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Marriage & Divorce - 26 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

please help,i have heard that many marriages end beacause of this.any advice will be greatly appreciated thank you!

2007-10-26 04:38:41 · 36 answers · asked by amy m 3

ok men. with 4 kids my husband and i are losing touch quickly. what i want from yall is to honestly tell me what turns u on? what can i do to add the sparks again? serious answers only. im 28 and hes 32 you would think we've been married for 50 years lol. help!

2007-10-26 04:34:14 · 23 answers · asked by myourchisin 3

Well we're living together right now, and we've only been together a year only. The problem is that it feels like we're an old married couple. We HARDLY have sex, he hardly kisses me or hugs me. He NEVER compliments me and tells me hey you look nice today. NEVER! I do. When I like how he looks he knows it. I am always down for sex! I am always there for him. I dont understand why he treats me like crap. If we get into a small argument he ignores me the rest of the night. He is a jerk. Like last night we got in an argument and I told him what i thought, i didnt insult him or anything and he didnt talk to me the rest of the night. I wake up early every morning to go to work. yet i go to sleep late because i pick him up from work every night, he wakes up late and he doesnt care if i get enough rest or not. why is he this way?? I think he should take the bus but he says its dangerous and what not. I only get like five hours of sleep he oversleeps if anything. If I wake him up in the morning when I go to work he complains oh I’m so tired because someone woke me up to early, what the hell! We are living at him mom’s right now but we got our apartment which wont be ready until next Saturday, I am having second thoughts about him going with me. Guys: do you act this way with your gf or wife and expect them to know you love them? He neglects me and treats me like crap. I know I’m not the greatest price but for the most part I give him what he wants and needs. What more can I do? In your opinion, should I move out by myself?
Oh and we’re really young, so I don’t understand why we act like an old married couple. He’s 19 but acts like he’s 50! I’m a bit older I’m 23, but I’m a pretty hot girl, I don’t understand why he hardly touches me at night, or kisses me. When we do have sex its great but I’m clueless, guys, any advice???

2007-10-26 04:26:31 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last night he told me a divorce would be a blessing.Than he said if I was gone for days on end he would not even care.It broke my heart and I told him I was going to sleep in my car.I could not bare the pain on being in the same house or him getting more ugly.It was 30 degrees last night I sleeped in my car at Walmart.hunched in a fetal position.He knew where I was and never even came and checked on me.
This morning I came home he was not at work said he was sick.Remember he hides doing meth from me.He took my china cabinet threw it in the floor and kicked apart.That was a wedding present from my family.Scared to death I attempted to call 911.He pushed me out of the way and tore the phone cord out of the wall.Smart me I knew where another one was.Called the pollice and he is in Jail for keeping me from not being able to make and emergency call.I am divorcing him and getting a TPO.He is already not allowed on this property or anyone that would harrass me.
So did I do the right thing

2007-10-26 04:24:39 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please help. My husband just expressed his feelings on 3-somes. I knew this was a fantasy of his but was never brought up this way. He expressed how he feels about what he calls a "hot lesbian" that comes into his work. He just found out that she is a lesbian and wants her to "interact with us". I just had a baby 3 months ago. So I have a lot of stretch marks and excess skin on my tummy. I have been working out, and now at a weight of 140. Lost 40 pounds. My husband made the comment on how goregeous this lesbian is and how great of a body she has. And how he has been looking at her. I feel it is wrong to bring something like that into a marriage and a new family. But I didnt shoot him down right away. I kinda fished. I said to him I dont feel comfortable because I just had a baby and Im not in the best of shape to compete with her body. His response, lets find someone who has a body like yours so you can feel comfotable then. I dont want to do this, I think its wrong. Help?

2007-10-26 04:20:32 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous

In a relationship for 5 years and they started living together. The woman was paying for all the bills such as rent, food and bills. The man got a $1000 plus coming in to him as income. It fights started because the man was refusing to contribute to the household. His excuses was the place was not in his name so he should not have to pay rent and that he was in a relationship with her. He didn't want to help out with purchasing the food either or bills. When he gets his check he would immediately spend it and by the time it came to the following weekend for them to go out he would say he was broke because he blow all his money when he was out with his friends all week. So that costed even more money to her for them to go out. There are children also involved that they had together. The man had got mad because the woman refused to lend him any money but yet he didn't give her a cent when she ask him for money to help out with living costs. He left left and told her to grow up

2007-10-26 04:00:15 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, how do you cope?
I exercise.

2007-10-26 03:58:56 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

iam a man of 22 years.....do u think in general if i marry at the age of 22 can it be more advantages or disadvantages for me..

2007-10-26 03:57:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

We've lived our entire lives in Michigan.

It's a promotion and a great opportunity for him. He said he's not going to go if I'm not on board - so of course I'll do this for him.

Has anyone uprooted themselves from job, family, and friends to help your significant others career?

2007-10-26 03:55:45 · 18 answers · asked by Maeve 4

Would you accept your spouse fantasizing about another when making love to you?

Would you feel cheated? How would you react?

2007-10-26 03:47:26 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents (who live on a fixed income) have always given a gift or sent money in a card to my husband for his birthday, but my husband's parents have never acknowledged mine.

The drama capital of the world is wherever my in-laws are, so the lack of this acknowledgment truly doesn't bother me. Even my husband would prefer to be around my family than his own.

I'm wondering why there is such a disparity. We have lived with, nearby and far away (1,600 miles) from both sets of our parents since we married, so physical distance is not a factor. My in-laws were thrilled when I married their son because his first wife was such a "manipulative flake." I'm told that I am much more stable, level-headed and reliable, and they could see that my husband and I made each other happy. His family celebrates the birthdays of my husband, his sisters (but not his sisters' spouses) and all the grandchildren.

Why do you think this is? Is it the same way with your in-laws?

2007-10-26 03:42:01 · 22 answers · asked by DJ 7

A friend of mine has heard something that may be rubbish or may be an old obscure law; that (in the UK) as a man cannot be inferior to his wife(!), if the wife has a PhD and can call herself 'Dr' (for example), then the husband can also call himself 'Dr'.

Now this sounds like rubbish to me, and I cannot find any reference to it anywhere, so has anybody else heard of this, and if it's true, does anybody have a reference for it?


2007-10-26 03:34:01 · 10 answers · asked by Hannah T 1

I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. He recently bought a ring for me and plans to ask me to marry him TOMORROW. We have been having some problems lately, specifically involving his jealousy issues. I'm definately not perfect, but he really scared me last night. One of my good friends expressed an interest in me a while back, but said he respected that I was with someone and just wanted me to be happy. My boyfriend told me last night after making love that we hated my friend and dreamed about violently murdering him while making meI watch. He said he woke up aroused afterwards. I was really freaked out and he passed it off as "just kidding". Is that funny? Should I start running? He doesn't know what my friend looks like thank god.

2007-10-26 03:23:29 · 31 answers · asked by SweetChild a la Ingenue 4

This is about my husband & I caught some text messages on his phone from a CHICK that lives in FL & we live in NY...He said all they did was text but 2 me its cheatin if he aint tell me??? Am I right...Cuz he has FEMALE friends that I know about... but this one I didnt know until I seen th text.... So does that count as cheating???

Need feed back....

Also I've been with him for 6years married 1year but also known him for 17years....

The situation is bothering me period....

2007-10-26 03:20:24 · 31 answers · asked by Ms A 2

young husband who forgets things so easily? It can make you feel like he don't really listen to what you are saying, but in all honesty- he forgets!

2007-10-26 03:18:29 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I argue ALL THE TIME and I'm so tired of it!! The other day he snaps at me when I ask him when he's coming in to bed from working on his car, then the next morning before he goes to work he wakes me up trying to be intimate...what?! I think not. The day after that I was uploading music to my iPod when he decides that he is ready to go to bed and I told him that I would be done in like 15 minutes. Well 14 minutes go by and the door to our bedroom slams shut...all he said was that my iPod must be more important than he is! I don't understand what the deal is and him being such a jerk. The list goes on and on about his tantrums and fits. He's 24 and I know that he is still maturing, but we've been together for 5 years now and things are CRAZY! Last night he tells me that he's feeling depressed and that whenever I'm gone in the evening he thinks I'm having an affair. I go to the gym 3 days a week for an hour...please tell me how that is an affair?!

2007-10-26 03:06:53 · 17 answers · asked by r 2

Im a 46 year old man and have been married 22 years to a 41 year old woman i love very much. In my youth i was always slim! But in my late 30's early 40's i had no hair left and i started to gain weight, 50lbs actually. My wife used to say 'look im married to a middle-aged, fat, bald guy, im a lucky woman!'. I used to laugh this off and id say 'yeah and your my young beautiful mistress' and we'd kiss. But when i turned 43 i decided i wanted to get fit, I just felt very old and ugly and not sexy. So i joined a local footy club. I always liked footy and didnt care if i was in the c team! I made loads of new friends and was out drinkin with them all the time n lost weight! I felt great, my wife hated it and we just did or own things. One night i was out with boys (20's early 30's) they egged me on with this girl i was chattin to she was 19 and gorgeous. I asked her outside n we did it against the wall. I feel evil, dont know what todo, my wife seems2 hate me anyway! HELP?? i love my wife

2007-10-26 03:02:14 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-26 03:02:09 · 15 answers · asked by sasuki 1


and if you're not married yet.. how much many do you plan on having saved up as a couple before you hit each of those ages? THANKS!

2007-10-26 02:57:37 · 9 answers · asked by gododjgjodjod 1

a. Girls are earning more than boys.
b.Girls parents demand more from boys ( salary,house & car)
c.Girls ego problem & they demand more from boys. Boys fails to handle pressure from girls demand.
d.Boys inefficiency to earn much more than girls.
e.Boys Education is lesser than girls.
f. All the above reasons
g. your own personal comment

2007-10-26 02:56:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you ladies married a husband whom was a virgin, never had a kiss or any female interaction. he is 100% straight but he is nervous about having sex, he doesnt tell you that and whenever anything sexual comes up he tries to change the subject. what would be your honest reaction and what would you honestly do? would you think about searching else where for sex? would it be wrong to?

2007-10-26 02:50:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want my wife to do some freaky things in the bedroom to spice things up. Like maybe play act a rape seen and have a code word if it get to violent. Maybe she can dress up in some sexy costumes and be a nurse or school teacher. Or dress
up in a sexy Ny Jets football cheerleader outfit. I have asked her she says no way what should I do?

2007-10-26 02:45:11 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend, she married to a man 20yrs older than her.. they dated for 5 yrs.. after marriage, this guy started to looking for another woman.. why???
she's 53, and he is 74

2007-10-26 02:44:57 · 8 answers · asked by back2future 5

were both in our 40ths and both have children the same age, and yes were living together! AND MOSTLY I DO LOVE HER!

2007-10-26 02:37:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my wife immediately cut her off & said she was wrong, but the pain of the comment still remains. how do i handle this? Am I being too sensitive? I had self esteem issues when I was younger and that comment really struck me to the core. Any advice-thanks in advance?

2007-10-26 02:36:42 · 20 answers · asked by Dj 1

We are staying at my parents and when he came home from class my parents smelled it on him. So while he was outside working on his car my mom went in my room looking for clothes so she could help me with laundry, and she was checking his coat pockets and found a pipe and a vile of weed in his pocket. Not only that but there were recent ashes in the pipe. Well when I came home my parents told me about it..and at first I didnt believe it. So when I layed down on my bed next to the coat I smelled it, and i went thru the pockets and found nothin..So I confronted him and he said yea he enjoys it once in a while, its no big deal. But it is to me because im pregnant 4 mos with his child and I dont feel safe nor do i trust him if hes doin that.He told me he would stop but I still dont trust him. He broke the pipe right in front of me and threw the weed away in the outside trash..but everytime I talk to him about why it bothers me he just laughs.

2007-10-26 02:35:19 · 17 answers · asked by starrviolet82 1

2007-10-26 02:34:58 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are the bridesmaids supposed to pay for their own dresses or is the bride?

2007-10-26 02:33:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who ever was rude can go to hell. Why would I lie about being married to a African. Is that such an odd thing to believe? He is Muslim and I'm not trying to make a racial thing out of this, I only mentioned "black" b/c I didn't know if it was a cultural/religious thing. I was actually my husbands first time w/that. He said that he had never done it to anyone else b/c he knew he wouldn't marry them but he did have sex w/others so I don't know how he views it. He also said that back home, the girls don't know about that. That's why I'm thinking it has something to do w/his values or religion. There is nothing wrong w/ me down there (smell wise or anything else). My ex did it daily and for long periods. Don't know y u all think I'm lying about being married to an African. I know all about the African food- Love the peanut butter sauce. Him and everyone he knows are the nicest people. You all should find one. Much more welcoming then any white man's family I've seen. Must b the religion.

2007-10-26 02:23:16 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

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