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Law & Ethics - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2007-01-26 02:40:28 · 5 answers · asked by Lynn D 1

I'm just curious. Personally, I think marijuana should be legal rather than alcohol. From personal experience from both (not anymore though) the effects of marijuana are WAY less severe than alchohol. Please only answer if you actually know what you are talking about - that means personal experience.

2007-01-26 02:38:53 · 11 answers · asked by boz4425 4

Over and over again we have seen and heard our national officials and citizens debate, propose and make laws based on religious ideology, specifically Christianty. For example, anti gay marraige laws. These laws are based purely on religious ideology. Many of these laws were voted on and approved by our nations citizens.

Ideally our nation is set up on the belief of seperation of church and state. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State".

This thought protects both the freedom to practice religion and protects our government from being over run by religious fanatics.

Even though a law was voted into existence by a majority vote by our peers, does that make it ok and fair for the minority gay population?

2007-01-26 02:36:48 · 11 answers · asked by ? 2

obviously intoxicated person even more, and that person goes out to drive and kill someone?
As far as civil liability, shouldn't part of the reasonable person standard be asking whether the person is driving, and if an affirmative answer is received, to serve under no circumstances?

2007-01-26 02:35:35 · 12 answers · asked by Philip Kiriakis 5

Lots of people say christians are hypocrites. Maybe, sometimes, but I think of christians as being like sick people trying to get well. If an ill or injured person looks & says, "Hey, you're looking a little ill, yourself, and you feel like you've got a fever," don't you think that could be more like caring about you ... or for others ?
My personal experience is that, the more I try to really get close to God, the more I see my faults --- perhaps even ones I've never noticed before. There will probably always be religious people, but real christians are usually pretty caring, although that doesn't mean they want wrong behavior to ruin our nation. They know that God has, & will, judge people and nations who purposely turn themselves over to evil ways, and the truly caring christian wants to prevent that from happening to his/her loved ones & others, as well. My apologies for any christians' failure to do perfectly concerning any of you : we are all still in training & imperfect

2007-01-26 02:34:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to know if theres ANY support for this outrageous idea. I spanked my child from about 2-5, and only when i felt it really necessary, and now she is 6 and i never have to punish her at all because she knows to listen. I personally think the idea of making spanking illegal is not only wrong, but will only increase problems with children listening and possibly crime. We all sit around thinking "whats happened to the children today" and i feel it is exactly THAT. When we were young, not only did our parents spank us but so did our teachers, principals, ect. Now children feel they can get away with anything because they dont understand the idea of being disciplined like we did. So what is the new idea....to make spanking, slapping, and pinching completely illegal. I personally feel it is completely stupid and will not follow this law, if i get in trouble i get in trouble, but my kids dont end up all screwed up in the head. What do you think?

2007-01-26 02:32:33 · 2 answers · asked by raztis 3

2007-01-26 02:19:02 · 5 answers · asked by unfinished 2

I just applied for U.S. Passport for the first time. I fill that U.S. Passport form in the Post Office yesterday and I gave right away to the Post Office person who was working.So my question is: In that Passport form they asked some questions: Which is my parents name and birth date. And I wrote my parents name correct, but Im not sure if I wrote their birth date year correct.I asked my mother today and she told me the correct birth date year of both, but a already send that Passport form yesterday. I would like to make sure if I wrote their right birth date year. So I stopped at Post Office today to see if they still have my Passport form wich i wrote, but they said its gone. And I dont know what to do now. How can I be in contact with Passport person and asked then to make sure I got their correct birth date years? I think I could try to call then but I dont known if they going to give me a hard time or I will have a problem or will be ok. What do you think I should do?

2007-01-26 02:16:37 · 3 answers · asked by nick 1

What percentage of a persons net income would be a fair allotment for child support. Remember that this person also has to provide a home for the children during visitation feed and clothe them as well

2007-01-26 02:15:17 · 4 answers · asked by pretender59321 6

i am a brother of three and am treated the worst and it's suffocating.

2007-01-26 02:15:14 · 7 answers · asked by rjhamuk 2

I need to know this for a speech i'm giving

2007-01-26 02:15:06 · 6 answers · asked by infernosoft 1

the problem is! i need to use my parents computer to do things like jobsearch and studying. i have my own computer, but i share a room with my brother, who i don't like. the reason why my parents have installed a net nanny is because i do use dating sites and i do like to look at laddish stuff (hey i am a growing man). actually i am 28 and they've the computer is not for my use and if i continue using it, they will put a paddock on the door. the real problem is! they think they can control me and i've tried to explain to them that i am 28 and they have absolutely no control over what i do at all. they think that because i am still under there roof, i have to abide by their rules. it simply doesn't work like that. i am a 28 year old for christ sake. in my life i have always lived with my parent's, i don't know what it is like being apart from them and living on my own. i am out of work and on benefits. the first i want to happen is! i want the net nanny uninstalled.

2007-01-26 02:13:41 · 35 answers · asked by rjhamuk 2

Jessy and Adams
Burkina Faso West Africa
My private number 00226.

Dearest One,

You will be surprise to receive this mail from a total stranger like
me,Anyway, i got your contact through internet and decided to approach you
for assistance permit me to inform you about this proposal I am daughter of
late Diamond dealers Paul in Abidjan Cote D 'Ivoire in west Africa he was
also one of the paramont chiefs in my town before He was murdered in cold
blood early last year alongside with my mother by the Rebels of R.U.F when
they invaded the town.

Our late father Paul died and left us and our mother Gloria and my younger
brother Adamas Paul my name is Jessy Paul. I am 21years old why my younger
brother Adams is 18years old.

My late father Paul owns many companies before he died which he left for my
mother Mrs Gloria Paul. Within a year of my fathers death, my Mother Mrs.
Gloria Paul was killed by Rebels of R.U.F, after my mother was killed my
fathers lawyer called I and my younger brother and hand over my late fathers
documents to us. after my fathers lawyer have handed over the documents to
me, my uncle started demanding for the documents of my late fathers wealth.

I now called my fathers lawyer, he came and told my uncle that my father
made a will that all his properties belongs to his children. After my
fathers lawyer have made that statement my uncle started fighting against us
to an extend he went and arranged for hired killers to kill I and my younger

The first time they came to our home when I wasn't around, my younger
brother Adams was shot and two of our security men was killed also before
the police men came, they had escaped, that made us to park out of the
compound we thought it will be over that way but it continue happening, that
makes us to stop going to school and we movedout from our country to Burkina

Because we are afraid let something not happen to us in school premises,
That is the reason why we contacted you as an honest person so that you can
help us in transferring my late fathers money into your bank account.

The said fund is $20.5 Million Dollars been deposited into one of the banks
in Burkina Faso west Africa. I will offer 20% of the total amount to you for
your help in transferring of this fund successfully to your account, and
after transferring the money we can come over to your country and continue
our education i will give you more details if you wish to assist us.

Please do help us and God will bless You.

Jessy Paul.

2007-01-26 02:03:12 · 27 answers · asked by rjhamuk 2

First time you're caught for doing anything illegal now, you'll get a fine and sent home, because the prisons are so full (UK). So, lets all start robbing banks and shops. You could do it for years before you get caught. Just remember that once you're caught you have to stop. Oh, and say how sorry you are and plead guilty. You'll not get as big a fine. Do you think this is the way the country will go?

2007-01-26 01:57:36 · 10 answers · asked by PhoenixRights 4

I am!!!

I think women should have the CHOICE to not have sex until they want a child.

I also think their child should have the CHOICE to not be killed.

Are you pro-choice?

2007-01-26 01:49:24 · 14 answers · asked by I STILL hate hippies 2

I'm asking this one more time with a bit of clarity. Last time people argued one is intentional and the other is unintentional. Please note UNINTENTIONAL manslaughter as the criminal charge and its relation to that of INTENTIONAL murder. Each has different elements.
If you argue miscarriage isn't unintentional manslaughter because it is unintentional - you can't read.
We now have punishment for the crime of unintentional manslaughter. If you miscarry, you unintentionally disallowed the embryo/fetus to continue to birth.
If you want to go much deeper, one person said 60 to 80% of naturally conceived embryos are naturally flushed during menstruation. If that is okay - does only intent matter? If so, why is it okay to punish someone who was driving so carelessly that he or she could not stop in time to avoid UNINTENTIONALLY running someone over? If it is okay to punish him, then why is it not okay to punish someone who ate fish when pregnant and had a miscarriage?

2007-01-26 01:44:44 · 13 answers · asked by barbed_oracle 2

I see people like willy nelson, who looks healthy as ever. Since I have started smoking marijuana, I have found the intellectual side of me come out. How is smoking marijuana to "feel good" every day any different than taking wellbutrin or prozac to make sure you are not moody? Is it because marijuana can be grown too easily therefore avoiding a tax? Something tells me there is more to it than whats at the surface. If our minds are so eaily made up by propagnda like "reefer madness" , there is no telling what we are capable of believing on TV. I would be intrested in hearing both sides of this argument.

2007-01-26 01:43:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

please listen to this my father owns his home but he plains to sell it before his death and put it in a special needs trust, i have dementia schizophrenia, do you think off of 763.00 a month unless the state would hire me i could keep his home. i cant keep a job because of m disability.and what would you do if you dont have any family but him if im ever home less do you think maybe they would put me in a hospital to live. id rather that if that happend then be out there.but i dout if i make enough to keep this home.

2007-01-26 01:41:56 · 1 answers · asked by debbigeri 3

2007-01-26 01:31:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

1st time offense, drug charges - nonviolent, serving in Texas

2007-01-26 01:28:32 · 3 answers · asked by slm 1

and cant speak about it with anyone... what to do....respect policy at work

2007-01-26 00:50:53 · 1 answers · asked by machele 3

my neighbor has to be tied into my electricity and even admits it but won't let the electric company in to check her meters. What do you think she did . I am helpless in Boston!

2007-01-26 00:49:06 · 11 answers · asked by lorrina b 3

I'm an Indian. This is just a thought I'd like to share. so no critisizing ..post your opinions in a mature way

I believe one reason for poverty and backwardness in Africa today is becoz of the slave trade that had been happening for over many centuries. They were supressed, they had no way of discovering and working on their natural talents. I hope you agree

Now shldn't the countries responsible for this do somthing to cleanup their mess? Yes I'm sure they donate for charity & aids, but to be honest, the poverty rate isnt declining as it should. I think its only fair they do somthin more efficient to reverse their mistakes

Spending millions of dollars in Iraq (in the name of finding WMDs but later chaning the reason) to eliminate absolutism and free the Iraqi people from subordination is not even their responsibility.. but the condition of Africa todaywith millions of ppl dying is a result of what they had done in the past..

So which cause deserves more attention?

2007-01-26 00:12:21 · 13 answers · asked by Think 2

The vile corrupt biased and disgusting family court system whose guidelines were written by lawyers for the benefit of lawyers the children be damned causes more Non Primary Custodial parents to turn to drug dealing and other violent crime in order to make ends meet. And face it, if the guidelines were fair who would need a divorce lawyer.

2007-01-26 00:04:22 · 7 answers · asked by pretender59321 6

I'm just a non entity , I offer no solution, I have read other answers posted on a similar question. But it seems simple enough to me , stop jailing so many people or build more prisons !
My recent 'shocker's was to read about a peado who was due to go down for 6 months (6 months only)????
Not enough room to lock him up so suspended sentence, if he commits another similar offence and maybe murders a little kid during his crime, he could be having to do that time on top of his suspended sentence, well thats OK then???? What do you think???

2007-01-26 00:00:51 · 16 answers · asked by budding author 7

I say it is legal for home viewing. What do u think?

2007-01-25 23:50:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

This seems like the beginning of the end for bars as well.
Since bars are public, and you can't smoke in them, they may as well ban drinking in public, so do away with bars altogether.

2007-01-25 23:05:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anybody heard about this one?..Texas I think...

2007-01-25 23:02:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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