimes she give me trouble seeing our shild and sometimes not. Her sister has a mental disorder that is gentic and she is 29 and lives at home and doesnt do anything. My wife refuese to sign custody agreement or divorce papers. When we argue she always very resitant to questioning then opens up latter. She is very spiteful sometimes, she always give me hard time, and can never negioite or be flexible. She doesnt like to be helped with anything unless she ask. she thinks she need a therrapist. she changes her opion alot.She says that she hates me sometimes. she said that she wantrd to kill herslef after she lost her job. I have been paying child support, we lieve seperately becaus e she moved out to her mothers house.she 23 and im 23.Could she have a mental diord

2007-12-18 09:39:03 · 15 answers · asked by ace82 3

I have the paperwork done. I can't afford another lawyer that does nothing. I have been seperated 6 years with a child. I have nothing to show for it and 3 lawyers later I declared bancrupcy and no child support! I got the paperwork but don't know where to go next. I refuse to try another lawyer...help!

2007-12-18 09:38:56 · 8 answers · asked by Hester, Rachele 3

Some married people have children to bond them together. The child is a product of their love. Why is this the case? I would assume that a child would create a barrier between them because it is an extra person to share your time and love with. Meaning you would have less time to put into nurtuing your relationship with your spouse.

So, wouldn't your marital bond be stronger if you didn't have children?

2007-12-18 09:33:13 · 38 answers · asked by kidfree 4

how can afford a phyciatrist when i have no insurance and i dont qualify for free state service and i cant afford to pay $100 for 15min.

2007-12-18 09:26:23 · 8 answers · asked by wondering 1

No, I'm serious! Like saying "I do" triggers some fault in the brain and causes some people to completely forget how to hear? I wonder sometimes...there's just no other explanation for saying something 800 times and still having to say it again. Or maybe...maybe marriage causes short term memory loss. Hm...I'll have to become a scientist so I can research these theories...What do you, good people of Y!A think?

2007-12-18 09:25:35 · 23 answers · asked by Eowyn 5

why is it that i just cant leave the past in the past? I even called to see how this man is doing. has anyone got an answer

2007-12-18 09:24:53 · 13 answers · asked by Bubbles 1

how many of you have gotten physical in your home...like not hitting your woman..but punching a door, throwing something across room etc...breaking stuff! Were u drunk..do u do it regularly, why do u do it, do you apologize to your woman for that, or jus think its your house and u have the right to trash it.. please add any details you find imparitive.

2007-12-18 09:24:25 · 19 answers · asked by tw9165 4

I have this ex.bf nick who i dated on off for almost a year it was a roller coaster ride,we broke up at least 6-7 times and at one point were engaged but called it off 3 times even when we had set dates for the church.I am 19 going to be 20 in march in college as a commuter and he 23 yrs old and just graduated from another college.He came back wanting get back together and get married.But i feel that after all the fighting we went through,him cheating on me(one occasion that i am aware of),crazy emotions,and the long distance relationship(him in NYC/me in NJ).He has no job right now ,barley graduated college, all he wants to do still is party,play video games, live in parents basment,and he calls this finding himself?He expects me to be able to hangout or be avaliable whenever he calls to talk 24/7.I feel i already messed up a semester because of his drama so i need to focus on school(my major),my future goals, and preparing for life.I still have feelings for him what too do?

2007-12-18 09:20:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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