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Family & Relationships - 19 October 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My husband has a son from a previous relationship. He is almost 16. He pays his child support like he is suppose to but she doesn't always spend it on the child. We hardly see the child because he is older and wants to spend all his time with his girlfriend. Also he is mad at my husband for a few different reasons. We only hear from him when he wants something. Ex: a trip he wants to go on that is going to cost us $1500 and a 16th birthday party that he wants. I get pissed off because I think he pays enough in child support but he feels he should pay more when it is needed. This has come between us on a couple of occasions and I don't know what to do. His mother is the same way. She was pissed and not talking to my husband until she realized she needs help paying for this trip. I don't know how to handle this with my husband because we fight about it. What do you think?

2007-10-19 06:23:15 · 11 answers · asked by joan19701 2 in Family

Ok so I'm turning 21 in a month I had planned on going to vegas with my live in boyfriend of almost 3 yrs but sh!t happens and we couldn't save up enough money to really go and have a GREAT time so my mom was like what if I pay for it and well all go and have a blast well that's cool with me cuz my mom is like my best friend and I can do whatever I want in front of her basically so here's the problem now his parents who live in CA want to come cuz they haven't seen him in over a year mind u they've put no effort into seeing him or flying out here this whole year my mom bought us a house and his parents said they couldn't afford to help out with any furnishings at all then turned around n took the other son to hawaii in may and his whole family to went and then they took them to mexico in august but told my bf they couldn't afford to come see him here in Ga or help with the house. So they wanna meet in vegas and if it were just dinner that's fine but they're gunna stay both days were there and I just don't wanna kick it with the in laws (who don't like me to begin with) for my 21rst. Oh but wait there's more my grandparents who look down their nose at me cuz I have my own ideas and opinions that thjey don't agree with, but they worship other crackhead jailbirds in the family, want to go and that just baffles me so now I would rather sit home than deal with the drama and bs but it is my 21rst and I only get one of those so what do I do?

2007-10-19 06:21:42 · 13 answers · asked by Angel 2 in Family

Whats Your Definition Of Love?

2007-10-19 06:17:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have been with my gf for 6 years. Her age is 29. She is not speaking to me cause she thinks that I have betrayed her trust by what another girl has said. I have been planning to ask for her hand, and all this stuff came up.
She has not spoken to me for almost 6 weeks, but she still reads all my letters and emails, but apparrently she give the flowers that I send to her work every week, away to her co-workers per her friend.

I know that she is upset and this is what upset women do, They want us to chase them, but how long is too long?

I told her 6 years ago that I saw this relationship as a marriage and that there is no way out and whatever problems come up, we will have no choice to work it out. I dont want to give up on her, cause I do want to be with her, but at the same time, I dont want to be a fool.

I always believed if you want to be with someone, you would be with them. You would not make the one you love wait or ignore them.

Need guidance.

2007-10-19 06:12:15 · 36 answers · asked by Tung 2 in Marriage & Divorce

One of my ex's requests for our divorce that I agreed to was that we keep the house (we go 50-50 on the mortgage) but I have exclusive use w/ our 2 daughters. Yesterday, my boyfriend and I were walking out of my house when my ex drove by and saw us. He went into a rage yelling I disrespected him by having another man into "our" house and that if I want to *uck that I should go to a motel. They got into a screaming match and came pretty close to a scuffle. Long story short, my boyfriend said the "arrangement" was his way of having control over me and this as long as I stayed in it, nothing was going to change. I'm afraid if I sell my house I won't be able to afford one on my own and I really don't want to rent, but I don't want a bad situation to get worse. At the same time, It's also MY house and I pay for 1/2 of the mortage, why can't I have have whoever I want over without all this drama? I am confused and really need advice.

2007-10-19 06:09:17 · 29 answers · asked by Lily 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I recently married a very rich man but he's a lot older than me and can not satisfy my needs. I did love him when I married him but two months later I am starting to detest him. If I divorce him now can I get some of his money, or do I have to stick it out a while first?

2007-10-19 06:05:18 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

im looking for a friend that was moved from one prison to another bt i cant get on the site to see his page

2007-10-19 06:03:35 · 5 answers · asked by poohbear 2 in Friends

I asked the following question several days ago and just realized I left out an important piece of information. My question was:

Why would a woman who was just recently married still have feelings of love for the guy she was close to before she got married? If she really wanted the marriage to work, wouldn't she give up thoughts and feelings for the ex and focus totally on her new husband? It's been a year since her and the ex broke up. Her husband doesn't know she still has these feelings for the ex. There's no chance her and the ex will hook up again, so why not give up on him and move on?

What I left out was starting about a month after she got engaged and continuing for the last 10 months (she got married in June), she has continued to call the ex and express her love. So, she is not only still feeling residual love for him, she is contact with the ex and telling him. What do people feel now?

2007-10-19 06:03:33 · 12 answers · asked by Tiger 1 in Marriage & Divorce

when you do something that is plainly your fault and then get mad at us like it was our fault. We didn't do it nor were we there when you did it.

Example: My girlfriend got dressed this morning by herself and went to work. I went to visit her and I noticed that she was wearing my pants. I told her discretely and tried to make her feel better about it, because she got embarrassed, by telling her that a lot of the girls here on campus do that and that it is not a big deal and that she still looked great. Nope, she just wanted to blame me for it and get pissed about it and now she tells everyone that I am the one that pissed her off. WTF....please give me some insight, please.

2007-10-19 06:03:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Well, we've known each other for 2 years, she does nothing for a living. I have worked hard for my money, I want to keep it safe.

2007-10-19 06:01:40 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

so i had a girlfriend in vancouver and here name was marjana and i really liked her. but i attend school here and alot of girls afre wanting to go out with me, not a alot- BUT ALOT! What should I do, Me and Marjana barely talk anymore

2007-10-19 06:01:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

ok well there is this boy and he is kind of cute. at a parade last weekend my sister was in, i was there watching it. and his baseball team was in it. the whole wy pasing me and the whole way until i couldn't see him anymore he was looking at me. there was no one behind me, and no one in front of me. does thismean anything? he looks at me at school a lot and smiles. does he like me or what???

2007-10-19 06:01:13 · 25 answers · asked by brunettebeauty 2 in Singles & Dating

If you got divorced and you inherited money before or after the marriage would she take half of it?

2007-10-19 05:59:33 · 12 answers · asked by Surfer J 1 in Marriage & Divorce

now i know it is perfectly normal for men to fantisize about other women and sleeping with other women, etc...But my question is...how do I as a wife get over feeling inadequate knowing that my husband as a man is always checking out other females when he thinks im not looking? men...do you compare your wives to the thousands of other women you see each day or porn stars? how can i get over this insecurity? i already work out, take care of myself, have a lot of sex, and my husband says he adores me and thinks im out of his league...but still...i cant help but feel insecure knowing that everywhere he goes there will always be someone younger, cuter, sexier...that he will be checking out. any tips on how to deal with this self-destrucive insecurity and feelings of inadequacy?

2007-10-19 05:58:12 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I asked this yesterday, but im adding a few points.

I have a friend that i just really started to like as more then a friend. We never really hung out outside of school for the 4 years we went and now that she just moved back into the city, weve gone out and seen eachother a few times(movies and eating). Now ive known her for years and just started having the
feelings a month ago. Now the idea i have is the Secret Admirer thing. I was thinking Get a box, attach a love poem to it, and put some flowers in it and leave it at her door for the morning.

i dont wanna just come out and say it. i want to actually show her how i feel instead of tell her.

and i want to do this, or somthing like it a few times before i actually let her know its me.

is this a good idea?
should i change something in the plan?

ty ladies.

2007-10-19 05:56:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Back in feb I decided I needed to end a friendship of over 10 years. The circumstances surrounding that event are very complicated and would take too long to explain. But basically I felt like I was being used and that a friendship that brings so much drama and turmoil to your life just isn't worth it. The problem is that she has some rather expensive items that belong to me and my husband. These are things we loaned her or didn't have room for at our place and shared with her. For months my husband has been in touch with her and her husband and they have been giving excuse after excuse as to why we can't have these items back. It's really ridiculous that they are trying to keep things that never belonged to them out of spite. Is there any way we can get them back? Or do we just hope that what goes around comes around? By the way, we're neighbors. Add insult to injury!

2007-10-19 05:52:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Would you state your reasons pls?just for refference.....thanks!....

2007-10-19 05:52:35 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Okay, so here's my situation. Been seeing a guy on and off for 3 years. We are 27. I live alone, he with his parents. He still has curfew etc. He never invites me to family events etc. in 3 years. I keep breaking up with him, but then I call him because I'm lonely. Then I think we can be friends, but we can't. I'm always mad at him because his parents run his life. I feel I am too old to put up with this. Why can't I move on? I've deleted his # from my cell phone etc., but I keep calling him back and even apologizing for getting mad at him. I am losing my sanity here. What is wrong with me?

2007-10-19 05:51:32 · 12 answers · asked by Martie 1 in Singles & Dating

Men feel free to answer also..

2007-10-19 05:48:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-10-19 05:48:13 · 5 answers · asked by Qrius 1 in Family

well me and boyfriend started dating in april.and now we are in our 6 month and we had sex in our 4th.i feel soo close to him and i really do love him.he mean soo much to me.is it wrong for us to have sex now?

2007-10-19 05:43:24 · 56 answers · asked by LaShar.Baybee 2 in Singles & Dating

For girls only: I have pectus excavatum and I think it looks bad (concaved chest) deformed ribs where they join the pec muscles. I know the center for a "masculine" man is his chest and girls really want a guy with a great chest. So what do I do? Would any girl really even want to be in bed with a guy with pectus excavatum? Please don't tell me that if a girl loves you they don't care about what your chest looks like (really a load of crap).

2007-10-19 05:42:48 · 9 answers · asked by Marky Mark 1 in Singles & Dating

hi! i know you have heard of the quote "time can heal all wounds" but somehow i dont know why it wont apply to me. i mean i have the same fear i have since high school and up til now i am still in it. 10 years past. could you give suggestion on how to get over it? helpful suggestions pls?
Another of my issue is trust. Why is it easier to trust a new person that you meet in your life than confide to the one who knows you, for, say a year or so... Like when you get to know a person intimately... thats when the time you cant share what you feel inside because you fear that how they treat you might change? is this always the case?
how do you trust someone again after you've lost the trust in them because they dont or dont want to have communications with you?
thanks in advance

2007-10-19 05:42:14 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I went out with a girl for 3 years, ups and down but it was nothing but amazing!! true love it felt most of the time, and she did alot for me. but when she told her parents about me, they said no and her mum even slapped her, because she kept saying she wants 2 marry me, they didnt agree because i was much younger than her and i didnt have a real job. anyways she told me it wont happen, and cried and cried, and i cud tell she truly was hurt. anyways she stopped contacting me for months, i got nothing!! not even a miss call from her.....anways 1 day i asked her lets meet and go cinema for the last time, we went and even kissed!!!!!!!!
going home i cried in her arms saying i will miss u,she cried aswel, but after that day i didnt hear from her! its beens 2 months now but still nothing, whats going on???????
we went out for years, and i knew she cared alot,she cried alot if anything happened to me, what happened? it dont make sense to me

2007-10-19 05:38:05 · 10 answers · asked by sugarguyguy 1 in Singles & Dating

i really like this guy and he is friendly to me, says i look good etc has definately flirted with me-im quite conservative he has loads of friends is a footballer and is really out going i want him to think im really special and different from the rest what can i do

i feel like im not good enough and slightly intimidated by his friends etc- i do have a good job am doing better than most of them in terms of career- but it also takes over my life and sometimes i feel like im not as social as i should be what can i do so he will like me

he facebooked me the other day i started it by asking how he was

he put back "hey babes im good u ok? looking good by the way?x

what should i write back i really really like him dont want to put me foot in it though if he does indeed just see me as a friend

2007-10-19 05:37:33 · 3 answers · asked by racheal m 1 in Singles & Dating

I am married - have been for 21 years and my wife and I have a great deal of difficulty communicating with each other. We have three kids and basically - until now - they're the sole reason we've stayed together - at least the last five years. I wanted to know if there are other people in the same situation.

I live in central CT. Any local people here?

2007-10-19 05:35:12 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Would you rather have an enthusiastic lover or a lover with a great body?
You can't get both or a mix each.
Just pick one and say if you are a man or a woman.

2007-10-19 05:33:45 · 8 answers · asked by snack_daddy10 6 in Singles & Dating

Would you rather have an enthusiastic lover or a lover with a great body?
You can't get both or a mix each.
Just pick one and say if you are a man or a woman.

2007-10-19 05:33:33 · 20 answers · asked by snack_daddy10 6 in Marriage & Divorce

Last Christmas my mom invited me, my husband and kids to Christmas dinner. She gave us our gifts a few days before Christmas and we opened them here at home on Christmas morning. When we got to her house to have a dinner with the family, my brothers, their kids and wives and my step brother and his family, we all ate and then when dinner was finished everyone, except my own little family and I, were asked to go into the other roon and open their gifts, which they all did together. Obviously we felt left out so we decided to go and my kids' feelings were hurt terribly seeing all that as were mine. My question is, seeing as how it went last year do you think we should again spend Christmas with my mom or politely decline? I haven't even talked to her about it because it wouldn't make any difference if I did. Any ideas on what to say to decline her invitation this year would be greatly appreciated.

2007-10-19 05:33:05 · 9 answers · asked by Dazy 3 in Family

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