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Family & Relationships - 22 October 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Not the allowance for groceries & bills but her own personal allowance to be spent at her discretion?

2007-10-22 01:50:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

my mother isnt open minded about anything she doesnt know or hasnt done herself basically if she hasnt done it she thinks its wrong like i was talking to her about adoption and she is totally against it she said she believes in god but i dont see how thats against god because adoption is giving people who cant have kids a chance to enjoy parenting. That and my brother is gay and he has tried to tell her and i know that may be against god but she doesnt beleive people can be gay she keeps saying he doesnt know what he is talking about. That and she thinks everybody but her family are bad people she always has negative things to say about everyone and its really getting to me cuz i love my mom but i dont think she is being very christian how could i help her to open her mind and enjoy life instead of being so closed up to what she doesnt and who she doesnt know

2007-10-22 01:49:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I wasn't feeling any pain, everything was gooooood. I had my period during the love-making but there was only a little blood. Once we finished, my body started trembling on its own, then all of a sudden this rush of emotion came to me and I cried suddenly. We haven't done it in a while, like 3-4 weeks until that time when i cried.

2007-10-22 01:47:37 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I've been married for 6 years. We were watching a movie last night, Madea's Family Reunion. It's kinda like a love story.

Anyways, Wifey asks me if she was the only one that was meant for me. I don't believe in the soulmate thing. I believe if you live in a certain area, you'll meet someone there. If you live somewhere else, you'll meet someone else, and so on. So I told her if I met her at the college we went to. I told her what I really believed, was that I met her and it just happened to be the location I was in. Needless to say, she wasn't happy with the answer.

Women, WHY do some of you insist on asking questions that either put the guy in a bad spot, or there's only one way to answer? I mean, you want us to be truthful when it comes to fidelity, but you'd want me to lie if my wife was 5'2" and pushing 3 bills (she's not, by the way) and she asks me if she looks better than Beyonce or someone like that...

My wife's awesome and I love her, but what was THAT about?

2007-10-22 01:44:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My ex boyfriend has told me that I mean a lot to him and that he thinks I am perfect. He also told me I could vent to him whenever I feel like it and I don't bore him. And later this year, he is flying halfway around the world to see me. He sometimes would say things like " I wish I was there with you".

I broke up with him 15 months ago and we haven't seen each other since. But we have been in touch and remain good friends. He says I am one of his best friends.

I have missed him and want to get back together with him, but I am unsure of his feelings for me. As I was the one who broke up with him, I don't know if it's ok to ask him back.

2007-10-22 01:41:48 · 18 answers · asked by FR 1 in Singles & Dating

you were going to get your heart broken?

I think everyone has mad this kind of mistake.

Why did you do it?
What did you do to try and soften the blow?
How did it all work out?

2007-10-22 01:41:38 · 9 answers · asked by Stuey 6 in Marriage & Divorce

Could it be coz there are no commitments and no strings attached? If not, what then?

2007-10-22 01:39:15 · 15 answers · asked by Rave 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I’m a little annoyed with my husband and his brother right now. Our son’s will be making their 1st communion early next year and his brother and wife want the boys to receive it together at our church (they live out of state) to kill 2 birds with one stone. We did this for their baptism’s, which sounded great on paper, but it presented problems for us because of family dynamics. For starters, my in-laws are divorced so we had to opt for a big out door party because they can’t stand to be in the same room together so this acted as a buffer, when his brother and his family flew in, they expected us to put them up and her in-laws, we paid for most of the celebration, my house was trashed because it rained on the day of the baptism and my toilets backed up due to the large volume of users in the bathroom. I don’t want to go through this again. I just want my son to have his own special day separate of his cousin’s and have a small family dinner at nice restaurant instead of the chaos I know will ensue if I go along with the plans everyone else wants. Any suggestions? Thanks.

2007-10-22 01:38:40 · 5 answers · asked by DAR76 7 in Family

what is the reason for following people around ? do people in love / wanting a relationship with someone engage in this kind of behavior ?

is it o.k for people who want to be with someone to get them by hook or crook ?

2007-10-22 01:35:08 · 10 answers · asked by Pramod R 4 in Marriage & Divorce

I've never been in a relationship. 21 yrs old guy. But from what I've read, heard and seen about cheating. It seems so FOUL!For alot of people who have affairs these days.Its like they're playing God with their relationship.They're dangling their spouse,partner,marraige,relationship.By a string.And you'll cut it whenever you please.Its a sick game almost for many.People have gotten so bold and callous towards the people they claim to love.As a decent human being how do you do that?Its so degrading towars the 3rd party being played for a fool.Worth nothing.But in particular, in todays society. There is just such a bold and proud quality to cheating now.Its like an accomplishment to many.Entitlement almost. Its so SINISTER! Once that 3rd party stops providing you instant-grat, they mean nothing?deserve no respect?Decency? I've never really thought about util societys "openess" today. I just don't get how something like "love" can turn into such hell and misery.

Cheating hurts?

2007-10-22 01:34:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

For the last 2 weeks my mom and dad have been constantly arguing over stuff, and I am getting tired of it. On Friday I stayed at my grandpas and grandmas house because I am sick of listening to my mom and dad fighting all the time. What am I going to do.

2007-10-22 01:26:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

We have not told our two wonderful children yet. I have a difficult time sleeping next to him. It hurts. I really want to stay friends but it hurts too much for him to be right next to me. I hope that once all the pain is over maybe it will be better. Help! I have never gone through a separation/divorce before. When does it get easier?

2007-10-22 01:21:47 · 21 answers · asked by Marge S 2 in Marriage & Divorce

And he left me. And it really, really hurts. I've been around people, got involved in new things, been out with my friends, put my mind on other people, tried to meet new men, but I just feel nmb. I've given it time, it doesn't help. Its like a physical pain in my heart. I've seen other men, kissed, had sex, and I feel nothing. I just imagine its him.

Therapy doesn't help. My doctor offered to drug me with anti-depressents and I don't want them.

I just don't want to be around anymore, I don't want to carry on living or breathing without him. It hurts so much and I don't know what to do.

2007-10-22 01:19:45 · 8 answers · asked by elenasmith27 1 in Singles & Dating

what would be some tell tale signs of such behavior ( other then the Norman Bates type behavior ( as shown in "PSYCHO" by Alfred hitchcock) ?

2007-10-22 01:16:32 · 13 answers · asked by Pramod R 4 in Marriage & Divorce

For the past 3 yrs or more my fiance has been into snorting cocaine. We have split up numerous times b/c of this. We have two young boys. I do not want my children living a life where their father is a drug addict. My parents did and I wont put my kids through the things I had to go through. I love my fiance more then life-he is a great man (beside the drugs).Through the week everything is GREAT! But when the weekend gets here, he will go out one night and not come home until the next day-when he does, he has spent most of his check on coke. He lies about it, but I know the truth. Every time the weekend is over he will apologize and kiss my but so hard all week long swearing that it wont happen again, and he just wants me to trust him and that he wont even go anywhere on the weekends anymore. But then the cycle repeats itself every weekend. I have kicked him out before b/c of this & he swore I did him wrong for leaving him during a hard time in his life. I cant take thia forever.

2007-10-22 01:13:48 · 15 answers · asked by Yellowtulips 3 in Marriage & Divorce

ok this guy i know has been texting me. we are not going out. i dont even fancy him.(hes older than me)...we just train together... we were going to meet up for training and then he texted me to say he couldnt go (hes been doing this for a while).. a couple of hours later he said he could-but it would have been too late for me to get ready.. (he was probably only covering himself)..anyway- i didnt reply to either of those texts as i was annoyed.. the other day, he texted me with a joke.(was this 2 get n2 my good books again??)...i ignored that last txt can you please explain his behavoiur?!!......i would completely ignore him but i want more training and he knows this.. i feel as if im chasing after a carrott..could he be doing this to put me off from doing ne more training.. its easier and probably funnier for him to mess with my head-get me pissed off so i wont want to train with him.. rather than being honest and saying look i dont want u to train with me nemore

2007-10-22 01:10:58 · 11 answers · asked by jaffacakesaresogood 3 in Friends

I have 3 married friends. They come over have sex and leave. I feel used, but I like it. I'm just baffled.

2007-10-22 01:09:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have a neighbor that is always making it difficult for my kids to play in their own backyard.There are so many occasions but I will start with what happened yesterday.My three boys were outside playing and my oldest son who is 14 picked up a stick and threw it up in the air and it hit my 5 year old son in the back and he started to cry well, my neighbor had yelled out at him" How about if I come and get a stick and beat you with it?He continued to tell him that he is a punk and that he should come over there and beat his a* He went in the house and started to shut the door and my son told my other son he was a jerk and he opened up the door and said WHAT? What did you say? I should come and beat you as*hole! and then said "Oh, I better shut up before you go and tell you mommy. My son should of shut up but he said "yeah, I am going to tell my mom and then they came in and told me. I have heard him threaten him before. Do I call non emerg. and have it on file. Please help. Thank you.

2007-10-22 01:06:40 · 7 answers · asked by ws_422 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

Every payday I have been putting money into a seperate account as sort of an emergency fund or to pay for things just in case the other account was low. I used this money to pay for all four of our children's b-day parties, bought him clothes that he needed and used it to pay bills that otherwise we did not have the money for. The thing is I did not tell my husband that we had this account, this was something I did without his knowledge for a kind of sense of security.

He found the bank statement last night and says that I have lied to him because I did not tell him about it, and now he says that he cannot believe anything I say, and he does not think that this marriage will work and say he may want a divorce. I told him that I did not lie, I just did not tell him. I have not bought anything for myself with this money, in fact I have not bought any new clothes for mself in over two years and I just had a baby last year. Does this really show cause for a divorce? HELP!!!!!!

2007-10-22 01:04:33 · 60 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My exhusband and I are starting to now get along much better these days... The other day he called me and we had a real conversation that wasn't based around the kids. See I thought that this was a good thing (he lives in Atlanta me in Pittsburgh). Well we talked about how it has been years and the feelings are still there for each other and how that will always be (although no talk of getting back together- we are both in other relationships). He told me to listen to that new Garth Brooks song more than a memory cause it reminds him of me. I wrote him an email last night thanking him for the talk and told him I listened to the song and I agreed with the lyrics. In the email I said he was right when he said that no one will ever understand how we feel about each other. Well his girlfriend apparently has his password and read it - I had no clue. Now she is sending me emails, I want her to leave me out of their fight and tell her I don't want him. How do I do that w/o being a b*tch?

2007-10-22 01:02:50 · 15 answers · asked by daniegirl917 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My partner and I are having serious, extended difficulties getting along, and my partner is unwilling to go to counseling (for reasons I don't understand). No children. If I leave, I fear my partner (based on past statements) will expose personal information about me which will expose me to personal and professional humiliation, though I would not lose my job. Does anyone have advice? I am not a bad person, but I did make a mistake (that affected more than just me). I think my employer, friends and family would support me, but I hate the idea of their image of me changing. I suppose, I am just struggling to accept that my prior mistakes have consequences. But I am also frustrated that my partner wants to destroy me if I leave (my reasons for leaving have nothing to do with the mistake I made). My partner has done embarrassing things too, but I don't threaten to expose him/her. I'm tired of all the fighting but too scared to leave. What should I do?

2007-10-22 01:02:35 · 12 answers · asked by problempill 1 in Marriage & Divorce

The other night we finished watching a show we had taped a couple of nights before. We curled up close, facing each other on the couch and talked about what had happened the show. Tony Soprano meeting his dad's woman on the side, at the cemetery, and not seeing any flaws in his dad etc. So I'm talking at this point and he looks at the living room wall and .."Do you see that line in the plaster.., I never noticed that before. " He jumps up and looks at the wall more closely and keeps being all fascinated with the WALL! After two long boring minutes, I went to our room and went to bed. Later on he's all..,"What you don't even say goodnight now?" he apoligizes and tells me it made him think of treasure. WTF!

2007-10-22 01:01:57 · 8 answers · asked by so tired 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I have an old friend who's really nice n sweet but lately he's been acting differently and tried to hug and kiss often...I try to resist but at the same time try not to offend or hurt him...but i'm confused how to react. I'm not adverse to his approach but I don't think there's a future to this relationship!

2007-10-22 00:57:05 · 2 answers · asked by SS 1 in Singles & Dating

I Love him but, he wants to get married. Thats a big comitment and I don't know if I am realdy for that. I have been maried before and I just don't think I am ready for that again. We argue alot and don't get along very well right now and I just don't think it is a good idea. I tried telling him that and he gets really mad! And freaks out. What do you think I should do? And if I get married again I want to have a good wedding. And we really dont have much time or money for that right now.

2007-10-22 00:42:39 · 14 answers · asked by chickapoo12001 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i took my friend to Romania 2year ago to meet my folks and friends, though my friend can't speak Romanian, my parents and friends made effort to speak English and made him feel welcome, while my friend was there he made no effort to learn basic Romanian like hello (buna).. is it just my friend British culture that he as no disire to learn other cultures or his he just selfish friend etc?

2007-10-22 00:39:48 · 10 answers · asked by pablo 1 in Friends

I was 11 year old girl ! and I just started this school in ashfield, there was this boy name mike and he was new as well and he kind of liked me and he asked me out but I said No! . Anyway after for sometime I could feel abit of heat for some reason from him he have just turn 12 and he left the school but when he was 14 he made a comeback and he was in the same class as I was and I was not to happy about it but he was being nice cause he asked me if he could just have my pen so he can write his name on a book he did give it back to me after. anyway after school for weeks later I asked him out he did have learning proubles but he didn't know I was taking the fun out of him and my friends was ! anyway me and mike got into a fight and he said its over cause I think he knew we was taking fun out of him but he still liked me deep down anyway this new boy start name chris he was hot he had blondshort hair and really look like david beckham when he was young like in world cup 98

2007-10-22 00:33:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I'm 18 yet i keep catching myself being attracted to girls who look & act 16/17 yet they are actually 14/15, I seem to be attracting them to me, but i dont know how I am. The "legal age" in aus is 16 but im 18 so it doesnt apply...( does it?)
I need advice on what to do!

2007-10-22 00:30:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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