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Family - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

When my mom or I tell them to look trough theirs for mine the refuse to do and they say that we are mean for telling them do to that. They also say that my brother has them. However when we look in my sister's room for mine we always find it in there. We tried putting my name on mine and there name on theirs but that is not working. We also tried washing mine in a different load form theirs but that is also not working.

2007-06-23 11:02:11 · 7 answers · asked by amanda t 3

I am 15 and my brother (22) is coming home from California after living there for about two or three years. He has put us (my sisters and I) through loads of hell, yet my father is still welcoming him back with open arms, even sending him money so he can come back. My brother lost his job, his apartment, everything, and is coming to stay at our house indefinitely. My dad is willing to put me out of MY room to put him in there, in MY bed. We have an extra bed in the basement, but no, nothing is too good for my brother. Not one of us (me and my sisters) want him to come home, because that would only create more problems for us, but it looks like it will happen anyway. I don't want to give up my bed, because I don't want him to get comfortable, because he's not staying for good. Should I tell my father my brother is NOT getting my bed? My sister told me to lay off, but I don't want him taking my room. I have personal things in there! So should I tell him, or keep quiet? Please help!

2007-06-23 10:46:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

They have been excpecting this visit for a long time , live the other side of the world, and everything is already arranged. But I have less and less patience with the childs father and feel like cancelling the whole trip at the last minute...

2007-06-23 09:04:00 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really want to know. I have a teenage son who feels I do not respect him...and yes, I have asked him too.

2007-06-23 09:01:14 · 11 answers · asked by bethybug 5

my step mom tells me that my dad is gonna take all of my money that i make in the job i get, she says ill get maybe 20 bucks out of it. with the prices of gas and the fact that i get to drive in march 20 bucks wont give me anything to do. enless hes gonna pay for my gas.

2007-06-23 09:00:43 · 12 answers · asked by bored!! 2

My family has been driving me crazy,especially since I got my car. Our apartment is too crowded. It's my mom,me,my 2 sisters and each of their two kids in a 2 bdrm apt. They make noise and constantly come in the room when I'm trying to sleep.I just got a car. I don't mind driving them places sometimes, but they don't know how to give it a rest.I work weekday nights and am off the weekends. But I get no rest because I'm always taking them somewhere during the day, they call me on lunchbreak at work to take them somewhere, when I get off work at midnight they still want me to take them somewhere. They want me to take them places on the weekend when I'm off work, and watch their kids on the weekends too. I have 2 pick up and drop my mom off everyday, even when she makes PLENTY of $ to get her car fixed or get a new one.I want to move out but it's going to take a while. Dont get me wrong I love all of them to DEATH, but it's gotten to where I'm about to live in my car so I can save 4 apt

2007-06-23 08:52:57 · 11 answers · asked by indrep33 3

my aunt keeps pushing me about contiune talking about my depression but when i do say something she contiune ask question it seems like she trying to make me feel worse even her son said stop talking about her depression u just want it to be a gossip she didnt respond to that anyways then she wants me to feel worse talking about someone i hate then she turns things around on me will i dont know what to do with this person to make her stop doing this even thought i dont have feelings towards anyone in my family since they make things worse and turn things around on me

2007-06-23 08:30:51 · 2 answers · asked by dvcgurl 7

I will be with my children less during this time of transition for us. I would like them to have something from me that will remind them of our connection to each other and that although we are apart they are constantly in my thoughts and I am there for them. The girl 13, has a great voice, likes to draw and sing and dance, hair/make-up as a teen does! The boy 9, enjoys skate boarding and other physical activities and likes to build things and race go carts.

2007-06-23 08:29:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anne 1

My father had a really bad childhood. My grandparents were very abusive towards him, physically and emotionally. His childhood was so bad that even today, his mother has such a huge control over his life. Over the past 14 years, I have gone thru hell living with my dad. Its almost like he has created me into this robot. I say robot bc they have no brain or heart. He always wanted things his way, I could say a thing, think for myself, do for myself. Nothing. I have no friends/boyfriend, and never allowed to go out or do anything. I've always felt that my father never loved me, he was never home anyways. He never took us anywhere.All he ever did was work and pay bills, and he always whined about doing that also. He once threatend to disown me and kick me out 4ever @ 16. He's scared me so much in life that ive lost self esteem. Should I move out and not talk to him again. Am i doing something wrong? Am i a bad kid?

2007-06-23 08:27:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

His g/f is a snob! She treats my family with zero respect, and says and does as she pleases. How do I handle this without creating a strain between my cousin and I?

2007-06-23 08:22:20 · 1 answers · asked by alex h 1


2007-06-23 08:14:33 · 3 answers · asked by hotwheelshege 1

he got his xbox 360 token away from him so he uses mine in my room yesterday my friend was in my house and he was on it and he was on it wouldnt get of !!He hurts me to and blames me for every thing!

2007-06-23 08:11:05 · 10 answers · asked by dani:] 3

My parents are divorced and my mom has been dating this guy for 2 years now. But only recently did it start to get really serious. She is spending every waking moment with him and is always asking him to come over and is always asking me to go over to his house for a barbecue and sleep over. I dont feel comfortable with this because I feel like she's trying to force him in. I feel like she's trying to replace my dad and turn her boyfriend into a father figure for me. He's even coming on the family vacation! i tell her all the time i dont want to sleep over and i always make plans to hang out with friends instead. But now shes getting aggravated with me because she thinks that i'm acting stupid by not wanting to go over like every day (like she does) and sleep over. It's not him whos the problem. he's a nice guy, its just the thing is, i already have a dad and i love him very much. What should i do? Because my mom is really getting mad at me.

2007-06-23 08:05:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What does that mean? I mean, first of all we do not live together, so how does this apply? Second, when we did live together and he still said this, how is his working for us have to do with him having to pay for his rent, even if we were not together he would still have to pay for rent ( of course I put in half of ALL bills ). So what does it mean when a guy says I work for us? Is it just something they hear growing up or just a common thing for a guy to say when argueing ?

2007-06-23 07:59:32 · 4 answers · asked by beachgirl90 7


I went to a family party with my husband. Two weeks later his cousin sisters rang my sis in law(who doesn't like me) & my mum in law that I was checking out one of their husbands & winking at him, the truth was that he was doing that but i didnt say anything there and then in order not to make a scene. Now when I try to confront them about it they just say they don't want to talk about it, and its better to keep a distant, but that ain't good enough for me, I want an explanation. How dare they go and ring my MIL &SIL and say such stuff and now say they dont want to talk about it. Wen I did speak to one of the cousins she said she had spoke to my sis in law who had said stuff bout me, now wen I confront that cousin she says to drop the subject. I told my hubby and he said his sis would neva do that and that the cousins are lying. I don't know what to think! Please help

2007-06-23 07:36:45 · 3 answers · asked by kitty 1

every week end , I have to fight with one of my parents! since finished my studies and started working, we started fighting because of the way I manage my salary. I think it's a very personal matter, I work hard to get this money so i'm the only concerned of the way to spend it
I need to buy clothes for job and for everyday's liufe, I need to hung out with my friends, to have lunch at restaurants from tiem to time, but they don't understand that, they just want me to save it, and to keep it at the bank
I participate in he family expences, I pay my brothers medecines, the water, the electricity fees and many other things, even if I have a low salary
I don't understand why they are bothering me like that
they even don't want me to travel during my vocation!!

any suggestions?!!

2007-06-23 07:31:45 · 11 answers · asked by curious girl 3


my friends kayla & sabrina & me want to go to the mall (none of us can drive) but sabrina's mom's car is a 2 seater so she can't drive anyone. and kayla's mom is at work all day so kayla doesn't have a ride.
so the only way all three of us would get to the mall would be if my mom picked up kayla & drove both of us to the mall (& sabrina takes her own car)
but when i asked her this was the conversation
me"kayla doesnt have a ride so can you pick her up when you take me"
me "its only one friend and itll take about 15 minutes & her mom isn't home so she doesn't have a way to get there"

so i just walked off
does anyone know what i can say so that she will take us

or should i ask my dad when he gets back from running errands because he is nicer when it comes to things like this

2007-06-23 07:24:04 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents are lettin me have a choice between...

-a webcam
-2 hollister shirts
-a call of duty game for my computer

opoinons on which to choose plz...

2007-06-23 07:21:15 · 7 answers · asked by SomVietKid 3

well it started at the gym...i was exercising and i was using my ipod and my aunt came and told me to give her my ipod cause she needs to run and she cant run w/o one (but i always see her run w/o her ipod) and then i said no cause i also need to use it...and she just got piss at me and not talk to me for 5 days already...is it my fault? and also she forgot to bring her own ipod! anyways for my graduation day...the promotion...thing...she didnt come at all! and i didnt get piss at her and she got piss just for an ipod! tell me who's fault it is && why plz...thnx and plz be honest!

2007-06-23 07:20:46 · 6 answers · asked by kangaroolovestarbuck 1


I wasn't spending time with my sister like I should have been, so my fiance and I decided to take Saturday mornings and Tuesday nights to ourselves so I could spend time with my sister and he could spend time with his friends. They all like to play World of Warcraft.

Well, it didn't work out right. He spends time with his friends like we agreed to, but instead of my sister spending time with me, she plays World of Warcraft with them! So here I am with nobody to hang out with (my sister is my best friend). They are all 65 +. My character is too low level to do anything.

I feel left out and alone. He got things his way, but I'm screwed.

2007-06-23 07:10:28 · 17 answers · asked by New mommy 2010! 4

he's so stupid i need to get him back for making my bf break up with me!

2007-06-23 06:59:45 · 10 answers · asked by em_the_gem 1

Ive been living at home for 3 months, hasnt been working out. My parents accuse me of not helping out, plus they seem to think i have personal problems. My mom kept telling me i need to move out...so i am. NOW that i've decided to move out, my mom doesnt want me to. It's like, oh well if you can get along you can stay, blah blah. I dont want to stay. I am going to be 29, i dont feel like i have a life with them. At the same time i like having her approval and now i feel guilty about moving. What should i do?

2007-06-23 06:54:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

From when I was 6 up until I was taken into the foster system at 16 my mother abused me emotionally, verbally, and physically. She traumatized me and left me with PTSD and severely stunted social skills. She ruined my life.
Now, three years later, i'm 19, I wrote a letter to her to see how she's doing, tell her how I'm doing, answer questions, etc.
Yesterday she called me and sounded like a completely different person. She just called and acted as if nothing happened, as if we had just talked the day before! She just rambled on about her day, whats on tv, etc. as if nothing happened. She wants to "forget the past" and says we "need" to get along.
I'm confused and taken aback. I've always resented her for years and convinced myself I hated her, but when she called, for some reason I was happy to hear from her.
I don't know how to react, what to do, how to feel. She wants to meet up but my boyfriend is very weary of her because he knows what she's put me through.
What should I do?

2007-06-23 06:50:30 · 10 answers · asked by orangeflavoredfairy 2

2007-06-23 06:32:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister n law is jealous of everything I do. For instance, since last year I have been looking for a small resonably priced car that gets good fuel mpg, and she knew this, so while i was gone on a trip, she went out to buy a 07 toyota hybrid fully loaded.She fingered I couldnt afford anything pass that. So in Mar I finally found me a 07 jeep compass. From that moment on that all she could talk to me about was jeeeeeeps. Then here recently she traded in her car(5 months old) for a jeep wrangler 4 door. I havent seen it yet but dont worry she called me on my trip to let me know about it, the only time she called. The whole time she was putting down my jeep. So i'm suppose to come home and i know she cant wait to rub it in my face. im happy for her but i dont know how to be about this situation. She's hoping i'll be jealous, but i'm really just aggrevated.

2007-06-23 06:21:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

she was staying w/her step sister at her step sisters mom's house and they snuck out and this is the 2nd time they did this. the police pulled them over. there were 3 unknown boys in the car and them and another girl. 1 of the boys was drinking and the boy that was driving got his license taken away for numerous charges etc.. i am very upset at the fact that the girls snuck out and were running the streets after 3am! like i said this happend while she was staying there for an over night visit. what sort of disipline should be applied on a situation like this? she wants to go to a bon fire party tonight with her boyfriend and i said no and she is ANGRY yes ANGRY at me because i old her no since she snuck out. she thinks that I am being unfair. i on the otherhand think that is fair to not let her go since she pulled that 2 days ago. i feel sorry for the boyfriend because he is NOT like this and he was not there w/them and those other boys. he feels like she cheated on him. what to do?

2007-06-23 06:20:57 · 15 answers · asked by NEWPORT BEACH GIRL 4

im 15 and my brother is 6. when im nice, he is mean. i used his movie and he spit on me. then he hit me and i spit on his shirt. help! he is being a brat and wont share his cotton candy. he had a huge bag and only gave me a tiny peice. how selfish! he is being a brat when i am being nice or wanting to play. help! he is being gay. even when i go by him, he starts spitting on me or screaming. he blames me for his messes and then i get blamed for it. then he sits there and laughs while i have to clean it up! i dont want a brother! help!

2007-06-23 06:14:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have lived in a foster home for 4 years.How do I get out of it?

2007-06-23 06:11:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it abuse when my older brother (24) spanks me(11) for doing something wrong?

p.s. I live with him cause my parents died

2007-06-23 06:01:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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