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Family - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

At a birthday gathering for my MIL, my nieces gave me a Fathers Day present. (this was the Thursday before Fathers Day).
Our adult son was present to witness this. I was pleasantly suprised by the gift, & of course I didn't expect anything for Fathers Day from my son at that moment since it was still a couple of days away.


It's now a couple of weeks past Fathers Day, & I got NOTHING from him, or his wife. No card, present, pat-on-the-back, or phone call. NOTHING!!!

My wife, & I do lot's of good things for him & our daughter-in-law, but always end up feeling under-appreciated for it.
We don't expect much (like any parent) but is a simple acknowledgement at Fathers Day, or a B'Day too much to ask?

We taught him better than this, but now I have to wonder.

I've heard it said that people treat you the way you teach them to. But I am at a loss as to what to say, if anything.
What would you do?

2007-06-24 15:01:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

First she turned my wife against me, now my own daughter!!!

2007-06-24 14:48:05 · 22 answers · asked by jake 2

So, I've been a stepparent for 17 years, my daughter lived with me since she was 8 and visited her mother very seldomly. Her mother was not doing well and got into some trouble, I took care of her and I really grew to love her as my own, but all of the sudden, I am not considered a Mom to her, at her wedding she introduced me as her Dad's wife. REALLY HURT!

2007-06-24 14:02:30 · 4 answers · asked by shellv1966 2

My next door neighbors have lived in their house for about a month now and already they are being talked about. To be fair they are a really nice family, but they have some questionable behaviors. They have two teenage boys ages 15 and 16 who sleep in the same bed as each other. Not because they have too but because they like too. The 15 year old likes to not only sleep in his brother's bed but cuddle with him as well.My brother and i saw it when we stayed at their house one night. The 15 year old says he can't sleep unless it's with his brother and the parents oddly enough don't see anything wrong with this. Then there is the 12 year old daughter who when the mom is out of town on business likes to sleep in the same bed as her father. The twist is the father likes to sleep naked every night. He told me this almost in a bragging way. When i asked if he did that even when his daughter was there he said "sure she sees me naked all the time. Nudity is not a big deal in our famliy."

2007-06-24 13:36:23 · 11 answers · asked by CJ 1

There are many fathers out there who are worthless..but why are the ones who do pay thier child supoort an do vist thier kids an DO stay a part of the childs life still considered deadbeats.I witnessed a father who loves his child an pays his support being told by the child support division that if he would step up as a father he wouldnt be paying child support?..how are these good fathers deadbeats?

2007-06-24 11:52:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are a few things that am told of him that his:-
1, chinese
2, he is from the U.S
3, he was working in a bank
4, he met my mum in Uganda
5, they went out briefly
6, and that his name is Choi Chang Ching, however am not sure of the combination ofthe names but i know those are his three names.

2007-06-24 11:48:55 · 6 answers · asked by choi 2

do you find it hard or easy to forgive people that have hurt you, family or friends...
and why?

2007-06-24 11:19:06 · 13 answers · asked by Angelbaby7 6

When I look back on my marriage, I was never able to adjust to my mother-in-law. I wonder if this relationship is ever smooth.

I remember one incident. We had gone to my my In-laws to discuss planning my daughter's 9th birthday party. My ex-husband was talking to his father.

I was sitting quietly. My mother-in-law came up to me and said "Can you talk, maam?" Then, my ex-husband joined in and said this is the problem with me - I never communicate.

They ganged up on me and so I got upset and left their apartment. I wanted to take my daughter with me and my mother-in-law said "No, she is going to stay here."

My father-in-law was nice and he came downstairs from their apartment with me and showed me the Serenity Prayer which was on the wall.

I wonder what I could have done to make the relationship smoother.

Now, my mother-in-law wants me to get back together with her son. I think that she is worried about his life and wants to see it stabilized.

2007-06-24 11:16:11 · 8 answers · asked by Stareyes 5

I felt abandoned and walked the street and no one rescued me. How do i now appologize for some misbehaviors while drunk? Although i may have slammed a couple coupboards while feling emotional i did not expect those family members to completely abandone me in my time of need. I was sick and now it feels that i have to sen myself a get well card and then appologize for being sick. Even the ants on the street pick up their wounded why not humans?

2007-06-24 10:49:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I already have a case pending with Child Support Services still with no success of payment. I have no idea where my daughters father is or if he's even working. Is there anything else that can be done to speed up the process?

2007-06-24 09:37:02 · 14 answers · asked by Casual 1

Okay, so I work at my Softball field's snack stand, and i get paid a good amount of money. During my last birthday, i got a heck of a lot of money as well. My parents expect me to be a multi-millionaire by now, but the only problem is that i've spent a lot of my money on me and my friends. last year i had this same problem, and my dad totally flipped out on me. i don't want that to happen again. Does anyone know what i should to to break the news to my parents without them killing me?!

2007-06-24 09:33:18 · 6 answers · asked by Ravengirl24 1

it was at mortons in boston, and i dont know if it was worth it.

2007-06-24 09:02:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok heres the deal...my dad left me and my mom when i was just a baby and my mom had ALWAYS told me that he gave all rights away to me.. well i moved out of my house when i was 17 to live with my aunt and uncle and they had to get legal guardian ship over me.. well the thing is that my dad really didnt give his rights up for me..well i got ahold of him he signed righs away and all that jazz but the thing is that we still talk and that he wants to meet me in august.. my mom doesnt no about ne of this and she would kill me if she knew that i got in contact with him.. im going home for a couple weeks.. do u think i should tell her or keep it to myself.. please help me i dont no what to do.. i dont want my mom to get mad at me an my stepdad to think that im trying to replace him.. i really want to meet him though so what should i do.. HELP!!!!!!!

2007-06-24 08:33:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do u think the father of those children(1 that was 2 and the other was not born yet)killed his girlfriend from Canton, Ohio?If u havent heard yet they found her body and they arrested the boyfriend who is married to another woman but they are supposidly seperated on 2 counts of murder!In Canton,Ohio!

2007-06-24 08:21:19 · 2 answers · asked by yellowfever_2010 2

I want a horse sooooooooooooo bad. But how do I ask for one?

2007-06-24 08:17:22 · 8 answers · asked by Pai Pai 2

I need to find the mother in laws birth parents. For her and for my two boys. She has some health problems and I think finding her birth parents or atleast some medical history on them might help solve her issue. It would also help to know for my own children.

She was born in Newport News, VA in 1952. Any ideas where I should start??????

Thanks for any help!!!!

2007-06-24 07:52:04 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-24 07:47:48 · 17 answers · asked by tootnuts 3

i havent seen my dad before in my life and i am going to america to see him in like a week and i dont no if he will like me and am really worried that is all i am thinking about these days and i am not concern trating on my school work and i got g c s e to think about

2007-06-24 07:37:58 · 9 answers · asked by susan w 1

yesterday my boyfriend was at my house and i got his cell phone and it said... recieved calls.... and had a girls name! I hand him the phone and he knew i got upset and started saying that one of his friends called her and that he didnt know who she was... last time he wanted to go "work out with a girl" what should i do?... leave him?... ugh help please!

2007-06-24 07:32:15 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok heres the deal me and my family have not gone on vacation in like 3 years... so this year we were gonna go but my mom and dad canceled on me again! After 3 years of promises and disappointments I don't know what to do... I mean my parents they won a trip on vacation and they went there selfs! And when they came back there like we are not going on vacation now... It just makes me so MAD! I need a vacation from all this stress... What do I do...

2007-06-24 07:29:26 · 7 answers · asked by loveisfureal 1

Everytime I want to play with my baby brother or make him laugh, he keeps on saying 'Go Away'. He doesn't say that to my other brother, he just says it to me. What Can I do??

2007-06-24 07:12:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my dad he gets scared if i go to my neighbors house, he won't let me sleep over at my best friends house not even with my neighbor!! he doesn't let me go to Monterrey with my aunts that they will take care of me. when my mom and i want to go to the store he says no just go when you need something. every night he checks windows and doors for like 8 minutes. when we are cooking something in the oven he gets scared what's wrong with him shoul he go to a dctor??

2007-06-24 07:05:48 · 7 answers · asked by Any 1


my older brother hates my little sister alot

he threatened to throw a knife at her while she kept annoying him or something...

and he says that he wouldnt care if parents figured out...

Stuff about my bro:
-he got expelled from his school for threatening to shank some dude
-he bullies my little sis like 5 or 7 times a day
-whenever my sister is getting entertained by technology (like tv's or computer), my bro would turn the stuff that entertains her off
-he always gets pissed off and locks himself up in his bedroom for a few days whenever my parents yell at him about his GPA ad stuff like that

does he really have the guts to kill my little sis?

2007-06-24 07:02:23 · 16 answers · asked by neiner 2

my 6 year old grandchild told me her new stepfather yells at her all the time and he put her in time out and she said he was so close to her she couldnt breath he had her up against the wall and sat on her legs so she couldnt move. she said she said "help me mommy, help me" and she said her mommy sat there and didnt do anything. I am scared for her would you be and what would you do? thanks

2007-06-24 06:59:34 · 14 answers · asked by sargc01 1

the rest of the family like complete and utter garbage? She has two daughters and treats one like she can do NO wrong and the other like she does everything wrong. She does everything with that daughter and leaves the other one out of things. Never invtes the other daughter over her house. She promised the same apartment to both daughters and guess who got it? The favorite one. She even treats our dad like an outsider and embraces that daughter's husband. God forbid if I do anything without inviting the favorite daughter it is WW3. I don't understand I have not done anything wrong, am graduating from graduate school, married, and am adored by everyone except for my mother. She is mean hearted toward me and knocks everything, I have done, doing or did.

2007-06-24 06:57:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i live beside my dad and two of my brothers live with him. they are constantly at my house, i can't een come in the house without them being right behind me. they are grown men who don't work for differnet reasons. one brother comes over 10 times a day. i work 40 hrs. a week and sometimes i don't feel like company. if i say anything whether it be in a nice way or not they would get very angry and then i feel really quilty. what to do? other than move, i can't afford it.

2007-06-24 06:41:55 · 5 answers · asked by sue dean 3

I am 23, live and share a child w/ my boyfriend whom I've been with off and on for 4 years. I currently stay at home w/ my daughter. I MOVED TO TEXAS TO BE WITH HIM. I USE TO BE SO INLOVE W/ HIM. AND NOW IT FEELS LIKE I'M PUNCHING A TIME CLOCK JUST TO HAVE INTAMACY WITH HIM. I MISS MY HOME TOWN AND FRIENDS. I THINK ABOUT MY EX'S AND WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN. I LOVE MY B/F BUT I DON'T BELIEVE I'M IN LOVE W/ HIM ANYMORE. MY MOM SAYS ITS A FAZE / i could be going through since i had my daughter but thats been a year and a half ago. i want to stay for my daughter and i love him and don't want to hurt him. but im not happy. i want to want him. i want the magic back in my life. What do I do? go home and be with my family and friends, or is there away to get through this? Are we really ment to be together? I don't think its fair for my daughter either if mommy is unhappy all the time.

2007-06-24 06:36:27 · 7 answers · asked by Cynet8306 2

My son (23) has basically turned his back on me again. He does this everytime he lends/asks for money and its time to pay me back.
I have now got fed up, I spoke to him, he swore at me.
I sent him text messages and he swore at me.
My question now am I wrong to demand payment this time.
It was a lot larger sum than what it has been in the past?
I am about ready to wash my hands off my son now... call me cold or blame me I have had my share.

2007-06-24 06:10:26 · 6 answers · asked by unity 3

kids that are taken from parents are placed in foster care but if children have no parents or relatives are there still orphanages?

2007-06-24 06:10:19 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

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